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2016 was so many things. I am trying to only think of the positives, which were many. 

Last week, Brittany asked me to shoot a ceremony for her friend Nate. Christmas morning. 

Brittany Sue has been a wonderful friend to me for a few years now, and what a better gift to give her - helping someone else out. That is what she does. She takes care of people. I love her for that. 

Thanks for sticking around, as usual. Thanks for your support. I can't express how much each of your dollars makes a difference. 

For the new year, still trying to make this a better thing, and improve on it, and keep taking photographs of people who want to be there. 

Happy New Year



Timo Evon

Happy New Year to you, too! You're truly a gracious and empathic guy, to say the least, and it's not surprising there are so many people who love you. I'm pleased to be able to support your work in even this meager way. Oh, and b. t. w. you're an exceptionally talented photographer; I love the way you're always trying new ideas and techniques.