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Announcing a delay. I am never realistic when I say I will be done with something. Perhaps if I could operate on zero sleep I could. With that said, I am going to release the magazine - Lake Season, Part 1 by next Wednesday. 

So why the delay. Shot more at the lake. 

Doing a trip this weekend to shoot some stuff I am pretty excited for, so stay tuned for that. 

My life basically is trying to balance a marble on a pane of glass in your hands. Work, home life, shoot, edit time, etc. 

The great news is if you are a fan, you know I am pretty deadset on trying to keep things as real as possible. Little retouching, etc. 

This photo is almost straight out of the Fuji X100s. I started shooting Raw+Jpg since getting it and using the BW plus Red filter simulation is pretty impressive. Loose a bit of Dynamic Range from raw, but when it comes to technical stuff, who cares? The image is the important thing, if it is not technically perfect, it doesn't matter much. 

So  - Kelsey Dylan. Such and incredible model. Such an incredible person. So thankful to have her as a part of my life and extended family! 



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