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The universe gave us about everything we could have asked for. Got to lake, then 10 min downpour. Then sky dome overcast. Then Sun. Then a distant storm and fog.

Driving out, we saw some Deer with Fawns too close to the road ( In fact, in the road ), but slowed and they dashed off. 

I dont know, but we have this thing of yelling Thank you universe at the end of every shoot at the lake, because it is always perfect. 

I fell today. Hit a slick spot, and my right knee folded back pretty far. The one I had surgery on. It was fine. I got a little confidence in it, knowing ill be sore tomorrow. 

I love what I am able to see, and experience with others looking for the same. 

I know how lucky I am. 

I am very thankful for those who are there with me.




you are living right!