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Thank you for being patrons! 

I probably haven't said it enough but I am going to try and makeup for it. 

It has been a couple of difficult months personally. The obvious stuff and the not so, but feeling good and spirits rising. 

For those who didn't know, my Onlyfans got deleted by them, for apparently not tagging someone I shot years ago and they have an onlyfans. They (onlyfans) made some demands I wasn't prepared to give into so I said cancel my account. They had locked it, and at the time there was a decent amount of money earned and they said they would refund new users, but I don't know if they did. They kept what was owed to me as well.

That put me in some financial difficulty but dealing with that and should be ok. 

In retrospect short term, I am wondering if maybe this was a blessing in disguise. Maybe one of the things I had feared doing, was actually happening, under the excitement of some financial stability. Then again maybe I am thinking too much. 

One of the reasons I started one was the freedom of posting whatever I wanted, to be exact, more erotic work. Patreon has their limits and while I haven't been warned I know people who have been. 

Then there's that larger issue of "Who gets to choose what is appropriate?" Art vs. Erotica. argument, still alive in these days. I like erotica. I like shooting it. People will and have rejected me for things because of this and most of the time, I don't care. 

Didn't want to make a while rant, but I will circle back to my Thank you for those who have been here a month, a year, or however long. I hope you stay as long as you desire and appreciate your support. 


PS> I had to re word this because apparently you cant even type the word that starts with P and ends in N and had four letters. Sigh. 

PHOTO: Kate Sweeny on one of our adventures. I will have to write a post about the smoke cloud, and our worries that day. 



Lance Minnis

Great post, great work, I appreciate ALL your work and will continue to support where I can. Been enjoying your stuff since old SG days.


We still live in puritanical and prudish culture. You should be able to share what you want.