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The pain!

So my 27" iMac is getting slow. Too slow. Last week started testing my Game PC to see how it would handle things. I was at a point of buying a bunch of Hard Drives for Arching and figured better figure this out quick. 

So, wow.  WAY Faster.

Now the hard part. Installed 3 SSD's in it and got a external housing that supports 4 drives and have been getting everything configured. Need to download plug ins for After Effects and install those and I will be all set. 

The Gaming part? Well had to reinstall Windows 10 Home and now downloading DCS and IL2 Sturmovic and this will take til the weekend maybe. Too busy shooting, tomorrow and maybe Thursday. Lake season def. getting short and going to try and do as much there as possible until it is too cold. 

So this image is representative of me over the past couple weeks doing computer upgrade stuff. Getting there. Plenty of photos coming and some video projects too! 

Thank you for being a Patron. Your support bought all this stuff!




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