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And Summer.

Thanks for sticking around as always for those who continue to support my work! 

Few updates. This month is just started and sorta nuts with good stuff happening every week!

First off. Getting more and more comfortable with the Sony! Only things now that are kinda frustrating is the flash system. High speed sync is a thing, but at much reduced power, so I just picked up a double bracket to hold two flashes at once. This will allow me to use the flashes at lower power, for faster recycle time. Right now, waiting 2-3 seconds between shots is killing me so I have had to make some trade offs. Hope to get a Godox AD600 in Sept. which will help matters out a bit.

Second, back in the water! Lake season is in full swing after a long cool spring. 

Trips coming up!  Soon a trip with Kate, Kelsey Dean, and Maika to Chicago to shoot, a trip to Pittsburgh to shoot a performer to be announced, but really excited about, and then down to North Carolina later in the month to shoot with Melanie King.

Getting a few more flight on the Drone. I picked up a DJI Phantom 3 used for a great price and getting used to it. Still a bit nervous at times with the Drones since my first encounter last year, and the resulting knee surgery. 

Healing. Still not 100 percent back yet on the knee. As expected. I can do most things, but still have to be pretty cautious with others.

See, what else?

Heres a pic of Kelsey Dylan from a few years ago. The workshop we have planned on the 13th is kinda iffy. Not enough people signed up but will give it through the weekend to decide to cancel or not. Those who paid will get full refund.

This Saturday night is my Birthday Party. Should be a fun time and hopefully Ill have some good photos from the festivities!

Again, thanks for being supporters. This month I plan to be a bit better with the SETS posts. More spread out and consistent. 

Think thats it for now...




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