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Still getting used to the Sony A7iii. One of the things I knew I'd struggle with is is the lack of flash sync in comparison to the Fuji X100 series leaf shutters. So in regular flash mode I give up two stops of background light with a 250th sec max flash sync vs 1000th on the Fuji.

So in order to darken the background, more flash power is needed. A bunch more. 

Mallory and I ventured to the lake where the water level is really high due to the amount of rain we have been getting, This is cool because we could shoot in the water under cover of trees. It was about 4pm so not the best time to be doing direct sun shots ( high overhead harsh ). 

I have two Godox flashes and a wireless controller which work well, just need to pick up a much higher output light for good TTL options for this type of shooting.

This was shot with the Tamron 28-75 2.8 around 70mm. Normally I love using the 35 1.4 Sigma Art lens, but for this situation the zoom and reach came in handy. 

All in all super excited about the Sony A7iii. Got some customization things I need to change still but getting there. It is a deeply customizable camera with the ability to reprogram buttons and functions.

Let me know if you like these sort of posts, Ill try and do more as I learn this system.




I'm interested in the technical info. Not a photographer myself, but always interested in 'how the sausage is made', as they say. You do quality work, sir.