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Had surgery last weds. Surgery went well but man, this is rough as hell. today is the first day I have sat at the computer for a bit. 

recovery is going to be weeks long. Probably wont be back to semi normal until Mid Dec. if all goes well. 

In the mean time I have plenty to post.

Got a Drone too. experimenting with a drone only tier. Have done a couple shoots with it and its pretty cool to be able to move a camera around in space and shoot from angles otherwise impossible.

Should be posting a couple sets by this weekend as well as more daily stuff too.

Thank you for all your well wishes and support!

Sarah Achor couple years ago, downtown Cbus.



Angie Marie

Let me know if you want me to drop you off some doughnuts :-)

Darin Basile

Glad you’re on the rebound.