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Model: Yellowbone

As I had mentioned a while ago, I am making some changes to this site to make it better for everyone. 

I got rid of the photographer talk tier and the print a month section. If you were pledged in those areas, please adjust your contribution if you wish to stay on. Making it simpler. 

The reason for changing those tiers is simply a matter of time. I work a full time job and shoot 2 to 3 times a week, so time is a premium for me.

I havent done a good job at all on being timely on getting prints out and not talking about photography. 

My solution to this is to offer more print sales, which I will include a patron discount to for those interested. As far as talking about my process and photography in general, I plan on talking about specific shoots off and on if I feel like it is something people will appreciate. 

I ended the year shooting a ton and this past weekend I shot every day and have a ton of new stuff to share. 

Thank you for your time, patience and patronage! 

Plans for this year include a trip to White Sands NM with Kate Sweeney. In the planning stages now but hopefully will be in June or July. 

My Son is getting married in September and really excited about that too and will be planning work for patreon around that time period ( auto cuing of posts, etc as I will be taking a week off or so ). 

Other plans include a trip to NYC and a short trip with Melanie Renee King.

Again, thank you!



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