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It's a thing. Usually I am not a fan of it, but at the lake, I am all about it. 

Everything is subjective, and I used to have this attitude towards, wait til Golden Hour to shoot. I still do. I shoot all day. Sure the general recommendations of avoiding the high sun mid day are warranted, I love shooting then because you can get some great light as long as you pay attention to your subject, and protect their eyes. The Contrast. It isn't for everything though.

Same goes with Golden Hour. You can get some great images with the super warm light of the afternoon sun. I wont ever say don't wait til Golden Hour, but if you are shooting in the late afternoon, be aware of it :)

Kate Sweeney



Timo Evon

I've heard there's a golden hour in the morning, too, but I've never seen it.

Chip Willis

lol. it's a thing. i have shot in it a couple times. been a while. it's not as good as the evening though.