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Hello Caro here.
I'm sorry but the update would delay to September 2 again, and there's not much contents in it
The reason is, the code rebuilding took over twenty days, which is more than I thought it would. It caused the dungeon part to be completely out of time and difficult to produce in time.
There's quite a bit of plots I have now but it's all going to be available after the dungeon, so none of it will be available until the dungeon is finished. I urgently asked Libra to write another story line instead first, but he's suddenly having unexpected problems and can't make it, so I have none of texts on my hand can be used right now.
The current plan is to put Horace's scene into the game with a temporary button like I did in the v0.08 (yhe gargoyle scene) to let everyone click and watch the scene in advance, other than that, all I can do now is try to polish the combat system as much as I can in advance with my remaining time to make it look a bit more decent.

Thank you very much for your continued support!

As well as I need to apologize in advance, from the end of next month there are some bad things that may happen.
I can't say what's it, but I will try my best to update to version 0.3 before this time .
If nothing happens it's for the best, if something does happen, the TOS project will go into an endless pause state. I've given the account password for this account to my boyfriend and he'll help with refunds and suspending/closing the account. I would like to continue to finish this project if I can get in a position to do so again.



chill with the refunds dude. pause payments for a month if you think you'll feel better and we'll feel better. you take all the time needed - its a high quality VN/Game, and you're doing great. You, Lustful Desires, OIHTS, Shelter are tops (probably more like, bottoms. ;) )


I changed Patreon's payment cycle to a month from the day people paid instead of a fixed 1st. Then I find that in this mode, if I suspended Patreon, Patreon would block all new customers from joining in the next cycle. This means that if I release a new update during the pause time, no new are available to join and get the new update.. This payment mode modification is irreversible. So I can't change it back to the first day of the month anymore. So I thought DM me for a refund would be a better option.


take care of yourself ,and good luck ヾ(o・ω・)ノ if you need any help, you can talk to us.


Playing other games feels dull and uninteresting. I always look forward to your updates every month


Take all the time you need. Please don't stop the developement of this game.


It's alright. Take life one step at a time. Don't fret and take care of yourselves first


Good luck bro, i wish u can handle ur real life well first😉 and even if TOS may close for some time, i'd like to wait ur back and see u again in the future🥺


I'm ride or die dude. Take your time. I have time to edit copy or move from Gogot stuff to learn RenPy if you need help. I wanna see Chef pipe daddy dick though. ;)


Oh dear, i hope that nothing bad will happened and you can finish Taver of Spear since it is your little baby but i am also worried that something could happned to prevent it to ever be. I do hope it will not and everything will be find for you. And relaxe about the money, we all understand sometime real life can get out of hand, take a step back and breath and if you need more helping hand to ensure (i saw your twitter post) to keep the project going i would like to help out for free, with writing, i have not much only bits and piece what i wrote on my pc so i can sended to you if you want to take a look and see if i would be a candiat for writing.


I hope that bad thing won't happen to you. And if it happens, I hope that you will be all right


I hope everything will work out for you and please do not feel pressured into releasing something "on time" just because, life happens, everyone understands this. And also, no worries about the money. I won't insist on a refund IF it should come to it.


Very understandable, these things happen. Just don't let it keep you down. :)

Hammond Yons

Not gonna lie, I'm always excited about new updates from this game but your life and mental health come first. You can pause it the autopay until whenever your ready and don't worry about refunds and such. Take all the time in the world you need to recover because you have created something unique and amazing on here and you deserve to take some time away for yourself.

Youmu Konpaku

Please take care. 🫡

Zachary Steffen

Take whatever amount of time you need to recoup or relax or whatever is needed, I know many of us will look forward to any update so please keep working on this project as it is one of the best!

David Scanlon

Take care. Don't let the project affect you.