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Hello, this is Libra. 
I am so sorry to announce that due to some issues on my part update 0.15 will be delayed. This is just an excuse on my part, but I recently moved to a new state to start a new job. I'm still getting used to everything and ended up confusing my notes for the script. The delay is entirely my fault, please do not blame Caro or anyone else. I will do my best to complete the work as soon as possible so that the patrons can enjoy the update as soon as possible.

Please continue supporting the project, again it's my full responsibility. I hope you all can still be patient and await update 0.15.

Thank you.

    Here is what Libra ask me to post↑

Hello Caro here,

Well, last month was already a rest month, and this month is still procrastinating.
I feel so embarrassed and really sorry for this.

v0.15 will not contain too much plot, but since this is the last major tribe storyline quest, I still need time to polish it.

And as Libra said,he is busy with his new real life, this is completely reflected in his work, (for example, he frequently forgot my previous request, and it became more and more serious. He has forgotten 6 times in the past three days.)

Although he repeatedly emphasized that all the plots can be completed today, I don't think the things written in a hurry will be good, and I also need enough time to import these scripts into the game through code, so we have to delay again.

Since I will be busy moving on the 2nd of next month, and on the 4th I need to go back to my hometown to visit my mother’s grave,

So the next update will probably be submitted on April 3rd. If it is not completed, it will be postponed to the 7th when I come back from my hometown and start working again.

We will submit this update as soon as possible.

I hope you can understand this.

Thank you.




No prob


"... And this month1 is still procrastinating" That really honest of you Caro 🤣 Well, i'm chill with this delayment, and btw your daughter kitty is cute ~


Don't worry guys, take your time. I'm sure it will be worth the wait :D


Wish Libra luck


Take ur time quality before quantity


no prob 👍


Meh so a minor delay. But honestly don't worry about it, life happens.

Suikey Shirasu

meh. not really something you should be overly fretting about Libra. Life happens.


As others said above, its really not that big a deal to just wait a week longer than usual. It feels like Libra is feeling a lot worse about it than he should. Moving is hard at any time, much more during a pandemic. You guys take your time


Meh its no big deal, things happen, you just do the best you can. I hope your new house guest is doing alright. And Libra make yourself at home, moving is a big thing, you have to deal with it. There's no excuse for putting it off cuz it is really important you get settle in mentally and physically. Goodluck to you both


better late than never.


no worries. we love you both.


Take your time!! Society these days is full of impatient people who always want things “NOW”, so we can afford to learn some patience. It’s only a few days of waiting, after all. We trust that you are working at the best pace you can. You’re both human, so no one should expect you to be perfect all the time. Good luck with the real life plans you guys have! We’re rooting for you. 💜


No worries! much love