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v0.12b update

  -add more checkpoint to let the new event becomes easier to be triggered. (If you can't trigger the event in v0.12a, try this version

 -add more dialogues in the Tribe questline part 4 lizard route 

-fix the bug that displays the wrong dialogues in the Tribe questline part 4 bull route

-fix the bug that you can't click the point unlocked by the jester badge

Download link:


Hello, Caro here.

Sorry, but since the plot is pretty large and mess, we need to cut it to two-part.

Here is the part1,  part2 will be released days later.

This part contains the Tribe questline part 4

Don't forget to vote for the Tribe questline route polls here :


====New Event====

【Tribe quest】part 4:  

- After 【Tribe quest】part 3 and talked, will be triggered automatically 2 days later when you enter the bull or lizard tribe..  2020/10/31 update

-Depend on the choice you made before, this event will have 4 routes.

-Tip 1: If you helped Thane twice before, you should able to invite him to the tavern at the end of part 3 (Can't regret after you choose).

-Tip 2: To find the "thing" in the event, go to the forest where you met the skull monster the first.

-Tip 3:All of the people in the tavern will have different dialogues depend on the end of this event.

====New system:====


-Add an anvil in the barn, now you can use it to upgrade your weapon (More things will come in the future)

  1. -Change  Witer's sleep quest's triggering conditions.
    Now this quest will be triggered at day 6 after you already unlock the tavern basement.
  2. -Add an anvil in the barn, now you can use it to upgrade your weapon (More things will come in the future)
  3. -Reduce the EXP u need to level up
  4. -Now you can get sticks and rocks randomly while exploring the forest.
  5. -Bonfire now needs 3 sticks and 2 rocks instead of 2 sticks.

Download in discord (above tier$3 only): https://discordapp.com/channels/603852425140633631/608391695435956279
link your account to Discord here:  https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps

Cheat code (above tier$5 only): https://discordapp.com/channels/603852425140633631/701627642943766571

Art-pack   (tier$10 only): will be added when the part2 is released.

V0.12b alternate download link for players who are temporarily unable to get rules on Discord。

(如果暂时无法链接discord 请使用该备用下载链接)




When do we get back to the dungeon, the war is an interesting part of the plot, but I'm more invested in the dungeon?


So...umm... Did anything change except for the added anvil? I sided with the bull tribe and threw the bomb and there is no new dialogue in the tavern or anywhere else..


The bomb is part 3 things. The part4 will be triggered after 2 days later you talked to Thane about the bomb.


Also, if you invited Thane to the tavern, make sure he already move in, if he is still waiting for you to ask Snow to move in, the part 4 also won't be triggered


Dang phone sorry trying again 😆😄😆 as a side question do we always turn down the drinks after the lizard party or am I doing it wrong