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Hello, Caro here again.

Sorry but v0.7 needs more days to be finished.

I got a fever and quite headache a few days after I posted last announcement ,so I haven't done as many works as I expected before

So Libra still needs time to finish the script too since he needs to wait for me finish the CG first.

Here is some peeking in v0.7

Sorry for the delay again,  I hope you can understand.



Oooh beautiful! Don't worry about it. It looks like you're doing a really good job, I hope you feel better/get better and keep up the amazing work


Oh damn I can't wait to see tho CG scene with our best boi Eyvind. Take your time on the game to keep you guys healthy work hour on ToS


Don't push yourself so hard. Drink more warm water. Hope you get better!


Don’t worry about it! Take care of yourself first.


Health first of all the game can wait and then seeing these tantalizing images I must admit that I can't wait to play them <3


Just focus on whats important the game. LOL just kidding ur health is waaaay more important get a good rest and the game can wait.