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Hey everyone, Caro here. 

 Somedays before it's #ThankYouPatrons day.

But sorry that I'm too busy to speak something that day.

Thanks for all of u guys' support!

The project is just started some months ago and today all the goals have reached.

Wow. It's quite a surprise for me. 

 This project maybe is not the best out there, but I'll try my best.




Aw what an adorable pic, and you're doing a great job, you really put in the effort for your project and really use the voting system as a big decision maker to please as many fans as possible. If you're trying your best it's coming through loud and clear...keep it up 😘


Cute picture and don’t worry everyone can see the effort your making definitely keep what your voters want in mind but at the same time this is your story so you should be directing it keep up the awesome work :)

Lord Wolf

aww cute!