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Hello everyone , Caro here.

So we have the list of routes need to be updated,

I will still keep some routes as a secret since they will be a spoiler.

So let's vote for the route which won't be spoiler now.

All of them will be added to the game.

The winner option will be the main update content for v0.7 with other little quest.

1 .Help Nauxus deal with the rebellious Lizard foes in dark swamp?Lizard foes add?

2. Meet the orca guy and explore the cave dungeon?as the mountain and temple map but will be more routes and more events)?Gargoyle foes add?

3.Remake the bag system first and add some random sex events in bull tribe or lizard tribe

4. Explore the area near the lake?Naga foes add?

5. One of the NPC in the tavern ’s sex scene and continue the story between the bull and the lizard war.

?“Foes add” contain the win and lose scenes?



For number three, how about adding sex events for the bull tribe AND lizard tribe? 😘


Gotta go for those lizards, we have hardly touched their parts yet, just a REAL nice hut. Can't build on their war yet either without building the image and background of the tribes. So gotta jump on option1...besides...needs more two way fight results, I find the bull fights already one of the best parts in the game 😘


I really hope 3 wins, those bulls are f**king hot.


Also, will you add some Horse NPC's too? >:3