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Hello everyone! I have made the decision to delete the "Monster Girl Fan" tier benefit on my Patreon (2x SFW audios a month). I know this may come as a disappointment to some, however, this tier accounts for only 0.02% of my total patrons and is not really viable given the amount of work that goes into it.

I suppose that is the bad news - the good news is that I am currently working on new content and next month I will be releasing new tiers which I think many of you will be very interested in!!

Stay tuned for more and as always, please leave any feedback, ideas or comments below - I read all of them and always consider what you guys think!

For now, have a wonderful Halloween, All Saint's Day, whatever holiday is celebrated in your neck of the woods, or just business as usual.

Thank you for your time and support,
- Shortcake <3


valas vulcan

Will the sfw audios still be here on Patreon?


Will those of us paying for the SFW lose our membership?


For now I have unpublished the SFW tier so no new members can join, it will remain active for current patrons however I will be sending a message to all patrons on that tier informing them to either cancel or upgrade as they wish to avoid being charged further (I will refund any payments for the SFW tier that go through on the 1st of November)


I know this is an older post so this might not be seen but is it possible for any of the SFW audios to be posted on YouTube?