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Shrinking Yourself, Accidentally Getting Swallowed, Then Regurgitated Your Giant Girlfriend! [tiny listener] [British/Australian accent] [shrunk listener] [shrinking potion] [searching the apartment for you] [accidentally eating you with her snacks] [stomach noises] [worried and annoyed] [realising you're in her tummy] [gagging] [coughing] [vomitting you out] [caring for you] ["I can't believe you did that!"] ["You really liked being in my tummy?"] [cuddling on her chest afterward] [heartbeat]
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Werewolf Girl Captures and Swallows You on a Full Moon! [unwilling turned willing listener] [pinned down] [non-fatal] [twist ending] [oral vore] [teasing] [taunting] [cute but mean pred] [gentle valley girl accent] [giggling] [full moon] [night ambience] [licking and tasting you] [kissing you] [enjoying your fear] [a little yandere] [I want to keep you with me forever] [become one with me] [“I want to digest you”] [superiority complex] [dominant] [you want me to eat you, don’t you?] [giving yourself up to h
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