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Aqua's Growth had continued. With her unstoppable might, her own abilities transcended beyond something as trivial as a solar system. Her biceps were larger than dark holes, with breasts that spread over countless of lightyears - looming like astral titans. Her absolutely enhanced rear dwarfed even the largest of systems, much to her own amusement.

With a giddy mix of moans and smug laughter, the woman watched as her rear continued its rampage of engulfing thousands of planets - only adding to her mass. "Pfft-HAHAHAHA! Look how tiny this so called massive galaxy is! My butt is so large that even a quarter of my cheek can easily squash it! I'm - mmm!~ S-So huge!~ Only getting stronger as well!~ I truly fitting start for someone as glorious as I! Aqua, the Goddess of Gods! I shall ascend-ung!~ ASCEND BEYOND THE UNIVERSE ITSELF!"




Nicely done, looks great! Looks like a cute character too.


Quite hot indeed