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"So, Senpai likes big girls, does he?" Postulated the idol, as she typed away onto her laptop during the bright summer morning. "I may have not been able to make him mine during the investigation, but now that I'm back in the idol business, I have more than enough money to spend to impress him!"

A sly giggle would escape Rise's face as her fingers twirled the tail end of one of her twin-tails. For the past few weeks, the Idol attempted to work out, with the idea being that she would send update pics to her Senpai; slowly showing herself bulking up. Yet, Rise had waited long enough already to make her move, and progress was slow enough as is.

Continuing to search through various supplement websites proved rather futile, however, the dark web - on the other hand - now that was promising. Honestly, she probably shouldn't have been dealing with this kind of stuff when she knew so little about technology, but, for her Senpai, it was worth the risk.

While numerous items appeared with steroid-like promises, none quite captured Rise's eye, at least, that was, until she found herself looking at a bright pink label on a vial with a saturated red liquid within. 'Pretty and Big! The newest serum designed to give girls the bulk they want!'

Shrugging to herself, Rise looked at the expectedly high price. "Well, I am pretty, and I do want to get big. Seems perfect for me, hehehe!" Pressing the order button, Rise licked her lips in excitement. "Just you wait, Senpai; I'll show you just how much I love you!"


The next day, a ringing could be heard at the front door of Rise's mansion. Quickly darting to the front, the woman would tear open the package, looking over the contents within. As expected, a small vial, with the bright pink label within. "So this little thing will make me a bit more buff, huh? Alright, well, here goes nothing! Look out Senpai; the new Risette is coming to take her man!"

Popping the cork, and chugging the sweet contents, Rise was eager to finish the entirety of the delicious serum.

"Mmm!~ Not bad! Kind of tastes like-...whoah!~" A jolt of pleasure surged throughout the woman's body; a tenseness that was unfamiliar to the Idol knotted her very core. Clenching her teeth, Rise looked to her arms; gasping at her expanding forearms. A moment a go, they were stick thin, but now? They no doubt gained at least three pounds of muscle within a few moments.

Watching the muscles move from her forearm to her bicep, Rise squealed in a mix of fear and excitement as her biceps pleasantly swelled. "Gah!~ O-Okay!~ A bit unexpected, but n-not at all hated!~" Another pleasant groan escaped Rise, as she felt her body continue to grow larger and more powerful with each passing second. "Mng!~ S-So much power!~ F-Fuck!~"

Rises' bust and rear swelled with extra titfat, each cup-size growth causing the Idol to continue her glorious screams of pleasure. Chunk after chunk of dense, strong muscle decorated Rise's growing form, as she expanded larger and larger.

Quickly, the woman found herself dwarfing her abode, before her thicken thighs crashed around the surrounding neighborhood. "O-Oh!~ So big!~ A-And not stopping!~" With legs longer than most buildings, Rise clenched her fist, feeling another orgasmic surge hit her body; nearly knocking her over.

Within moments, the skyline of the city was now little more than to her ankle. "D-Dang!~ L-Look at me!~ Ugn!~ N-Now everyone can see my g-greatness!~ S-Sorry about the destruction down there, b-but look at the bright side; at least it's my glorious form that's causing all that mess!~ Mng!!~"

The rush of overwhelming nearly bowled over Risette, as she laid herself along the landscape which she was quickly outgrowing. No doubt that most of Japan could see her already, whether it be her continental sized ass, or her state-sized breasts, the woman knew that her Senpai would be able to see all her in her glorious beauty.

"YES!~ OHHH!~ N-No, control yourself Rise! Ehem, h-hey Senpai! I know you can see me!~ So consider this my proposal for you to be the boyfriend to a Goddess!~" Casually, the thick, muscular Idol placed her finger onto the ground-her digit taking up miles upon miles of space.

With a gleeful smirk, Risette crushed thousands of tons of debris, and bedrock casually, enjoying the sight of her large biceps, as she traced a large heart into the ground.

"Now then, come on out Senpai! I know you can't say no to me now!~"




That looks great! Thanks for that