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Quick update: Having a moment where the characters don't want to do what the outline says they need to do. Thus, the delay. I'm working hard on resolving the issue and do expect a chapter (possibly two?) tomorrow. 

Sorry for the wait!



An author after my own heart. You wrestle those creatures, bend them to your will, you mighty God, you!

Honour Rae

This legit made me chuckle. Thanks! Those pesky characters don't know who they're up against...


That awkward moment where the characters don't want to proceed with the plot points because of how they demand to be written. 🤭 "She needs to forget about the doohickey otherwise this interaction won't surprise the reader.. but she's way too smart for that.. aaaarrrggg."


I know that story.


That's what happens when certain characters are too self aware. Been waiting for Jason to wonder if he's real or in an manga or something 😉

Zachary Blevins

Just so long you’re not having conversations with them will be all right forth, law, and all that


Those cheeky characters! ;-) I love this post. Keep up the good fight. We'll wait.


You need to make them an offer they can’t refuse… if you catch my drift


It's Brix isn't it? He's being willful and not obeying his creator.


Bahahaha! That moment he and Taika and Travis see all the Celestines and they're like "...we in an anime?" And Taika was like, "Bro, I think I might do something less than sensible tonight..." had me and my wife rolling! I love stories with such character development that they start to write the story themselves. Someone once described contrasting styles of storywriting as architecting an ediface vs planting a garden. Planting a garden is much harder, i think, to close out.