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**Re-edited Nov' 23**

Arthur reread the card three times, hardly not believing it.

Brixaby couldn't have plucked a better card for him if he had planned it. Then again, the man had been an assassin. It made sense that he would have a stealth card in his deck.

Still… a stealth class card was on a whole other level.

"Don't get me wrong, it's amazing. But how did you get it?" Arthur asked.

Brixaby’s head lifted with pride. "Everyone was paying attention to Joy. I just plucked it out while the man was seizing and put it straight in my Personal Space."

Before Arthur could worry about his dragon's lack of empathy, Brixaby shot a hasty glance towards Cressida and the healer who were talking. Then he looked back to Arthur.

"What are you waiting for? Use it, and don’t let that healer see."

Arthur glanced towards the two, then shifted around so his back was to them. It made it harder for any eavesdropping. "I can’t put it in my heart deck,” he reminded Brixaby, “Yes, the chances are low that it might affect our bond, but it’s a risk I don’t want to take."

"Of course," Brixaby said, looking mildly offended. "It should work just fine in your card anchor deck. Go on. I want to see what your Master cards do with it."

So did Arthur.

Nodding, he slipped it into his card anchor. Or... at least he tried. He encountered a strange resistance. He was still able to do it with a little more effort, but the entire temporary deck felt as if it were weighed down. Then again, he did have a lot of power contained there.

While it was perfectly possible to upgrade a card anchor deck, Arthur would not risk such a thing when he was newly linked to Brixaby.

Those thoughts were cut short as he received a wave of notifications.

New skill gained: Silent Movement (Stealth Class)

Due to the ‘A Stealthy Class’ card and Master of Body Enhancement’s bonuses, you automatically start this skill at level 13.

New skill gained: Heightened Awareness (Stealth Class)

Due to the ‘A Stealthy Class’ card and Master of Body Enhancement’s bonuses, you automatically start this skill at level 13.

New skill gained: Camouflage (Stealth Class)

Due to the ‘A Stealthy Class’ card and Master of Skill’s bonuses, you automatically start this skill at level 13.

New skill gained: Evasion (Stealth Class)

Due to the ‘A Stealthy Class’ card and Master of Body Enhancement’s bonuses, you automatically start this skill at level 13.

New skill gained: Deception (Stealth Class)

Due to the ‘A Stealthy Class’ card and Master of Skill’s bonuses, you automatically start this skill at level 13.

New skill gained: Concealment (Stealth Class)

Due to the 'A Stealthy Class' card, you automatically start this skill at level 10.

New Class!

Stealth – Tier 1 Utility

You have begun to master the art of remaining unnoticed. Some say that to be stealthy is to disappear like magic. In your case, that is exceptionally true.

This class combines the following:

Silent Movement – Level 13

Heightened Awareness – Level 13

Camouflauge – Level 13

Evasion – Level 13

Deception – Level 13

Concealment – Level 10

Stealth – Level 19

Into one basic class. This class will be the average of all skill levels. Newly learned compatible skills may be added to the Stealth class. However, an added lower level skill contributes to the overall average, possibly lowering the entire class level.

Stealth Class – Level 13

When equipped, card wielder will learn all the Stealth class levels at 1.25 times the normal rate in addition to existing skill bonuses.

+ 3 to Luck

+ 7 to Perception

Do you wish to combine these skills now?

Sure enough, it looked like the skills had been copied over and been slightly enhanced, thanks to his Master of Skills and Master of Body Enhancement card. It seemed his Legendary Master card classes overrode the actual Class card to some degree, though it did include a two point advantage in Perception.

The reference to magic was surely about the concealment meant that it was a magical skill, which his Master cards could not copy over. That explained the strange warping sensation around the assassin as if light had bent around him.

Arthur would have access to that skill too if he kept this class card in his anchor deck. But... there were better uses for it.

With a slight grimace, he removed the card again. Sure enough, the majority of his skills stayed the same. However, he received an interesting notification:

Skill Downgrade:
Concealment – (Stealth Class) has lost its mana enhancement ability. Concealment is now a utility only skill.
Due to your Master of Skills bonuses, Concealment has been upgraded to level 13.

Stealth Class is now level 14 (13.85 rounded up.)

He couldn't help it. He was grinning from ear to ear. He was glad that he was turned away from Cressida so she didn't see because this wasn’t the right time for happiness. 

But on a personal level, this was huge. "I kept the class and some of the skills. If we can find more cards like this..."

"Well, we would if you ever allowed me to pluck more cards out of people's hearts," Brixaby said blithely.

Arthur rolled his eyes but held the card back out to him. "Your turn."

Arthur naturally assumed Brixaby was going to consume the card. Brixaby had the same problem that Joy did-- even worse, considering he was a little younger than her. His secondary card core was not fully developed. However, Brixaby's particular main allowed him to consume others and add them to his own strength.

The pity was that it would destroy the card. Arthur felt ambivalent about that, but he wasn't going to stand in Brixaby's way. He had found the card. It was his.

So he was surprised when Brixaby took the card, and, with a pained expression, stuck it into his Personal Space.

"You're not going to eat it?" Arthur asked, shocked.

"I'll hold on to it. For now," he said, not sounding entirely happy. Then he straightened. "I’m a Legendary dragon, and I'm not meant for sneaking around. I ought to be seen. Plus,” he added, “it's a valuable Rare card. I might sell it at a later time for something else."

That didn't strike Arthur as quite right. It seemed that Brixaby had other ideas, ones he wasn't entirely willing to share right now.

Could it be that he was growing up?

If necessary, Brixaby could try to briefly consume the card to absorb a little power and remove it again. He had done such a thing with the Legendaries when he first hatched. But those had been extenuating circumstances. Legendary cards were on another order of power than Rare cards. Also, Brixaby himself had been newly hatched with a core card that had mostly, but not entirely, formed.

Also, consuming it and then removing it again might just damage the card. And a damaged card could rot and sprout a scourge infestation. Arthur decided not to mention the possibility. 

"If that is what you want," Arthur said.

Brixaby still looked torn. This decision was hard for him. "I can eat it at any time," he said as if trying to convince himself.

Holding back another smile, Arthur nodded and then turned away. As he did, he saw Cressida stride to the edge of the balcony and run up one of the flags. It was red, indicating an emergency.

Moments later, a blue dragon no bigger than a draft-oxen flew up and asked for her request.

Arthur walked up just in time to hear Cressida order a sheep set up immediately. The blue nodded, took one look at the still unconscious Joy, and dived down.

"I don't know how I'm going to pay for it," Cressida muttered, turning back to Arthur. "All of my coins and shards are back at Wolf Moon."

"I can cover it," Arthur said.

The healer who was still working on restoring Joy’s limb spoke up. "This is an emergency situation. The hive will take care of basic necessities—within limits. But, if you abuse our kindness, there will be consequences."

"Arthur would never," Brix said. "He pinches every single coin like a mother dragon with her first eggs."

The healer didn't respond, busy with her task.

Arthur stepped over and saw more of Joy’s pitted flesh healing itself. New scales were growing at an advanced rate, replacing the blackened, dead scales. Old skin was sloughing off to be replaced by new. But there was a difference: Those black scales were replaced by green, not pink. As the necrotic damage had not spread evenly up her arm, it made for a patchy design.

"I don't think Joy will like being a part green dragon," Arthur muttered, thinking of Joy's dislike for the green in their class, one of the few creatures she had ever spoken badly about.

He regretted his words a moment later as Cressida's face crumpled.

"Uh, I don't mean to say—“ he stammered. “I’m sure she’ll get used to it.” He stopped before he could dig his hole any deeper.

"I'm just glad that she's alive," Cressida said in a low voice.

There was the rapid flapping of wings, and the blue appeared, carrying a struggling sheep in its claws. It seemed that mutton was going to be on the menu.

Joy gave a faint twitch when the ewe hit the stone floor. Her nostrils flared, and her eyes shot open, still blue, which stood out around her bright pink muzzle. Within a moment, Cressida was by her side.

The healer, however, hurriedly backed away.

This was just in time as Joy twisted and got up on her feet. Her face was a mask of fierceness, entirely animalistic in a way that was not like the usual sweet-hearted dragon.

She shoved Cressida aside and launched herself to fall awkwardly on the sheep, thanks to her still-healing forelimb. There was a crack as the sheep's spine broke—dead instantly, which was a blessing because Joy immediately started tearing the animal open. She swallowed everything that she could get into her mouth: hunks of flesh, bone, wool. It didn't matter. Gobbets of gore flew everywhere.

"Joy?" Cressida asked, stepping toward her. The dragon didn’t act like she heard her.

"Do you think that she'll share any with me?" Brixaby asked in an aside to Arthur.

"You don't want to eat that," Arthur said, lowly. From where he stood, he saw the places where Joy's newly green claws sank into the animal's flesh. It was starting to go black and rot away.

Joy took a few more mouthfuls, but one of which seemed to be half blackened with necrosis. She stopped. Her eyes practically crossed, and she spit the meat to the side. "Oh... gross!"

"Joy?" Cressida stepped forward. "How are you feeling?"

"Hungry..." the dragon growled, going in for another few bites, well away from the blackening rot. The problem was, the rot was quickly spreading up the body. With a growl, Joy ripped the sheep's still-fresh head off its body and crunched it like someone would a hard candy. She swallowed it down. By then, the rest of the corpse was a black, stinking mass.

There was a barrel set to the side for rain catchment. It was old with green algae floating on the top. Joy didn't seem to care. She dunked her head in and sucked it down greedily. Coming up for air at last, she looked around, noting the shocked silence.

"Why is everybody looking at me?"

"We're not looking at you," Brixaby said. "We're staring at your forelimb."

"My what?" Joy looked down and saw her mismatched limbs. One bright fluorescent pink, and the other mottled pink and tinged with toxic green. She brightened. "Oh wow! I like this! And oh, double-wow! I have poison cards in my core, too. Cressida!" She turned to her rider, excited, though there was a dangerous glint in her eyes that certainly had not been there before. "These are great. Can you feel how powerful these are? Three cards! Wow!"

"I didn't link with those, dearest." Cressida looked a little worried. "How are you feeling?"

"It kind of hurts down to my claws, but this is much better than being poisoned. Now I'm the poisoner!" she said enthusiastically, sounding much like her old self, though with a new steely edge. “Wait… am I poisonous or venomous?”

It was too much for Cressida, who had been clearly holding herself back. She ran forward and threw her arms around her dragon in a hug.

With a feat of shocking speed and maneuverability, Brixaby darted forward and grabbed Joy’s green limb before she could use it to hold her rider. "Don’t prick her with these claws!"

Cressida stepped back, and Joy looked stricken. "I can't hug anyone ever again? I mean, killing enemies is really fun," she added, "but… what if I really, really wanna hug a friend? Or Cressida? Cressida, can we still sleep in the same bed?"

Now she sounded almost teary. But at that moment, Arthur knew she was going to be okay. She was still Joy. Just… with an edge.

"Of course you may still sleep in the same bed," Brixaby said disdainfully. As he should. He insisted on having his own pillow to curl up on. "I’ll make you a chainmail glove to wear over your claws. Then you take it off when you want to kill something."

Joy visibly brightened.

"Furthermore," Brixaby said, settling back to the ground but puffing proudly. "I'm pleased with this upgrade to your capabilities.”

"Really?" She looked down at Cressida who nodded, still teary-eyed.

Joy held up her claws on her green limb in front of her face. "Yay! Oh, I wonder how many scourgelings I can poison with these? Quests are going to be so much more interesting now." Then she glanced over at the disgusting blob of flesh that had been a sheep a few moments before and growled, "But... I could use another sheep. Or three."

Dangerous or not, Cressida threw her arms around her dragon's neck. "I'll get you more. As many as you want!"

"First, she needs to be healed to make sure that limb is as strong as the other one. We have to replace muscle mass, not to mention reknit several nerves," the healer said. If she was affected by the emotion around her, she didn't show any indication. “Hold still. This may itch but do not scratch.” A new wave of healing energy engulfed Joy.

"I want to begin designing that glove," Brixaby said.

This was Arthur’s chance. "And I need to speak to the council. Let them know Joy’s going to make it and see if they learned anything from the assassin yet.”

Cressida nodded. "Yes, go. Of course."

Brixaby buzzed off toward the direction of the crafting cave.

Arthur headed out, too, using the door at the back of the small quarters. He wondered if he was going to be stopped from leaving, but there were no guards out there.

Nor had the council insisted he rewear the card-lock bracelets. Just as well. They hadn’t worked for long.

He activated his stealth skills by concentrating on them one by one. Though he could not see himself, he could tell that he had just blended in with the shadows. Perfect.

He wasn't going to speak to the council. At least not yet. He intended to find Tamya and Len and see what had driven them from Wolf Moon Hive. And, what exactly had been promised to make them stay here.




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Joy will always be best girl <3

Undead Writer

Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks! Nice chapter (though short)

Undead Writer



Small correction. "his dragon lack of empathy -" his dragon lack of sympathy ". Empathy is just ability to imagine ourselves in somebody else position and what thst person feels but it does not mean that we will pity them. That's what sympathy is for.


Brixaby's answer--to create a chain mail sleeve for Joy's poison-bearing arm/claws--is the perfect solution!


Good 👏 Stuff 👏 Joy, with an Edge 🤭


Could his heart deck at the start of the book be pined somewhere? It is hard to keep track.


When did brix take the oath out of Arthur's heart?


I love how Joy's happiness in gaining a combat skill trumps her dislike for the color green! Of course, her more "edgy" personality may have also made it easier to accept the tradeoff.

Harley Dalton Jr.

Why didn't Arthur's skill downgrade to 3?


I think because it got transformed into a utility skill rather than a magic skill. Or maybe it was half & half to begin with.


I really like what happened to Joy! To be honest she was getting annoying sometimes, but I can't wait for her to turn into a murder hobo when she gets a quest


Thanks for the chapter!


Just to double check I'm reading this correctly, it's only the green arm that has the poisoned (venomous) claw effect?


I mean I would call it Joy gaining a spine though ;D

Lars de Tombe

I do remember that Arthur's dad got the oath removed. However, didn't they say that the oath in Arthur's heart was different or something and that it was too dangerous to remove?


Joy will get her hugs. They will be hugs of death, and she will be cuddling corpses, but she will get them. 💀👻😂


The master of skills/body cards and the stealth class card affected the starting level of the skills, not the overall level. Thus since he still has MoS/MoB it anchors the skills at their current levels even after removing the Stealth Class Card, but he does lose the extra 50% skill experience for stealth skills.


I don’t think it would be dangerous in an immediate way but they didn’t know if it would notify the king or something similar. If the did so now it might be interpreted as a death flag.


Yay! Joy is still Joy, just a little different!

Corpse Garden

That we have seen yes, visibly that seems to be the case. HOWEVER, the card seems to indicate otherwise.


According to the card, I’d interpret that as all her claws (hands and feet) as well as her teeth.


I think it's only her claw so far... the poison was concentrated there so the cards just pushed what was in that limb to the surface. She was too young for a second card let alone 3 it may take a bit for her soul to get used to the weight of it and to have it really become part of her

Nathan Sto

That “A stealthy class” card is really recognizable. I would expect the rest of the cards in that set to be equally as recognizable. I wonder if Brix is planning on trying to collect the rest, and test out the hypothesis that they upgrade. If they did, it seems like they would be a legendary card that fit in exactly with the Master of ___ deck. Actually, this could be another special card for it - remove the limit on how many classes they can have / have active.


Cressida should link with the other cards, no? Especially the nullify card, so that Joy won't ever accidentally kill her.


I believe it's kind of both. Her wounded arm mutated into a real deadly weapon, and she got the card skills. Hence she might be able to use said card skills later down the line to temporary make other parts of her body deadlier OR said arm even more of a super boosted menace. Basically a passive effect on that arm (that's always poisonous) and if i'm right active effects based on those cards.


This is a cool theory - creating the Master of Class card to expand the set without others noticing.


Um, sorry, but no. Chainmail sleeves won't block poison claws. Would have to be a solid metal glove or shoe, (is that a dragon hand or foot, haha?). For all acquainted with ancient armor, chainmail would let claws stick right on through, so then we get dead Cressida just the same.


Scale mail might work or chain mail fitted with shaped plates around the claws.


Just line the chainmail with cloth. Yes it isn't practical but Brix wants to make chainmail.


"They’d already played it too close to the edge when Brix had removed the oath card from his heart. Then again, that card had been... odd. It hadn't quite been in Arthur’s heart deck, but slightly outside of it. Like a parasitic leech on his heart.". I don't recall a scene where Brix removed Arthur's oath to the king? He removed his father's card oath. Did I miss it somewhere?


Cloth? Wouldn’t work, dragon claws would poke right through. Has to be plated with metal. Bruxa isn’t as smart as he thinks.


Upgrading classes to something like professions? More class equip slots? Combining classes like skills? Bonuses to low level skill gain? Plenty to work with there.


I was also confused about that. I had been hoping he would do it as well after they found they could do it to his father. He still had it in chapter 10 as he not only told Laird that he had an oath to the king, but a few paragraphs later he questioned to himself in his thoughts about whether the King thought he was dead or if he could tell that he was alive because of the oath.


It's pretty obvious what they should do with the Stealth card. If they find someone trustworthy that the Red Dragon with the Shadow Transport power likes, they should give that guy the Stealth card, it's a rare. A card like that should work VERY well with Shadow powers.


I’m sure it will all work out in the end. The story is very good can’t stop reading.