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Hi all!

Like the title says, I have a quick update that my Patreon tiers are undergoing a change.

The good news: Nothing is changing for my current All The Skills subscribers.

Extra good news: Prices are not increasing for All The Skills. 5 dollars still gets ya all the chapters + the new eBook when it comes out.

What's changing: $1, 1 chapter ahead tier is going away for new subscribers only. Current subscribers get to keep their deal.

Totem is getting its own tier at, you guessed it, $5. Or if you want to support both fics, it's a cool 10 dollars for both. 

Totem's prologue + first 10 chapters are staying visible to my All The Skills readers until Royal Road catches up to it. Chapters past that will be on the Totem tier. 

Confused? Here's the breakdown.

$1 Common Card: Going away for new subscribers. Existing subscribers keep it at one chapter ahead of Royal Road.

$5 Rare Card (You are likely on this tier!): Name now changed to 'All The Skills' tier. You still have access to all All The Skills content including the book when it's published.

$5 Totem: People subscribing to this tier get Totem-only content, all released chapters, and the ebook whenever that is published.

$10 All The Skills + Totem: You get all chapters of everything and all the ebooks when they are published. You win at life.

Finally, here's the ol' discord link. I once again have attempted to sync up Discord and Patreon, but if you are not auto-assigned a role (and you want one to be pinged when a new chapter drops -- it's optional) then contact myself or Flopmind once you're on with your tier. We'll hook you up. 


Thanks guys for being my Patrons! I started publishing in June of last year which means my 1 year anniversary is coming up. My life has changed immensely since then, and it's all thanks you. 

- Honour Rae



Do you have any idea how often totem chapters are gonna come now that it's on its own tier or is it still whenever you have time?


Thanks, was getting tired of seeing totem in my email. I have zero interest in it and it wouldn't let me set it to just get All the Skills.


I'm new in these parts so I'm a bit confused. Your "extra good news" is you aren't raising prices for some of your patreons?

Honour Rae

With inflation hiking up prices everywhere in my neck of the words, I consider prices staying the same somewhere to be extra good news. Then again I'm a cheap-ass. So.

Honour Rae

Yeah I wish Patreon allowed people to customize settings based on tags. In a perfect world, I would dump all my writings in one place and let people pick, choose, or block based on interest, but it's just not set up that way.


Evil tongues could even say "same price, half the content".


I personally won't subscribe where patreons are split by work. Feels like my support for the artist isn't being appreciated and I may as well wait and pay significantly less for finished books.


I have no idea about Totem. I'm a bit worried that the pace of updates for All The Skills will suffer with a splitting of focus. Oh well, I've got a few weeks to decide if this ends up being a one and done or if I continue to support.

Joseph Barratt

Yeah I’m enjoying totem but not sure about this split. I support a dozen writers and I’ve never had to “double up” payments to see other stories they are working on. But Ill likely give it a chance if I can see enough coming out.


To be fair, Honor releases chapters faster than anyone else I patron and its convenient for those who are only interested in one series. Plus it's not unreasonablely priced. I patron a guy that only releases 2 chapters per month and his cheapest is 10$, not really worth it when you compare to what Honor regularly releases


Plus I'd think it's a great way to see who/how many are engaged with which story.


Gotta say that I'm not a fan of this change. $5 a month is already a lot for my budget. That's $60 a year, or the price of 2-3 new hardcover books. Even if Patreon subscriptions are inherently more expensive due to economies of scale, that's kind of high. So far it's been enjoyable, and having two stories for that price has been worth it. (Even if it's more than I'm willing to spend on other authors, some of whom put out more chapters and/or stories in a week for less.) I like Totem and All the Skills and want to see more of both, but not enough to shell out the price of a full streaming service a month.


Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but I haven't gotten any new chapters since this post and I'm unsure if something is messed up or if I just don't understand something.


Looks like the 1 dollar tier no longer has access to anything now. I was a 1 dollar subscriber but all the new chapters got locked.