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Quick note that unfortunately I've been a little under the weather and it's effected my writing. I'm still planning on three All The Skills chapters this week, though one may come on the weekend. We'll see.



Get well soon


Man, you are so far ahead of what you promised! Don't get me wrong, I am glad you give us so much, but get better!


Health is wealth. Thanks for the update, wishing you a speedy recovery.


I'm sorry but this chapter was far too short and I can't see how it applies to the story...feel better


Rest! Hope you feel better soon!!

Maddi Lion

The spring fevers seem pretty potent this year!😂 It’s not just you, tons of ppl have been getting sick, so please take your time and get feeling better!💐❤️

kaden richards

Youre all good man, dont sweat it