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I blinked.

I was standing in a completely bare room which was dim except for a faint light coming from high above.

I wasn't alone.

Something shifted in front of me and I realized it wasn't dark -- something stood in front of the single light source. I looked up and up.

My first thought was 'dragon'. It spread large, glorious wings, the light spearing through the wing feathers--

Hold up. Feathers?

The creature unfurled completely, long sinuous neck stretching out as it opened its beak and... honked.

I was standing before a Canada goose roughly as large as a house.

The goose twisted its head back down and looked at me. The eyes were small and beady, but I saw a fire in the back of them.

I let out a sigh. 

"Damn it, I wanted a tiger."

"You also wanted to date Cindy Wellington in high school," said the goose in my voice, "And she turned out to be a snake in sheep’s clothing.”

"Well, yeah. But I was sixteen and an idiot and--hey, you know about that? My first life?"

The giant goose eyed me. Even though it was as big as a dinosaur, I didn't feel any fear of it. Instinctively, I knew nothing could harm me here.

"Seth, I am you. Of course I remember."

I took that in for a moment then cursed, slumping back against the wall. "So my totem is a goose. That's just... great. I guess that whole 'Tell me your purpose in life' thing is fake too, right?"

The goose drew himself up. "No, that's real: And it's a good one."

"All right," I said slowly. "Hit me."

“Your purpose is… To be a goose."

I waited a moment, expecting more. But it was nothing. The goose even fluffed its feathers as if proud.

"Seriously?" I said.

It cocked its head down to look at me. “Seth, what do you think a goose is?"

“A delicious bird?” I tried. "Lays a lot of eggs?"

The goose swiped a wing forward and though the wing itself was as big as a hover-car in my first life, it had the delicacy to clip me just upside the head.

"Female gooses lay eggs, you idiot. You’re a gander! What else?"

Scowling, I rubbed my head. "Gooses are mean sons of bitches."

I meant it as a swipe towards him. But though my totem had a beak, he seemed to smile.

"That's right: No one fucks with a goose."

I rubbed my mouth in thought. Old farmer Kaleb with the cat totem had a hatred of dogs. So he had a small flock of geese guard his small homestead. They were the white puddle-geese, not the gray and black Canada goose in front of me. But Kaleb always claimed with the geese on duty, no one could sneak up on his house.

I never thought much about it, but... maybe he had a point?

I'd rather be a tiger, though. Or an alligator like my Mom.

Another thought hit me and I winced. "Am I going to grow a noodle-neck?" The feathers wouldn't be too bad, I guess. But... "And webbed feet?"

"That's up to you," the goose said.

"What do you mean?"

In answer, the goose waddled aside. As it turned out, the light in the room wasn't just for dramatic effect. It came from the bright ring I'd instinctively cultivated. That ring now surrounded an egg. The light was so intense it illuminated the sleeping gosling inside.

The goose spread a wing toward the egg. "Two roads lay ahead. You can give or you can take. Either way, you'll follow your destiny to be a goose." It chuckled. "One is just more literal than the other."

My feelings could be summed up in one word: "What?"

The goose let out a honking sigh. "You remember those monster cores you swallowed when you first got here?"

I nodded. I hadn't realized they were monster cores at the time, but that's what made them so valuable. An adult who absorbed a monster core gained a boost to their totem's power. It was potent stuff: My parents swallowed one each and now they rated above and beyond other adults their age. Dad could work a field all day manipulating literal tons of earth. As for Mom… well, no one with sense crossed Mom. She regularly sunned herself with her sister alligators and could command them on basic fetch and carry tasks.

“Those cores didn't do much for me except this light show," I said.

"You have no idea what it did for you. For one thing, people don't start cultivating their own energy until after their totem is revealed. You started at three. Then you built up this well of energy and learned to control it. Seth, you're basically starting on third base. Show a little gratitude."

Resisting the urge to snark back 'well done' and pat myself on the back, I settled for. "Okay, so what now?"

"Again, that's up to you. You have this massive store of power. Most people drip feed it into their totem's core which converts it into their personal magic. Then when they need to work a spell, they draw it out again."

"So they use their totem as a... magic filter."

The goose honked his agreement. "More like a battery. The magic they pull out again has side effects, both light and dark."

"... Yeah."

That was the part of totem magic no one liked to talk about: The deformed. The ones who lost their humanity and roamed the land in packs, killing and destroying everything in their path.

No one knew how it happened, exactly. No one in our village had Deformed themselves in decades. But sometimes whole villages went bad at a time.

That was my parent's quiet theory about how I came to live with them: I must have somehow escaped a doomed village and swam the river. Maybe I caught a ride on a log to carry me part of the way.

I never got around to telling them about my first life on Earth. Better to think I was a last survivor.

"You said there was another way?" I asked.

"Yes," the goose said. "Give the energy to the chick. Let it grow and see what it becomes."

I crossed my arms. "You want me to give all my magic to you."

"I am you, remember?" the goose said.

"Uh-huh. Sounds like a scam. Anyway, if I gave it to you how would I draw it out again to do magic?"

The goose was suspiciously silent.

"I won't be able to do magic?!"

"No, you will. Just... not like everyone in this podunk village. Instead of drawing magic out, you'll use it to feed your core and let that power you.”

"What?" I felt like I was saying that a lot recently.

"Instead of being a goose on the outside, you must learn to be a goose on the inside. Only by nurturing your inner totem and learning who you are will you access true power. And Seth," fire flashed in the goose's eyes. "It is true power. Not the borrowed, warping power of your village. You have a chance at true magic."

I thought about that for a moment. "So... if I do this, I won't change? No long neck? No feathers?"

"Your changes will be on the inside."

"I'll grow a gizzard?"

"Your soul, Seth," the goose honked.

I grinned, happy to mess with it -- me, I guess. I hadn't had a free conversation like this since... Earth. I couldn't relate to kids my "age", and I was always aware I was an alien to this place. An outsider looking in. A part of me was always careful to watch my words and make sure I didn’t come off like an alien dropped onto this planet.

Then the implications of what the goose was saying hit full force. I frowned.

"I'll stay human. No totem features at all. Just me."

That was no small thing. People judged the strength of other's magic by how many animal features they had. Mom's scales and sharp teeth took some getting used to, but they earned her respect. Same with dad's black and white coat that had grown to cover almost his entire body.

People would look at me and wonder if I had a totem at all.

"But I'll have magic?" I asked.

"True magic," the goose agreed. "Oh, and you have to decide now."

"Why's that?"

The goose cocked its head. “Because the invasion horn is blowing."

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Quick! Go be a goose-cultivator and punch some monsters!! 😲


I don't know...watch a Canadian Geese attack a Silverback gorilla at the zoo.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq0gZiJxP5Q




i do feel that seeming visually meek is very appropriate for a goose

mr. redd

Didn’t think I would but I’m liking this so far!!👍🏿🔥


Thinking about it, are geese native to this planet? Or his familiar an intergalactic inter dimensional Alien Earth Goose from the far away planet of earth and the land of Canada?


Yep, made about as much sense as I expected a totem vision to make. Thanks for the chapters!


Sure, geese are mean. But if a geese ran at my kid, I'd punt it in the face. I would never even let my kid get within 200 feet of a grizzly bear. Or a silverback gorilla. Or a hippo for that matter. Point being, this story is a lot sillier than I hoped it would be. Not very interesting to read about some dude with a goose totem. Would have been a nice opportunity for a rare, extinct, or maybe mythical creature like a quetzalcoatl or a phoenix. Idk, I'm pretty underwhelmed and disillusioned with this story now. And that's a shame because I was hooked right up until now.

Nathan Sto

Have you ever met a Canadian goose? Specifically the Canadian part. If a Canadian goose is coming for my kid, it can have it. Plus, punching it in the face is a bad idea - you’d cut yourself on the TEETH IT HAS ON ITS TOUNGE.

Izmir Beqiri

thank you for the chapter and happy New year's


https://youtu.be/zkgwmPUak70 That said, a lot of what makes geese so scary is the fact that people have stopped wanting to hurt wildlife.

Honour Rae

That's going to be the theme of the story "How can I make a goose bad-ass". It may not be for everyone.


Are you sure you haven’t spent too much time playing goose simulator.


Please leave this story accessible on the rare / common tier as I.. to be honest don't want to complete an additional subscription and neither want to wait until this story caught up if it is eventually released on RR, as I am currently caught up in this story myself and don't want to stop reading... pretty please?

Ricky Kukowski

alright, I love this story and would prefer if it becomes your main one but this chapter sets so much up and yet misses so much. I feel I need to say something or I'll be torn away from the story by losing any possible suspension of disbelief. hippos are mean as shit geese are not. as a goose or more specifically a gander there are some very important things to know. 1. they are very protective of their family and friends which can include other animals. one of the reasons people think they're mean is because they interact during mating season when geese are protecting their young 2. ganders are just as involved as the mother and share all aspects of rearing their children. 3. they are very social animals, not in fact, loners. they mourn the loss or every friend and rpelative. they also bond easily with many other animals (less so when they feel their children are endangered) 4. geese and ganders are highly intelligent and have excellent memories. not only do they remember each of their children for their whole lives but they also are great with landmarks and astrological patterns. 5. all terrain animals. they are water fowl, so obviously great on water and in the air, but they also enjoy and live on land. they are one of if not the most all terrain animal in existence. 6. prideful. ganders use the same nest year in and year out in their marriage. they continue to build it up and decorate it constantly improving their nest. 7. when a goose falls out of formation while flying others will drop out with them to protect them until they can get rolling again. So, what is a gander. a fiercely loyal friend and father who travels often but looks forward to coming home and spending months of down time each year doting on his family. a man with a great memory for details and highly perceptive. fairly easy going unless he detects danger to those he loves then a switch flips and he defends his loved ones beyond anything else. they often travel as a group and everyone pulling each other along making the trip easier for all. that group can be made of friends, family, or even temporary but soon to be trusted companions.

Lányi Csaba

I like this almost as much as the other one, but I'm gonna be honest here, I probably won't buy a separate subsription. You could increase the price by like 10%-15% or something and that would be a good trade for the added content of the story, as long as it doesn't slow down the posting of the main one's. But other than that, keep going, this story is super interesting.