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“Jonessa…do you see that? On the horizon?” She adjusted her glasses and tilted her tophat to block the sun better, “What is it, Nibs?” Nibs squinted. “Pirates, I think.” “Hey, quiet down, I was trying to take a nap!” Bee interrupted, appearing from behind some barrels. Jonessa pointed. “I’m pretty sure it’s pirates.” Suddenly alarmed, Bee asked, “What are we going to do?  There are only a handful of us. We couldn’t outsail them even if we lifted anchor in time.” “And Pan told us to stay right here,” Nibs added. “Pan will c-c-come back, and save us just in time. J-just watch,” Bee said, her voice shaking as she tried to assure herself.

“Wendy! We have to tell Wendy!” Jonessa said as she headed for the cabin door.

Just before she reached it, it popped open. Wendy came out, clapping her hands together to clear them of the flour that rose in little clouds. “What’s the row up here?” she asked.

Jonessa, Bee, and Nibs all spoke out at once, creating an unintelligible mess of overlapping words. But Wendy looked where they were pointing and immediately understood the gravity of their situation. “Pirates!” she said. “Yes!” the others shouted in agreement as Michelle came out the cabin door, and blinded by the light, stumbled into her big sister.

“We need to get out of here,” Wendy said, ignoring the collision for more important matters. “But Pan told us to stay right here!” Nibs objected. “Pan will find us anyway,” Wendy argued. “Let’s move. Everyone, haul anchor!” Curly stepped up, “There are only six of us on board. Not enough to haul the anchor as quickly as we need, and even if we did, we’d be sitting ducks. Even if you and your sisters were experienced deckhands, we’re too few to give enough sail not to be overtaken.”

“We’re going to have to fight?” said Bee, concerned. “We can’t take all of them,” Michelle cried.

“Ready the cannons!” Wendy shouted, trying to take charge. “We have plenty of powder,” Curly said, “but no shot.” Wendy groaned in frustration, then thought for a moment. “I’ve been down below baking some of Pan’s favorite desserts. Not all of them came out well. Michelle, bring them up. We can use them as shot.”

“What will that do?” Bee asked, confused. “Well, it will confuse the heck out of them, perhaps buy us some time. Load the cannons! Jonessa, prepare some of your favorite pranks down below. IF you can, give them a little more “bite” than usual. Jonessa frowned, “But I wanted to fight pirates.” “Oh, you’ll get to,” Wendy said, “but if you prepare some traps first, we have a chance.”

Bee, Nibs, and Curly loaded the cannons, and Michelle brought the pastries. “I was only able to bring up half. The rest are still below decks.” Curly dipped her fingers in the cream on one of the pies, and licked it. “These are soft and creamy. You’re not going to take anyone down with these.”

“Just do as I say. We need every advantage,” Wendy responded. She watched as the Jolly Roger came ever closer. “Pick your targets and wait….wait.”



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