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The sheriff freed the innkeeper from the stocks and stepped away. “Let them have it!” she cried, and the crowd cheered. Villagers stepped forward to hurl fruit, vegetables, eggs, cream past its prime, and clods of dirt at the two bound women.

Choru gasped in surprise before closing her mouth after the taste of rotten egg filled it. Cream splattered on Maddie’s cheeks and dripped down slowly.

The crowd's enthusiasm continued undampered for a time, Maddie wasn’t certain how long, but in her opinion, it was far too long. Naked and covered in filth, she was willing to do just about anything to get out of this town. But the wood bound her neck and wrists. She wasn’t going anywhere.

But suddenly
the crowd turned their attention to something out of her vision. Their peltings of dirt and cream slowed until they all seemed to be concerned about something. Maddie could hear the faint sounds of horses under the concerned murmurs of the villagers. Even the Hierophant and sheriff seemed worried. The crowd started to disperse, and the sheriff’s hand rested warily on the hilt of her blade.

That’s when she heard a familiar voice. “G’wan, git out of here! These two are ours. Well, the mage is, anyway!” A wagon pulled into view, just barely in her peripheral vision.

The sheriff gritted her teeth. “I don’t know who you are, stranger, but these two prisoners are under the jurisdiction of the village of Farnfield. Go back where you came, and there won’t be a problem.”

Velathra leapt from the wagon, “Have you ever crossed swords with an elven duskblade? Or a dwarven berserker?” she said. Minna brandished her axe right on cue, amused with the slight overstatement of her military credentials. She made a note to herself never to play poker against the elf.



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