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Nearly at the bottom of the long tower staircase, the lower left portion of Glasha’s dress snagged a loose piece of iron on the railing. The half-orc tripped over her own feet, and tumbled face-first down the stairs, landing in a chaotic pile of books. “OOOF! OWWW!” Even as she picked herself up, a new look of concern came over her. “My glasses!” On all fours, she swept the floor with her hands, looking for the elusive spectacles at the bottom of the dark staircase. While her hands found nothing but a splinter, she heard a crack and a tinkling sound while moving one of her knees. Reaching under it, as she feared, she had discovered the fate of her spectacles: shattered beyond use. “Nooooo! How am I going to read all these books?” she asked out loud, to no one. At least the potions that were in her backpack were intact. She picked the books up off the floor, and now dejectedly headed back to the hall to meet the others.



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