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Rylenka was actually starting to feel exhausted, and was worried for Miri. She hadn’t planned this, but once she experienced it, she had had a hard time stopping. Just as she was about to climb off, the double doors of the room swung wide open. To her surprise, a pair of women in leather armor strode in, one holding a pair of daggers. Aside from their attire, the two couldn’t look more different, one tall and with hair streaked with white-blonde, the other shorter and darker. But both carried themselves like deadly professionals.

The light-haired one smiled. “This is how I expected to find our cargo
” Nimue smiled in response. “I told you you could pick them up here, I didn’t say we wouldn’t have a little fun first. In fact, I wish we had had more time with them.”

“Well, thank you for delivering your captives. Bleakmorne is in your debt. Veloryna will be pleased.”

Nimue seemed surprised, “Veloryna
the princess? And what of her mother?”

“Ursulax has taken ill, Veloryna is in charge. I trust this doesn’t unsettle you?” asked the blonde woman, looking for signs of disloyalty.

“Oh, no
I knew Veloryna long ago. Send her tidings from Nimue, along with this gift of her enemies.”

By this point, Rylenka was on her hands and knees, and Miri, still dazed, was struggling to get up. “We’re not going anywhere with you!” the half-orc bluffed. The shorter, darker woman laughed. “It doesn’t look like you’ve got much choice. We’re armed and, well, putting aside your nude, muddy state, you can’t even leave that ring until the lady of the house allows it. Now stand up, both of you
elf, you stand in the far corner. Orc, come toward the fence



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