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Hundreds of miles away, in front of an elaborate shrine carved from a rocky crag, Archdeaconess Cafrune had assembled the force she would use to accomplish the mission given her. She stood before lieutenants Kerledre Morningsword and Layre Denholm, of the City guard of Ofusca, in their shining armor. Although their uniforms were entirely alike, it was hard for them to see more different. Kerledre was as stocky as Layre was svelte. But both had fearsome reputations as warriors and enforcers of the law. On her right side stood the freckle-faced Zarih Myras, a young noble from one of the most powerful families of Bleakmorne. Not old enough that her family deemed it likely she’d inherit a title, she had been put in the service of the queen to earn her way as a warrior. On her left, Paladin Mavlee, a formidable representative of the fanatic skull warriors. Even as a Cleric of Occultia, Cafrune had mixed feelings about bringing such a mindless zealot on the mission. They worshipped the same deity, sure, but Cafrune heard the words of her divinity in terms of subtlety and politic, while Mavlee and her ilk only seemed to her the goddess calling for blood.

Assembled on the Archdeaconess’ right flank were the archers Cozzi and Bryzara, whose temper was as fiery as her red hair. Nearby, a pair of assassins, who never worked in groups before, the quiet but deadly blonde Irina, and Grethe Omazah, armed with several punch-daggers.

Cafrune had told the mages to organize on her left flank. There was Zoya Selina, from the southern desert, Lifra, suspected by some to be part elf (which would mean a sentence of exile in Bleakmorne, except that nothing could be proven), and the purple-haired eccentric Nemmi Zaleria. Nemmi was a free spirit, a trait that Bleakmorne did not encourage or appreciate, but her divination skills were second to none.

Cafrune smiled slightly. With an army of professionals like this, how could she fail. It was time to make her speech—to inspire her troops and explain the mission.

“Thank you for heading the call of Bleakmorne, the call of Occultia, and meeting me here at her shrine. You must understand the importance of a royal summons that carries the full backing of the Dark Cathedral. I’ve been chosen by the queen to lead us on a mission of great import. You are some of Bleakmorne’s greatest warriors, mages, rangers, and assassins. We will not fail.”

Cafrune paused for dramatic effect, as a raven cawed in the sky above.

“Our efforts to undermine the cowardly Wardshell shields of our enemies are bearing fruit. But the council is concerned about the weakness of their magic, and has sent out a party to find an artifact to strengthen them. That artifact is the Crown of Beleth the Pious. It was believed lost, but scryings of late have shown that it still exists. It is our job to prevent them, by any means, from reaching the artifact. We have the strength of Bleakmorne, and the wisdom of Occultia. We cannot fail.”

A cheer rose up among the various soldiers and mages
but changed to a confused clamor, as a ball of light appeared in front of the shrine, and turned into a disc of swirling mist.

Soon, a form emerged from the disk. It was a tall, imperious woman in a black dress, whose raven-colored hair had a substantial streak running through it, white as snow. The portal slammed shut behind her.

“Veloryna?” Cafrune said, stunned. The woman smiled a smile with no warmth as she climbed the stairs and came face to face with the archdeaconess. “In the flesh, Cleric.”

Cafrune stumbled over her words as they came out of her mouth. “But, but Queen Ursulax ordered me specifically that you were to remain in Ofusca.”

Veloryna smiled again, “Oh, mother? She’s taken ill. She always did have terrible timing. Don’t believe me? Ask scry-slut.” She gestured to Nemmi. Cafrune merely nodded at the sorceress, who in moments, nodded back, gravely.

“I see,” said Cafrune, “the queen was in quite good health when I saw her last—“

“Things change,” Veloryna interrupted. “Good health can turn to bad. Life can turn to death.”

Cafrune didn’t take the threat lightly, but, confronted with the princess of the realm, there was little she could do to counter it. “My orders explicitly state—“

“Your orders have changed. I’m now leading this expedition. It’s time for me to show Bleakmorne what I’m capable of.”

“But the queen—“

“My mother is in no shape to enforce her orders to you. Until she is, you’ll have to worry about pleasing ME. I will lead this expedition, and that’s that.”

Cafrune nodded. She had exhausted all other options. This mission as going to be even more difficult than she had thought.



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