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There was an awkward moment of silence as each participant in the standoff took the measure of the situation. But suddenly, the silence was broken—by Lazgar, laughing loudly. “Shut up, or I’ll cut you,” Therliss said, unsettled by the reaction of her hostage. She added, “Just let her and I go, and we’ll never bother you again.”

But Lazgar simply kept laughing. Then, like a flash of lightning, she completed a combination of moves. First, her heel flew up and hit Therliss between the legs. At the same time, one hand pulled the knife hand away from her throat, while the other grabbed hold of her arm, and she leaned forward, throwing the ranger over her head.

Therliss, stunned, pained, and confused, rolled on the floor helplessly, her hands cupping her crotch. One of Lazgar’s bodyguards picked her up and dragged her until she was kneeling next to Mirri.



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