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“That’s not good enough. But you will stay until you tell us. In the meantime, I decree that this sword, that spilled so much orc-blood taste its first Elf-Flesh. Grulba?” The Jarl held out the sword, and a large orc stepped out from behind Miri to accept it. “Wait!” she whined, cowering.

“Will you tell us of your mission? The prisoner is silent.”

“If I may, my Jarl,” said a young, pale-skinned Orc in a long dress, sitting on the sidelines.”

“What is it, Glasha?” Lazgar fumed.

“I think we should note, by the build and the amount of body hair that this prisoner isn’t an elf. Elves are thin, and this one is thick. Likewise, I’ve read that elves have sparser hair under their arms and down below. It’s usually much straighter than we see here. Our prisoner, therefore, is only half-elf.”

“Nishrala deliver us from half-breeds!” Lazgar shouted, eliciting laughter from the surrounding orcs. Glasha, however frowned. The Jarl noticed, but turned away. “OK, Grulba, let this Scourge Sword scourge some HALF-elven flesh, then!”



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