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With a slight groan, she climbed to all fours, then settled into a kneeling pose. Her head was still spinning. Lazgar seemed annoyed, “One should not make a Jarl wait.” Miri looked up, terrified. “Washing,” she said. The jarl looked at her advisors in disbelief. “Washing?” “Yes, I was washing up in the river, after a long day of travel.” An orc on one of the benches laughed out loud. “Yes, you must be a very dirty girl, I saw how vigorously you were ‘washing.’ Or is the natural beauty of our river that inspiring?” The enthroned orc rolled her eyes toward the orc on the bench with a grim expression. “That will be enough, Rogbut. In my hall, I ask the questions, and our little elf here answers. So I command it.” Chastened, Rogbut looked down. “You are dismissed.” “But I was the one who found the spy
” Another stern glance, and Rogbut left the hall, without any other word. The jarl then turned back to questioning her prisoner.

“Excuse the interruption. Rogbut overestimated the privilege of her station. She will not do so again. So, why were you washing in our territory? Who sent you here?”

Miri shuddered, knowing the consequences of lying could be grave, but the consequences of telling the truth weren’t going to help matters. “I was just passing through, on a mission from the Arcane Council.”

Predictably, this sent a series of alarmed gasps through the hall.

“And what interest do the Realms have in our territory? Do they finally wish our extermination?”



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