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Miri yawned and sat up, stretching her long legs. The sun would be rising soon. She brushed her hair, and got dressed for the day as quickly as she could manage.

Today, she would put on her armor, and she had spent hours last night polishing it. Whereas some knights and justicars had armor so complex that they needed help to get into it, as a retainer with a background in adventuring, she needed to be able to gear up on her own. To that end, the system of straps that held her chainmail and half-plate had to be simpler. It was nothing unusual; most of the retainers and mercenaries in the city didn’t wear the complex full suit of plates favored by those of high rank. Her armor was impressive, nevertheless—Lady Sivallien would have it no other way for one of her chief bodyguards. The gear was practical, but also sent a certain message about the wealth and status of its wearer’s employer.

Strapping on a sword that had been passed down through the elven side of her heritage, she was ready for the day. She checked her teeth and arranged her hair quickly one last time in the small mirror that hung on the wall of her tiny quarters, before heading to the refectory.



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