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It had been over 50 years since the Arcane Council had called a general meeting, but this year, they were meeting again in Rhynchus, the largest city of the realm, where they had conjured the first of the Wardshells. No one outside the council could estimate with confidence the reason the meeting was called. But, as always, there were rumors. And rumors have a way of being discussed where ale flows.

“I heard from one of the merchants in town that the shell, out in Oniridge actually flickered,” said a sturdy dwarven woman as she tipped her large tankard to empty out the last drops, then mopped her lips with her sleeve, pushing her reddish war braid away from her face. “Nooooo, what could cause a thing like that?” asked a dark haired human woman, absentmindedly tapping her own tankard on the edge of the table. “Certainly nothing the likes of you can conjure, ya complete joke of a witch.” The human frowned, “Minna, take that back.” The dwarf grinned, “Fine, ya complete joke of a sorceress.” Another frown, “Well, you’re a complete—“



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