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Rowena had been comfortable on horseback since the first time she had mounted one. Her trip back to headquarters from Dacqoise had been the only time she was ever uncomfortable sitting on a steed, until now. Unbeknownst to her army, Vittoria had offered her own revenge for getting her captured in the village. Rowena, still nude, had reported to headquarters in the morning, where she was offered her armor and a clean set of undergarments. The sisters’ servants even acted as squires to help her don her armor. But before doing so, they had filled the back of the panties with thorns and nettles. With her armor on, Rowena couldn’t get them out, and was forced to sit on the needley plants the entire ride to Dacqoise. After the spankings she had taken at the hands of the villagers, the magical shocks and paddling she had received from the sisters, Vittoria’s punishment added injury to insult. And it dragged out every moment she was mounted. 

(Pics will resume tomorrow...this small torment wasn't worth setting up a whole interior scene, so we learn about it only in the text)