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“Your Highness, this is Carlotta,” Maeve said, as the mercenary bowed. “So, Carlotta,” said Fiona pointedly, “I hear you are the best of the best.” “Aye, my sisters and I are. They call me the bonecrusher.” “Good, good….how are you at stealth?” Fiona continued. “Well, my sisters may be a little quieter than I, but none of us are strangers to, let’s say, covert action.”

Fiona nodded to Maeve, who continued the briefing. “Lady Rowena has lost control of Dacqoise, it’s up to the Crimson Horde to get it back and hold it. There is a high-value asset being held in the stocks in the town square.” Carlotta nodded enthusiastically, “We will get General Rowena back for you.” A flash of anger shot over Maeve’s face. “I said a high-value asset, not a fat horse’s ass.” Fiona looked angrily at Maeve, who cleared her throat, and continued. “For all I care, you can leave that fat cow out to pasture. It’s Duchess Vittoria we want you to concentrate on freeing. Once she is safely out, we want you to open the gates for us.”

“What you ask will be done in short order. Be prepared to attack when we give the signal.”

Maeve nodded, “I know. Make certain that Vittoria knows it was the Crimson Horde that saved her. Dismissed.”

Carlotta bowed again, saluted, then exited the tavern. The last thing she heard was Fiona's voice: “Like I said, Maeve. You’d better not disappoint.”



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