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(The story since my last story installment, in one long text without the pictures)


It was not difficult to bind Angelique, who put up little resistance at this point, and soon, she was lying next to Emile. 

“Now, take her clothing and armor,” Rowena commanded, removing her foot from Patrice. In no time, Lorraine had pulled Patrice to her feet and removed her armor. “Nothing personal, dear Patrice, she taunted, as she put on the armor. “You were just in the way.” She left the denuded guard bound in the town square as Rowena gave the next orders.

“My soldiers should have already occupied this square. Take this,” Rowena said, handing the mace to Lorraine to complete the outfit. “We will make for the gate and see what’s wrong.” With supreme confidence, she patted her horse and left it behind as the two of them made for the gate.

“When the attack was announced, most of the townspeople hid inside,” Lorraine informed the knight. “I tend to have that effect on people,” Rowena conceded, smiling wickedly.

Arriving at the gate, they found Chorinna and Eleanor having just closed the gate, and Clarabelle, having secured the area, headed straight for the town square.

“What are your plans here? I order you to leave our peaceful town immediately or—“

“I’ll take care of this one, “ Rowena said, smiling, “You can handle the others, I take it?”

“When we defeat them, I want custody of these three,” Lorraine said, “It’s personal.”

Clarabelle charged Rowena with a high attack. Rowena easily parried; her skills were such that her opponent posed little danger to her, and she smiled, glad to be fighting a trained warrior at least. Conquering this town had proved no challenge at all, and she was honestly bored.

Clarabelle tried and tried again, rebuffed each time by Rowena’s defenses. The knight was drawing out the fight, using it for entertainment and light exercise, and Clarabelle’s hopes sunk as the realization gradually dawned on her.

Lorraine ran toward Chorinna, but the magistrate did her best to stay away from the armed dairy farmer. Iris managed to stand still long enough to cast a spell. A bull came running down the ramp. She hoped that this illusion would set her opponents to flight as it had last time. Rowena barely noticed the rampaging bull, and Lorraine looked at it for a moment, and attacked unfazed. Of course, the model for the bull had been Mortimer, the large, ornery beast from Lorraine’s farm. Knowing where she had last seen the beast, Lorraine realized it was an illusion, and now targeted Iris.

After about a dozen parries, Rowena’s expression changed. With one flick of the wrist, she disarmed Clarabelle. Keeping her blade aimed at Clarabelle as a threat, she then executed a quick series of precise cuts, aimed at the support system of her armor. Clarabelle was too terrified to move, as Rowena’s sword stripped her, one piece of armor at a time. First her belt and scabbard, then her skirt, then the chainmail. AS the armor fell away, her plump flesh popped out, as if freed from a sardine can. In a short time, she was wearing only a skimpy pair of white panties, her boots, bracers, and the blue bow in her hair. 

“You were a fool to challenge me!” Rowena declared, “But I suppose you know that now. Kneel and I’ll spare your life.”

Clarabelle complied. Iris, out of tricks, dropped to her knees and surrendered to Lorraine, and Chorinna, begrudgingly, had to follow suit. “That was easy!” Lorraine gloated. “You, over here!” Rowena commanded to Clarabelle, putting her on her knees next to the other two. “You, get that gate open. I’ll “inspect” these prisoners. Lorraine nodded and headed to open the gate.

Rowena, in the meantime, smiled as she looked on the first three of her prisoners in the newly-conquered town. “What have we here?” Passing Clarabelle, she muttered, “I’ve already seen the large but ineffective guard
who are you?” Chorinna didn’t answer immediately, and Rowena didn’t wait. “What a nice head of hair. It would be a shame if
” she put the blade of her sword near the magistrate’s neck. 

.something happened to it.” Chorinna gulped as the razor-sharp blade was drawn back. Instead of her throat being cut, she saw locks of her hair catch wind and blow away. Chorinna’s eyes went wide, glad to still have her head but concerned. The shine of the night’s armor confirmed her fears. Rowena had bobbed her long, lovely hair above her chin. Falling out of her fancy updo, her hair frizzed out to the sides.

But the knight wasn’t finished. As the gate opened behind them and soldiers under Rowena’s command flooded through the gates, she looked down at Chorinna. “That dress—you look like someone important. Well, that won’t do. You’re nobody now, and should look like nobody. With a few careful flicks of her razor-sharp blade, she sliced through the bodice ribbon, allowing the magistrate’s chest and stomach to pour out of it. Another quick slice allowed her skirt to pool at her knees.

“That’s it! Search the houses! Gather everyone in the square. Confiscate weapons, food, or useful supplies!” Rowena ordered as her troops ran by. 

“Mi’Lady?” Lorraine asked tentatively. “May I have these three, per our agreement?” “Indeed. And your payment will arrive with the Venetian.” “If it is not too much to ask, Milady, may I have a soldier assigned, to help control these three?” Rowena glanced over the town around her. “I have more than enough troops to occupy this defenseless little hamlet. Veronica! Mercedes! You’re with Lorraine here. Help her keep control of these prisoners, and generally do what she asks, within reason. And here
” she said, now to Lorraine, taking a sword from the belt of a soldier wielding a polearm, and handing it to Lorraine, “take this.” Then, to her soldiers, she shouted, “Send a messenger to the sorceresses and the Venetian. We’ve taken the town.”

The two soldiers saluted and placed themselves on either side of the group of prisoners. Both wore chainmail hauberks and had light hair. Mercedes was built heavier, and carried a cutlass. Veronica was armed with a spear, which she pointed threateningly at Eleanor. Lorraine smiled. “This here is Eleanor. Watch her, she’s a witch. But for now, I think we should search her to make certain she isn’t hiding any weapons.”

“If I had been hiding weapons don’t you think I would have put up a fight?” Eleanor pleaded. “No matter, have her strip. If she won’t, well
” Lorraine ordered, as she tore the remaining bits of Chorinna’s dress off.

Threatened by Veronica, Iris stood up and began stripping. Soon, she was down to a corset, her panties, and the white leggings she had been wearing under her skirt. Still threatened by the spear, she opened the corset, and let it fall to her feet.


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