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Wei-Ling meets Shiori.





Yove've rendered Wei-Ling beautifully! Just as I imagined she's thin, lithe and delicate looking. I also love the simplicity of her outfit. Shiori looks strong and understated just as the Eastern characters should in this tale. I can't wait to see the contrast with the bigger, more elaborately dressed and made-up Western villanesses, and eventually seeing how much softer they are then these tough hard-bodies! Great work, keep it up :)


Thanks! It's definitely coming soon. I've gone ahead and solved a few of the things that I assumed when trip me up when I get to them...like the mint machine, but I've got real progress into the first day of battle. Once I finish the Rowena sequence, I'll speed up how fast they appear. I just need to be a bit ahead because I work several jobs and might need to stop working on it for a time here and there; I don't want to stop supplying scenes, so I try to be ahead of what I release. At the rate I'm going, I can speed up the trickle soon.


The Rowena sequence is one of my favourites! But I really can’t wait to see Ophelia being stripped of her tight girdle like clothes and then getting that wand magically pushed into her fat bottom as she squats on all fours beneath the misleading statue of herself! And then of course there’s the wonderful scene where all Mariana’s spells get reversed and she gets stripped and spanked on her fat bottom as well! While everything so far has been fun I think the real joy will come with the Ophelia and Mariana climax! (Fingers crossed)


I had forgotten how much good stuff waits at the end after the battles seem over. Anyway, I accelerated the pace until mid-December, trying to get into the best stuff. But I've carefully rendered most of the scenes on the way there.


Interesting! I think my enjoyment is largely based on how much I think the character being beaten deserves their punishment. There is something so thrilling about a just comeuppance, where a person who has behaved really badly towards a weaker person then finds themselves in a lower position that that weaker person and is humiliated by them. That's why my favourites in The Tale are Marianna, Ophelia and Rowena - all those scenes of them being cruel and arrogant and mean makes the turnabout all that more delicious!


I like the same thing, but also, I want the person being punished to be hot. Sometimes it's nice to let the bully win over the nice girls for a while before she gets her comeuppance; it's like two sides of the coin.