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Futa Weiss In Chaldea


By Azure/ For Anon

Chapter One- Getting To Know Chaldea, One Fuck At a Time (Weiss x Da Vinci and Mash)


Somewhere far above Mantle, the mystical bridges brought on by the Relic of Creation had begun dispersing into particles glowing with energy with everybody either rushing into the gateways leading them to safety or getting tossed into them by the chaos happening around them. Weiss was one such casualty of this conflict when she was blasted by one of Cinder Fall's attacks, nearly vaporizing her Aura as she was forced off of one of the bridges and hurling into the darkness of the void below. She had tried rushing towards the portal during the fight where her team was waiting, but that was no longer possibly afforded to her. Plummeting from the heights as she heard Ruby's voice call out to her, Weiss felt only tears leave her face as she and her friends were separated once more. This time it was possibly by death. Blake and Yang had gotten tossed into Ruby from the fight between Grimm and Cinder's forces, forcing them into the portal before it disappeared!

She saw Jaune doing the same as well as handfuls of other innocent people, leaving her very much afraid she was going to die as she plummeted into the black void beneath her! All she could do now was scream helplessly and resign herself to her fate, wishing she had more opportune moments to make love to other girls with that special part of her anatomy on her body that had brought her so much pleasure.

"Uuuaaaaaaaahhhhhh........!" Weiss cried out, holding out an arm to the sky as darkness consumed every inch of her eyesight. Somehow she wound up sinking through a dimensional nexus between all gateways and worlds when she had nearly hit terminal velocity, this made Weiss disappear in a flash and brought her to a place between all realms of existence. Before she transitioned from this world to the next, Weiss passed out and cried out one last time for her sister and her team before becoming engulfed in a mystical flash of light!


A surge of Mystical Magical energy ripped through the skies above the Antarctic base known as Chaldea, the sky had been clear as crystal earlier despite the occasional snowstorm, but now there was some kind of Mystical anomaly that radiated with unique Spiritual energy. Falling from the sky and doing so in a similar manner befitting a comet coming down to Earth, Weiss had reappeared semi-conscious with her body coated in Aura as she plummeted towards the snowy ground of Earth just outside the base.


In a loud 'Boom' of impact, the girl had landed in a thick snowbank, the insane amount of fluffy snow cushioned her fall and kept her undamaged with the help from her Aura encasing her. Her blue and silver clothes were still a mess though. There were rips in the fabric and an assortment of bruises all over her body. Her hair was a mess as it had been undone from its long braided ponytail, leaving everything spread out beneath her shoulders as she was left sprawled on her back and nearly covered in ice-cold snow.

"Anybody....? Somebody.....! H-help....where am I....? Ugh....! I can't believe I'm going to die face-deep in freezing snow. How....pathetically ironic." Weiss whimpered weakly as she felt her Aura flickering more consistently and would only be able to withstand these extreme temperatures for a minute or two more.

Just then, somebody came out of the base in response to her arrival.

"H-hold on! I'm coming! let me know where you are and wait for me to get to you!" A girl's distant voice called out to the barely-breathing girl. Weiss managed to muster enough of her strength as possible and called out to her, feeling her strength leave just after she called out to her would-be rescuer.

"I'm...here! I'm here.....! Please..hurry!" Weiss cried out, feeling the last of her strength diminished as she slumped onto the snowy grind, seeing a flash of pink hair coming into view just before she passed out cold.

A girl clad in dark leather clothing with purple trim and high-spec gear that included a body-sized shield came out after the high-tech doors slid open. She had plum-colored hair and beautiful pale skin that complimented her angelic appearance clad in dark gear. She arrived outside and hurried over with her large leather leg-high boots stepping into the steep snow with eyes looking upon Weiss's unconscious body. She was a girl named Mash Kyrielight and was currently analyzing the 'Anomaly' that was detected earlier with the bulky Ortinax visor over her eyes. She got close enough to see that it was a human girl despite sensing odd Paranormal energy coming out of her, Mash knelt closely a communication piece in her right ear.

"Miss Da Vinci, I've found the 'Anomaly', but it's not what we thought it was. I am looking at a human girl. She's unconscious and radiating some kind of ambient energy around her that's keeping her from freezing to death from the cold, but not for long. My scanners are telling me she's not a Servant and her temperature is dropping fast, I'm going to carry her inside right now.~" Mash said into the comm piece as she noticed the ambient energy surrounding Weiss's body beginning to flicker.

"Yes, bring her in quickly before she literally freezes to death and we'll be forced to examine a popsicle corpse. Whoever she is and how she suddenly appeared from out of the sky is something we're going to question her about when she wakes up. For now, hurry and bring her in. We'll have a medical team waiting to take her off your hands." A woman's wise and bubbly voice spoke out from the other end of the communication link, prompting Mash into action as she scooped each of her arms underneath Weiss's body before picking her up and carrying her bridal-style over into the building.

"C'mon, stay alive until we get you to safety, whoever you are." She said to the unconscious silver-haired girl before rushing back into the building entrance from whence she came. With each heavy step she made, Weiss weakly opened her eyes to see that she was being carried by an abnormally strong girl with lovely plum hair.


Eventually opening her eyes and realizing she was in a calm, serene place with pale white lights and an office-like atmosphere, Wiess awoke from atop a twin-size hospital bed somewhere in the infirmary. She had noticed that she had none of her original clothing on and had only worn a basic hospital robe that left little to the imagination. Her slender curves could be seen here and there with a peek at her buttocks from the side and her long pretty legs sticking out uncovered on the bed. Her hair was still down and her injuries had all been healed, leaving her to sit up and wonder where she was at.

'I'm.....alive? Or am I dead? I did drop thousands of feet into darkness till.....I somehow wound up face-deep in a snowbank somewhere. After that fight with Cinder.....ggrrggg...I was sure I'd bite it if I plummeted that far down into the abyss that high up. I can still feel things and my head wouldn't be throbbing if I was a spirit in the great beyond of the Afterlife, so I guess that means....that I survived.' Weiss pieced together as her vision started to clear away the fuzziness, showing her the sterile room of some higher recovery ward she normally sees back in Atlas.

'This is a really high-end place here. Am I back in Atlas? but that's impossible since it was completely under siege. What....happened? Where am I?' Weiss wondered as she looked around for a bit, noticing that her wounds were all healed and her hospital gown was doing a poor job of covering 'that' part of her anatomy.

She instantly became red and attempted to pull the blankets over it, but felt she did a poor job since her Futanari erection was still sticking out noticeably from underneath the sheets. She attempted to sit upright and get a clear view rather than look around from the surface of her pillow, but when she did, the high-tech metal door to the room opened up instantly.

In came a girl wearing a bizarre dark violet and black leather outfit hugging her lovely curves quite nicely. She had a bob cut mop of bladed pink hair with half of it dripping down the right side of her face to where it covered up one of her dazzling violet eyes. She looked to be the same age as Weiss; a Teenager, but had a wonderfully lithe yet curvy body Weiss felt a little envious of. Not only that, but she had a thick pair of breasts snugly held back by her leather one-piece top. Seeing that part of her anatomy made her Futanari cock swell just a bit more till she noticed she was carrying a tray containing a freshly-cooked meal.

"Oh!  You're awake!" She beamed with delight appearing on her formerly dreary face. Mash saw that the girl had a wonderfully chipper smile full of life upon seeing her regain consciousness as she rushed over to her beside carefully with the tray in hand. Her boobs jiggled every step of the way, furthering the snowy-haired girl's arousal immensely as she tried hiding her dick with the pillow she had been laying down on this entire time.

"Hello.....did you...come save me and bring me here?" Weiss asked simply, making the girl nod right away with a relieved smile on her face.

"Y-yes, I found you lying deep within a snowbank just outside of our base. I was afraid you weren't going to make it since your temperature was dropping rapidly like that. Fortunately whatever strange ambient field of energy that surrounded your body prevented any frostbite from occurring before I could bring you back inside." She explained in a soft and sweet voice and began removing the covering from her tray so she could start peeling some apple slices for Weiss to eat.

"Y-yeah, you know, my Aura? It is a relief that it didn't crap out on me during that little 'Nap' in freezing snow. Hehe, just where exactly am I anyway? Are we back in Atlas? You said this was a base and there was certainly plenty of snow out there, only enough to be in one region of the world of Remnant." Weiss said offhandedly, feeling extremely curious yet still struggling to stave off her growing lust for the demure and lovely girl nursing her back to health.

She had finished peeling apple slices and collected them on a small plate when she paused to look at Weiss questionably with a confused look on her face.

"Remnant? I.....am not sure I follow. I know you can't possibly be speaking of the Atlas Institute, could you? *Weiss shakes her head* So where could Remnant be? I've never heard about it till just now." The girl innocently replied, making Weiss want to question her sanity if she couldn't tell that Remnant was the entire world, but then again she felt a tinge of truth in the girl's words.

Unfortunately that doesn't stop her from pursuing the answers she seeks.

"What part? Are you......alright? Remnant is the entire world and Atlas is a Kingdom, not an institute. Where exactly on Remnant did I land after falling from the sky bridge anyway? I swear I must've hit my head or something." Weiss said bitingly as she took an apple slice and started snacking on it while the girl looked at her like she was crazy.

"Remnant….is the entire world? Earth has never been called that, at all, in no singularity of altered history either. There isn't a place called Remnant nor a kingdom known as Atlas. I'm afraid you're very mixed-up, this location is Antarctica and I am part of Chaldea." The girl answered simply, looking at Weiss while her face morphed into a mortified look of morbid realization as she realized the world-shattering possibility that she....may have gotten sent into another world entirely when she felt.

"Uuuuhhhh!! I'm not on Remnant anymore!? What in the world is going on?! Oh God, Winter! Mom! Ruby and everyone....!! I....I...I'm marooned on another world!!" Wiess thought to herself, having a mild panic attack, and started hyperventilating! She clutched her chest through the skimpy hospital robe she was wearing, making the girl immediately worry and place her gentle hands on her shoulders to try and calm her down.

"H-hey..! Calm yourself, please! Calm yourself....follow the sound of my voice. You...may be from another world, b-but we can help find your way back. Perhaps Da Vinici may know of a way to help you out. We promise we'll help you, just please....relax." The girl urged gently, letting Weiss ride out her panic attack as she focused on her soothing, sweet voice to help calm her nerves before she had a panic attack and put herself into shock.

Weiss calmed down slowly and nodded her head in reassurance to the girl, signaling her that she was getting it together and no longer at risk when they heard a whimsical voice come out through the other side of the doorway.

"My ears are burning.~" A whimsical female voice came out, causing both Weiss and the plum-haired girl to look in the direction of a beautiful brunette woman standing in the doorway with an exuberant smile. She had sparkling blue eyes and wavy shoulder-length hair that made her appear entirely vexing to Weiss's startled eyes.

She was wearing a bizarre outfit with elegant blue opera gloves over her arms, an intricately designed crimson and blue dress with various symmetrical patterns all over it, as well as a generous cleavage window showing off her impressive bust. Apart from holding onto a bizarre-looking staff with a big blue crystal inside of it, this woman was perhaps the most beautiful woman Weiss had ever seen. She'd blow Winter out of the water anytime with how elegant and regal she appeared to be despite her overly cheery smile.

"Oh, Da Vinci-San!~" The girl gushed, making Weiss stare at the woman as she walked in with a look of intrigue seen clearly on her face. She had leaned down a bit and remained Wiess up close with a fair bit of intrigue before putting her staff aside and sitting herself down on the side of her bed.

"Good morning, I am Leonardo Da Vinci, but you can simply call me Da Vinci the genius inventor if you like. Hee hee. This here is my erstwhile Assistant and close friend Mash Kyrielight, she found you outside just as soon as I sent her out there in her winterized gear to go rescue you.~" She introduced, making Weiss nod slowly in understanding. She looked at the plum-haired girl named Mash with an appreciative smile that made her blush bashfully like a school-shy Maiden.

Before Weiss could speak, Da Vinci held up a hand and continued going on with a knowing look in her eyes.

"Before we get you up to speed, I'd like you to know that I heard everything and priced together that you're actually from another world. It is very unusual, and not something that happens even in this crazy world of ours, but parallel timelines have been a thing for us here at Chaldea. What was your world like? If I may be so bold and ask? I'm quite interested since we discovered that strange yet exotic energy surrounding your body when we found you and brought you in." Da Vinci asked, leading to Mash leaning in close as well, her face full of curious wonder as Wiss got started.

"First, I am thoroughly impressed that you were able to figure out that I'm from another world without making too big of a fuss. Secondly, I am taking all this in stride as best as I can, so bear with me as I tell you.....what exactly happened before I was somehow summoned here. Firstly, my name is Weiss Schnee and the world I come from is called Remnant, which is literally its name. We are composed of four Grand Kingdoms that serve as the last bastions of Humanity against these infinitely spawning monsters known as Grimm. All living things in our world such as dogs and humans, and so on, have souls and we, as humans, have trained to utilize our souls in a way. It is called Aura and it acts as an Overshield to protect us from harm. You have to train to get it right and use it properly in the field of battle if you're going to be a Huntsman like me. It also allows us to use what we call 'Semblances' which serve as the occasional Trump card in battle, but it drains your Aura if you're not careful." Weiss went on, noticing the starstruck looks of intrigue on Da Vinci's face as he continued.

"Anyway, we were...trying to stop an invasion from the supposed Queen of the Grimm back in my home kingdom of Atlas where all manner of things went wrong thanks to some conniving heartless villains and a military General who went off the rails. During the battle, which took place high up on this artificial bridge we had to make at the last second to send refugees to safety. I was thrown off of it while thousands of feet high into the air and fell into some kind of void. Next thing I know, I woke up here outside of your base and in the snow." Weis concluded, leaving both mash and Da Vinci speechless as they let it all soak in.

"W-wow...Weiss-san, I'm...so sorry to hear that." Mash said, offering her condolences when she noticed a small tear trickling down Weiss's cheek when she had finished her story. She didn't even notice it until the plum-haired girl reached over to clean it off with her hand.

"Thank you, Mash. I truly appreciate it, all of that....happened and I still haven't gotten over the shock of being in another world entirely without an explanation how." Weiss admitted somberly till Da Vinci burst out gushing at the seams with information.

"Incredible! A whole new world entirely! Aura! Grimm! Everything that a genius like me doesn't even know about yet, fills my head with wonder!" Da Vinci gushed, earning a deadpan look from Weiss while Mash simply chuckled with embarrassment in place of her friend.

'Way to read the room, genius.' She thought sourly till Da Vinci put her serious face back on and thought deeply to herself.

"I know what Mash said to you earlier, Miss Weiss, but I'm afraid I can't come up with anything like interdimensional travel to get you back to your world. It's just...never been done before, nor have we experienced anything relating to 'Foreign' elements beyond our planet. I'm sorry.  I'm clueless." Da Vinci admitted with shame, making Weiss feel disheartened with the real possibility that she may never see her friends or Remnant ever again.

Just then, the beautiful brunette Caster lit up with a chipper smile on her face that caught Weiss's eye.

"But don't worry, I'll still do my best regardless. If I can make a literal hovercraft out of wood, paper, and a few metal pins then breaking into another reality shouldn't be so difficult. After all, I am a genius. Hee hee.~" Da Vinci said, preening with glowing pride and making Weiss smile as she felt a bit of hope come back to her. "That being said, I came here for a different reason other than to check on you, Miss Schnee."

She added and Weiss blunk in surprise as she listened for what it might be. She felt worried when she saw both Mash and the bubbly genius look distraught with what they were about to say next.

"Weiss, Chaldea, our organization, is on the verge of collapse and if it goes down so does humanity thanks to a three-thousand-year incineration process that takes place in the past to present day." Da Vinci began and Weiss felt her throat dry up in shock at what she was hearing. If it wasn't Remnant on the verge of a Grimm-infested apocalypse, it was this one with mankind getting burnt to cinders somehow by some unspoken threat. "Mash and I have been fighting it for a long time now, but her previous Master died unexpectedly, leaving her and the other Servants without a means to continue. You see, most supernatural elements in this world require Mana, from all forms of Magecraft to also feeding us Servants so that we can remain solid and fully powered-up to fight. If we don't, well, our own Mana feed cuts out and we're sent back to where we came from. We'll fade away, as well as every remaining Servant here at Chaldea, leaving humanity no means to continue at all."

"Oh my...God." Weiss let out and Da Vinici nodded in agreement with her.

"Yes, so far half our forces have faded away already, but only male half. The female Servants remain, including Mash and I, so we'll need your help right away." She finished, leaving Weiss to process a million questions in her head as she struggled to keep up with even half of what she said.

"W-wait...wait...! You already explained Mana and how it keeps you from fading away, b-but what does that have to do with me? I'd like to help, don't get me wrong, but I have no idea how I'd be able to do it." Weiss panicked and this time, Da Vinci smiled as she nodded her head and continued.

"That's what I was getting to, Miss Schnee. When we scanned your body upon your retrieval we found that you're basically brimming with rich Mana energy that would keep literally scores of Servants well-sustained for a long period of time. I theorize it is due to your Aura, as you call it, and it seems to greatly amplify and enrich any Mana you produce while you're in our world. You'd make an excellent replacement for Mash's late master as well as help the others sustain themselves so that we can continue the fight. What do you say?~" Da Vinci revealed, shocking Weiss and making her look at her hands in astonishment over what she was told.

Not only did her arrival here come with the added effect of producing a vast amount of enriched Mana that they need, but she can repay them for saving her as well as help save the world in the process. Where she failed on Remnant, she can succeed here, even if she won't be able to go back anytime soon. Mash stood up and spoke softly to Weiss, giving her a pleading look and making the girl's heart melt on the inside with how sad she looked.

"You....don't have to do this if you won't want to," Mash said reassuringly, ignoring the flabbergasted look on Da Vinci's face till Weiss saw the hint of hopefulness in her eyes. The kind of eyes that begged her for comfort amidst her crippling depression and loneliness following her late master's death.

'I'm doing this.' She resolved and clutched Mash's hands firmly with a sly smile on her face.

"I'm in, I'll help you all and it looks like you'll need all the help you can get. I know I want to return home and I'll do anything to make it happen, but I can't leave you all here to be doomed. Not if I have anything to say about it. I'll be Mash's new Master and help however I can." Weiss resolved, making Da Vinci brighten up as well as Mash as she clutched Weiss's hands affectionately with a blushing smile.

"Glad to hear it! You won't regret it, Weiss. I'll do anything I can to help you get back home in the meantime while we do this mission." A mission we call Operation Grand Order." Da Vinci added.

"Splendid, so....what do I have to do anyway? What's next?" Weiss asked and Da Vinci smirked coyly as she looked at Mash suggestively with a flirtatious smile, making the plum-haired girl blush like a tomato.

"Well, you need to form a contract with Mash, of course, and to do that...you two have to do an old-fashioned Mana transfer through Semen." Da Vinci answered, making Mash blush even harder now while Weiss let her mouth fall open in shock over what she said.

"Wha....? can you....repeat that, please?" Weiss asked, feeling increasingly aroused when Da Vinci repeated herself with much more clarity.

"Oh, that's right, you're new here. So this will all be a wonderful first-time experience for you, Weiss. You see, in our world, Semen is the most potent source of Mana and can be transferred to Servants via bodily fluids. Basically, you have to have sex with her and inject Ol Mashie full of that stuff so that she can sustain herself and become much stronger in the process. Bodily fluids are the most common, if not only, way to transfer Mana between Servants and Masters. Some even take to making out in raunchy tongue-on-tongue exchanges, but sex is the only surefire way to fill a Servant good." Da Vinci explained, making Weiss blush intensely now.

"Is there....*gulp*..any other way to transfer man, Miss Da Vinci?" She asked nervously and Da Vinci swiftly replied.


"Guh!" Weiss yelped, still feeling Mash's hands clutching Weiss's left while Da Vinci Did a mock gesture of being offended till she started smiling slyly at Weiss while Mash anxiously averted the girl's eyes with her face still redder than a tomato.

"Why, Weiss, I'm offended. You don't want to sleep with two beautiful women that are offering themselves to you? You have the right goods for the job and you may be doing it daily with nearly every Servant here, including ourselves. After seeing how beautiful Mash and I are, I cannot believe you'd be reluctant to give that thing between your legs some enjoyment.~" She teased, making Weiss fume since she did actually want to indulge in sexual bliss with two gorgeous women. She did have a libido rivaling a playboy despite actually being a virgin. Weiss let out a deep sigh and reluctantly agreed to do this after all.

"Alright, alright. So....how do we start?~" Weiss asked, still feeling nervous while Da Vinci beamed brightly with excitement. Mash remained bashful and nervous, but she wasn't against the idea at all either.

"Wonderful! Finish eating your meal so you can charge up and we'll go to my laboratory here in Chaldea's upper west wing. I'll have to manually converge it from the clustered scenery into the more romantic bedroom setting, but I think it'll be perfect for the three of us to really get to know each other.~" Da Vinci said, brimming with excitement and intrigue for she was very eager to try Weiss's cock out.


Eating the entirety of her meal and feeling refreshed enough to feel like running a mile around the base, Weiss put on her fresh change of Chaldea-themed clothing like a casual shirt with comfortable form-fitting pants and followed Da Vinci and Mash down the hall to the genius's laboratory. Along the way, she looked around the place and saw technological wonders similar to Atlas HQ. Weiss thought sullenly back to how she was far away from home without any tangible means of getting back, at least for the time being. Fortunately, Mash was there to offer her some comfort in the form of taking one of her hands and squeezing it gently in reassurance. This relaxed her greatly, but it didn't hide the bulging mass that was her throbbing Futanari erection from underneath her clothing.

When they arrived, she came across the sight of Da Vinci's overly messy yet wondrously quaint laboratory full of trinkets and charms that amazed Weiss till she pushed a button on the side of the door. Hearing the mechanical gears shift as well as clockwork noises, the lab shifted into a quaint bedroom with a large queen-sized bed stationed in the middle. All of Da Vinci's belongings such as her charts, furniture, and desks, were hidden away in compartments underneath the ground. Weiss was led over to the bed where she watched excitable Caster lock the door behind while Mash stayed at her side.

"Alrighty then, I'm first, Weiss. Hee hee hee. While I can't wait to learn more about that Aura of yours and how it affects Mana capacity, I'm afraid we're on the clock and gotta do the Mana Transferring process right now. And oh boy, are we going to enjoy ourselves when doing it the fun way.~" Da Vinci giggled as she walked over to Weiss with eyes glowing with excitement and curiosity.

Weiss, feeling refreshed after a full-course meal and feeling fully energized, eyed Da Vinci with an anxious look on her face. She had bitten down on her bottom lip and waited for the so-called 'Servant' to begin undressing in front of her. She was still new to all of this and had no idea such concepts as Mana or Mana 'Recharging' by sexual bliss had even existed. To her, this felt like the perfect reason she had been born with a thick, long, Futanari dick and watched as Da Vinci closed her eyes to concentrate.

"Hmmm!~" She hummed with her usual playful smile as the woman dispersed all the Spiritrons of her outfit, revealing her voluptuous full-figured body wearing blue lace lingerie all over it. Weiss flinched in surprise and whimpered in arousal when she saw that Da Vinci had a thick pair of luscious DD-cup-sized breasts with matching blue stockings attached to a lace garter belt around her slender waist.

The woman was already a stunning beauty with her wavy, elegant brown hair and her dazzling blue eyes. Now she had curves and a large set of tits to go with it, making Weiss begin to feel her cock becoming even harder with excitement already. Da Vinci could see it through the fresh pair of Chaldea-brand undergarments she was provided. Weiss couldn't hide it at all due to how slim-fitting her clothing was and couldn't hide her growing lust for the two women either. Giggling to herself, Da Vinici turned her head and looked over in Mash's direction, gesturing to her to come over here and strip as well.

"Come on, Mash. We both need to do this right now, besides, I think Miss Schnee here will like your body the same way she likes mine, right? That erection of yours is solid proof of that, heh heh heh.~" Da Vinci giggled as Mash tapped her chest as well, making her Demi-Servant attire disperse into Spiritrons. She was showing off her equally voluptuous physique with a pair of D-cups hidden behind a plum-lace bra.

The miniature particles of glowing energy became absorbed back into each girl's bodies, making Weiss stare at them in wonder until she got a good look at Mash's figure when she walked up. The girl had the right amount of curves just like Da Vinci, only to a more slender extent since she wasn't as 'womanly' in shape as the famed Renaissance genius. Mash had snowy paled skin that contrasted beautifully with her hair and her bright violet eyes that just sparkled with innocence. The horndog inside of Weiss's libido growled instantly with want and she slowly pulled up her own set of undergarments to show the ladies what she was packing.

First came her top, revealing her own pair of firm and bouncy C-cups that made Da Vinci grin with excitement. Next came the lower part of her clothing, showing the turgid twelve-inch erection that is her Futanari appendage. Da Vinci and Mash were both taken back by the sight of an actual Futa in the flesh and both of them were certainly impressed by Weiss's size and thickness in diameter. Not only that, but the girl also had a smooth-looking pair of large pear-shaped balls directly above the slit of her womanhood, making it obvious she could easily impregnate regular women if she was able to do something like that.

"Uuh....! Da Vinci-San, she's.....*gulp*...rather big, isn't she?" Mash giggled nervously till the other woman reached over her with her hand to lift her plum-colored brasserie in front of Weiss. Mash squeaked in surprise and felt her bouncy pair of breasts spilled loose, showing Weiss the sight of her puffy pink nipples while Da Vinci lifted her own brassiere to do the same.

"Ah! That's better, like what you see, Weiss?~" Da Vinci asked in a sultry manner, showing off her stupendous pair of thick DD-cup-sized breasts with nipples starting to become erect before Weiss's very eyes.

"Mnghhh! Y-yes! Uunnhh....! You two are...just...so sexy..mnghh! I can hardly contain myself right now.~" Weiss growled, feeling her cock lurch with heavy jolts of arousal as they both walked over to her, topless and with bashful smiles on their beautiful faces.

"Good, that's a good mindset to have. We're going to need you to stay as randy as possible if you're going to be feeding us Mana from now on. One long romp in the bed sheets should be enough to last us for days, but I wouldn't necessarily mind doing it every day, you know. I think Mash would agree to that, right?~" She asked whimsically, making Mash bashfully nod her head before each of them started dropping down their kneecaps in front of Wiess.

She had leaned back a little from the seat of her guest room bed, spreading out her legs and allowing both girls to get some space between them when Da Vinici looked straight at Mash and gestured for her to be first on pleasing their newfound friend.

"Go on, Mash. I know you want to pleasure your new Master Weiss and really show her your talents. Suck that long, smooth thing into yer mouth and go wild on it, will you?~" Da Vinci, making Mash blush even harder as she scooted herself closer, placing her hands just around the hilt of the girl's Futanari dick.

"Uuh...! It's so soft yet as hard as a rock. I hope I do right by you, Miss Schne-I mean, new Master." Mash bashfully said before brushing a hand through her hair and making Weiss see both of her lovely Plum-colored eyes before opening her mouth wide open and pushing down.


Weiss whimpered silently with her mouth hanging open as she the warm bliss of Mash's soft, tight little mouth wrapping hungrily around the upper half of her meat. The girl kept her naked hands fully wrapped around her length from below, stroking her gingerly while adjusting to her length as this was the first time she had done this in forever. Da Vinci watched from the side with a glowing smile filled with pride, she was enjoying the fact that Mash was finally opening up to someone after her previous Master had perished. The girl's soft, pink lips started stretching thoroughly around the center of Weiss's length as she took her deeper, keeping most of the girl's cock fully sheathed within her mouth.

"Ooooohhhh! Aaaahhh.....! Holy Cow! Your mouth is like the tightest thing I've ever felt! Uunhhh! Hurry up and suck me off, please! I want to fuck you so badly right now, Mash." Weiss breathed out, letting the girl's words of encouragement sink into Mash's ears as she began thrusting her face farther down the center of her length.

Mash closed her eyes and kept a focus on keeping her lips tightly sealed around that dick, slurping it hungrily while running her tongue all over the underside from within, pleasuring Weiss to nearly obscene levels with head bobbing around in her lap.

"Mmhmm..mhm..mhmm..mhmm...mhmmp! *Schlup...Schlup...Schlup...Schlup..schlupp..shcluuuuuppp! Pop!* Aaahhh....! Miss Weiss...! Do you like it?" Mash breathed out, letting her tongue slowly lick up the underside of her shaft while watching Weiss make a positively euphoric face right at her. She quickly nodded her head and gestured to her dick again, telling her to stick her lips back on it and suck to her heart's content'. "Yes, Master!"

She thrust her face down onto her lap a second time, this time taking her in deep and slathering most of that Fuatnarick cock in her saliva. Mash was finding the taste enjoyable and couldn't get enough of it as she continued stroking Weiss's length while sucking her at the same time. Weiss was feeling the slickness of her lips tug and slobber all over her highly sensitive shaft, giving her pleasure like she's never received before. The eloquent repetition of dick-sucking became constant just as soon as Mash was filled with confidence. She hurriedly bobbed her head between her legs, sucking her off and running her tongue all over the underside until Da Vinci joined in!

"Don't go getting her all riled-up without me, Mashie.~" Da Vinici giggled and placed her soft, warm lips at the top of Weiss's cock. While the plum-haired girl busied herself with slurping all over the underside of her long shaft, Da Vinci started working the top part with feverish thrusts of her lips.

"Hmhm! Hmmhm...mhmmh...mhmm...hmhmm..mhhmmh! *Schlupp...shclupp..schlupp..schluupp!* Mmhmhhh! *Delicious!~" Da Vinci said with stars in her eyes as she swirled her slick tongue all around the top part of Weiss's length while Mash similarly stimulated the bottom. Both Servants worked diligently when slurping all over Weiss's cock, causing the girl to lean back onto her palms while moaning loudly in sharply rising euphoria.

Weiss had never felt anything like this in her life and figured she was going to become addicted to the sensation of using this special appendage of hers very soon. The slippery, spongy feel of each woman's tongue working her cock made her insides churn and cause her lust to spike through the roof. She clutched her fingers into the surface of the bed, moaning constantly in pleasure.

"Mmnngghhhh!! Aaaaaaahhhhhh.....! Oohhh...wow! Hnghhh!" Weiss let out, enjoying the pleasant sucking of Da Vinci's lips. She began sliding her head down his shaft even further and buried her face into her lap while Mash took to kissing each of Weiss's balls.

"Hhmhhhhmm! *Schlup...schlupp...schlupp..schlupp!* Hmhmm...Master.~" She moaned happily, looking up at her, seeing the girl becoming red-hot and flustered while they continued tasting her. She kept on rolling her tongue all over the bottom of her shaft as well as parts of her pussy lips, leaving Da Vinci to hungrily work her throat all over the upper half with as much vigor as possible. The lovely brunette kept her eyes half-closed while thrusting her face into the girl's groin. She brushed some of her hair behind her ear and brought both of her smooth hands to the center of her length, stroking her Futanari meat while sucking her off.

"Ghngh..nghh..nngh..nngh..nngh..nnghhh! *Mmhmmnhh! Tastes good too!*" Da Vinci grunted, intricately rolling her tongue around the surface and feeling it pulsate intensely the more this went on. The legendary Genius was becoming enamored by the feel of it being inside of her mouth and thought up an idea on where to stimulate her dick next. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Mash rising slowly from underneath her end of Weiss's under area.

She placed her gentle-looking face against the side of her shaft, almost bumping Da Vinci off till she began rolling her tongue erotically all over the hilt while Da Vinci stayed working the top-half. Both of them were seen bobbing their heads between Weiss's legs, driving her crazy with pleasure as they continually lashed their wet and spongy tongues all over every corner of her length.

'Guugghhhh! Aaaaahhhhhh! Oohhh...I may not last too much longer if they keep this up!' Wiss thought, enjoying the feeling of Mash hungrily slurping on one side of her dick with newly recharged enthusiasm.

"Mhmhhmmh! *Schlup..schlup...schlup...schlup..schluuuup!* Mmhmm, Master. Here I come.~" Mash arose from her station and removed her lips entirely, getting on to the bed with Weiss and leaving Da Vinci to enjoy all of Weiss's Futanari meat to herself.

"Mash....." Weiss breathed out as she watched her earnest and sweet-hearted Servant-to-be crawl closer to her and place her hands around each of her cheeks. She pulled her into an intimate embrace, kissing Weiss fully in a heated lesbian kiss that led to them exchanging saliva noisily with each other with tongues waggling about between their mouths openly.

'Heehehe, well alright, you romantic. More for me for right now then. Enjoy your kissy-kissy session with your new master, Mashie. I'm going to be enjoying putting my girls to the test smothering this perfectly smooth cock she has. I can practically feel all the enriched Mana inside of it just aching to come bursting out. We got to make this an everyday thing because honestly...I don't see myself wanting to let go of this so easily.' Da Vinci thought as she slowly pulled her lips back, letting some of her saliva continue to drip all over the surface of her throbbing dick while Mash and Weiss continued making out.

"Hmmhmmh! *Master!*~" Mash mewed pleasantly between Weiss's lips as Da Vinci watched their tongues roll over each other salaciously in a frenzied manner.

'I can't believe I'm really making out with another girl, let alone about to have sex with two of them right now. It feels incredible to boot. I think I might get used to this after all.' Weiss thought till she winced when feeling two sources of smooth, doughy flesh smothering into the sides of her length at the same time!

"Uunghhhh! Ooohhhh! M-Miss Da Vinci!~" Weiss let out, feeling the woman's doughy breasts smothering the top half of her dick like they were a pair of fluffy orbs of flesh held in her hands. Da Vinci was breathing excitedly herself as she began sliding them effortlessly down Weiss's length, stimulating it even more as she went along.

Weiss was positively melting down with pleasure right now, she was feeling Da Vinci's breasts swiveling down her length while squeezing into the sides with ever-increasing passion while she continued making out.

"Haah..hah..ahh..ahh..ahh..aahh.aaahh! Hahaha! Are you enjoying this, Miss Schnee? Are my breasts everything you imagined they would be?" Da Vinci asked excitedly as she swiveled her tits around the surface of her shaft with every fiber of enthusiasm she had.

"Mnngghhhh!*yesss!*Mmmhhh!" She moaned from between Mshs's lips as she continued fluffing her appendage for ten or so minutes onward. Feeling Da Vincis' glorious mounds smoothly massaging her dick made Weiss feel like she was about to burst at any moment now. She growled and hummed loudly inside of Mash's lips as they continued swapping spit until Da Vinci suddenly pulled them off, leaving Wiess to whimper in slight disgruntlement as she pulled herself off of Mash's saliva-coated lips.

"There! You're done and ready. Now onto the most important part of forming a contract! You know what to do, Mashie. Get into position for your new master Weiss!~"  Da Vinci said musically while Mash nodded obediently with an enthusiastic smile.



Getting on all fours and wriggling her buttocks seductively at Weiss as she placed herself atop the bed readily with a very elated smile on her face. Mash watched as Weiss grabbed hold of her cock with one hand and got onto her kneecaps when placing herself behind Mash's plump heart-shaped butt. Seeing that light-colored peach shaking itself back and forth with excitement was causing Weiss to practically growl with hunger right now. She was reaching back and spreading open her vaginal folds, showing the pink cusp of her nether lips while holding them open as an invitation for her meat.

'I can't believe I'm really doing this. Am I really going to save everybody's lives if I just....have sex with these Holy Warriors called Servants? I did say I was going to help them no matter what and Mash just looks too sexy and adorable to wanna ignore, but.....n-no...I'm going to do this no matter what. They've awakened the animal inside me and now I'm going to make Mash scream Mommy for me all night long, Da Vinci too.~' Weis thought as she waddled over on her kneecaps and guided the smoothened head of her cock into the velvet cusp of her womanhood without any further delay.


Mash's eyes became wide with surprise and her mouth fell open as she felt the thickened bulge of Weiss's penis sliding into her folds and her highly sensitive insides in a slick squelch of moisture!

"Uuunnnghhhh! M-Master...! Aaaahhhh!~" She cried out in surprise and slowly started feeling pleasure eroding from the entity of her nether region, making her pussy throb around her length. For Weiss, the sensation felt just as intense and blissful since she could feel slick insides clutching her cock in desperation for her seed.

The silver-haired girl threw her head back and moaned loudly as she grabbed hold of Mash's hips from the side, keeping their balance steady, and began bucking into the girl with diligent thrusts of her hips.

'Mmnghh! This feels...this feels.....so good! Uuunghh!" Weis thought to herself and began rolling her pelvis voraciously into Mash's buttocks, making those doughy pale cheeks of hers squish and smack into her waist like so. Echoing slaps of coitus soon began coming out as Weiss started fucking the girl relentlessly in a doggy-style position, making her cry out in pleasurable agony while Da Vinci watched in perverse amusement.

The busty Caster Servant sat on her knees and watched from the side with one hand creeping down between her legs to stroke her sex furiously to the show. Normally Servants shouldn't be feeling the sex drive of their former human selves come to light, but seeing a living Futanari like Weiss bottoming out of Mash's gushing pussy made the Genius salivate with wanton need herself. She couldn't wait until it was her time next. For now, she was content with simply seeing their light-skinned bodies rolling into each other in a frenzied exchange of sexual bliss.

"Uuuh..uuh..uuh..uuh..uuh..uuh..uhhh..uuh..aaaahhhh! Masteeerrrr...! UunnghhhH!" Mash cried out as her large doughy tits flopped around like a pair of bean bags, repeatedly smacking her in the face as she felt the sensation of Weiss's member tunneling into her cervix from behind. Every push of her meat drilling past her folds and prodding its way into her womb sent ripples of enjoyment down the girl's spine.

Weiss held firmly onto her hips, keeping her pelvis bucking into her ass voraciously and expediently with the girl's folds beginning to clutch tightly around her cock Already. She was still new to this whole sensation and had never used her Futa dick once in her life for sexual intimacy until now. But, Weiss was feeling too good to wanna stop nor even consider slowing down at all. The slick, spongy feel of Mash's heavenly pussy guided her deeper into her depths to where she could feel her entire inner vaginal space begin clamping down around her entirely already!

"Aahhh...aahh...aaahh..ahhh..ahhh...aahh..aaaaahhhh! Oohhhh..yeah! Unnghh! M-Mash...I think I'm coming already! Gughh! Tell me that receiving a creampie will help you stay 'Alive' for now on!" Weiss let out and saw Mash repeatedly nod her head 'yes' to her question. She turned her face and saw Da Vinci do the same while keeping a finger wedged down between her folds, fucking herself on her hand while in wait.

Weiss could feel the offering sensation of her shaft stiffening up ready for the expulsion of sperm! Her hips jutted into Mash's ass even faster now that she reached her fever pitch of sexual coitus, her balls began to throb and both girls were beginning to feel the onset of an intense orgasmic experience about to hit them like a tidal wave. Mash threw her head back and came intensely around Weiss's cock, clutching her member and gushing her fluids all over it, allowing the girl's appendage to shudder and explode!

Weiss shoved every inch past the girl's cervix and into her womb, feeling it tremble as she pumped a thick cascade of sperm directly inside!


"Guuuuugghhhhh!! Aahhhhhh! Maaaaasshh!~" Weiss cried out, succumbing to the feeling of her insides milking her for even more as she kept her pelvis rutting intensely against her buttocks.

"Aaaaagh! Masstteeeerrrr!.....!~" Mash screamed out and bit down on her bottom lip with eyes glowing bright with little glowing hearts in them as she felt Weiss's semen spill into her like a tsunami. She bucked and twitches constantly in orgasm, milking her for more semen in the process and feeling positively re-energized right off the bat! Her body started glowing faintly with Golden Mana now circulating through her body, much to the amazement of Weiss and Da Vinci.

"Wow.....she's doing it. She's really doing it! Mash is saved and soon, so will everyone else!' Da Vinci thought to herself, watching as thick blasts of sperm came gushing out of Mash's pussy the entire time Weiss let out inside of her body. The pale-skinned angel shuddered continuously with a goofy smile on her face as her orgasm went on for about another minute more until it was done.

Mash slumped onto her front, leaving her ass sticking out in the air with a splotch of cum oozing out of her opening as she became temporarily out of commission. That goofy smile on her face was something Da Vinci will hold against her for the rest of her time here. The Caster's delight, she noticed that Weiss remained as hard as cock and still brimming with enriched Mana-filled energy to share. The girl looked exhilarated and cast a smile in Da Vinci's direction, beckoning to her with a crook of her finger.

"Your next, Miss Da Vinci. Ready for your Mana recharge?~" Weiss asked, feeling cocky and confident while wanting to fuck the beautiful Genius inventor very much.

"Oh, Weiss, I thought you'd never ask. Hee hee heh, here, allow me to be on top of you so you can get some rest first. You'll probably go at it like a ferret with Mash again just as soon as she wakes up, call it intuition.~" Da Vinci crawled over and gently nudged Weiss onto her backside, allowing her to lie back with her dick standing up like a skyscraper as she got on top of it with a smile.

"Have it your way, I get to see those huge boobs bouncing in front of me, so that's a huge win-win for me," Weiss admitted, making Da Vinci wink as she slightly straddled her waist before lowering her quivering sex onto the tip of her erection. Da Vinci had to reach underneath her to spread open her folds, allowing the bulbous tip to push into her pink sex and make her cry out in ecstasy just as soon as it went inside!


"Aaaagghhhhh!! That feels even more amazing than I initially surmised! Nghhh! Ohhhh...yeah!~" Da Vinci cried out, feeling her folds becoming churned by Weiss's hard meat sinking in deep inside of her pussy. Her plump, heart-shaped buttocks landed on top of her waist and began rolling gently back and forth. She was feeling Weiss entering her womb through her cervix, making a small bulge appear from within the flat surface of her stomach like so.

Weiss herself quivered with delight, feeling Da Vinci's amazingly tight pussy swallow her whole while she felt the woman's buttocks beginning to bounce up and down on her lap. Slap after slap of skin slapping sex ensued and Da Vinci placed her hands down upon Weiss's chest, letting her palms squeeze each of her bulbous C-cup mounds into her fingers.

"Uunnhhh! Mmhhaaaahhh! T-those are really sensitive, you know." Weiss whimpered helplessly as she felt 'attacked' on two fronts. From having her pussy become engulfed in a tight visage of spongy tightness to feeling her sensitive tits being played with by a perverted Genius inventor.

Da Vinci was having the time of her life and so was Weiss now that she felt her libido roar like a large horny animal.

"That's the idea! Heh heh." Da Vinci giggled and began bouncing more fluidly onto Weiss's crotch. "Uuaaaahhhh! Uuh..uuh..uuh..uuh..uh..uuhh..uuaaaaahhhh! Oohhh....my...Goodness! This is stupendous! I can even feel some of your enriched Man seeping into me through the leftover sperm coating your length. Mmm! It tastes so good, Miss Schnee. You can bet we'll be doing this much more often now that you're here at Chaldea!~"

"Guugh! Happy to help, now shut up and ride me already!" Weiss let out, hearing the mischievous Servant chuckle as she continued rolling her pelvis back and forth her waist with her insides squeezing every inch of her cock as much as possible.

It was a stark difference having a full-bodied woman riding her body rather than booming out of Mash from behind. The way Da Vinci swiveled her hips to how much her large boobs bounced around made Weiss want more. The eloquence of bodies slapping together became constant and the two of them were constantly moaning loudly the entire time.

"Aaahh..aahh..ahh..ahh..aahh..aahh...aahhh....aahh! Mmhh!~" Da Vinci cried out, slamming voraciously onto Weiss's pelvis, feeling her cock pummel into her womb to the point her stomach looked like it was about to burst. Everything felt sensational and she couldn't withstand the pleasure for too much longer while she rode the girl for all she was worth.

Weiss meanwhile, kept busy by grabbing onto each side of Da Vinci's buttocks and squeezing her fingers into the doughy flesh of her skin. This caused the busty Servant to croon loudly herself as she felt a twinge of stimulation coming from the pain. Still, she kept on rolling and bucking her waist into Weiss's body non-stop in a cow-girl style position. Every movement she made sent ripples into the bed, making Weiss groan loudly every time she slammed down onto her hips. She could feel her appendage beginning to throb heavily with arousal again after just a few more minutes of non-stop fucking and riding.

"Uuuhh...uuhh..uuuh..aaahhhh....ooohhhh...Da Vinci! I'm...going to be cumming again soon! Aaaaaahhhh!~" Weiss cried out in euphoria, feeling her Futanari cock beginning to throb heavily as she felt her insides pulsating to the point of eruption.

"Perfect...! Aaahh..aah..aah..aaahhh! Cum inside of me! Pour everything you have inside of Miss Weiss! I'd want it even if our survival didn't depend on you injecting us full of your seed!" Da Vinci let out, smiling excitedly with little stars in her eyes as she felt her own insides beginning to quiver with orgasm herself.

Her lower body bucked and rutted into Weiss continuously, making loud slapping noises fill the air and stir Mash back into consciousness from the side of the bed. The plum-haired angel looked over to see Da Vinci savagely rocking about atop of Weiss's dick., watching it plunge into her depths like no tomorrow. It stirred Mash back to life all over again as she felt the lingering need to go a second round, thankfully, Weiss and Da Vinci just about reached their fever pitch with sexual euphoria.!

"Uuaaaaaahhhhh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming....! Guugghh!" Weis cried out and grabbed each of Da Vinci's ample hips, thrusting everything she had inside of her pussy all at once when she pumped the woman full of Mana-enriched sperm like an animal!

Da Vinci cried out in orgasm too and made sure she clutched every bit of Weiss's penis as she was filled with the wondrous splendor of her sperm just as she rode out her climax!


Thick ropes of cum flooded into the Genius inventor's womb, enriching her entire body with Mana, which made the blue sparkling eyes see 'Heaven' above. Their pubic bones ground together constantly in the heat of sexual bliss achieved between the two parties. Da Vinci's body shuddered salaciously with her insides becoming filled with the Futanari girl's sperm. The woman was feeling positively euphoric right now and held onto her waist as they eventually rode out their orgasmic high, one bucking motion at a time with groins colliding together until they were finished.

"Uuwaaaghhh! Ooohhh.....wow! Hehehehehehe.~" Da Vinci laughed deliriously with a goofy smile of her own on her face as she rolled over to the side, spent for the time being. She felt every spiritron in her body become engorged with enriched Mana energy, making her feel truly alive for years.

Rich, thick, potent sperm oozed out of her gaping quim just like Mash's pussy was doing, both girls were positively filled and fully 'recharged; with Mana that could last them for weeks just from this romp alone.

"Huff..huff..huff.....well? Did it work?~" Weiss asked, seeing Mash and Da Vinci glow with supercharged Mana flowing through their bodies as they both smiled at Weiss with the utmost appreciation.

"Yes, we most certainly did, heh heh.~ Thank you so much, Wiess Schnee. I think the contract is complete now if you see the Master's Seal on the back of your right hand.~" Da Vinci explained in a tired, sexually satisfied voice as Weiss brought up her hand and saw the strange glowing sigil of her Schnee Family emblem appear on her skin.

It glowed with Magical power and she felt a connection to Mash because of it, making the plum-haired angel look at her with a loving smile as rested at her side.

"Y-eys! We're officially Master and Servant now, Master Weiss!~ I'm so happy!~" Mah gushed, making Weiss's heart melt as she brought her arm around her neck from the side, basking in postcoital bliss while Da Vinci did the same. She let her breasts cushion Weiss's head from the side and watched as her dick started hardening back to life right away.

Mash saw this with astonishment clear in her eyes, making her insides throb even more excitedly for a second round as she attempted to move up and straddle her Master herself. Unfortunately for her, Weiss beat her to the punch and gently pushed her hand against the girl's buxom chest, making her look at Weiss in surprise as she got up and towered over her plum-colored thighs with a mischievous smile on her face. Her turgid cock stuck out noticeably from between her legs, oozing Mana-enriched sperm and brimming with life itself. Mash was too busy focusing on it as she was bent overhead with her legs being raised and her ass lifting from off the ground. Weiss had gotten up and planted her feet just outside of her creamy thighs and held her ankles readily in each hand.

She was looking at Mash with a sultry, depraved-looking smile that involved licking her tongue across her lips. She was like a predator now, only for Servants and other women that the libido of her Futanari cock synced up with her mindset.

"Oh, you're not going to be on top of me, Mashie-Kun. I'm going to be on top of you like a good Master should be. Believe me, seeing your cute face whimper and moan my name will give me all the energy I'll need to plow you from above like an animal. Mating-Press style.~" Mash said, lining up her cock with the juicy, cum-soaked folds of her pussy as she started guiding it into her from above.

"Eeepp....M-master....?!~" Mash squealed with excitement, feeling anxious from the thought of being dominated by her New Master just moments after copulating already. Part of her did like the idea of being submissive toward her, just as long as she dominated her need with that turgid cock and made her really feel 'human' rather than a Demi-Servant hybrid of a science baby.

Breathing hotly as she reached up to spread open her folds for her with a blushing smile on her face, Mash invited Weiss to fuck her raw and awaited domination with a lip bitten smile on her face.

"S-sure, go right ahead, Master!~" She gushed and Weiss could only grin savagely as she pushed ahead with her hips sinking into her bottom, sheathing her slick tight pussy with her Futanari cock all over again!


"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh....!! Uuuuugghhh!! M-masteeerrr...!~" Mash cried out, shuddering wildly in spasm as she felt Weiss's dick sinking in even deeper than before thanks to the angle she was penetrating her from. Da Vinci watched as her toes wriggled constantly while in the air, giggling the entire time in utter amusement as she watched Weiss accept her responsibility with glee.

"Oooaaahhhhh! Aaahhnhh! Mmnhhh! It feels even better when doing it from this angle! Mmnhh!" Weiss cried out, enjoying the slick, tight feeling of Mash's pussy gobbling her cock as she slid all the way down into her womb once again. She kept her pelvis hugging the girl's ample bottom while keeping her legs pushing back her thighs.

She was fully on top of her and brought her hands around each of Mash's shoulders, clutching them firmly as she began bucking into her sex from above with rampant hard-hitting thrusts! As soon as the first smack of skin colliding against skin resulted, Mash threw her back her head and kept her eyes closed tight as she felt every inch of Weiss's shaft pummeling her insides with renewed gusto. Soon her smooth balls were tapping relentlessly against her nether region, making her ass roll against Weiss's as they started fucking like animals all over again.

":Uuaahh..aahh....aahh...aahh..aahh...ahh...aaaahhhh! Oohhhh..yeah! Mnmnghh!" Weiss cried out, enjoying the slick tight feeling of Mash's pussy constricting her non-stop. Her cervix clutched her length and her insides squelched non-stop for she was as insanely aroused as she had ever been. Mash held onto Weiss's shoulders and held her close as she felt her legs wafting about in the air due to their lovemaking.

"Uuh..uh..uuh..uh....uh..uuh..uuh..uuhh..uuh..uuh..aaaghhhhh! Maassteeerrr!~" She cried out, keeping her head tossed back while her tits squeezed against Weiss's smaller ones, making a nipple-to-nipple sensation for her to enjoy while their pale bodies rolled about into each other like so.

Weiss held onto her shoulders and eventually wrapped her arms around her neck, keeping tantric hip-thrusting going constantly with her turgid dick pushing into her Servant's sex like so. Da Vinci watched it all happen from a bottom angle, enjoying the act of sexual intercourse with Weiss's large dock dipping down repeatedly into Mash's insides. Seeing her folds throb and gush constantly while shaking her buttocks on her face, made Da Vinci feel increasingly aroused as she now wanted her second turn soon. The girls rutted into each other with Weiss maintaining dominance at all times, she was keeping her dick dipping into her core and making Mash lose her mind to sexual bliss since it was also hitting her G-spot inside!

The girls couldn't stop moaning the entire time, but as minutes passed Weiss's pace began to increase rapidly. This led to Mash's creamy light-skinned buttocks quivering salaciously as she felt her Master's shaft beginning to throb and pulsate inside of her waiting pussy. She clung onto Weiss's shoulders from below, letting her tits constantly bounce up and down like a pair of water balloons strapped to her chest. Weiss herself was feeling the sensation of Mash's pussy beginning to cluster inward around her length, making it impossible to stave off cumming any longer as she drilled into her Servant two more times before finally exploding!

"Uuuh....! Uuhuhh! Uuuhh...uuuhh..uuaaaaghhhh! I'm cumming, Mash! Gnghhhh!~" Weiss let out, making a delirious face of lustful frenzy as she drove her cock into Mash's depths one last time before sheathing it to the hilt and letting it stay there.

Mash, of course, felt her body tremble in euphoria as well. Her legs trembled and her body quivered in ecstasy as she felt her insides clutch Weiss's futa cock for all it was worth as she came!

"Kkyyaaaaaaghhhhh!! Oohhhh...Master! Master...! Uunghhh!~" Seh let out, feeling the thick ropes of spunk come flooding into her depths as they rubbed each other's pubic groins together in sexual unity.


Mash eventually made goofy ahegao face again with her eyes becoming crossed and her tongue spilling out of her mouth as she enjoyed the blissful sensation of getting creampied so heavily by her Master. Just like the first time, she felt the Mana-enriched cum flooding her insides and infusing her Demi-Servant body with ultra-charged Mana energy. Apart from feeling stronger than before, Mash's real joy came from the sensation of orgasmic bliss brought on by Weiss.

The girl bucked and wriggled her waist into her pubis just a few more times before finally becoming spent and feeling her appendage to flaccid as she rolled off to the side. Weiss was left breathing raggedly in post-coital relief, showing Da Vinci the sight of her softened wiener while cum oozed out from the tip as well as spilled out from the overflowing pool inside of Mash's pussy. The moment the girl's legs fell back down, she promptly collapsed into a state of rest with a blissful smile on her face.

"Hmmm, it looks like you've taken to this responsibility quite well, Weiss. Think you can get used to pumping all our female Servants back to back and continue the good fight as Mash's Master from now on?~" Da Vinci asked, reaching down to gently stroke Weiss's meat within her soft hand while she rested next to her.

"Ooohh....*huf....huff...huff...huff..huff*....yeah, let's do it. I'm ready...*Huff...huff*...to help. Gonna need a minute to catch my breath though, but I do think you and Mash are done, for the time being, right?" Weiss asked and Da Vinci placed a finger to her chin in thought, smiling slyly as she looked at Weiss with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Mmhmm....I think we are, but for the sake of fairness, I want a second round too.~" She said, making Weiss pale a bit as she got on top of her, ready to ride her all over again until she was drained out of battery.

"Oh man, what kind of Fate is this I've been thrown into?" Weiss asked herself with a soft smile and proceeded to have sex with Da Vinci all over again, right next to her sleeping Servant's body the entire time.

End of Chapter

To Be continued...

This has been for Anon. Thanks for reading.




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