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The World Emperor’s Harem

Code Geass

By Azure/For Darko

Chapter Seven: The Ninja Maid’s Loyal Heart and A Beautiful Brown-Skinned Bride Taken  (Sayoko, Villetta Nu)


Somewhere down in the prison ward aboard the Damocles base.....

Hastily picking the lock with the tool kit that was given to her by her newest cellmate, Villetta Nu quickly undid the low-tech security lock keeping her glass cage prison cell closed. The process was tricky to undo despite being low-tech compared to everything else, but the time was ripe for jailbreak since there weren't any guards watching over them right now. It was considered a miracle when she saw that pristine glass door sliding open to the side, meaning it had worked.

"Yes! It worked. Now to wake up Sayoko so we can get out of here." She whispered excitedly to herself and quickly stuck her head out into the open to check the area for any Damocles Security Soldiers out on patrol nearby.

Fortunately, there wasn't any since it was so late into the evening, even Lelouch doesn't keep all his men on watch the entirety of the time when they need to sleep. Looking back at her cellmate, who just now awoke from her long-needed slumber following her latest 'Torture' by Lelouch, Villetta saw the surprised look of relief appear in Sayoko's eyes when she saw that their prison cube was now opened.

"Splendid. My makeshift lock pick worked perfectly. I was afraid it wouldn't hold up due to its low durability, miss Villetta." Sayoko said quietly as she crept out of her cell bed and walked over to the door, keeping a careful eye on the outside alongside Villetta. The two of them had only been cellmates very recently after Sayoko had brought to her following her supposed torture at the Emperor's hands.

Villetta knew she used to be loyal to Lelouch and his sister, but now she was sure she could trust Sayoko with her life after seeing the heartbroken woman's face up close as well as receive the means to escape in the form of a small makeshift lockpick.

"Yeah, it worked perfectly. Thank you, Sayoko. Although, you were right about its durability. The darn thing broke like a twig after I jimmied the lock, we can't use it to free the others nor take the risk of fighting armed guards to get a card key." Villetta pointed out, seeing Sayoko nod her head in agreement as they both looked outside, ready to make a break for it.

As much as she wanted to free Ohgi and the other Black Knights, as well as whoever else was remaining, Villetta felt their chances of doing that were slim and they needed to escape and regroup before attempting to liberate the others.

"We'll just have to come back for them. I know you care about Ohgi and all the men and women unaffiliated with the Black Knights, but we simply cannot risk it right now. We must first make the Hangar and commander a ship to escape in. There's only a slim chance there'll be guards over there, but we have to try nonetheless." Sayoko informed and Villetta nodded firmly with resolve as they started making their way out of the class-cube cell and hurried down on the path leading to the hangar on the nearest floor.

They were both wearing their prisoner garbs which were both loose-fitting as well as hugging their fit peak-feminine bodies tightly to the point their asses were shown. Villetta had her platinum hair kept back in its overhead ponytail while Sayoko simply had nothing of her old accessories or ninja tools on her person. Still, she was as youthful and mature in gracefully attractive beauty that one would find in a mother figure. Villetta was much the same except very worried for Ohgi and the others since they sold out Lelouch to an even worse monster which may have led to all of this.

'Can't think about that right now, I'd better hurry with Sayoako and come back for them later as she said.' She thought as they made their way swiftly down to one of the nearby Knightmare hangars, seeing that there was only one ship left unattended in the dock while there were no other guards nearby. Villetta found it to be a tremendous stroke of luck indeed.

Looking in the direction of the control room and silently pointing her finger at it to Villetta, Sayoko gestures to her that they make their way inside to unlock the hangar door. This may have been their only chance to escape and it was during the rare instance where this part of the base would be unoccupied during this time. Villetta and Sayoko both hurried over and broke their way into the control room by kicking open the door, leaving one of them to stay guard by it while Villetta rushed over to check which set of controls will open up the hangar.

"Alright, as soon as I found whichever switch there is to open up the hangar for us, we commandeer that ship and escape like our lives depend on it. Ohgi and the others' lives depend on it too, given how much of a monster that bastard Lelouch is." Villetta spat, making Sayoko wince a little bit in response as she kept her eyes out on the hangar deck. "If only.....if only I had a chance to shoot him back before he got he usurped the throne and let things get this bad! Ohgi and the others would be free and...and....the world would be rid of that vile, manipulative monster in the body of a teenage boy. Ugh!"

"Focus on the task at hand rather than cursing out Lelouch, Miss Villetta. You may get your chance yet, but if you don't reign in your anger you might be tempting fate at the worst possible time. Being spiteful and letting it all out can wait for later." Sayoko cautioned as she looked over at Villetta's backside, seeing that the woman's attention was focused solely on brooding in dark thoughts over how much she hated Lelouch rather than looking for the control panel for the hangar door.

"You're right, but I just have so much to say about that bloodthirsty monster of a tyrant. To think he could be responsible for all this; imprisoning us, making the world crumble under his heel with the threat of Fleijas, forcing who-knows-how-many women to do his bidding in that Throne room. All of it....! I'm sorry, I just....regret not having a chance to empty a bullet casing into Lelouch's temple back when he was brainwashed before all this." Villetta huffed and Sayoko was no longer by the door checking for any security nearby.

Instead, she was silently approaching Villetta with a stoic yet rather annoyed frown on her face as she brought up her right hand high above her neck.

"Sayoko?" Villetta asked when she heard nothing back, she only turned her head to the side and received a lightning-quick chop to the back of her neck!


A swift and effective nerve strike was delivered to the woman's neck, knocking her out instantly and making her collapse all over the terminal with her platinum hair a mess spilling over the controls.

"I did warn you, Miss Villetta, that you'd be tempting fate by running your mouth about my Master Lelouch. Then again, this was unavoidable since I was never on your side, only his." Sayoko said to an unconscious Villetta as she brought out a pair of handcuffs from within her prisoner garb and latched them onto the woman's wrists. "You're just so wrong about him you could almost be considered ignorant like that man Ohgi and the others. Worry not though, you'll find out just how magnificent and noble Master Lelouch really is and how much you'll regret not serving him sooner."


'Unghh.....! Wha...what happened?' Villetta groaned as she stirred awake, peeling her eyes open and letting the flutter as she struggled to regain consciousness amidst the mild ache in the back of her neck.

She tried moving her wrists, but couldn't and found them bound in a pair of handcuffs. She tried speaking, but discovered she had a ball-gag in her mouth, making her cheeks run scarlet when she realized she had been taken prisoner again! Not only that, but Villetta looked down her body and discovered she was almost entirely naked save for a rope-bondage piece constricting her torso with a pair of vibrators wedged deep into both her asshole and pussy.

'W-what has happened to me!? W-why...am I tied up like this!? I-I......! N-no....it couldn't be! Sayoko was the one who brought me here?!' She pieced together this startling revelation as the haziness of her vision cleared, revealing to the sight of Lelouch sitting at his Throne room with that smug look on his face and the entirety of the Female Knights of the Round standing at his side.

They all wore matching, scandalously skimpy belly dancer outfits that left nothing to the imagination. Each of them was tailored to their own preferred color, showing off the nearly-naked pubis of their womanhood as well as their letting their tits hang out nakedly from within transparent straps of clothing. Even the skimpiest of swimsuits could be considered more modest in comparison. Dorothea Ernest, Anya Alstriem, Monica Kruchevsky, and Nonette Enneagram all stood there at his side with peaceful smiles on their faces.

Lelouch took notice of Villetta finally regaining consciousness and spoke up.

"Rise and shine, Miss Nu. I hope you like the accommodations I set for you. It may be a little on the nose, but I figured why not mix torture with pleasure to enhance the experience you're about to receive?~" Lelouch greeted, taking notice of the confused look on her face as she looked around in a frenzy hoping to find out if Sayoko really betrayed her, but the rope bindings kept her from moving around too much.

"If you're wondering how you were captured right as you were about to escape, allow me to sum it up in three words." Lelouch leaned over, placing his chin on his knuckles with a smug grin on his face. "Just as planned."


'N-no! you don't mean.....!? He set me up?! The jailbreak? Sayoko? Everything?!' Villeta thought to herself as she heard the doors to the Throne room open up, revealing a slyly smiling Sayoko walking in while wearing a sexy Maid Cosplay uniform. The woman had little to leave to the imagination since her frilly apron was two sizes too small, revealing much of her robust D-cup-sized cleavage with a pair of fishnet stockings worn tightly over her long luscious legs.

She had her usual maid's bonnet up-top on her head, a choker around her neck, and a very skimpy set of black lace lingerie being worn around her body from behind the tiny apron. She was carrying a tray of refreshments up to Lelouch and his other women, making Villetta stare in disbelief the entire time.

"Here you go, Master Lelouch. Refreshments as ordered, and right on time for her to wake up no less. What a stroke of luck. *Giggle*~" Sayoko giggled happily, enjoying the look on Villetta's face when one of Lelouch's arms slid around her waist to pull her close. She let out a surprised giggle of happiness and ran he hands around his cheeks with the utmost affection, happy to show Villetta how truly content the beautiful Japanese woman was to be her Master's lover/bodyguard/fuck slave.

'H-he has to be using Geass on her! That's the only explanation, especially if he had just said it was all planned! That's how he works!' Villeta surmised and Lelouch, once again, anticipated her reaction and knew what she was thinking.

"If you believed I used my Geass on Sayoko to obey my every command, as well as set you up for capture, then you are sadly mistaken, Villetta Nu." He pointed out while taking one of the refreshments and taking a sip with a smug smile while she looked utterly baffled. "Allow me to explain by first saying that Sayoko, one of my precious Japanese lovers, has been on my side the entire time. Even before she was seemingly 'Tortured' and brought to your cell, which kicked off your little escape plan at long last."


'N-no.....! Sayoko.....?! Is this really true?' She wondered and l looked in Sayokok's directing, seeing the lovely woman smile happily while nodding her head.

Lelouch went on to continue his story of when she first came to him...


Sometime earlier, just after taking C.C. and making the immortal witch into his second impregnated lover to ravish forever, Lelouch let himself sink into the nice scolding waters of the hot baths located somewhere near his grandiose Master bedroom after a hard day of ruling the World. It was a spacious area with marble floors, large stone pillars, and big enough for an entire menagerie of women to enjoy this with. Just when he had tilted back his head with a towel being drawn over his face, Lelouch rested it onto one of the bath pillows resting on the edge. Sayoko came in, wearing her prisoner garb and looking at Lelouch longingly before walking over to him with a swaying pair of hips.

Removing whatever shoes she had and becoming barefoot, Sayoko quietly stepped into the soothing hot waters of the bath and swam over to Lelouch, making him take notice of her presence right away. He pulled the towel off of his head and looked at the lovely Japanese Maid with a mildly curious look, feeling surprised she'd break character and come here to him directly.

"Sayoko? What are you doing here? Got tired of playing Prisoner for today?" He asked in slight amusement, making the older woman giggle a bit as she let the waters soak her prisoner outfit. Some of it was becoming see-through, showing him the beige tone of her breasts with a bit of nipple pink peeking through. Lelouch was getting hard already as she placed her hands around his chest with adoration and concern reflected in her eyes.

"Master Lelouch.....what will you require of me now that the Zero Requiem has failed before it could launch? I know you well enough to know that you do not desire to be the sole object of hatred and power in the world. I am ready to follow any commands that you deem necessary if it'll bring you happiness whether it be continuing to play the role of prisoner or....joining your harem directly." She asked, keeping a formal tone yet barely hiding her eagerness for the second option.

'W-what? Did she really just ask me what I thought she did? Sayoko....wants to join C.C. and Kallen in my nest of lovers?' Lelouch was puzzled, being caught off guard for a change, and decided to probe even further. "Sayoko, clarify for me....what exactly do you mean by that request. It can be construed any number of ways, you know."

"Certainly, I am under the impression that after taking Miss Kozuki and Lady C.C. that you bring all your female prisoners into your growing harem of lovers. I would not object at all to joining them in ravishing you, making you happy, and soothing your soul in a way only a woman can, but I'll oblige whatever your command you give me, Master Lelouch. You have been my True Master for so many years and I dare not dream of a life without living to serve you. So I ask with clarity what are your orders for me that you would like fulfilled?~" She asked gently, making Lelouch's heart pulsate as well as his penis.

A sly smirk appeared on his face when he figured out that Sayoko truly wanted him badly, and he did care for this woman since she spent many years taking proper care of both Nunnally and himself. He had never pictured her more than anything other than a nanny and reliable guardian, but the woman was indeed a ravishing beauty, and seeing her naked skin seep through the drenched prisoner outfit made the decision she had wanted to hear.

"Well then, I order you to strip for me, Sayoko. Serve me just as they did.~" He commanded, making the Japanese woman's face light with a smile as she got up and undid the rest of her drenched outfit, revealing her naked womanly body to him all its perfectly fit glory!

Her D-cup breasts bounced out, wet and shimmering with moisture along with her long luscious thighs complete with a fuzzy patch of pubic hair directly above her sex. Sayoko had perfectly fit proportions with a slim waist and borderline hourglass shape making Lelouch groan with arousal as she grabbed a sponge full of soap and prepared to wash him.

"Allow me to bathe you first, Master Lelouch. *Giggles*" She giggled happily as he got up from his spot and gave the woman his back, allowing her to get on her kneecaps and sit behind him as she started lathering the sponge all over his naked body like so.

"Mmhmmhmm... Sayoko. I had forgotten how soft your hands are despite you being able to wield ninja knives with ease. You relay do have a mother's aura around your body.~" Lelouch said as he felt the Ninja maid's hands roam sensually all over his naked, soapy body while pressing her wet tits against his back, giving him a sensual breast massage like they were a pair of large sponges.

"Mmhmhmmhh! I'm always happy to please you, Master Lelouch. Very happy, especially right now." Sayoko said soothing into the side of his ear, reaching down between his legs with both slick hands grabbing onto his erect monolith of a cock like so. She felt Lelouch whimper silently with arousal and felt her gentle fingers squeezing his meat tightly, or at least attempting to. 'S-so...large...and full of life. He.....will be able to sire plenty of children in many of the  women here due to that level of virility.'

"Hnghhh.....! Keep it going, Sayoko. You're really turning Master on right now, I think I may want to skip the bath entirely and just have you right here. That is if you do a good enough job stroking me off.~" Lelouch teased, lighting a fire underneath the Ninja maid as she began stroking his cock even faster with her slick palms positively stimulating the underside of his shaft.

Slick, sliding noises of Sayoko's hands pumping Lelouch's length began, making the boy groan loudly as he felt them repeatedly squeezing his shaft with every motion she made. If this woman was one thing, it was precise and accurate with how stimulating she could make sensitive erogenous areas a person could feel on their body. He could tell that Sayoko was certainly enjoying it plenty right now. Looking to the side, he saw the woman blushing intensely with a starstruck look in her eyes, making it obvious she had been wanting this for some time now.

"Huh..huh...huh...huh...huh...huh..uhh....! Master Lelouch! Am I doing a good enough job?~" She asked almost desperately, feeling his cock beginning to throb and pulsate angrily like an artery between her hands. The gushes of soapy water continued splashing around the surface of the bath with how much energy Sayoko was putting into her hand job.

"Mnghhhh! Allow me to answer you in a way I know you'll like."~ He said quickly before reaching up behind her head and pulling the older woman down onto his lips, embracing her in a fierce and passionate kiss!

"Mmnnghhhhhhh!!~" Sayoko moaned loudly from inside of his mouth, tasting her Master at long last as she felt his tongue swiveling down into her throat expertly to roll around with her own. Little hearts started appearing with her eyes, leading to her letting go of his dick and embracing Lelouch fully with her arms wrapping around his chest. "Ohhhmhhh! *Schlup...schlepp..schlup...shclupp...schlupp!* Master...!~"

She closed her eyes and surrendered herself to him completely, mind, body, and soul without a regret in the world. Her naked adult-sized frame started rubbing around all over his backside with her breasts still squishing against his shoulder blades. They made out languidly for several more minutes until Lelouch broke off from Sayoko's lips, pulling himself back so he could rest on top of a seat-shaped basin of the bath with his cock standing up readily in the air. Gesturing to it with his fingers, he gave Sayoko the go-ahead to breed herself on his dick.

"Do it."

"Y-yes, Master!~" She gushed happily and went over to straddle his waist, align her aching sex with the monolith of his incredibly large cock. Keeping her slick thighs around his hips and lowering her buttocks between his thighs, Sayoko felt the bulbous tip of Lelouch's member breaching in through her labia, making her insides churn and spread wide apart as she mounted him completely!


The woman's head threw itself back and her breasts lunged forward, quivering as she felt the massive appendage push through her insides on its way to her womb. The way Sayoko shuddered atop of his waist to how tight her pussy felt clutching his member as she sunk into the hilt left Lelouch groaning loudly in sublime pleasure.

"Uungghhhh!! Sayoko....! You feel marvelous! Ahh....! Given how wet you already were, I can tell you've been wanting this for some time!" He let out, seeing her nod her head rapidly as she began rolling her pelvis all over his waist, letting her wet and naked body feverishly start riding him with breasts jostling about.

"Yess! I have! I truly have! I love you, Master Lelouch! And I'll be happy serving as one of your many lovers! So please.....bless me with a baby right at this very moment. I'll be happy to serve you, ravish you, bear you children, for as long as l I've! Aaaaahhh!~" Sayoko cried out, making her naked body heave and roll all over his waist some more while causing her insides to lurch and clutch his cock obsessively to try milking him for seed.

Sayoko's hips threw themselves down on his waist, making sure every slick inch of her body collided nakedly with Lelouch's groin. She could feel the thickness of his cock filling out her walls and making her feel immeasurable amounts of pleasure as she began riding his lap in a seated upright position. Smack after smack of wet skin collided with his things, making her cheeks vibrate since she was fucking herself on his meat so intensely. She could tell Lelouch was feeling the same, save for the fact that he was keeping a more composed face than she was. He held onto her waist with one of his hands, feeling up her buttocks and enjoying the squishy vice of her pussy gobbling up his cock.

Once Sayoko had a good rhythm, she hooked her legs around his backside and crossed ankles behind his butt, locking him in deeply as she hung off of his shoulders with a lovestruck smile on her face.  Her body began rutting onto him feverishly with her pussy squelching non-stop all over his length, feeling it tunnel into her womb like so. Sayoko's ample breasts were repeatedly bouncing around in front of his face, tempting Lelouch to grab hold of one of them had he not been squeezing her ass into each of his hands. The feeling of having a beautiful, adult-aged Japanese woman riding him like a sex-deprived beast was utterly sublime in Lelouch's eyes. He could feel every inch of Sayoko's pussy milking his cock as she continued riding him for roughly fifteen or so minutes.

"Uuuahh....uuahh....uahh....uahh..uuahh...uahh...uaaahh...uaaahh...uuaahhh!! Master Lelouch...! Ooohhhh....! I love you, Master!~" She confessed, blushing intensely as she pulled him onto her lips for a fierce kiss, getting one back from him as he shoved his tongue down her throat while feeling her arms wrap around his neck.

Sayoko embraced him fully and let her tongue get dominated by his as they exchanged saliva and tasted each other amidst this frenzied fucking. In and out his dick was sinking all the way into the back of her womb, making the woman cling tightly onto him as she attempted to drain him of his seed and get herself pregnant. She wanted Lelouch to make her a mother, specifically a mother to his children, and rode him with little glowing hearts appearing in her soft amber eyes as they continued rutting for a little while more.

"Mmhhh...mmnhg..mmnhgn...mmngh..mnnghhhh!! *Sayokooooo!*" He growled into her mouth, making the Japanese woman pull herself off of his lips with a dazzled smile seen on her face. "Nngghhh...I'm going to cum soon, better lock those legs tight if you want me to make you into a mommy.~"

At this, Sayoko brightened up even more and did exactly as she was told. Clutching her legs even tighter around his back, to the point where it was considered a kind of attack utilizing leg muscle, she clutched the lad's backside thoroughly with ankles grinding deep behind his buttocks. Each of her soft heels was digging into his skin as she continued rolling her groin onto Lelouch's waist repeatedly, feeling his cock beginning to tremble as he prepared to cum directly inside of her waiting womb.

'Gughh! Too tight! Maybe I should've chosen my words more carefully!' Lelouch winced as he felt the vice-like suction of the Ninja Maid's pussy begin gushing all over him in climax! Sayoko threw her head back and yelled out into the air of happiness brought on her orgasmic eruption.

"Kkyyaaaaaghhhhhh!! Aaaaahhhh! Master....!~" She cried out and felt his shaft throb and pulsate before pumping a thick slew of sperm directly into her waiting depths!


Thick ropes of semen rushed into her womb, filling it up to capacity and beyond as he kept on bucking his waist into Sayoko's frame, enjoying the sensation of insemination such a wholesome and motherly beauty like her. He growled in ecstasy as he felt her cervix milking him for even more and eventually felt his head getting brought up to meet her lips in one last love-filled embrace even as they came together in the harmonious climax.

"Mmmnghhh! *Schluupppp!* Mmnhhh....*Schlupp..schlupp..schlup!*...ohhh...Master Lelouch. I love you so very much.~" Sayoko breathed out once they were finished riding out their orgasms and rested atop her Emperor's lap, letting sperm ooze out of her cunt and into the waters below. She was breathing a little raggedly and catching her breath, feeling Lelouch do the same while caressing her backside for a moment.

Once they were well-rested, he lifted the woman's chin and brought her face closer to his when executing his next order for her to follow.

"Sayoko, that...was amazing. You can certainly count on us doing this much more often soon, but for right now, I need you to return to your cell and act as my mole for a little while longer. Report any possible escape attempts to me and pretend to be a reliable friend to any that might try to escape. I don't doubt others still believe I am a Demon in human clothing, but I will remain the Emperor of this world if it means getting it on the right track to being fixed. No more Fleijas, no more Social Darwinism, no more tragedy like what befall your people so long ago." He explained, making Sayoko's heart melt as she nodded her head right before placing her lips on his for another deep kiss.

"Of course, anything for you, Master Lelouch. I think I know of someone already, I trust you to have a plan in mind to circumvent her efforts once I am sure." Sayoko said, receiving a smile and being kissed back by Lelouch as they shared in that moment of intimacy for a little while longer.


Back to the present.


"It wasn't much later that I had Sayoko moved to your prison cell following a supposed 'Torture' session, giving you a lockpick and a means to escape.  I expected that you'd break out when the time was right and Sayoko informed me of when so that I could empty the Hangar and that particular prison floor of personnel. She would catch you by either restraining you or simply overcoming you in battle then surrounding you with armed security guards. I never expected you to knock you out, but I guessed you must've done something to have pissed her off.~" Lelouch revealed, making Villetta glare harshly at Sayoko, who simply smiled back out of politeness and a sense of gleeful malice.

"She was saying so many vile things about you that I couldn't resist knocking her out and then bringing her here early," Sayoko admitted and brought her face down upon Lelouch, embracing the young Emperor in yet another steamy kiss in which they had their tongues sloppily worming around each either with passion. "Hmhhmhh! *Schlupp...schlupp....schlupp!* Darling.~"

"Tch!" Villetta spat and watched them slowly break apart, leading to Sayoko snidely grinning at her from the side as she sat on his lap like a trophy girlfriend. Lelouch brought a hand around her waist and looked at Villetta with a smug grin,ready to rub salt in the wound even more.

"All that time she spent earning your trust, she's also been gathering information about you personally, Villetta Nu. I may know a lot about you, but Sayoko uncovered some secrets that I find rather interesting. Secrets like the fact that, no matter how much you deny it, you crave being dominated by a stronger power. You like to be submissive, which is why I'll have you serve as a maid under Sayoko from now on.~" He revealed, making Villetta seethe hatefully as she started blushing crimson in refusal of everything Lelouch was saying.

'That's absurd! I don't crave being submissive! I---*Bbbzzt*--mmnnghhhhhh!!~' She thought before she cried out in midsentence from behind the ball gag when feeling one of the vibrators in her pussy suddenly jolt to life and swivel around the inside of her sex in a high-shaking manner. Villetta could feel her insides being stimulated completely, making her beginning to leak cum as she crumbled to the sensation she was being given.

She saw Lelouch holding up a small remote, obvious for turning on the vibrators, making Villetta frown miserably since she had just been outed by a literal sex toy.

"Oh, you wouldn't be so....sensitive to that if you aren't already aroused by the situation you find yourself. Villetta. Looka t you, rope bondage around that naked, voluptuous torso, two vibrating sex toys wedged each orifice while you writhe and moan like a helpless animal in heat. I can practically smell the sex coming off of you, which reminds me." Lelouch smirked and turned to Sayoko, gesturing to the brown-skinned woman squirming helplessly on the floor in front of them while the four Knights gathered close to their Master.

"Go and administer some 'Discipline' to Miss Nu, Sayoko. I think she's wanting to have a first-hand example of how right we are about her kink for being a whimpering pet. Spank that brown ass of hers,fondle those luscious tits, do whatever it takes to make that woman break while I take care of my Royal Guard right here and now. They've been craving attention from me and don't want to wait in line.~" Lelouch said, seeing Sayoko nod obediently and place one more deep kiss on his lips before getting up off of his lap.

She removed her French Maid apron, revealing a scanty cupless black-lace lingerie outfit that showed everything like her pussy and her tits all at once as she held a leather flogger in her hands.

"As you wish, Master. It'll be my pleasure.~" Sayoko said as she walked over to Villetta, who was writhing about on the floor with both vibrators stimulating her ass and her pussy to absurd heights. She was wriggling left and right, moaning loudly when she watched Sayoko kneel beside her with one of her hands grabbing onto her right ass cheek.

"Mmngghhh!!" Villetta howled from behind the ball gag and watched as Lelouch stepped out from the Throne chair. He activated some random key on the control panel next to it, making the large golden Throne sink into the floor via stage-set machinery. He stood up with Nonette, Dorothea, Monica, and Anya all held with his arms like they were all his proud polygamous trophy wives.

Watching these once-proud Warriors of Britannia rubbing their hands all over his body through his robes made Villetta seethe with envy as well as spite for the World Emperor smiling slyly at her from afar. Out from the floor came a newfound King-sized bed big enough to hold about twelve or so women on it without running out of space. It was covered in satin crushed velvet sheets with a plethora of pillows set in place on the surface. Lelouch guided all four of his Royal Knights onto it, grabbing both Monica and Anya's asses from the side while taking Nonette and Dorothea into his mouth for a salacious three-way kiss filled with eroticism!

"Hmhhmhh! Mmhmm! *Schluupp...! Shcluupppp!* Master Lelouch. oh...God!~" Dorothea Ernst moaned as she felt her tongue getting swallowed up by Lelouch for a couple of seconds before he switched over to Nonette. The silver-haired beauty with large breasts was all too happy to slide her tongue down his mouth, embracing him thoroughly while he continued feeling up the younger pair of girls from the side.

Villetta was filled with conflicting emotions right now and begrudgingly getting aroused all the same by watching him have his way with the former protectors of the Britannian Crown. Watching them moan into his mouth and writhe atop the bed with two of them beginning to undress was leaving her a sense of growing need she could not ignore.

"Mnngghhh! Hnnghhhh!!" She moaned into the ball gag, feeling reluctantly aroused by the sight. On some subconscious level, Villetta wanted to be in their place getting ravished by the most powerful man in the world. Thinking such a line a thought left chills down her spine as she started feeling growing pleasure coming from the inside of her pussy as well as the cavity of her anus.

That is until....this happened.


Sayoko's flogger came down upon her brown ass while she was busy kneeling in her restraints! Villetta let out a loud, muffled moan from inside of her throat as she felt her buttocks stinging after receiving the tender stroke of the Maid's spanking tool

"Hnngghhhh!!*" She yelled out and watched as Lelouch took off all his clothes, seeing him preparing to take Monica first after positioning the blonde Knight onto all fours and getting behind her. His body was nice and lean yet he had a throbbing mast of an erection springing out! Villetta's eyes went wide in surprise as she felt her arousal beginning to increase exponentially upon seeing Lelouch's cock out in the open. 'H-he's that big!? Him!? W-why isn't he using it on me if he wants to break me into one of his little sluts like he probably plans to?!'


"Hnnggghhh!!! *Aaaaaahhhh!*" She cried out with eyes closing tight and tears leaking out a bit as she felt stimulation coming from the tenderizing of her ass by Sayoko's flogger. Villetta's body wriggled a fair bit with intensifying arousal, making her pussy soak her rope bondage very noticeably before Sayoko's eyes while Lelouch started fucking Monica doggy style from atop the bed.

"Aaaaahhhhhh! Aahh..ahh..a.ahh...aahh...aaahh...uaaahhh! Master Lelouch! Oohhhh..yes!~" Monica cried out, tossing her head back as her buttocks met repeatedly against the young man's waist with increasing frenzy. Dorothea and Nonette stood on their knees by his side with kisses and tongues peppering either side of his face in tandem. Anya simply straddled Monica's backside from above and took to kissing Lelouch's chest, occasionally kissing his nipples.

'M-Monica...Krushevsky....! S-she looks like she's really enjoying what Lelouch is doing to her!' Villetta thought to herself again as she felt one of Sayoko's hands reach down to fondle one of her tits through the rope bindings. She closed her eyes and whimpered loudly as she continued to watch Lelouch bottom out of Monica with heavy slams of his hips. It was such an exotic, enticing sight that she couldn't tear her eyes away from it.


Sayoko brought down the flogger again and swung it with a fair bit of satisfaction since it was revenge for Villetta badmouthing her beloved Master Lelouch!




"Hnnghghhh!!!*" Villetta cried out from behind the ball gag, moaning in pain-induced pleasure as she was getting wetter and wetter. She was breathing raggedly now and watched as Lelouch pounded Monica, making the woman's face push into the bed sheets as they achieved climax a few moan-filled minutes later! He grunted softly and emptied out a thick load of sperm directly into her waiting pussy, making the blonde girl shudder and writhe in ecstasy before moving on to Dorothea next.

'H-he's such an animal! He's... really making the Knights of the Round his literal bitches!' She thought to herself, feeling Sayoko squeeze one of her tits even harder while occasionally tweezing her light salmon-colored nipple between her fingers. Villetta would up screaming internally but in any kind of torturous manner of reaction, only in masochistic pleasure as she was being made into Sayoko's pet bitch.

"That's right, enjoy yourself, Villetta. You're only proving my darling Master right tall along, you know. Every tremor your body makes is proof enough that....'' Sayoko leaned in close to her right ear, squeezing one of Villetta's brown butt cheeks into her soft hands. "...you crave being his bitch.~"

Upon hearing this, Villetta wound up shivering in ecstasy, wishing to be brought to full release as reality hit her in the face repeatedly amidst the moans brought on by Lelouch fucking another one of the knights. He had Dorothea Ernest bouncing up and down in his lap nakedly with tits bouncing around in his face! The tanned-skinned woman with dazzling green eyes was moaning constantly as he fucked her raw while engaging Anya in a deep tongue-sucking kiss.

"Uuhh....uuh..uh..uuh..uuh...uuahh...uuahh..uuahh....ooohhhh Master! Oh! I love you, Emperor Lelouch!" Dorothea cried out, feeling his cock churning deeper into her pussy with legs clamping tightly around his backside.

Villetta was feeling everything and more while Sayoko continued to dominate her like a pet owner mistreating a pet itself. The Ninja maid brought down the flogger again and made sure to squeeze one of Villetta's caramel-colored tits when she slapped it across her brown ass like so.


"Mmnghhhhh! Uuuuuhhhh!" She moaned loudly, wailing like a banshee as she continued to feel pleasure through bodily pain. Being underneath someone's heel was something she had very fulfilling, try as she might in denying it. Having Sayoko dominate her body while she watched Lelouch bring Dorothea to completion minutes later was starting to take its toll on Villetta.

Gradually, the urge to place herself in either of their positions increased exponentially with the craving for sex her body was giving her.

"That's it! Watch! Watch as my master dominates you snooty Britnnaian knights like a true emperor would!" Sayoko yelled out, getting into the act of a sadomasochistic trainer for a woman she greatly resented for badmouthing her lover. She brought down the flogger again across Villetta's brown ass, making her cheeks wriggle in a loud smack of rubber on flesh!


"*Aaaaaggghhhhh! Uuughhhh!*" Villetta cried out, enjoying the pain too much to beg Sayoko to stop. She kept her eyes focused on Lelouch injecting a thick helping of cum directly into Dorothea's sex before pulling her off and grabbing Nonette to fuck her next. For this next position, he had the female knight's right leg held up over one of his shoulders as he shoved his sperm-coated cock directly into her pussy in a side-saddle position.

The ever-familiar 'squelch' of penetration followed and Nonette was crying out in ecstasy with her hands behind her head, letting her pendulous tits jostle about in the air while Lelouch bottomed out of her like so.

"Aaaahhhhh! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes..yes! Ohhh....darling! Breed me all over again just as soon as I give birth to our child! Uuaaaahh!" Nonette cried out happily, feeling Lelouch's cock tunnel into her pussy with the pace of a jackhammer.

'S-she's pregnant? Are they all......carrying his babies!?' Villetta thought aghast, but not with any kind of repulsion. Instead, she was getting rather needy to experience the same feeling herself as this went on. Being a woman of her prime getting closer to her thirties by her perspective, left Villetta feeling her clock ticking by the minute.

Between the moan, the spankings, and the sensation she got from watching Lelouch dominate Nonette so effortlessly that Villetta's mentality changed from spiteful to amorous. Sayoko took notice of the starstruck look in her eyes as she continued spanking the bitch's brown ass from above!


"Mmngghhhhh!! Uuuuhhhhh!!~" Villetta cried out in whimpering euphoria, feeling her rational slip away in right of the desperate need for stimulation by cock. She could feel her hyde being tanned raw, leaving a few reddened marks across her brown cheeks, but Villetta wasn't distracted by the pain at all. If anything, she was distracted by the sigh of Lelouch causing Nonette to crash into a wall of orgasmic ecstasy after another couple of minutes of sexual frenzy.

"Kkkyaaaaaaagghhhhh!!! Uunghhhh! Oohhhh Master!" She cried out and felt the thick ejaculation of his cock spewing a thick load of sperm inside of her waiting depths all over again. She was already pregnant but getting treated like a breeding sow had always left the busty woman feeling like she just experienced heaven.

Villetta's eyes watched as his bloated shaft pumped and pumped continuously into the woman's taint, filling her up full of sperm before pulling out and showing that he was still thoroughly erect. With a 'Splotch' of moisture and semen oozing off of his dick, Lelouch turned to Anya next and pulled the petite girl by the wrists and impaled her body by way of reverse cowgirl position.


Anya threw her head back with a delirious smile crossing her lips, shuddering blissfully as she felt Lelouch's massive length churn through her gushing pussy from below. He had laid back on the bed, keeping her buttocks smothering his waist as he began bucking into her from below, fully aware Villetta was watching everything in front of her. The woman would undoubtedly be driven to madness by way of lustful need and having Sayoko discipline her with the spankings only meant she could be proudly subservient wh en transformed into a sex slave maid like her!

Villetta found herself moaning again, watching with grandiose envy as she saw Lelouch's cock pushing into the younger girl's twat like there was no tomorrow.

"Uuuaaaaghhhhh! Aaahhh...ahh...ahh...ahh...ahh..ahhhh...oohhh yes! Lelouch! Leloooooouch! I love you, baby! Let's keep having babies for the rest of our lives!" Anya cried out with her body jostling repeatedly in and down motion causing her tits to jiggle salaciously in non-stop repetition.

'T-that....that should be me! I-I should be there right now.....taking that magnificently large cock into my body with the plan of procreating a child with L-Lelouch! It should be me....aaahhhh! I....want to be his bitch! I do! To be the Demon Emperor's little toy....it's.....it's what I've been looking for all this time!' Villetta snapped, slobbering all over the ball gag as Sayoko took to fondling each side of her buttocks with her right hand. She was squeezing the woman's brown tits in tandem, making sure to stroke every sensitive erogenous region with expert strokes of her fingertips.

'She's getting there now. I'm sure she has already broken into a mewling quim desperate for his seed. Having watched all those girls getting bred thoroughly by Lelouch probably set off some long-repressed needs she has been keeping in check.~' Sayoko surmised as she continued watching the sight of Lelouch fucking Anya like a domineering monarch, making the petite pink-haired girl writhe in mind-numbing ecstasy for the next several minutes.

Villetta watched every step of the way and waited until he finished ejaculating inside of Anya when her orgasm hit to follow the plan he had laid out for her. The pink-haired girl shuddered in ecstasy and arched her back while quivering in orgasm right here atop the emperor's crotch!

"Kyyaaaaaaaaghhhhhh! Uunghhhh!! Lelouch....! Lelouch...I love you, darling! Hnghhh!" Anya cried out, wearing a delirious ahegao face while her pussy was being pumped full of sperm for about a solid minute tops until she slumped over onto the bed thoroughly spent.

Villeta's eyes sparkled with desire as she saw that his cock remained fully hardened, even after cumming in four different women back-to-back. Her pussy quivered with demand for his seed, her entire body ached for his touch, she was ready to be bred next and made into a subservient slave with no thoughts of Ohgi whatsoever.

"Ah, that was a wonderful evening snack. Sayoko.....how about you come over here and clean me off with those wonderful breasts of yours? Be sure to have two of the armed guards come in to take Villetta back to her cell after you're done, I don't think she needs a grand finish, correct? It seems as though she still hates me for existing.~" Lelouch let out, making Villetta's very soul sink through the floor in horror as she felt Sayoko's hands leave her ass and tits as she got up.

"Of course, Master Lelouch.~" Sayoko responded and went over to Lelouch dutifully before dropping onto her knees in front of her. She grabbed hold of each of her doughy breasts, keeping them squeezed into each of her hands, and brought them around the hilt of his monstrous-looking shaft like so.

Feeling the doughy treasures of the Japanese woman's tits smothering the lower third of his cock prompted Lelouch to hiss with pleasure as he felt her beginning to slide them eloquently up and down his shaft. Villetta watched in horror as she saw him enjoy the breasts of Sayoko, wishing she could be the one doing it or at least slobber all over his cock like her instincts were telling her to. The woman whimpered and groaned even more from behind the ball gag, keeping her body squirming about on the floor as though seeing another woman pleasure him while she was restrained, was absolute torture.

"Huughhh..! Huuuhhh! Mmnhhhh! that's it, Sayoko. You're doing an excellent job. I love how adorably soft and ample your breasts are, they'll grow splendidly when you start lactating now that you're pregnant with my child as well." Lelouch said, huffing softly as he felt the Maid's doughy treasures working his cock diligently with a chipper smile on her face.

They smoothly slid up and down in repetition, squeezing together tightly while some of the leftover sperm served as a lotion for Sayoko's skin. She was all too happy to keep that pearly ooze slathered all over her tits while keeping her Master pleasured with her service. sliding them both simultaneously up and down his cock, Sayoko continued working them both all over the sides of the surface while slowly dipping down her head so she could be ready to start licking him off until--


"Mmngghhhhh!! *Nooooooo!! Please! Please let me experience pleasure too! I need to cum! I want to cum....! Uuughhh!! I'll do anything!*" Villetta howled through her ball-gag, being loud enough to solidify her words despite being muffled to a certain extent as she writhed about helplessly on the floor like a desperate-looking sex slave.

Lelouch and Sayoko paused what they were doing and took a good, hard look at Villetta as she mouthed another whimpering string of words while looking at Lelouch with tears in her eyes.

"*Please! I....want to serve you too!*" She mouthed, making the World Emperor smirk slyly as he gestured to Sayoko to go and free Villetta from her bindings. She nodded obediently and removed her breasts from his shaft, going over to bring the woman up to her feet and guide her over to kneel between his legs after taking off the ball gag.

'You'll be doing it without your hands, Miss Villetta. Fu fu fu.~" Sayoko giggled softly as she prepared to wrap her tits around Lelouch's cock again when Villetta opened up her mouth and latched onto the head of his meat without hesitation!


"Mhh!! Mhhmmhh! *Lelouch....! Ooooohh.....!*" She moaned, letting the bulbous head of his dick hollow out her cheeks a bit before she started sucking him off. Vileltta's mischievous tongue swirled around the head of his glans while Sayoko managed to squeeze her melons around the lower half of his cock again, doubling the pleasure he was receiving as they began pleasuring Lelouch at the same time.

Villetta kept her lips firmly sealed around the neck of his length,  letting her tongue cleanse the surface of any sperm that was left when he fucked the female Knights of the Round. Before belong, She was taking him in deeper and letting his cock sink into her throat as much as it can while Sayoko took to swiveling her tits all over her share of his phallus.

"Hmhhmhhh! *Schluup...schlup...schlupp..schlupp..schlupp..schlup...schlupp..schlupp..schlupp..schluup! Mmhmhhmm! Lelouch!~" She moaned loudly with little hearts appearing in her eyes as she began bobbing her head voraciously onto his waist, letting her lips tap into Sayoko's creamy chest as they continued servicing him in tandem.

Lelouch clenched his teeth and felt his cock beginning to throb once more as he felt the slimy orifice of Villetta's hot mouth swallowing up the top third of his cock with fervor. She threw her face down into his waist, letting her nose prod and bump into Sayoko's tits repeatedly while slurping on the rest of his length as loudly as possible.

"Hnghhhh....! Aaaahhh....! Good job, you two! Keep going, bring me to a grand finish and I'll make sure to reward our newest 'Member' with a proper reward worth working for. She doesn't seem to hate so much now, does she?~" Lelouch laughed as he enjoyed the repeat suction of Villetta's lips hungrily sliding down his cock while Sayoko continued fluffing the center of his length with her breasts.

They bobbed and weaved between his legs, taking turns humping his groin as one gobbled the top part of his dick while the other happily massaged the bottom part with her breasts. It was a cacophony of slurping and moaning followed by Lelouch growling in ecstasy as he continued feeling this treatment for at least another ten or fifteen minutes. Villetta eventually switched tactics by running her tongue all over the underside of his length, tasting Lelouch entirely with a broken-in look of lust written in her eyes. She was finally his and she would gladly be bred right after he was finished exploding in her face. Sayoko knew this and was happy she saw the error of her ways, mentally promising herself to bring one of the high-tech floating cameras so she could capture the moment when Lelouch would take her.

"Hmhhm...mhmm..mhmm..mhmm...mhmm..m.hmm..mhmm! *Schluuuuuup! Schlupp!* Mmhmm!" Villetta let out, feeling his cock throb underneath her tongue while Sayoko continued feverishly squeezing his dick, wanting to make sure the once spiteful prisoner got a faceful of his essence.

"Uugghhhh! I'm coming! Here....it comes! Gaaagh!" Lelouch yelled out, bucking his hips slightly and making his cock push further into Villeta's face when he exploded like a volcano! The former Britannia Soldier yelped in gleeful surprise and was feeling thick splashes of sperm collide into her face to the point she nearly stumbled back!


Lelouch growled loudly as he emptied another load today, this time into the face of Villetta Nu, making her cheeks, nose, and forehead covered in his cum while she hurried to clean off any of it near her lips by using her tongue. The woman did this without any delay or shame and she was happily ingesting every ounce of his seed she could get into her mouth.

"Hmhhhm! *Gulp....gulp....gulp!* Aahhh....! Please....take me too, Lelouch! I want what the Knights of the Round had! I want what Lady Sayoko has! I want you to treat me like a subservient piece of meat to fuck and pop babies into! Please!~" She cried out, making Lelouch smile slyly in victory as he watched her clean off the rest of the seed lining her cheeks.

"Hmmm, what do you think, Sayoko? Should I oblige her wishes?~" Lelouch asked, seeing his eternally loyal maid/lover nod her head respectfully with a chipper smile.

"I believe so, Master Lelouch. She certainly seems to want it now, so much that she seems to have forgotten all her vitriol towards you. Why make the poor woman suffer any longer? Besides, I believe a rough treatment would be a great way to introduce her to the life of a humble, sex-hungry maid that' she'll forever be from now on." She suggested, making Lelouch smile as he got up from the spot on the bed and pulled Villetta to her feet.

He smiled at her slyly and pushed her onto the bed itself after swiftly undoing the handcuffs around her wrists. The tall, womanly beauty with brown skin and silver hair stumbled onto all fours and waggled her plump ass in front of him as he got behind her. His erection was still long, hard, and full of life-giving essence, ready to breed a child into Villetta's body while one of the stealth-hidden cameras floating around watched. He had a plan in mind to show this and one additional video to a certain sellout traitor, later on, to remind him of his costly mistake of allying with Schneizel

Lelouch wasn't one for petty revenge that didn't involve the family, but after siding with that mad man after selling him out, all of his siblings and citizens in Pendragon were wiped off the face of the Earth. Lelouch had no intention of letting Ohgi live on in blissful ignorance, not without showing him the consequences of his betrayal. Shaking shi head and pushing negative thoughts to the back of his mind, Lelouch got behind Villetta and guided his turgid cock into the creamy velvet folds like so.



"Uuggnnhhhhh!! Aaaaahhhhh! It's s-s-soo...big! Uunnghhh!! Lelouch....! It's too much!~" She cried out, quivering salaciously to the point her ample C-cup-sized breasts jiggled about from within the rope bondage.

"You'll get used to, trust me on that." He said, enjoying the way her slick, tight pussy clutched his length the further he sunk inside of her sex. He could feel every sensitive vaginal muscle guiding him over to the cervix, squeezing his large shaft along the way and allowing him to push into the hilt behind her. Sayoko knelt by his side and got a front-row seat to watch, feeling eager to see Villetta breaking completely to her Master's cock. Plus, it was quite a turn-on for the maid seeing his cock stretch out the woman's pussy as if her insides were a living condom.

Reaching over her backside, Lelouch grabbed a hold of her hair, making her hairband snap off, causing her long beautiful silver hair to spill down all over her shoulders in an elegant manner. She truly was a beautiful and perfect woman to breed into submission, just how she wanted, thus, Lelcouh held no qualms about fucking this woman stupid as he began bucking into her fat brown ass! One slap of his waist collided into her thighs and cheeks, making the latter jiggle voraciously as he started fucking her.

"Uunghhh! Mmnhhh! You are tight, Villetta, in perfect physical condition no less. I'd say you're perfectly able to have children right now, perhaps a bundle of them after today." He growled, throwing his waist into her buttocks, making the woman's insides quiver and clutch his length as it repeatedly drove into them.

'Slap after slap of bodies rutting together began with Lelouch fucking Villetta savagely, cleaving her pussy apart with his dick and pulling on her hair like a pair of horse reigns while doing so. The woman could only moan in sheer, unbridled ecstasy as she felt her insides spread apart to allow Lelouch's cock access to her babymaker. Picturing herself getting pregnant and sporting a swollen belly brought a delirious smile to her face.

"Aahh...ahh..aahh...ahh...ahh...ahh..ahh..ahh..aahh..aahhh! Aaaahhhhh! Oohhh Lelouch! Lelouooooch! Uuaaahh!" She howled loudly, smiling happily every passing second as she felt his dick slamming into her womb like a living battering ram. Sayoko felt up the sides of her Master's shoulders, watching as his dick sunk into her in nonstop repetition while he pulled on her hair even more. Lelouch was careful enough not to cause too much pain and ruin the moment, nor would he be inconsiderate enough to damage a woman's scalp if he managed to p;uck a hair strand or two.

Vilelttas's perfectly brown, physically sublime body went perfectly with her silver hair, making her look like an exotic angel worth breeding into submission. A more petty part of Lelouch wanted to see the look on Ohgi's face when he shows how much the woman he sold him out for is enjoying the cock of the 'Evil' Emperor of the World. Lelouch may have done some terrible things, walked a bloody path, and made many terrible mistakes, but he only did it for the people he loved like Nunally and all his friends. Liberating the Japanese was one noble enough side goal and he trusted his knights enough not to use Geass on them despite his earlier attitudes during the uprisings, but still, things failed for him because of his carelessness at times. To think they went that way at the behest of Ohgi buying Viletta's sob story at face value made his blood boil something fierce.

Shaking his head again, he continued fucking Villetta raw and started channeling some of his anger into his thrust,s making her entire body sway forward with every hard slap of his waist meeting her ass! Lelouch drilled into her very womb itself, making her insides squelch and squeeze his cock in desperation for his seed while Sayoko ran her hands all over the sides of his chest lovingly.

"Uugh..uugh..uuuuhg..uughhh! Who do you belong to now, Villetta? Who!? I want you to say it!" Lelouch yelled out, feeling her insides tightening around his cock as he hammered vigorously into her sex, making the woman croon pathetically in mind-numbing pleasure. Her balance became ruined and she slumped onto the bed with her face pushing into the covers with a delirious smile on her face.

The feeling of her cervix squeezing him tighter was bringing Lelouch to yet another orgasm minutes into fucking her doggy-style. He was enjoying the way her buttocks looked when smashing against his waist like a heart-shaped treasure colored in brown. She would be cumming soon and squeeze the cum out of him, guaranteeing her pregnancy since Syaoko told him she was fertile tonight.

"Aaahh...aahh..a.ahh..ahhh..aahh! Aaahhh! You are, My lord! I belong to you! Heart, body, and soul! Kyaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!~" Villetta cried out in ecstasy as she came, throwing her head back and letting her body quiver as she felt her pussy clutch his cock in orgasmic frenzy!

Lelouch winced with pleasure, feeling the slick vortex of her cunt start milking his cock for his seed which he was all too happy to give her after he grabbed onto her tits from above when spooning her backside. He slammed into her waist one last time and felt his shaft erupt in an explosion of sperm that splashed into Vileltta's fertile depths!

"Gghnghhhh! Yes,  you are....! Uuughh!" He hollered out, making his cock go in as deep as possible to the point a bulge appeared from within her stomach. It was expanding thanks to the thick amounts of sperm now spilling into her uterus without mercy.


Villeta let out a mighty scream of ecstasy as she felt Lelouch's cum flooding into her womb like a natural disaster! Her brown body quivered non-stop, feeling every jolt of euphoria running through her system as she became utterly broken into worshipping the young man like he was the perfect Domineering Lover she had been searching for all her life. Lelouch held onto her tits, squeezing them tightly within his hand as he emptied everything inside of her womb with a satisfied grin on his face.

Together tye rutted gently into each other while he seeded her insides, knowing that she was undoubtedly pregnant after pumping so much for nearly a couple of minutes tops. Sighing and groaning softly in pleasure, he let Villetta collapse onto the bed in a post-coital state of unconsciousness. He pulled his dick out of her sperm-filled twat with a sigh and looked at Sayoko with a triumphant grin on his face.

"Have her taken to an empty room and prepare a Maid uniform for her to wear. Once she wakes up, it'll be time to start teaching her how to be a maid. You'll be her superior, of course, so try not to rough her up too much before sending her over to me for breeding. You have done well, Sayoko, thank you for your hard work. Come here and give 'Master' a kiss.~" Lelouch said, making the woman's cheeks glow brightly as he pulled his face into another embrace, sharing her saliva with his as they shared a passionate kiss.

"Mmhmm! *Pop!* Thank you, Master. I'll be on my way with Miss Nu in hand then, fu fu fu.~" She giggled and got up, not bothering to change as she scooped the unconscious Villetta into her arms and lugged her over one of her shoulders. Sayoko was surprisingly strong.

She departed the Throne room, leaving Lelouch to sit onto the bed in post-coital aftermath, wondering how to improve security if a measly lockpick was able to undo one of the prison cell doors in the first place.

'Hmm, just how cheap were they when they first developed Damocles prison ward? I need to think about how to improve security so that another jailbreak like that doesn't happen. Choices, choices. He thought to himself, expecting to see a baby bump on Sayoko and Villetta in the future.

End of Chapter

To Be continued?  This has been For Darko. Thanks for reading.."



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