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Rivalz’s Reign of Absolute Obedience

Code Geass

By Azure/For Welltall

Chapter Seven- Nailing Nina Einstein


After an event in which Japanese terrorists took hostages at a luxury hotel somewhere deeper into the city, a fearful and xenophobic Nina Einstein encountered what she would describe as the shining exemplar of purity and grace known as Princess Euphemia Li Britannia. Things had gotten tense and violent when the girl, being scared out of her mind, had incurred the terrorists' wrath with her xenophobic remarks. This caused the soldiers to all turn their guns on her out of aggression and hatred until Princess Euphemia stepped forward in her civilian disguise to offer herself up as a bargaining chip for everyone's safety. Since then, Nina's heart filled with a borderline obsessive love for the pink-haired princess and she had been thinking about her nearly every day since that event.

Nina had tried seeing her again and was almost nearly arrested by Euphemia's security until the girl herself vouched for her and allowed a friendly visit between the two of them to take place. Ever since then, Nina came to understand her own feelings as a profound lesbian infatuation for Euphemia and had idolized her from afar, keeping a photographic picture of her on her person at all times. Nina had also frequently used it as a very personal means to pleasure herself whenever she was alone either in her room or at school when no one else was around. This would typically happen late at night after classes had ended and only after she volunteered to do clean-up by herself in the student council room. Whenever Nina had the photo-in-hand, her panties would be sliding down her milky yet smooth set of thighs which would then straddle the smoothened edge of a table corner.

Once the lights were dimmed and she had pulled up her skirt, the girl would mount herself atop of any round, pointed corner and begin fervently grinding her pussy on it while thinking about Euphemia. She would be visualizing herself to be crossing legs with the beautiful Princess and grinding her sodden womanhood all over hers in a fit of mutual lesbian passion. However, Nina was unaware that her schoolmate Rivalz Cardemonde had already beaten her to the punch and made Euphemia his. The once undervalued, often ridiculed boy had come into his own and had captured Euphemia's heart and soul some time ago. They went at it together in bed, passionately copulating without a care in the world and with her sister Cornelia joining in now and then for an incestuous threesome engagement. Euphemia basked in the sexual pleasure brought on by Rivalz's body as he ravished the girl nearly every chance he got between classes in his secret lifestyle of seducing others with the Geass device.

Unaware of any of it, Nina had kept her perverse actions a secret and avoided any prying eyes when coming in after school under the guise of volunteer clean-up duty. She hated to arouse suspicion from her friends and always believed herself to be in the clear whenever she arrived, leaving no trace of her actions until that all changed one day. After being suspicious of Nina's behavior, Rivalz decided to wait for Nina in school and see just what it is that she was really doing that she didn't want to be seen by anyone else.


The Ashford Academy Student Council Room...


Hastily walking over to the Student Council and making sure nobody was following her from behind was Nina Einstein. She crept into the room quickly with a lip-bitten look of anxiety on her face. She was excited alright, she always was when it came to pleasuring herself to a picture of Euphemia, but the uneasiness she was feeling right now was as clear as day. The girl just couldn't ignore the feeling that she was going to be seen by someone she knew. Deciding to push that thought down into the back of her head, she quickly made her way into the council room and left the door by mistake due to her impatience. Nina quickly walked over to the usual upper right corner of the council table, ready to please herself for the umpteenth time this week. She had been so pent-up and miserable ever since Euphemia stopped accepting her visits some time ago.

"Oooh....it's getting so much worse lately, the less I see or hear from Euphemia the more intense this craving gets. I hate being apart from you, Princess Euphemia, I know you must have a lot of royal duties to take care of while you're here in Sector Eleven, but why are you ignoring me lately? If only you weren't royalty then maybe we could finally be together like I've always dreamed of." Nina whimpered to herself and hastily flipped up her skirt so that her cotton white panties could be seen with a wet spot already appearing from within the fabric. It was damp enough to show the very pink of her folds of sex until she started to pull them down past her ankles and reached the photo of Euphemia she kept in one of her skirt pockets.

Little did she know, or even suspect, that a pair of almond-colored eyes had followed her the entire way here in secret. They belonged to Rivalz Cardemonde, who now stood outside of the council room with eyes focused on Nina pulling down her panties all the way down her creamy-looking legs till they reached her ankles. He whimpered with arousal once he saw that mildly fuzzy yet heavily glistening pussy come into view. Nina's sex was ripe with moisture right now and it looked as tight as he expected a lonely girl's pussy to be. Seeing it was making Rivalz growl with arousal already and part of him had wanted to go in there, bend the bookish girl over the table and fuck her raw right now. Nina may have been a xenophobic girl with issues making friends and being open about her thoughts which Rivalz suspects are borderline misanthropic, but still, fucking her had always been a guilty pleasure of one of Rivalz's fantasies outside of wanting to screw Milly.

'Huh, Nina really doesn't like to shave down there, does she? Classy girl, I do like them all the same anyway though, be it all-natural or neatly trimmed. But seriously, this is what she's been doing every day since volunteering for solo clean-up duty? She couldn't just do it in her dorm room or something? And it had to be Table-kun? Maybe she thinks her roommate will think less of her or something.' Rivalz thought to himself and saw the photo of Princess Euphemia being held in Nina's right hand. Seeing her look adoringly at it like it was a sacred treasure made it all come together for Rivalz, especially when seeing that bookish girl kiss the face on the photograph before setting it down on the table in front of her.

This made him chuckle just a bit since he felt it was kind of a twisted irony Nina had a borderline obsessive infatuation with Princess Euphemia of all people. Ironically she was unaware that he was fucking her almost daily ever since making his claim on her sister Cornelia. Rivalz had been enjoying a double-helping of the two gorgeous princesses for the price of one every time he'd meet up with either one of them. It seemed that Euphemia also had a bit of a raunchy kink towards sharing her boyfriend with her sibling and vice-versa, resulting in plenty of fun between sisters with Rivalz getting to ravish them together at the same time whenever he liked. He especially enjoys seeing them pleasure each other for his amusement before getting to join in and make them scream his name.

'Poor Nina, I mean, she honestly doesn't look half-bad and I do kinda have a thing for nerdy girls among everything else. In fact, damn near every girl in this school is my type and incredibly attractive. it's almost like everyone just has a single body type outside of breast size, but I'm not complaining.' Rivalz thought as he watched her hike up her right leg a bit higher and place her pubic mound directly on the round corner, aiming for the tip to touch directly between the folds of her slit. He could see her shuddering instantly response and start breathing hotly with her chest shaking about from behind her uniform blazer. 'Hmm, she really doesn't have much going on in the breast department though, aside from looking a little on the slender side of things, that face she's making right now just has me all wound up. Something tells me Nina is going to be a pent-up freak in the sack, even if she isn't, then it'll just be fun making her whimper. Oh ho ho, I'm going to take care of her alright, just as soon as I finish watching this.'

Nina planted one of her hands flat on the surface of the table and furthered the push of the corner into her sex, making a slick squelching noise come out quietly as she began grinding her pussy all over it in a rapidly increasing fashion. Her exposed buttocks bounced and wriggled forward, shaking her cheeks as she repeatedly ground her slit all over the dulled edge with ever-increasing haste. It was easily the most erotic masturbatory thing Rivalz had seen, and since it came from Nina, he became erect just by watching her go at it like an animal.

"Uhhh...uuuhh..uhhhh..uuhhhh..uuhh! Oohhhh….Euphemia...! Aaahhh...!" Nina breathed out, beginning to moan loudly with gasps constantly escaping her lips. She kept her eyes closed tight and flung her head back as she ground her pelvis even further onto the table corner, letting the edge fuck her sensitive mound with Euphemia foremost in mind.

The way Rivalz saw her spongy pink sex smother the corner made his cock lurch heavily with arousal as Nina's body started wriggling even faster the longer this went on. Her buttocks were rapidly twerking back and forth with her pelvis grinding on that corner as if it was another person she was grinding on. Rivalz saw her clitoris poking out from her wetness already, it was followed up by her folds beginning to gush already with splashes of moistness spilling onto the polished surface of the mahogany table. Rivalz was honestly mildly disgusted she had apparently been doing that for who-knows-how-long now, but he was hardly one to judge since he had fucked Milly on top of it with her naked ass often leaving prints. Seeing her sex ride the table corner was making him pitch a furious tent within his pants as she continued dry-humping 'Table-Kun' for no longer than fifteen minutes.

While she was doing this, Rivalz wondered how creative he could get with making this thirsty nerdy girl fall for him rather than lust hopelessly after Euphemia. He did want to take them both at the same time like with the Princess and her sister, just for the sheer perversion of it. Having the obsessive girl with the crush and the Royal Princess that was the source of her affection go at it together with the same guy was enticing enough to make Rivalz poach an erection through the surface of his pants.

'Wow. She's really doing a number on our table over there. I'd feel a little disgusted if I wasn't so turned on right now.' Rivalz thought to himself when he had just gotten a brilliant idea on how to officially make Nina really his. One that brought a smug smile to his face.

'Making her thirsty for me is one way to go about it, but what if I can make her crazy about Rivalz Cardemonde the same way she became madly in love with Euphemia? Having Nina officially become one of my many girlfriends and getting in on the action with basically the rest of the female members of the student council sounds like one hell of an idea. I'm doing this.' Rivalz reasoned with a smile and brought out the Geass device from his pocket, ready to implement one of the special 'Sub' functions to help him scroll through the wide list of Geass powers in a more efficient way. 'Yeah, there's no limit to the secrets this thing has inside of it. It makes me glad it also has a search function even though it is admittedly a little tricky to use since it requires a lot of input and specifics. The knowledge I got from Nunally certainly helped me figure out that this power was available and super convenient for what I want it to do with Nina.'

His fingers scrolled through the search list queue and brought up the Geass Power he had been looking for.

"Memory Alteration. Bingo." Rivalz said to himself with a smile and slowly backed away from the partially opened door, letting Nina continue taking care of her business with her folds beginning to gush fluidly all over the rounded corner of 'Table-Kun' over there. Rivalz liked to think of it as anticipation for what was to come and smiled accordingly. "See you soon, Nina.~"


Later the next day...

Schooltime at Ashford Academy had officially come to an end and Nina had been expecting everyone to leave early since it was Friday afternoon and she assumed they had more social outings to attend to. Being a people person was something she felt she wasn't cut out to be, which was why she was simply content in being by herself and pleasuring her body to the image of Euphemia inside of her head. However, Nina felt something was different this time around when she came to the student council room and saw that both Milly and Rivalz were still in there despite their claims to leave earlier after the council meeting.

"Hmm? Did you two.....leave something behind today? Why are you still in the council room after the meeting is over? I always thought Fridays were very special for the two of you." Nina assumed, somewhat miffed, by seeing both of her friends staying in the room with her with each of them having friendly looks on their faces. She was pent-up after today's business and needed to vent everything out on the table corner again, especially since she hadn't seen Euphemia for weeks.

Milly giggled playfully and simply ignored while going over to close the doors to the room and locking them from the inside with a sly smile.


Rivalz went over to adjust the blinds by lowering them and closing up the curtains from every window in the room, furthering Nina's confusion as he stealthily took out the Device from inside of his right pocket. He signaled to Milly to restrain her once he gave the go-ahead to do so.

"Oh don't you worry, Nina. Milly and I figured it was time we help you out for a change rather than letting you do it all on your own.~" Rivalz explained with a smirk and finished adjusting the curtains so that no one would see what they were about to do. Milly stood behind Nina at first, smiling warmly at the girl from the side while putting her hands on her shoulders to hold her steady.

'This is getting....weird. Since when did these two ever want to leave a Friday night open to spend time with me? Am I.....in trouble or something? *Gasps! That's it, one of them must've spotted me last night after all! Oh my God! I'll die of embarrassment if that's the case! Even if they decide to keep it a secret, I can't bear the thought of knowing somebody knows what I do here!' Nina internally yelled at herself and was about to cover up her eyes with her hands out of embarrassment, but for some reason, Milly’s hands kept them held apart by holding back her wrists.

"Ah ah ah, you're going to want to see the big surprise Rivalz has in store for you, Nina. You won't be by your lonesome anymore after today. Hehehe.~" Milly giggled playfully and held the girl in place while Rivalz turned around, holding a strange-looking device in his right hand and bringing it over to her face.

Smiling slyly, he clicked on a random button that made the screen appear bright orange with prismatic colors emanating a hypnotic glow.

"Don't worry, you'll be screaming in joy for me real soon, Nina. Count on it." Rivalz said calmly before flashing the screen at the girl's eyes, making the glowing orange bird of Geass energy fly out as soon as he said his command. "By the power of Geass, I compel you! Forsake all your memories of Euphemia Li Britannia and replace her with me; Rivalz Cardemonde!~"

A surge of mental energy ran through Ninia's mind, making her writhe a bit in Milly's gasp as her memories and feelings for Euphemia became instantly replaced with those of Rivalz! From standing up for her back in the hotel tower to coming in and chasing the security detail off of her later on. Her thoughts and all her feelings centered around the blue-haired boy as if he had been her Knight-in-Shining armor. This left the residual familiarity of Euphemia to be nothing more than an amicable acquaintance as well as an example of femininity to live up to and nothing more. Her heart started pounding roughly in her chest as she stared blankly into Rivalz's face, feeling the need for arousal become coursing through her body.

Nina shuddered quite a bit and felt the mental 'gears' shift into place, leaving her irises glowing orange while Rivalz waited for the effect to sink in. He 'felt' it being completed, leaving her to smile lovingly at him with a gentle trickle of tears leaking out from both corners of her eyes in joy. Milly was ready to let go of her wrists when it was done but saw the girl holding her cheeks in her hands and looking adoringly at Rivalz as if he was a long-lost lover coming home. She wanted to run up to his arms and embrace him as though it was her life's purpose, Rivalz saw this too and smiled slyly as the 'Reprogramming' of her memories was complete.

'Thank you, Britannian Emperor for that awesome power of rewriting somebody's memories.' Rivalz thought to himself as he held out one of his arms to Nina with a welcoming smile on his face. "That's right, your heart belongs to me now, right, Nina?" Rivalz tested and she nodded immediately.

"Yes! Oh God, yes! Please...let me go now so that I can run into his arms, Milly! Rivalz! I...I...have needed you to hold me so much all this week and even more! I...I love you, Rivalz! Please take me and make me into a woman right now!" Nina let out, looking at him with lovestruck eyes with little glowing hearts in them. She was practically salivating with lust and could even feel her panties being drenched with anticipation. The girl had already been horny before coming here, but now she was extremely amorous due to being in proximity to the love of her life.

Rivalz quickly brought up the next command on the Geass device, which he uses as his signature weapon to collect all the members of his harem and keep their secret safe.

"Just one more thing to do, Nina." He said as he was loaded with the power of the King, ready to compel Nina into keeping the secret safe so that no one else will ever find out about his harem. "By the Power of the King! I compel you to keep this affair a secret between us, just keep going about your daily life like you normally do until I tell you in secret that I want to make love with you and when. Milly, Shirley, Nunally, and everyone else are all a part of our little love nets and will please you at my leisure with me being at the center of it all!"

Another flash of Geass energy surged and another 'Bird' of energy flowing into Nina's eyes, making the gears tumble into place again as she accepted the new programming and nodded her head swiftly with a delightful smile on her face

"Yes, Rivalz. Of course! Now, may we......finally make love?~" She asked softly with her face becoming flushed and her chest heaving constantly with white-hot arousal for the boy in front of her. She needed to have his cock inside of her body right fucking now and was wiggling her legs together with anticipation as her womanhood started soaking through the fabric of her panties.

Milly noticed this immediately and reached down between Nina's legs, feeling up her soft slender thighs before flipping up her skirt to show off her plain white panties with pink-lace trim!

"Eeekk! Milly....!~" She squeaked out excitedly as she was exposed before Rivalz's hungry-looking face, seeing him saunter over to her with a confident smile on his lips before kneeling between her legs. Milly wrapped her arms around Nina's waist and held her from behind, she was affectionately stroking the side of her neck with a sultry smile and making her focus on Rivalz reaching over to tug down her panties with a look of excitement on his face.

He peered up at her and smiled slyly with thumbs hooking into the sides of her waistband, casually pulling them down so he could see her glistening teenage snatch right before his eyes. Rivalz smacked his lips together and spread out Nina's thighs apart with a look on his face that said he was ready to taste her insides for preparation.

"Go ahead, taste her, Rivalz honey. Hee hee hee.~" Milly giggled and started running her hands sensually up Nina's frame from the center of her torso, making the girl moan and breathe loudly as she felt her friend's hands beginning to fondle her tits through her uniform blazer.

"Aaahh.....! Uummhhh! Milly....! Rivalz...! Please....don't tease me any longer. I want....uhh...to feel you go inside of me most of all!" Nina breathed out, looking down at Rivalz's face as she spread open her folds for him with an anxious look of excitement written on her red face.

"Heh, patience, Nina. All good things will come to those who wait, but first, your 'Knight in Shining Armor' is wanting to taste the goods before he gets down to business. We'll be taking it to Milly's dorm room once I'm done.~" Rivalz said as he brought his face forward and pressed his lips against each of Nina's soft, squishy folds, making her writhe in Milly's embrace as she felt the jolt of sensation running through her body from below. Her legs quivered and her insides were lighting up as the slimy extension of his tongue started licking up her mound, expertly tracing every modicum of its surface like a pro.


"Mmhmm.~" Rivalz hummed with excitement and started gorging himself on Nina's pussy like it was the most delicious treat he had tasted today. His lips were gingerly squeezing her folds, nibbling on them expertly as he had done with the others many times before. His tongue intricately traced around the surface of her pink insides a bit and then pushed on into her quim, tasting the depths of velvet sex while Nina was losing her mind to the sensation.

"Uuuugghhhhh!!! Aaaahhhhh!! Rivalz...! Oohhhh....my...God! Mhm---*Chup!*-mmhmm!" Nina was interrupted from screaming any further when feeling Milly's lips embrace her from the side in a steamy lesbian kiss that made the girl docile as they began swapping spit hungrily with each other. Nina lowered her eyes in response to the sensation of bliss being given to her by Rivalz's tongue dancing around inside of her folds while Mill's tongue slowly slithered down her mouth.

"Hmmhmhmm! *Schlupp...schlupp..shclup...schlup....schlppp..schuuupp! Pop!* Aaahhh....you taste yummy, Nina. He he he he.~" Milly giggled as she let her tongue trace Nina's lips while enjoying the starstruck look on her face until she felt another jolt run through her body from below!


"Mhmm!" Rivalz moaned loudly between the girl's quim, making her wrap one of her legs around the back of his neck as he continued eating her out with gusto with a finger prodding her backdoor entrance from underneath. Nina was slowly losing her mind to the sensation of feeling his tongue stimulate her insides and having one of his fingers poking the sensitive velvet hole of her butt. She wriggled inside of Milly's arms, feeling her pussy growing wetter by the second.

Rivalz knew what he was doing and looked up, seeing Nina breathing roughly as Milly continued fondling her chest through her uniform clothing. Having the girl roll her groin all over his forehead made him smile, he was gingerly swirling his tongue around the insides of the girl's sex a little more with Nina eventually clutching onto his face with each hand. Rivalz closed his eyes and started tonguing her pussy even harder now, he dug it deep and sucked out the moisture with her womanhood while Nina simply balled a fist into her mouth to keep from screaming.

"Mmnnghhh...mmngh..mmngh...mmngh...mnnghghhh! Aaaahhhhhh!~" She cried out in ecstasy after it was long enough, feeling her insides gush all over Rivalz's face when she came all around his tongue like so. Her body undulated from within the blonde babe's arms as she watched Nina shudder constantly in euphoria, leaving their master's face painted in some of her nectar.

Rivalz pulled himself out from between Nina's thighs, leaving his tongue glistening with her juices until he licked off the remnants of it from his face with a cocky smile.

"Ah, yep, she tastes awesome alright. Her pussy is very tight too despite how many times you went at it with Table-Kun, Nina.~" He let out, making the girl blush with embarrassment and look to the side as he got from his knees. Rivalz reached over and gently cupped the bottom of her chin romantically, making Nina blush even harder as her heart raced like a wildfire. "How about we go to Milly's room already and I can show you how we do it before we make you a woman, Nina?~"

"Hm-mm!~" Nina hummed happily before Rivalz closed the distance between her face and his. He started wrapping his lips around her own and pulled her into a passionate embrace that left the girl melting into his arms. Snickering to herself a bit and feeling happy that Nina was finally 'Opening up', Milly let go of Nina's arms and let the girl slump into Rivalz until he caught her by holding his hands around her lithe and slender body. They continued making out while Nina ran one of her legs up alongside Rivalz's right side exterior, letting it wrap around his ankle and grind her waist onto his for all its worth.

He retaliated by reaching down and squeezing her buttocks through her skirt, making Nina whimper considerably inside of his mouth while their tongues fervently rolled around in each other's saliva from within Nina's mouth. She couldn't stop moaning blissfully into his face and dug her fingers into his scalp, embracing him fully as they made out for a period of two and a half minutes until they stopped. Rivalz remained a gentle yet passionate lover throughout, tasting the girl's pussy and hungrily swallowing down her saliva till he pulled from her glazed lips with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Ah, delicious. Just like your pussy, Nina. Here, let Milly and I show you a better time than Table-Kun over there, shall we?~" Rivazled asked, suavely and with confidence, making Nina's heart stammer a mile a minute as they started walking out of the council room.

"Yes, Master!~" She giggled joyously with excitement, pulling her panties back on and walking out with her hands looping around one of Rivalz's elbows from the side while they walked Milly doing the same. Both girls hung off of him like he was the emperor of Ashford Academy, or rather, women everywhere and extremely happy for it.

"I can't wait to show you, Nina. You've really been missing out.~" Milly offered with a cutesy wink, making the girl blush heavily as she started fogging up her glasses. They continued walking the whole way there and Rivalz had never let go of each girl's buttocks while they did. He loved feeling them up from being as he made his grand journey down over to Milly's room, ready to initiate Nina into the fold.


Arriving and quickly shedding off her clothes in a hurry, Milly got naked before Nina's eyes and crawled onto the bed, wearing only her light blue lace lingerie with her nipples fully showing and a garter belt above her crotch. She had nothing like a thong or panties covering her exposed womanhood and was lying on top of the bed. Her legs spread wide and a lovingly angelic smile that made Rivalz growl with excitement as he went over to her. Nina anxiously got out of her clothing as well, stripping one article at a time while Rivalz looked on, feeling his cock bulging with excitement as he was seeing her nakedness in full. Down came her panties and soon her bra as well, laying next to the puddle of discarded uniform clothing while Nina stood naked and wearing only her glasses. Nina had a modest and elegantly lithe body similar to Shirley except for only slightly skinnier. She still had curves and a nice slender waist with a surprisingly wide pair of hips that'd be perfect for breeding her with. Her tits were a modest pair of B-cups that were both perky and full in volume, making Rivalz think Nina was rather sensitive up-top rather than down below like he thought. His experience with numerous women at this point taught him the value of knowing that a woman's shape sometimes determines their weak points. For Milly's it was her breasts, for Shirley it was her ass, and for Kallen, it was being lovey-dovey while pounding her raw. The same can be said for Euphemia.

The nervous-looking, nerdy girl bashfully held her arms as she became flushed with arousal and excitement. She was blushing fiercely and crawled onto the bed with Milly, kneeling next to the blonde while Rivalz casually started undoing his clothing as well.

Down came his blazer and his pants, revealing a pair of boxers barely holding back his thickened erection. Nina watched with anticipation, growing wetter every second while Milly ran her tongue down her lips as she spread her legs wider with excitement.

"Here it comes.~" Milly said whimsically while Nina looked on, seeing Rivalz's thickened cock pop out from behind his boxers and dangle a bit with its full hardness making the girl's insides squirm with lust.

"Ummm! H-he's so big....! I...I don't know if I can really handle that thing going inside of me, M illy.~" Nina whimpered helplessly as she took off her glasses and marveled at Rivalz's cock as he came crawling onto the bed, aligning himself over Milly's prostrated body. The blonde minx gleefully reached down and spread open her folds with her fingers, showing him the ruby wetness of her insides while Rivalz started guiding his cock down into the cusp of her folds.

Nina watched with excitement evident on her face and began breathing hotly as she saw him plunge that thick monster into Milly's pussy like it was an everyday thing.


"Uuaaaaaagghhh!! Ooohhhh.....man! Mmhmm! Rivalz....! Uuhhh!~" Milly cried out, smiling euphorically as she felt her insides spread out to wrap tightly around Rivalz's meat. The way her folds spread out and clung tightly onto it astounded Nina because it was Milly taking in such a large length inside of her body. The blonde's legs went up into the air and Rivalz shifted the angle of his pelvis so he could slam into Milly's aching pussy in a missionary-style position that bordered on Mating-press.

"Mhmmnghhh!~" Nina hummed loudly to herself, watching with intrigue and mentally praying for her turn to come quickly as she saw Rivalz beginning to plow into Milly's body from above like a masculine animal dominating a weaker one. His hips pulled back and rolled into her waist, making a trembling wave of impact ripple through her body as he began fucking her like so.

"Mmngh...! Ohhh yeah! Just having Nina there catching a preview is making me even more excited, Milly. I can't wait to fuck her next, she'll be screaming my name every minute, I just know it.~" Rivalz grunted, making Nina blush as she shakily nodded her head in affirmation of his assumption.

Her eyes focused on him drawing his pelvis back and driving every inch of his length into the sodden folds with his pace gradually increasing!

"Uuuaaagghhhh!! Rivalz....! Darling....! Bottom out of me like you're trying to pop a baby into me!~" Milly cried out, receiving a frantic bucking of the boy's pelvis colliding noisily into her waist, making her ass jiggle constantly as his balls were constantly spanking her ass.

Slap after slap of frenzied hardcore sex followed Rivalz tunneling out of Milly's quim, causing the blonde to gush fluids and moan his name while grabbing on the bed for support. Her large pendulous breasts started jostling up and down voraciously to every hard thrust of his meat reaching the center of her body. Her womb opened up and received his length penetrating her insides lick clockwork while making Milly gasp constantly in euphoria. Nina's eyes stayed focused on the blonde's face, feeling the need to masturbate all over again as he visualized herself in her friend's place.

"Ghnnghhh!! Mnnghhh! Milly! Uuh..uh..uuh...uhh...uuh..uuuh...uuh..uuh..uuh..uuhaaghhh! Are you watching, Nina? Getting excited enough to finger yourself already?~" Rivalz asked as he sunk his cock into the blonde's depths Every squelch of her pink pussy gushing all over Rivalz's meat made Nina finger her own slot to the show, causing her to moan hotly with anticipation and excitement.

'Uuhhh! Mmnhhhh! T-that's.....going to be me, Isn't it? Oohhhh, Rivalz! I can hardly wait!~' Nina thought to herself as he bit down on her lip with excitement, watching as their bodies rutted together like animals. Nina fingered her velvet slot furiously to the sight of Rivalz's cock cleaving into Milly's snatch like that.

"Aaahh..a.hh....ahh...aahh...aahhh...aahh..aaahhhhhhh!~" Milly cried out euphorically as he felt her insides churn with orgasm already, causing her legs to tremble shakily in the air as she came! Nina's eyes sparkled with excitement as she dug her middle finger deep, wishing it was Rivalz's cock plunging into her sex with the intent of making her cum!

Milly's orgasm brought Rivalz to his own, making him slam violently against her rim from above as he drove every inch of his meat into her womb before letting out! He growled with a smile, enjoying how Nina was glued to the scene while he creampied the student council president.

"Ggnngghhhhh!! Here it comes, Milly! Take a good look, Nina! You're going to enjoying this too!" He yelled out and grabbed onto one of Milly's boobs for extra pleasure while he filled up her insides!


"Ohhhhhhhhh! Mmhmmmhmm! Darling...!" Milly cried out happily with a dreamy smile on her face. Her toes continued wriggling and squirming while she received a hefty creampie inside of her womb, knowing Rivalz got off to the fantasy of knocking her up.

He grunted and rutted into her waist several more times, keeping Milly's lower body wafting about in the air while her body shivered a fair bit. Rivalz made sure to empty everything inside of her when he pulled himself off, letting a splotch of sperm gush into the air and land on Nina's face. He'd laugh if he wasn't so turned on by the sight of seeing the once nerdy anti-social girl have a little spunk splashing onto her nose.

"Eeep!" She squeaked with surprise and snapped out of her reverie when it happened, noticing that Milly had just finished riding out her orgasm and was left breathing raggedly with a delirious smile on her face. To her further surprise and her enjoyment, she saw that Rivalz was still fully erect. He sat on his kneecaps with a confident smile on his face before reaching over to pull Nina over.

"Your turn now, Nina. Heh.~" Rivalz said as he embraced the girl into his arms, letting her hands roll down his backside as they met in another languid kiss with her tongue aggressively rolling down his throat.

"Mhmhmmhmh! *Schlupp....schlupp..schlupp..schlupp...schlupp!* Mhmmm!~ Rivalz....! Darling...! Please....take me already. I need it.~" She cooed, clutching his hair and letting him guide her over onto all fours where she remained in a doggy-style position with her ample little ass sticking out.

Nina quickly undid her pigtails and let her semi-curly hair spill out onto her naked shoulders. She looked back at Rivalz, who was getting behind her with his cock hovering dangerously close to her pussy with a cocky smile on his face. Everything he did and said left Nina with jitters of lovestruck energy for she was devoted to him with mind, body, and soul. She was still nervous about having her virginity taken and clutched the blankets of the bed as he placed h9is hands around her hips from behind. Rivalz leaned over Nina's backside, making her shudder as the soothing touch of his fingers tracing her hips made her insides tremble even more.

She felt Rivalz's face hover close to her face from the side, breathing down her neck as he kissed up to her jawline while making Nina feel increasingly relaxed. She steadied her breathing and smiled back to him lovingly as he held onto her hips and guided his cock into her folds from behind. Nina's eyes trembled in fear a bit till she felt it pushing on inside!


"Uugugghhhhhh!! Aaaahhhh.......!" She cried out with her mouth hanging open, feeling pain through her insides as he felt Rivalz push through her hymen in one-burst thrust. Her buttocks quivered against his waist and Rivalz had given her a moment to collect herself before he started moving. Feeling Nina's soft, naked body underneath him was exhilarating since had fantasized about doing this at least a few times before.

Nina felt her insides become tender as she felt the thick mast of Rivalz's cock steadily churning her pussy till he started bumping forward with his thrusts. Her buttocks started slapping against his waist, slowly at first, but then he started picking it up. Nina was breathing raggedly to the sensation of being deflowered by Rivalz, but she was quickly adapting to it and started bucking her buttocks into his waist from below. Soon a chorus of eloquent clapping noises started as Nina began getting fucked by Rivalz Cardemonde doggy-style and loving it.

"Aaagghhhhh! Aaaahhh.....Rivalz....! Uhh...uuuh..uuh..uuuh....uuh..uh..uuh..aaahhhh!!" She cried out in ecstasy and euphoria, feeling her pussy respond to clutching onto his meat while he hammered away into her buttocks from behind.  Nina could feel her cheeks trembling with each hard push of his pelvis, making her body sway backward and forward with her tits jiggling every step of the way.

Milly fully recovered and rolled onto her side to watch as the bookish girl was receiving the pounding of a lifetime. Seeing Rivalz's thick dick sliding into her folds brought Milly a sense of pride and perversion as she began masturbating herself to the show as Nina had done earlier.

"Mmm. That's it, honey. Pound the daylights out Nina's pussy. I bet it feels really tight, doesn't it? Masturbating on a rounded table corner doesn't even compare. He hehe he eh.~" She giggled, fingering her sperm-soaked twat to the sight of Nina throwing her buttocks into Rivalz's waist from below, making it a noisy cacophony of lovemaking music that filled the air.

"Mmh..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm! Nina...! Holy Hell your pussy is slippery and tight! Uughh! I think I'm going to blow in just a few short minutes because of it, assuming you're not going to cum first that is.~" Rivalz let out, enjoying the suction of her tightness pulling him into her womb. He expected Nina to turn around and saw something to him but heard only incomprehensive whimpers instead.

"Eegghhhhh!! Rivalz....! Uhh...uhh..uuhh...ahh! I'm....going to cum....soon! Uuaaahh!~" She cried out with her tongue spilling out her lips and eyes dilating as though she had been waiting for this her whole life. Before being Geass'd, Nina had once thought grinding pubic bones with Euphemia would be her dream come true. Not anymore though, now she was meant to be Rivalz's next bitch to fuck into the bed.

Their bodies clapped voraciously together in a hard-hitting series of flesh meeting flesh, Ninah was becoming sweatier as a result and soon felt her insides lurching tightly around Rivalz's length as her orgasm washed over her in just a matter of minutes. Throwing her head back and howling to the moon with delight, Nina came hard and brought Rivalz with her!

"Kyaaaaaggghhhhhh!!" She cried out in sexual harmony, feeling her insides clutch his cock in desperation for his cum. Rivalzl dug his thumbs into her waist and threw himself onto her buttocks one last time before cumming like a natural storm! His shaft engorged and his balls pulsated, sending thick ropes of sperm directly into Nina's sex just as Milly watched with positively perverse excitement.

"Mmggnhhhh! Here it comes! It's all yours, Nina!~" He cried out and felt the essence of his balls come pouring out like so.


Thick gouts of sperm flew into Nina's woman, making her shiver continuously with a widespread smile on her face as she wrung Rivalz's cock even more of it. Her fingernails dug into the bedsheets and she was caught up in too much excitement to realize Milly had placed herself in front of her with a sultry smile beaming at her up close. She gently grabbed onto Nina's cheeks and pulled the girl close, letting her lips wallowing her in yet another lesbian embrace.


"Mhmmhmmhh. *Schlup...schlup...schlupp....schlup...schlup...schlupp!* Mhmmm. Ready for the final round, Nina? I think our Darling has got one more in him, right, Rivalz?~" Milly asked once she had pulled back from Nina's face, letting the bookish girl look to her side as Rvialz pulled himself out from her sperm-filled pussy with a smile on his face.

His cock remained hard, turgid, and full of life with balls remaining as stuffed as they were before. He grinned at the two girls and gestured for them to lie down with each other.

"Oh you bet, how about you two lovely ladies lie down on your sides and hold each other's hands. I wanna plow you both in tandem with each of your legs sticking up high into the air. I hope you're ready for this, Nina, because I intend to go all-in on that nice slippery pussy you have. You won't be needing the table corner anymore.~" Ribalz said as he watched Nina nod her head immediately with a blush coloring her face.

"Y-yes, Rivalz! I-I'll do my best....!~" She cried out and felt Milly take her hands into her own before letting themselves collapse onto the bed together in a side-by-side manner with their legs raised high. Both lovely ladies showed him the sight of their gaping pussies chock full of sperm, making Rivalz growl with arousal and amusement. He grabbed the tip of his cock and honed in on the girls, watching as their breasts pushed into each other nipple-to-nipple.

"I know you will.~" Rivalz said as he guided his cock into Milly's pussy first, making her sperm-soaked folds spread out as they wrapped around his member a second time today!


"Uuaagggghhhh! Uuughhhhh! Darling...! Masteerrrr!~" She cried out, breathing roughly as she felt her chest rolling onto Nina's from the side. She began feeling Rivalz bucking into her without waiting, making her soft voluptuous bottom clap against his waist as he fucked her while reaching over to Nina's butt.

"I haven't forgotten about you either, Nina. Not going to leave either of my girls unattended.~" He said and dug a finger into her asshole again, making the bookish girl writhe uncontrollably as she wriggled into Milly's body from the side!

"Hhaaaggghhhhhh!! Rivalz....! I mean, Master......!~" She cried out, leaving her mouth agape and her eyes sparkling with excitement as she felt him fingering her anus at the same time he bottomed out of Milly's pussy.

"Uuh..uh...uuh..uuh.uh..uh...uh..uuh..uuh..uuh ahh!" Rvialz growled as he pounded the life out of his first girlfriend's womanhood, making her ounce so much that her tits practically smacked Nina's perky buds. Feeling Milly's pussy squeeze down on his cock was one thing, but feeling it squeeze his length with sperm coating her insides made him buck into her even faster as he went along.

The coital music of sexual bliss quickly started picking up, leaving both Milly and Nina undulating into each other's naked bodies like so.

'Aaahh..aahh...aahh....aahh...ahh...aahh..aaaaaghhhh! Rivalz! Yesss!" Milly cried out as minutes more of this incessant fucking followed till eventually he pulled himself out and guided his slick-coated cock directly into Nina's quim once again.


"Kyaaagghhhhh! Ohhh..my...God! Mnghhh!~" She cried out and felt his cock burrow into her womb this time around, making her slender body salaciously wriggle next to Milly. Her body started jostling about continuously with Rivalz's hips showing her no mercy as he tunneled into her.

The noises of sex permeated the room once more with the boy fucking both of his girls in tandem, making either one cry out in ecstasy while clinging onto each other's fingers for dear life. Milly would howl and smile happily while her breasts shake to each one of his thrusts. Nina cried out in happiness when feeling her core getting invaded by the lad's thickness, making her truly feel like a woman as he continued taking them in turns. For minutes goney, Rivalz continued fucking either of the two, bringing them to miniature orgasm each time he bottomed out of them, all while fingering Nina's booty to the point it all came full rice.

"They were moaning and crying out his name constantly in unison, eventually leading to Nina cumming once more while Rivalz busied himself with tunneling out her pussy like a mad man. Grunting and heaving with her body shaking constantly to this thrust, Nina eventually came one last time and brought Rivalz with her, bringing about a simultaneous climax that allowed him to cum full force inside of the girl's body!

"Kyaaaaaaagghhhh!!" She cried out in euphoria, feeling his cock lurch inside of her baby-maker once again when she felt thick splashes of sperm flooding into her depths! Her toes wriggled about and her body trembled violently in orgasm, feeling her inside become full while she was wearing a delirious smile on her face.

"Uugghhhhh! Your turn, Milly! I could never forget about you!" Rivalz brought his cock out of Nina's quim  and quickly shoved it into Milly's, thrusting a few times before feeling the girl suddenly clutch him in orgasm as well! The blonde, busty, babe trembled with her tits shaking like a pair of water balloons.

Her body writhed as she came hard on his dick with the added flow of Rivalz's sperm flooding into her womb for the rest of his orgasmic release!

"Uuugghhhhhhh!! Honey! Yesss....oooh...yes! We should have these 'Special' council meetings with Shirley and Nunnally too!~" Uuuaaahhhh!" Milly cried out in happiness as she was left shuddering in post-coital bliss, fishing her climax and collapsing right next to Nina as she gradually passed out.


Rvialz's cock pulled out of Milly's quim, leaving them both oozing sperm until he decided to lie down between them with a tired smile on his face.

"Heh, nothing like feeling like a king with two beautiful girls held in each of his arms," Rivalz said to himself, hugging both Nina and Milly together as they drifted off to sleep with utterly peaceful smiles on their faces. "Another one bites the bedsheets, I can't wait to go after the next girl already. I wonder if Euphemia can arrange something with any Female Knights she knows.



While still sleeping soundly in post-coital bliss, Nina and Milly remained in bed as Rivalz sat up with the Geass device in hand. He wanted to discover more useful functions he could explore as well as find out a few things that have been bothering him. Before discovering the Geass of memory-alteration through the search function, Rivalz had detected something called the Geass Canceller that not only did what its name implied but also scan and detect whoever was under a Geass already. He had tinkered with it to set it up so that his own Geass'd women wouldn't be 'undone' if he used it on them. It would only cancel the Geass of the others, but this made some worry come to mind as to who would have Geass abilities that he didn't know about.

Sighing to himself and mild distress, Rivalz picked up the Device and used the canceller's long-range scouting function to determine any unfamiliar Geass signatures on anyone in the school.

"Okay, time to see if there's one I know who's under a Geass. Can't be too careful these days, but I'm glad I have this to see if anyone I know is affected.....by someone other than me. Never thought I had to worry about something like this." He said to himself quietly and used the scanner to show him the heat signatures of numerous people within the school.

None of them had Geass on them that weren't his own except...one girl who was formerly crippled; Nunnally Vi Britannia. As soon as Rivalz saw Nunnally's body through the screen, he also saw an unfamiliar Geass signature used with the power of memory alteration displayed over her head, he panicked and tapped on the analyze function to see whose it was.

'Wait, If I cancel it and somehow it makes Nunnally act differently, things might get complicated. Maybe I shouldn't do it yet, even if it doesn't undo my own Geass control. Guh, this is getting scary, but whose could it be?' He wondered and let the Device Canceler function identify who.


Rivalz's mouth dropped like an anvil and his eyes became wider in fear when he read who had Geass'd her with the power of Memory alteration.

"Ther Emperor?! Charles Li Britannia?! The current Emperor Britannia did this to her....?! B-but why...why?! And when?!' He said to himself quietly in distress, now knowing about another potential threat to his harem.

A rather Majoro threat Rivalz had to be careful of from now on.

End of Chapter

To be Continued....?

This has been for Welltall, thanks for reading.



Nice, especially like how the chapter ended. Thanks for your time and efforts.


Thanks! glad you like it. :) Be sure to hit me with the details for the next chapter> Sorry it took awhile though, hope it was worth it.