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This is just a completed regular I did, I feel I need to post somethign since I've had a soggy past few days. Enjoy.******


Morrigan’s Wild, Wild Night


By Azure/For Maelstrom

Chapter One- A Shameless and Slutty Outer World Gangbang


Out there somewhere in the world of modern mankind, there exists a place where Supernatural creatures of myth and legend exist, it is called the Makai Realm. Many oddities lived in this unseen place, the most notable of which were Monsters like Werewolves, Vampires, Mutant Bee creatures, and even beings of ancient origins. However, above all of them was an oddity unlike any other. It was in the shape of a humanoid woman, one who was most beautiful and was currently walking down the corner of a random street to the nearest sidewalk in a random human city on Earth. She had a remarkably voluptuous figure complete with a pair of F-cup-sized breasts that were as big as her head. They were generously sticking out of a cleavage window belonging to a partially unzipped top seemingly made out of red leather. She had long shimmering green hair trailing down her backside in a straight-cut 'Hime' style fashion with two flattened bangs spread across her forehead. She had an enchanting pair of green eyes that could charm all manner of men and women and had a luscious pair of pouty lips to go with it. Her skin was so smooth you would believe she was an angel in human form when it was really the opposite.

Her beauty was otherworldly and it made the many men she walked past instantly attracted to her while casually making her way down the street. With each vivacious swing of her hips, she was tempting each one of them to pursue her at the risk of having their life force drained from their bodies. Not that they had known who or what she was, but if it meant getting with this Makai Succubus they'd gladly risk dying so that they could bask in sexual ecstasy with her naked body.

Her name was Morrigan Aensland, a famous Darkstalker, and Heiress to the Aensland Royal family. Right now she was currently on the hunt for something new and exciting for her to enjoy for the sake of nourishment.

She was a supremely powerful being and a fierce warrior who many grew to revere or abhor depending on what she did. Right now though, she was just walking down the street somewhere to go find her fill of excitement for the night. Makai Succubi like her needed stimulation to serve as nourishment for her body lest they grow weak and feel drained, risking the alternative to resort to sexual bliss that would otherwise result in draining the life out of whoever she slept with. Between the feuds that she's been having with Dimitri, Jedah, and her counterpart Lilith, Morrigan felt she needed a change of pace and came here to the human world for a wild night of decadent ecstasy. Be it either by fighting or through sexual bliss.

That is why she was currently out looking for it amidst the darker dregs of human civilization while maintaining her human appearance. Morrigan had neither the bat-like wings on her back nor the bat-like ears at the top of her head. She was simply dressed in a provocative outfit which hugged her voluptuous frame quite nicely. It was a tight-fitting red-leather outfit that consisted of a mini-skirt that rode up high enough to show off her voluptuous legs clad in fishnet stockings. Over her chest was a matching red-leather zip-up top with no sleeves and the zipper was left partially undone so that her large tits nearly spilled out of it, giving everyone who happened to be nearby a generous view of her boisterous breasts. Her slender waist was bereft of clothing and showed off her flat stomach which tantalized many more as she walked by. Morrigan felt it had to do with the thin black thong hanging visibly off the corners of her hip bones as if she was a common slut. This gave many the impression that she was legitimately a prostitute on the prowl.

She was already turning heads everywhere she went while making her way to a certain destination. It was a special Nightclub she had heard about from Hsien-Ko and Felicia when mentioning wanting something new and exciting to enjoy herself with since she had grown bored of the everyday routine. Judging from the hype those two gave her, Morrigan was definitely eager enough to go there and see if she could get to feel excited for the night.

The place the girls mentioned also happened to be one of the sleaziest Underground fighting rings around and it'd supposedly put even fighters like her against the wall. Although that hard was to believe in her opinion. But it was still just the kind of danger she was looking for and currently getting excited about. Morrigan couldn't wait to find it.

'Mmmmmh, there are certainly a lot of sleazy-looking men down in this part of town. I can tell that they are wanting to rape me, judging by those lecherous grins on their faces. I wouldn't necessarily mind entertaining the idea in all honesty, at the very least I could rid the world of human scum that would prey on women if I had sex with them on a whim. Once I give them a taste of Heaven, I'll send them straight to Hell by sucking out every last bit of their lifeforce out, but that's only if I don't find the place I'm seeking first..~' Morrigan thought to herself, quietly giggling with excitement as she ran a hand through her hair and continued down the sidewalk.

Eventually, she arrived in front of the Nightclub building that Hsien-Ko and Felicia told her about. Morrigan stood in front of a rather shady-looking building that resembled an average Nightclub from the outside, but on the inside, she detected the faint trace of Makai Realm magical energy permeating the walls. She focused her eyes and saw many mystically hidden runic symbols littered all over the place with many covering the doorway and the glowing neon signs outside. They were unseen to the naked human eye, but these kinds of Symbols definitely came from the Makai realm, meaning Morrigan had come to the right place.

"Hmm. I do wish Hsien-Ko and Felicia had told me just a bit more about this place before I left, they were strangely vague about some of the key details over what I'll find once I'm inside. I suppose not knowing what they have in store is probably better, that way I will just be surprised and excited by what I'll face once I'm there. I'm feeling jittery already just thinking about it. Fu fu fu fu.~" Morrigan thought to herself with amusement while reading the letters to herself after deciphering the symbols.

They made out the words 'The Outer World's Fight Club'.

A grin plastered her face and she made up her mind to go in. Once she opened the doors and arrived, she saw that the interior looked rather derelict, which left her feeling skeptical. Morrigan could still pick up the faint trace of Mystical energy trailing all the way from the entrance to an unusually golden elevator down the hallway at the right of the lobby she was in. It was guarded by a pair of bulky security guards wearing suits, meaning it was important and high-profile. She turned her head and looked at what she had perceived to be the ticket box right in the center and saw a rather unassuming man behind it. He was wearing a pinstripe suit and a dark, identity-concealing mask over his face. He was waiting behind it with boredom clear in his eyes.

Everything about this club looked shady and fake to a certain degree, but Morrigan did find this to be the exact kind of setting she'd expect to see when it came to the 'Underground' fighting world.


Walking up the ticket box, she inquired about wanting to participate in the 'Outer world's Fighting Club'. Apparently, this was privy to only a few select people who either knew about this place already or were referred to it by a few friends who were already participants. She mentioned being referred to by Hsien-Ko and Felicia, adding that she had every intention of participating in the fighting ring by herself. Morrigan mentioned wanting to experience the same circuit of combat that they did and this led to the ticket-box merchant handing her a VIP pass that'll enable her to qualify. He told her to go down the hallway to the right where the bouncers were guarding the elevator and take it straight down to the designated floor where the current VIP tournament was being held.

Thanking the clerk and shuddering with excitement, Morrigan held the ticket in her hands and blew the guards a kiss on her way inside. She waved her VIP pass in front of the elevator man's face with the number of her entry slot and the floor for the current VIP Tournament before being promptly taken down. The ticket-man was 'Kind' enough to add her as a late entry, all she had to do was show up and flash the next ticket-box merchant her pass so she could jump into the tournament that was going on right this second.

Knowing this place had otherworldly fighters participating in it only excited her more for she was ready to begin fighting to her heart's content and maybe even getting to enjoy a few good post-tournament fucks along the way. She was still a woman, after all, one that really needed to satisfy her carnal cravings just as often as her need for an adrenaline rush.

'Hmmm, with any luck I'll be able to do plenty of both while I'm down there. There may yet be a man or five that are worthy of satisfying a Succubus like me. I wonder if I'll fight Ryu, or dare I say Akuma and any of the other fighters will be there. Oooohh....! I'm getting tingly just thinking about it, I can hardly wait.~' Morrigan thought back to all the times she had fought fierce fighters like Ryu, Ken, and Sagat, and regretting never offering them a 'Reward Fuck' after beating her in a fight.

Morrigan loved combat almost as much as she loved sex, both excited her to the point her adrenaline-flavored nourishment could last her almost a full week, maybe even a month at most. It was why she always challenged her Darkstalker brethren back home in the Makai Realm and she had been getting her fill of stimulation until fairly recently. She had hoped that this Underground arena would help her get substantially satisfied. Going down several more floors into the Underground World of Illegal Otherworldly Fighting, Morrigan saw more runic symbols of Ancient Makai symbology on each passing floor sign as the elevator passed them by. She found it very interesting that this place existed in the human world at all without her knowing about it until just now.

'I wonder if I'll encounter anybody I know from my realm in these fights. I mean if those two carefree idiots were able to participate, then there may be some opponents on Donovan's level. I doubt a prudish man like him would participate in such a thing though, and I'd rather not fight Lillith or Jedah here either. Well, in either case, if I don't see other Darkstalkers I'm sure either a human man or woman will make for a good fight as well as a romp in the bedsheets later after the match. I can hardly wait to sink my fists into something.~' Morrigan thought to herself giddily until she finally arrived at the designated floor and walked out to the lobby in front of her.

It was filled to the brim with plenty of waiting combatants, all of whom were anxious to have their turn in the ring and they all came in different shapes and sizes. As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she caught many perverted eyes looking in her direction with smiles. Morrigan just ignored them and casually made her way through to the ticket-box just up ahead.

She wasn't blind and had certainly noticed that many of these men looked as though they've seen plenty of action already. A lot of them were dark-skinned fellows, many of whom were African-American in descent with tattoos covering most of their exposed arms and chests. Others looked rather unassuming yet had great muscle definition as well. Some simply looked 'Normal' with more than a few of them having bandages worn around their bloody knuckles. Some wore Karate Gi and Monk-style clothing with a few exceptions having nothing covering their chests at all. All of this was positively making her sizzle with excitement as she walked right up to the service desk where another clerk waited from behind a wall of bars to keep himself from getting mauled by fighters. She handed him the VIP ticket from underneath the grill and smiled lasciviously when receiving a slip of paper showing her to be the chosen number for the upcoming match.

After giving her name, she saw it appear on a large jumbo screen display somewhere within the room, showing her to be a late 'VIP' entry entitled to participate in the 'Premium' class tournament that was happening right now.

"Fancy that, getting picked already, I guess they must've made an exception for you having to join in as a late entry. Normally that isn't allowed unless you happen to be a 'VIP' woman with one of these *Gestures to her pass*. You're pretty lucky too since whoever originally had your spot probably got intimidated by the kind of 'Special' conditions we have in our 'Premium' tournaments down here and bailed out. Congratulations." The Ticket-man said as the announcement for Morrigan's name came up. He gestured to the security door to his right, leading to the arena up ahead. "Step right through here and go on to the arena. Enjoy your fight and I hope, for your sake, that you win."

"Why thank you, and don't worry about me. I'll do just fine. The important part is to enjoy myself and I intend to do that plenty tonight.~" She added as she started walking through the security gate, shaking her hips vivaciously side-to-side while making her way to the Arena just up ahead.

Many of the male fighters nearby started giving her cat-calls and hooting at her from afar, but soon enough those cheers became backed up by the audience around her when she made her way through to the spacious fighting arena. It looked like any regular stadium for fighting matches you'd see in any part of human television, but the walls were lined with cross-wire fencing to prevent anyone from escaping or backing out at the last moment. Along the way, Morrigan heard more catcalls coming out from all sides and saw many audience members shake their fists at her with excitement. The male fighters waiting back in the lobby also did the same, some even calling for her to take off her clothes before the match has begun.

"Whoooo! Take off your top, beautiful!! Show us those big, round tits!" One random audience member called out to her while the others simply hooted endlessly as though she were a common showgirl.

Morrigan smiled slyly and decided to humor the audience with her sexual appearance. She struck a provocative pose by putting her hands behind her neck and thrusting out her chest to rile up her fandom even more. Her magnanimous breasts trembled noticeably from behind the red leather top as she teased them by pulling down the zipper just a bit more, resulting in many of them howling like animals. Loud rapturous applause erupted with plenty of them hooting for her to strip it all down as a result.

'Hmmm, I wonder how loud they'd scream if I came here wearing my traditional Succubus attire? I do like to feel sexy when digging my heel into a man's face, sometimes they even fall in love with me when I do that.' Morrigan thought while running her hands down her voluptuous frame, feeling up her curves through her red-leather attire with a confident smile on her face.

It was wildly impractical for fast-paced combat, but she could fight just as well within it since it was literally part of her body via Succubus magic. Morrigan knew that many eyes were on her with very rapey vibes behind them that she could sense. Hearing all of these testosterone-addled men screaming for the match to begin only made her feel exhilarated, especially when they wanted to see her naked. It did perplex her how eager they were to see her fight or get beaten up though. Either way, she was positively eager to partake in some post-fight sexual relief with any number of men or women watching her from above once the match was done.

Morrigan saw a pair of medics wheel away an unconscious man who looked like he had been nearly beaten to death during the last match after they left the center of the ring.

'Hmmm, so they do play rough down here. It's probably only dangerous by human standards, but the more violent and dangerous this will be, the better the nourishment of adrenaline for me to feast on.~' She squealed giddily to herself and stepped into the ring, watching the referee walk up to her with a microphone in hand.

"Alright, now, everybody. Our next contestant is a late entry, but a Special VIP-selection who's not afraid of getting her down and dirty in a Premium-Class brawling match! Give it up for...Morrigan Aensland; the Night Succubus!" He announced as he read off the cue card given to him from when she put in the moniker for her name.

They heard many cheers going off at once with Morrigan catching scores of eyes looking her way with perverted excitement. Smart Phones were snapping pictures constantly with plenty of them zooming in on her tits from above and her ass from behind, but she wasn't prudish enough to deny them a sneak peek at her body. Morrigan loved the attention.

She struck another provocative pose for the fun of it and did so by tugging down the cleavage window of her tits, riling them up even more since she actually showed off some nipple. The audience broke into cheers, many cheering out her name while somewhere above, the speaker music started changing its tune for the opening of her opponent who was just now coming up.

"Her opponent today is the Legendary Bull; Magnum Brass! Give it up for your champion, people! He's on his way to come 'Greet' our lady newcomer!" The Referee announced, making the audience erupt into even louder cheers as Morrigan saw a dark-skinned, highly muscular man walk into the Ring with a tough look on his face. He was as tall and as ripped as Viktor the Frankenstein monster, the only difference was that he had strange markings covering his broad chest and biceps. Many of them included Runic symbols that were ripe with Magical energy Morrigan could definitely sense.

On top of that, he was barely wearing anything at all save for a flimsy pair of high-riding boxing shorts and bandages over his thick-looking knuckles. She was curious to see how well he could fare against a Makai Succubus like herself and she could certainly tell that he'd give her an interesting fight, barring that, maybe even a good fuck in the bedsheets later if she decided on it. Magnum looked at Morrigan with a toothy smile and ran his tongue across his lips when taking in her voluptuous figure from head to toe.

"I'm going to rip that tight leather outfit off of you, girl, then I'm gonna take you to pound town just as soon as you lose. It's a rule here in the Outer World Arena that whoever loses has to be 'Disgraced' in any way the winner wants. I think you can guess what kind of way I'm talking about, right? Just looking at that tight, supple ass of yours and big ol' titties is making me want to end this early so I can have you crying out my name, over and over again. I think my posse would like a piece of you too for the matter, so I hope you won't scream too much while we all fuck you.~" He said while popping his knuckles, making Morrigan feel the thrill of excitement already as she beckoned to him with a finger in a taunting gesture

"Well now. That is awfully big talk coming from a human fighter. Let's see how things play out first, mkay? Never count your chickens before they hatch, they say, but who knows, maybe I'll even let you fuck me regardless of the outcome of this battle.~" Morrigan giggled, liking the ballsiness on this dark-skinned muscular warrior as she spread out her legs and got into a fighting position with an eager smile on her face. She beckoned him with her hands, telling him to come and get her by making the first move. "As they say up here in your world; Come at me, Bro.~"

Brass got into a Muy-Thai fighting position, anxious to knock the woman around enough so that he could have his way with her. He looked at his posse standing nearby readily, seeing them all give him thumbs-up gestures to really cheer him on. They were excited to see her lose and eager for the usual 'Disgrace' which always involves them getting tail from the defeated, usually when it happens to be a woman. Brass's team, which is a handful of equally muscular guys, knew that Morrigan wouldn't know she was beaten until it was too late.

The sound of the signal horn blared from all around the Arena, leading to caged walls coming down and enclosing Morrigan with her opponent in a boxed-in fighting space without any means of getting out. Once the Referee had stepped away, he brought his hand down through the air in a chopping gesture, signaling the start of the fight with a blow of his whistle!


The bell rang and Morrigan flexed her fingers by locking them together and stretching her arms out, ready to hold back on her would-be rapist of a human opponent. Max Bass pounded his hands together, quickly muttering a Sacred Chant which, to Morrigan's surprise, led to some of the many Tribal tattoos located around his body lighting up with mystical energy. He was even speaking in tongues that she had never heard before, leaving her utterly confused as to what he was doing with magical energy around his body in the first place.

Just then, she was reminded of Donovan and didn't like where this was going. Not one bit.

"What is this? I wasn't aware a human knew any kind of Arcane Magic outside of--!'


Morrigan was suddenly caught off-guard when a blow from his right fist landed into her stomach, sending her skidding back a few feet as she struggled to remain on balance. It was delivered by Brass's right elbow slamming into her with speed she failed to even see coming. Morrigan was sent skidding into one of the caged walls behind her and landed roughly against the cross-wire fencing with the wind escaping her lungs. She looked incredulously at her opponent in surprise and wiped a trail of blood from her bottom lip before bouncing back.

"That's right, this place ain't called 'Outer World Arena' for nothing, beautiful. I'm going to knock you the fuck out and then go to town on that nice, fat ass that you got. Maybe when I dump my seed into your belly you'll be craving chocolate dick around the clock." Brass declared presumptuously, taking pride in seeing the surprised look on her face.

Morrigan suddenly became serious and bounced off the fence wall like a rocket, retaliating with a hard kick to Brass's side! A loud impact resulted and she was taken by surprise once again when she saw that he had caught her right ankle with ease. Brass kept it held in his left hand, flashing her a cocky grin as she remained looking utterly flabbergasted.

"Gotcha, girl." He mouthed and suddenly threw Morrigan hard, letting the destabilizing momentum throw her off-balance and forcing her to correct herself in a rush! She backflipped a few times to shake off the inertia of being thrown, but just as soon as she landed on her feet Brass was up in her face again already.

He delivered a series of blinding punches aiming straight for the woman's stomach, shoulders, and legs, avoiding hitting anywhere near her face or her breasts. A series of loud impacts followed up with Morrigan barely able to block each one before returning fire with a flurry of high-powered kicks of her own! They were delivered across the man's chest in a rapid-fire haze copying Chun-Li, but he dodged every single strike and delivered a hard uppercut into her gut. She was shown that one of his tattoos was glowing brightly before being sent skidding backward again!

"Gnnghh!" Morrigan grunted loudly in slight pain and wound up hitting the wall again. She was glaring incredulously at her opponent as he closed the distance between them much sooner than she could react. 'He's much faster than I thought, much stronger too! It must be those Tattoos giving him a power of some kind with speed and strength to rival my own. I may suppress a considerable amount of my true strength when I'm in the human world, but I have never fought a human before that has kept me on the defensive!'

'Heh, this tournament really is exciting after all, I think I'm finally facing a real challenge.' She grinned arrogantly and timed Brass's arrival before backflipping into the air and delivering a sharp Axe-Kick to hit Brass hard in the chin.

Morrigan expected him to be winded for a brief moment so she could retaliate and fight back, but to her surprise, he wasn't even flinching at all from the attack. Instead, Brass was grinning with a wide, toothy smile before grabbing her skyward foot and throwing her overhead onto the ground of the ring with all his might!


A loud slamming noise followed and the entire arena trembled as Morrigan was laid out all over the ground with some of her tight-fitting red clothing showing rips here and there. Groaning in slight pain and clutching her sides, she actually struggled to get up and stumbled onto her kneecaps while feeling dazed. She essentially got the wind knocked out of her but also feeling enfeebled too and it was before the fight had begun. Morrigan brushed it off as paranoia and mild hunger at first, but now she realized that something was indeed a miss.

No human was ever this powerful without some kind of underlying trick involved to boost their strength. She realized what it was and looked up at the smug-faced Brass Magnum casually walking over to her as if she was no threat to him anymore. His tattoos were glowing brightly, radiating foreign energy that was making him seem invincible. Morrigan had been excited at first since being put on the defensive by someone who fought harder than Demitri. It gave her a sense of titillation with the danger, but now she was getting annoyed with how one-sided this fight was turning out to be. Whatever magic Brass was using must've countered her own natural abilities and sapped her physical strength.

For the first time, the heiress of the Aensland family felt very worried she might actually lose this fight. It wouldn't be the first time, but to lose to a lowly human who'll most likely rape her was embarrassing, to say the least.

"You're remarkably strong for a human. What's your secret? Did you infuse Dark Magic into those disgusting tattoos covering your body?~" She asked, taking note of what she was seeing when her eyes caught a glimpse of the massive bulge appearing from within his boxers.

Morrigan didn't pay attention to that part of his anatomy before, but she was seeing a bulging member pushing out through his shorts and it made her jaw drop in surprise. She perceived it to be as large as an elephant's trunk and it was barely rolled up into the crotch region of his garments. Brass likely didn't care that it was barely concealed and it was making her more lustful instincts begin to act up despite the situation. Brass snapped her out of her thoughts when he noticed where she was looking.

"Like what you see, beautiful? I know you're craving this big slab of dark meat down underneath my shorts, ain't you? Hehehehe.~" He chuckled sadistically, thinking up another way to truly torment this woman and break her so that she'd truly become a wanton slut for him and his boys.

Feeling embarrassed by his claim when she was found out, Morrigan quickly averted her eyes from the looming sight of his bulge as he got close to her. Brass suddenly grabbed the top of her head rather roughly and pulled her to her feet by her shimmering green hair. Morrigan winced in pain at first, but then she felt him cup her chin and pull her onto his dark lips, kissing her!


"Nnnngh!?!" Morrigan muffled loudly as she heard the crowd erupted into cheers, leading to some of the male audience members unzipping themselves as if preparing for a show. She felt Brass's thick chalky lips swallowing up her softer glossier ones shamelessly. He was tasting the inside of her mouth and slipping his tongue down her throat while her eyes bolted wide-open in surprise. Part of her was actually enjoying this surprise treatment while another part of her wanted to blast him in the face with a Soul Fist.


"Mmmhmmm. *Pop!* Mmm, you taste really nice, girl. I'm going to enjoy plowing that pussy raw along with my guys over there, they'll get your ass when you're good and ready for a group thing." Brass breathed out deeply, relishing the look of exhaustion on Morrigan's face after he pulled back and jabbed a thumb behind him. She saw a handful of men walking into the caged arena after the referee lifted one of the caged fence walls for them. Most of the men were dark-skinned fellows with at least two of them being white. Most notably of all was that all of them were wearing Mystical tattoos emblazoned all over their partially-naked bodies.

"Uuuaahh....what...I..I haven't lost yet!" Morrigan spat out in defiance as she fired up a Soul Fist in her right hand, but she got denied when a hard right hook slammed into her gut from below! "Hhoooooooo! Nnghh!"

Brass withdrew his fist and let her crumble to the floor on her kneecaps, defeated. He signaled the Referee to call it since he was eager to get on with 'Claiming' his prize as per routine. His tattooed friends all came over and gathered around Morrigan's prostrated body, filling the air with the musk of their masculine scent and low-key exciting the Succubus' sexual instincts. She looked around and saw that all of them had depraved-looking grins and each guy there tugged on their boxing shorts readily to flash her the goods.

'Wha...how did I lose? Where did he get that much power? *Her eyes widened in realization* No...! C-could it be....?! Those Tattoos and markings somehow drained my strength and used it against me?!' Morrigan realized as she looked up, seeing the markings continue to glow around Brass's thick-muscled body.

"That's right, Ancient Makai Arts that were taught to us by one of your people, a guy who really hates Darkstalkers. We studied like good little students so we can get an edge in combat and maybe have a little fun with fine pieces of ass like you after we beat them in this tournament." Brass revealed, leaving Morrigan clutching her stomach again, gasping for breath as she heard the Referee make his final call.

"Three.....two.......one! *Ding ding!* That's it, you're out! The Winner is......Brass Magnum!!" The Referee cried out, resulting in a loud eruption of cheers from all over the underground stadium while Morrigan remained on her knees defeated.

The Royal Makai Succubus held her sides some more until she started whiffing the scent of male genitalia permeating the air more noticeably. She looked up from the ground and saw Brass pulled down his fighting boxers, revealing a thick fifteen-inch slab of black phallic meat right before her eyes with a set of large fuzzy balls underneath.

"Hehehe, so you are going to rape me then? I might just 'drain' you, you know.~" Morrigan giggled evilly, knowing that as a Succubus she could drain them of their lifeforce and literally kill them with sex despite finding it distasteful. This played out perfectly well in her favor, or so she thought. Brass Magnum brought up his right knuckle and let a strange Archaic Symbol with Bat-Wings all over it glow magenta before reaching for the girl and ripping open her red top!


"Ahh!" Morrigan squeaked out in surprise as she felt her large F-cup-sized breasts spill freely out from her torn top, jiggling nakedly before the eyes of hundreds of attendants.

The Crowd cheered some more when they saw her breasts magnified on the jumbo screen display, she was even being shown to all the fighters waiting in the lobby just outside the arena. Morrigan's voluminous pair of breasts wriggled salaciously just before one of them was caught in Brass's right hand with a smile on his thick lips. His thick black fingers squeezed her doughy mound gingerly and started playing with her areola, making Morrigan start huffing loudly in sexual excitement. She closed her eyes in delight and felt him fingering her tit like a child with a toy.

"Mnnnnnnhhh! Aaaaahhh.....! H-how did you know I was sensitive there?" She cried out, not noticing Brass had his other hand slip down over her waist with fingers glowing bright red. A strange Demonic symbol appears directly over the woman's belly in the form of a womb tattoo that was popular among girls in this regional area. 'W-what is this symbol? I feel as if something's....changed within me just as soon as it appeared.'

Morrigan felt stiffness in her legs and felt not one ounce of her strength returning to her even though Brass's tattoos had stopped glowing. She could tell that something was indeed different about her physiology and she didn't like it one bit. Before she could ponder any further on these thoughts, she saw that every single one of Brass's buddies pulled down their drawers with each of them revealing thick and turgid cock nearly the same size as him and each reeking of sweaty muskiness. More than half of them were black and brown with only a few being of the lighter skin-tone variety. Despite seeing male genitalia by the bundle, arousal was the furthest thing from Morrigan's mind right now for she had wanted to escape this so-called punishment if it went on while she was afflicted with these bizarre ailments.

"Uunnhh! The scent alone is driving me.....crazy!" Morrigan muttered to herself as she was hauled up to her knees by two of Brass's boys, each of them was grabbing her arms and keeping her upright.

Both of them were just as dark-skinned as he was and rippling with raw muscle. She saw Brass himself walk up to her and grab the thickness of his big, black cock and place it between her doughy white breasts, letting it get squeezed between her cleavage gleefully as the doughy, full-bodied softness greeted his dark skin.

"Mmnhh! Aaahh....! S-such a thick thing t-that you have!" She breathed out, letting the muskiness of his scent start driving her crazy with lust. Succubi often get into an excited state of promiscuity as soon as strong male genitalia makes its scent known through her nose. Her body shuddered as she felt the thickness of his black cock start rubbing gingerly between her tits in a sensual groove of motion.

Brass was loving how soft and doughy Morrigan's large tits were, he could feel every modicum of soft adipose flesh squishing into the sides of his throbbing dick while keeping them together with his hands. Morrigan could even feel the heat coming from it the more he drove it up to her face with each passing second. The crowd all cheered and Brass's entourage started feeling up the rest of Morrigan's body while he fucked his cock between her large tits, making them swivel and shake repeatedly as he went on to enjoy their softness.

"Mmh..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm! Hot damn! These are the nicest titties I have ever felt around my dick!" He yelled out, enjoying the way they moved and jiggled while thrusting up her chest. He saw Morrigan blushing hotly with sexually charged excitement filling her veins the longer this continued. Brass could only smile to himself knowingly since the marking he placed on her body had a nasty little secret.

"Nngghhhh! Get that thing out of my face and out of my tits already!" She let out, breathing heavily and sounding honestly euphoric with want. She couldn't hide her arousal much longer after whiffing the musky scent of male phallus waving around right in front of her. Morrigan's senses were going crazy wanton lust right now and part of her didn't want to enjoy this unless it was on her terms.

"Mmhmm hmm, that's right, enjoy having my dick wedged in-between your huge ass titties, girl? Good, cuz I'm going to enjoy fucking both your tits and yo hot little mouth next. Then my boys and I are all going to rail every part of that fine ass body you got all night long until you're begging to let us let you feel sexual release." Brass grunted darkly, making Morrigan pop an eyebrow in confusion as she wondered what he meant.

Just then, he grabbed each of her exposed nipples and tweezed them between his thickened fingers which sent jolts of pleasure running through her entire body all at once!

"Gaaaghhh! Aaaaahhhhh!~" Morrigan cried out in slight pain and immeasurable ecstasy, bucking her legs inward till she felt multiple hands coming in from all angles to grab various parts of her body such as her hands and armpits.

She whimpered blissfully to herself when feeling her rise to orgasmic relief grow fast yet somehow feel muted for some reason. Despite feeling the sensation of stimulation and pleasure coming from all the male muskiness around her half-naked body, she had yet to feel any nourishment come from it. There would normally be plenty for her to feed off right now otherwise, but something was off.

'He...he...he did something to me when he planted that tattoo, didn't he!?' She thought to herself until suddenly someone's black cock thrust itself right into her mouth, letting it slide between her glossy lips as it made its way down into her throat in a gulch of saliva!


"Gngkkk! Mmngghhhg!" Morrigan saw that it was Brass doing it while keeping his dick firmly placed between her gigantic breasts, allowing some of his men to start feeling up her body from all over the place as she slumped down to her kneecaps in front of them.

A few hands grabbed onto her breasts, enjoying the squishy fluffiness they bring while another two simply grabbed her hands and forced her to wrap her fingers around each of their thickened brown and white cocks, forcing her to jerk them off like shake weights. Morrigan's instincts started taking over as she wrapped each set of fingers around these big and beefy cocks, barely able to ger her hand around them since they were bloated in size. Her fingers started stroking them off gingerly with natural Succubus talents stimulating every pulsating nerve while trying to drain them of energy or lifeforce, but for some reason, she was unable.


"Mmmnghhhh!! *Ghnk..ghnk..ghnk..gnk..ghnk...mmnnghh!*" She groaned loudly again and closed her eyes, feeling the man fucking her mouth grab ahold of her face, so he could start gingerly bucking into her gullet like there was no tomorrow. Fast-paced thrusts were all that Morrigan could feel coming from Brass as he ravaged the inside of her throat from between her tuits, not caring at all that he was stretching out her jaw. 'His monster-of-a-cock feels like it's going to break my jaw off! It's a good thing I'm not human, otherwise, this would've killed me!'


Her lips were creating a series of gulch noises with saliva coming out of her mouth nearly constantly due to  Brass bottoming out of it even harder as he went along. The other members of his posse were busy jerking themselves off in front of him, waiting for their turn with her hands after seeing them bring absolute pleasure to the other two men using them.

"Mnngghhh! Aaahh! Holy shit she's gotta have the nicest hands around! Her skin's so soft!"  One of them said, feeling her right set of fingers squeeze his bulging length in a rapid-fire pace with her palm sliding down the underside of his cock.

"Whew! Got that right! I'd love to fuck this woman's mouth like the boss is doing, but I guess we're going to have a bit to have our fun with her body. Just look at that fat, plump ass she's got! I can't wait to take it to pound town!" The other said, signaling the hovering cameras of the Arena to zoom in on Morrigan's buttocks while she remained seated on her kneecaps.

Of course, a few of them wanted to strip her bare already but waited on Magnum's command to do so. Meanwhile, Morrigan was busy being choked by Brass's thick black cock churning the insides of her esophagus like it was an extra arm. She couldn't find herself enjoying this one bit even though it was a sexual pleasure all around, nor could she feel enjoyment from the cheers from the audience as they watched her getting molested from every angle.

They all cheered, snapped their cellphones to take pictures of the beautiful succubus choking on Magnum's thick black cock while feeling it sliding through her breasts.

"Mnngghhhh!! *Schlupp..schlupp..schlupp..schlup...schlupp..schlpp..schlupp...!* Hmmhmm!" She grunted noisily with gulches of saliva constantly coming out of her lips as he continued throat-fucking her entire em out. She struggled to endure and pleasure him back in hopes of getting him to come, all while stroking off the other men standing beside her. 'T-this is what they do to female fighters when they lose?! Did Felicia and Hsien-Ko endure the same thing or did I just get paired up against the strongest fighter by accident?! Uughhh! I cannot feel pleasure from being used up as a chew toy! I need my nourishment from actual sex! Not foreplay!'

And as though he read her thoughts, Brass pulled his dick out of her breast and her mouth, letting her take a deep exhale with saliva oozing out of her lips. He signaled the other guys to stand back as he pulled Morrigan up to her feet again, winning at each of his men before reaching down to grab onto the hem of her skimpy red mini-skirt.

"That's right, we're going to fuck you raw all-night-long like you wanted, girl. That Primo body of yours is just begging to be raped when it's looking like that. My boys here, myself included, all want a piece of that plump and perfect-looking ass you got sticking out that tight skirt. So I hope it wasn't expensive." He brought his hand over to her waist, tugging on her red-leather skirt until he tore it off of Morrigan's voluptuous full-bodied frame in a show of strength!


"Mngghh!" She yelped in surprise and saw that she was exposed with only her thin emerald-green thong hanging off her hip bones while showing the rest of the audience long legs clad in fishnet stockings. They led up the sides of her hips and connected to a garter belt around her waist, making everyone either whistle and cheer or hoot for her to take everything else now too.

They roared in excitement, making Morrigan wonder if maybe humans were more depraved than any Makai monster she had seen back home. Regardless of the situation she was in, she was still getting a little excited since she was yearning for some sexual relief anyway to feed her. She couldn't' stand being without any actual sustenance any longer and actually wanted these corrupt men to fuck her silly.

"Those are expensive clothes, you know, I hope you'll compensate if you have a good enough time 'Disgracing' me.~" She said, feeling ignored by Bass as he started grabbing onto both of her tits again, squeezing her nipples into each hand and causing Morrigan to whimper salaciously in response. "Aaaaggghh....!"

"Heh, she's pretty sensitive around the tits, eh? I wonder how she feels down here." A light-skinned brawler reached down between her legs and pushed open her thighs after pulling down her thong.

The cameras zoomed in and Brass now looked at her juicy-looking pussy in full along with her plump, heart-shaped ass from behind when the cameras all zoomed-in around her naked body like she was the star of a show. Her velvet-star anus came into the picture and without a moment of hesitation, Brass dug a finger into her anus, making her whimper loudly in response.

"Ggyaaagghhh! Mmmhmmm! If.....if....you guys wanted me to pleasure you, I'd be happy to oblige. We would both get something out of this arrangement.~" She replied desperately mewling in pleasure she felt Bass haul her up high enough and grabbed her right leg, lifting it so that he could bring his massive black cock over to the quivering folds of Morrigan's pussy with a wide grin on his face.

Several of the other women got behind her with one of them standing directly behind Morrigan's body, ready to fuck her ass just as soon as Brass gave his permission to do so.

'H-he's going to fuck me with that thing?! I...I should be more excited about this, and I am, but for some reason, I'm not getting the same kind of adrenaline-fueled thrill I usually get!' Morrigan thought until Brass pushed the dark pink head of his cock into her folds in a hard thrust of his pelvis!


Morrigan's body straightened up immediately and she threw her head back with eyes wide open and mouth hanging agape in a wide 'O' shape! Her pussy was being stretched out considerably, making her pleasure and pain coinciding with the gigantic size of Brass's thick black cock pushing inside of her cunt already. Her toes shook considerably inside of her high-heel boots till a pair of random guys took each off, showing the woman's body squirming visibly in pain and ecstasy.

"Gggnkk! Aaaaaahhhhh!" Morrigan let out, never feeling a man as big as him pushing inside of her pussy like this before. It was a highly pleasurable yet synergetically painful sensation that had her insides churning tightly around Magnum's cock. The audience all cheered out when watching the insertion play out from over the jumbo screen displays all over.

Morrigan's pussy being stretched out to a forearm-sized black cock had been on display for all to see.

"Oooooohhhh! Hot damn, girl! Magnum likes! Mmhmm! You're all nice and juicy already and I'm only halfway inside of your pussy. I bet you can see my dick from underneath the surface of your stomach, can you?~" He teased, enjoying the silken sensation of Morrigan's tight juicy twat wrapping tightly around his length as he kept one of her legs held up over his shoulder while the other one was simply held underneath his arm.

Morrigan couldn't answer right away since she was still squirming visibly, making her breasts jostle about until they were grabbed from the sides by a handful of other black men crowding around her.

'Nnngghhhh! I've n-n-never taken someone this big before! And that's saying something! I...I should be feeling excited right now but I'm not able to draw nourishment from it nor feel the adrenaline I usually get from extreme sex. Somehow I can feel pleasure, and it is great pleasure indeed despite the pain, b-but something feels off about my body that I can't understand!' Morrigan thought to herself as she felt her insides wriggling gingerly around Brass's cock and felt him pushing through her cervix with ease, allowing him into her womb while she remained held upright in his grasp.

She shakily looked down and saw the massive bulge of his penis pushing out more and more from inside of her flat stomach to where it looked like she was going to give birth to an alien monster like in the movies. Her pussy fold squelched even more noticeably since she was getting wet, becoming aroused yet hating this all the same till she saw one of Brass's buddies come in from behind.

"Hey man, don't think you can leave your boys out of this fine piece of ass. speaking of which, I'm about to fuck this woman's plump booty raw, we can fuck her together and really  make it a show." He said, chuckling darkly as he spread open Morrigan's buttocks to show everyone the sight of her perfectly clean, yet incredibly tight-looking star to everyone in the audience.

Morrigan would feel pleasure and adrenaline coming from the humiliation of being so thoroughly exposed to scores of horny audience members, but for some reason, she still couldn't. Instead, she looked back over her right shoulder and saw the second man pull down his boxing trunks as well. Out flopped another thick, overly long black dick that looked a little thinner than Brass's, but it was still thick enough to really make her feel it. She was reminded of horses back in the Makai realm and swallowed nervously as he guided the dark pink head of his cock into her asshole with a shove.


"Gggnngkk! Aaaaaaahhhh....nngghhhhhh!! It feels you two are spreading me apart with wooden logs!" She cried out, clenching her teeth afterward as they high-fived each other before grabbing their respective places around her hips to use as makeshift handles as they started fucking her raw.

One slam of Magnum's pelvis colliding into Morrigan's groin sent ripples across her skin as she felt his thunderous cock slam into the roof of her womb. Her body jostled about and soon she felt the second man begin bucking into her ass while keeping one of his hands brought up to wrap around one of her bouncing breasts. Morrigan whimpered pleasurably and felt the need to smile despite the lack of energy she wasn't able to feed off of. The pleasure was more than enough to hobble her brain functions as they began fucking her in tandem, making her body hop between each black muscleman while stretching out each of her holes.

Slapping noises followed with Brass bucking into Morrigan's pussy, enjoying how the slick pink flesh squeezed his length the harder he threw his hips into her own with her left leg still hanging off of his shoulder. The audience continued to cheer while others simply snapped pictures from their phone and jerked off to the sight of the busty woman getting double-stuffed as per the rules of her defeat. She could feel the squelching noises of her pussy constantly gushing out all over Brass's waist the more he rowed into her waist with his compadre doing the same thing to her ass. Her creamy cheeks jiggled voraciously as the noise of sexual coitus permeated the arena with Morrigan feeling her mind slowly turn into mush from the onslaught.

"Uuh...uuh..uh..uh..uh..uuh..uuh..uh..uhh..aaaaahhhh! Oohhhh...yes! Mmnghh!" She cried out, putting on a show for the audience and her rapists despite hating that she couldn't suck out their life force as she wanted. Her body was still getting monumental waves of pleasure from the double-stuffing she was receiving, yet Morrigan could feel her threshold for orgasmic relief was muted somehow.

Still, she held onto Brass's thick, dark muscles for life as they began bottoming out of her body vertically with thick black cocks sawing out of her holes in tandem. Their balls swung like wrecking balls into her nether region, rarely hitting each other as they continued fucking her like there was no tomorrow. Brass bit down on his bottom lip, enjoying how tight and slippery Morrigan's pussy felt around his cock as he began to feel his first ejaculation of the day surface from his balls. He was going to pump this gorgeous woman raw and fill her womb with tadpoles, hoping that she'll get pregnant while his boys continue ravaging her from the night. He was glad to see that she was enjoying it because it would only make the surprise even better.

Brass could picture the woman breaking when she starts begging for release.

"Mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm...mhmm..mhmm! Aaahhh....yeah! Oooh, this woman's pussy is the best one ever! Even those dime pieces, the furry cat bitch and the Chinese Zombie bitch, don't compare to this fine piece of ass!" Brass chuckled darkly, making Morrigan realize that Hsien-Ko and Felicia actually go through this as well and purposefully sent her here to get her sexual release also.

'T-those two...?! D-did they send me here for this on purpose?!' Morrigan wondered when she recalled the dream-like smiles on each woman's face after they told her of this Arena. She wanted to pursue these thoughts a little further till she felt the rough buckling of the second man's hips into her ass, making her really feel her butthole clench tightly around the man's length as they both pushed into her at the same time!

"Gnnggkhhh! that's it! Break and say how much you love thick, black, human cock, bitch!~" Brass yelled out, pushing himself to the hilt and making the bulge in Morrigan's stomach expand while the other guy simply stayed silent and played with her right tit even more. He had started pinching her nipples tightly while squeezing her massive breasts between her fingers as they went along.

The two large, black men grunted hoarsely in pleasure and pulled themselves back from wedging out Morrigan's insides before resuming the tandem bucking of their pelvises into hers. From having her pussy hollowed out by Brass's utterly monstrous black cock to feeling a slightly thinner one plunging into her ass relentlessly from behind. Morrigan's body continued hopping and bouncing salaciously between each of the men for minutes on end till eventually one of them was about to come, followed by the other one!

"Uhh...uuh..uuh..uh..uhu..uhh..uuh..uuhh! Holy shit! Mmhmm! Damn, man! I think I'm going to cum! Imma fill this bitch's juicy ass right now!" The second man yelled out as he began bucking into her ass even faster while Brass did the same.

One of the hover cameras floated underneath from where they were standing, letting the audience observe the sight of two horrendously large cocks now frenziedly bottoming out of her body in tandem. From seeing her pristine pussy folds gush and squelch all over Brass's cock to having her buttocks clap voraciously around the other guy's. All of it was broadcasted for the audience and many fighters back in the lobby were watching with enjoyment at the sight of Morrigan's impending creampie from black cocks!

"Gnnghhh! M-me too, man! Hear that, beautiful? *Looks at Morrigan huffing and moaning constantly* We're about to seed your insides with our thick, potent sperm! I'm gonna hope you get pregnant and wind up craving thick black dick for the rest of your life. Don't worry though, this is just my warm-up fuck, I still got more round in me to fuck you into a cock-loving slut if you aren't already." Brass chuckled and pulled Morrigan's lips onto his face, sucking out her breath as they continued fucking her into a pre-orgasmic frenzy!

"Mmmmm!! *Schlupp..schlupp..schlupp..schlupp..schlupp..schluupp!* Hmmhh!" Morrigan went along with it due to her innate sexually starved nature, but she was still ambivalent about reaching her orgasm since she couldn't feel the rush of it happening as they approached theirs. Her folds were clutching around Brass's cock as it tunneled out of her quim non-stop in a rush, nor could she feel her buttocks clenching around the other guy's and simply continued sucking down Brass's thick tongue until they came in unison!

"Mmnghh..mmgnnh...*Pop*...mmggnnhh!! Here it comes! I hope I give you a black baby, bitch!~" Brass roared out once he let go of Morrigan's mouth, letting her gasp for air as a string of saliva flung out from her lips.

His body shuddered and so too did the other guy as they pushed themselves to the brim inside of her asshole and her pussy like so! Morrigan could feel the intense strain of their cocks pushing themselves together from inside of her body at the same time, thinning out her walls and making her clench her teeth while the womb tattoo glowed brightly. She pondered on why that was until she felt the thick rush of sperm filling up each orifice like so.

"Gggnnhhhh!! Aaaahhhh.......! W-why....!? Why can't I enjoy the climax! I know my body is feeling everything and more, so what..is...going....on....aaahhh!?" She cried out and felt the warm flow of sperm flooding her insides together at the same time.


Brass came like a fire truck and filled her womb to the brim with his cock still pulsating constantly from inside of her sex, leaving much of his cum to ooze out of her while they kept her snugly between them like they were an oreo cookie. The Second man growled briskly with delight as he felt his cock fill Morrigan's asshole fully, keeping his waist rutting gently into her plump ass for about a minute or two tops until he was done.

"Mmnhhhh! Hot damn, that is one fine piece of white, creamy ass! Umf!" He yelled out and squeezed Morrigan's right nipple hard as he continued hugging her buttocks until deciding to pull out!

A thick rope of cum spilled out of her gaping asshole, leaving her to be held in Max's arms until he started pulling out of her as well. He cupped her chin in one hand, noticing the distressed look on Morrigan's face, and smiled smugly when seeing the womb tattoo continue growing bright. The audience cheered them on as they both filled her body full of sperm, ready to see even more action continue with the rest of the group of Brass's posse.

"You wanna know why you can't feel it, right? Well, that down there *Looks at the womb tattoo* is keeping you from cumming. Only I get to say when you're allowed to enjoy a good gushing and only.....after you break.~" Brass said darkly, making Morrigan shudder anxiously with need as she continued to feel the warmth of his sperm flooding her womb until he pulled out and let her crumble onto the ground!

"Ooof! N-N-noo! I need to cum! Y-you have to let me feel the climax! I need it!" She cried out, feeling the pent-up pressure of bodily stimulation begin to overwhelm her senses and make her tense. Morrigan couldn't feel the nourishment drawn from sex and the intensity of this situation, not while she couldn't succumb to climax. She needed Brass to let go of the control he has over that glowing Womb Tattoo that she had, making it impossible to relish sensation otherwise.

He simply took a step back and chuckled, showing Morrigan that his large black pillar of a dick remained turgid and unsoftened despite cumming what is essentially a Gallon worth of cum.

"Not quite yet, girl. You still gotta please my boys here first, maybe then I'll consider it, but only after I see you really begging Brass Magnum to let you be his wiling cock-hungry slut." He stated, with a brisk laugh, snapping his fingers to call forth the other six guys that were part of his group to come over with their dicks out and eyes all over Morrigan's naked body.

"N-Noooo! I need it! I--*Schlop!*--mmhmm!" She was cut off from speaking with a third man, a white one, shoved his dick into her mouth and let out a blissful coo of sensation when feeling Morrigan's hot slimy throat swallow him up. He was easily as big as the second guy that fucked her ass earlier, but only a bit thicker while remaining an inch shorter. Morrigan's throat gushed noticeably as he filled out her throat, moaning with enjoyment at how soft and glossy her lips tended to be.

"Oohhhhhh yeah! Mmhmm! Hot damn, this woman's throat is like a second pussy, I'm going to enjoy fucking this.~" He said as he began pumping her face languidly with hard thrusts of his pelvis slapping her cheeks. His thick, fuzzy light-skinned balls tapped away into Morrigan's neck as he went, leaving the other guys to gather around with hands running themselves all over her body.

"Mmmmmh! *Ghnk..ghnk..ghnk..ghnk..ghnk..ghnkk!*" She gagged and choked a bit, only because he took her by surprise when she was speaking. Normally Morrigan would love to enjoy a thick and lengthy cock sliding down her throat, but she was too distressed to really enjoy it since she can't come until Brass says so.

"Don't hog her to yourself, Cletus. We still wanna double-dip this fine-ass bitch ourselves. Get ready to hump her face vertically while we flip her up onto her ass. Lamar over here wants to fuck it raw from underneath just as soon as those legs are in the air." A fourth man said as he grabbed ahold of Morrigan's wide hips while a fifth guy got in behind her and pulled her onto his torso from the side, allowing his thick brown cock to plunge into her buttocks with ease since it was still lubed up due to the sperm inside of it.


"*Nnggghhhhhh!*" Morrigan yelled out, causing the cock inside of her gullet to vibrate along with the other man's hips. He crooned pleasurably as he held onto her face with his hands, fucking her mouth even more ravenously than before as he remained standing with her face between his legs.


Morrigan kept her eyes closed while she conjoined swallowing up the third man's cock, feeling her asshole getting violated anew from below while her cum-oozing pussy remained on display for all to see.

The cameras all got a clear, up-close of it with many fighters and audience members furiously jerking away with delight. Unfortunately for them, one of the men blocked their view with his black ass when he got on top of her, guiding his thick slightly curved cock down into her pussy hole like so. Some of the floating cameras had to hover from an overhead angle to see the dark pink head of his dick sinking between the juicy cusps of her pink pussy lips! Morrigan felt the sensation immediately and had her legs dart into the air in reaction to the penetration.


"*Mmngngghhh!*" Morrigan let out a loud gurgle as she choked down more of the third man's cock when she had felt the full penetration of her pussy once more. While the new guy wasn't as big as Brass Magnum's thick black dick, she still felt her insides wrapping pleasurably around it as he hunched over her body from the top. 'This is unreal! It is both fantastic and humiliating at the same time, yes till I cannot cum at all unless he will sit! I need sustenance!!'

"Ooohhh! Man, damn her pussy still feels nice and tight even after Brass wrecked her earlier." The Fourth man said with pleasure as he wriggled his waist into Morrigan's groin, even more, feeling her insides pleasantly choking on his dark dick before holding onto her waist with both hands.

Her legs continued to waft about in the air helplessly till all three men started moving in unison from all around. Each one was bucking voraciously into every part of her voluptuous body that they had just penetrated. From Morrigan feeling her mouth gurgled and choke on one man's cock to feeling the other two guys piston-slamming her pussy and asshole in tandem like a pair of drunken animals. She could even feel each set of balls slapping vigorously into her frame while the man fucking her throat grabbed onto her tits from up high with a smile. He pinched her nipples tight and proceeded to pull on each of her pendulous breasts, making Morrigan whimper loudly in muffled grunts of saliva.

"Mmgghnk! *Schlupp..schlupp..shclupp..schlupp..schlupp!* Mmnghk..mmghk..mnghk..mnhgkkk! Mmhmm!" She howled loudly while the audience cheered the men on. Plenty of the people were still recording the spectacle while plenty more were pleasuring themselves to the sight zoomed-in on the jumbo screen.

They could see, and practically feel, the squelching motion of Morrigan's tight pussy choking on some thick black dick as it continued to bottom out of her from above her squirming body. Some hovering cameras floated below at a low angle, watching her buttocks jiggling as her asshole was repeatedly violated by thick light-skinned cock. Morrigan could feel her inner walls thinning out when having both dicks saw out of her in tandem, it was driving her crazy with pleasure yet at the same time giving her agon since she wanted to cum very badly right now.

"Oohhh yeaahh! Mmnghh! Damn this bitch is tight! I'm going to fill her up raw with another chunky payload just like Brass did. Maybe we can get her pregnant and really go to town on this Primo body she has once she breaks." The man fucking her pussy cried out, receiving rapturous applause from all over as they continued thrusting into Morrigan from all around.

The woman's head was held upside down as she continuously choked on the third man's cock while it plunged down her throat. Her saliva gushed out of her lips repeatedly as she took to savoring the sensation of being violated against her will. Morrigan did always like to play it rough, though she preferred it be on her terms and nobody else's. The quaking feeling of her pussy  being tunneled out by second dick so soon after Brass finished fucking her raw moments ago left Morrigan's insides quivering with the need that grew even stronger. Her legs remained listed into the sky with others peeling off her footwear just so they could lick up her feet and feel up her voluptuous legs with their filthy hands.

"Mnnghhgh! Ghhgh..ghhgnh....ghnghh...ghnghh..nghh! *Mmmmhnngh!*" She yelled out again with her throat bulging outward due to one cock bottoming out of her gullet. She squeezed her eyes tight when feeling her nipple getting tweezed again by his fingers and enjoying how hard he pulled on them with both hands. Morrigan loved to have her breasts fondled repeatedly by any would-be love or rapist, but she really hoped she could be feeling enough pleasure for release right now.

The woman was starting to get pent-up and the agony of being able to cum was taking its toll on her mind. Her lips kept on sliding down one man's dick while her other holes were continuously bottoming out her hole for minutes on end.

'Mooorrree! More! I need to feel it! I need more! Maybe with enough pleasure, I might be able to break the effects of this seal he placed over me!~' Morrigan said this to convince herself as they continued tunneling out of her body until they eventually started cumming inside of her one by one.

"Uughh..uugh..uhh..guuh..ughh..uguh..guuhh...ooohhh yeaah! Here I come! Get pregnant, bitch! Imma fill your pussy up to where you'll be having a brown baby! Mmnghh!" The man fucking her pussy shouted as he slammed voraciously into her quim a few more times until he came! His balls quivered and his shaft engorged inside of Morrigan's tight, slimy pussy when she felt a second explosion of sperm come rushing out into her sex!

"Nngghhh! M-me too! Here's one for your thick, plump, heart-shaped ass you beautiful babe!" The man beneath her body grunted as he bucked his pelvis upwards into her asshole, letting a second load erupt from inside of Morrigan's bowels!

The sensation of feeling both creampies sent the woman reeling with her eyes going north when she received each blast of cum from within her body!


"Mmngggghhhh!" Morrigan howled again as she felt the man's cock inside of her throat, suddenly engorge and send thick loads of cum down her oral cavity as well. She wasted no time in swallowing everything despite feeling plenty of it come gushing out of her nostrils!

Her entire body writhed and undulated salaciously amidst the threefold creampie she was receiving in front of hundreds of eyes! Her bare naked legs jostled about helplessly while the men unloaded into her body for a staunch couple of minutes more, making sure to fill up everything inside of her till they were finished. The audience roared with applause, many still jerking off to the sight of the thoroughly-creampied woman left in the center of the ring when the men all dismounted one by one.

"Cough...cough...cough...! Ooohh! I...n-need you to take off this mark! I need to cum! Pleeeaseee!" Morrigan cried out when she looked over at Brass, who simply stood with his cock hanging out and arms crossed, not caring at all for her desperation until she fully broke. He was watching all the cum leave her body and make a puddled mess on the floor. Sperm kept oozing out of her gaping pussy and asshole now while she remained sprawled on the floor, helpless.

"Alright, boys, the rest of you can go down on that bitch. I think she needs a little more action before I am convinced to take off the seal. What do y'all say? Wanna bang the bitch airtight or does everybody wanna see her beg some more?" Brass asked with a cheerful grin, hearing all of his men cheer him on with the audience doing the same.

Many arms were waving about in the air with energy, many of them clamoring for more action with Morrigan in hopes of seeing her break at long last. The cum-ravaged woman looked around to see more men gathering around her as they were the last handful of members belonging to Brass's group. More than a few of them were dark-skinned muscle men like Brass was, with only one or two of them being lighter-skinned punks with a collection of tattoos all over their bodies. All at once, each man undid their trousers and pulled them down, revealing plenty of turgid schlongs that  Morrigan couldn't help but get excited about.

She still cursed the fact that she couldn't get off with an orgasm, but the pleasure in-between was still just as good in her opinion. If only Brass had taken off the seal and let her cum to her heart's content, now all she could do was enjoy being a ragdoll sex toy with a plethora of horny dark-skinned men.

"Go get her, boys! Break that bitch in!~" Brass yelled out, stroking his own monstrous cock to the sight of his boys crowding around Morrigan, ready to breed the gorgeous woman until she breaks and begs him for his cum.


All at once, hands were everywhere, grabbing onto Morrigan's naked body with plenty of men fondling her tits with gusto all over again. Morrigan whimpered loudly in pleasure and felt every neuron of pleasurable excitement light up from inside of her voluptuous frame as she was brought onto her front with one ripped, dark-skinned man guiding his bulbous cock into her pussy from below. With a squelch of moisture and the feeling of her insides being warped again due to him roughly sliding it into her pussy, Morrigan shuddered blissfully in nervous twitches of excitement as she felt another cock pushing into her asshole from above.

She let out another squeal of ecstasy when feeling her holes getting tunneled out at the same time all over again in a double penetration bliss, but as soon as she let out a shrill moan of euphoria, her throat was filled up instantly by another cock coming from the light-skinned man standing above. A pair of other random men she couldn't see stood around her, grabbing each of her hands and making Morrigan's fingers wrap snugly around their turgid cocks to stroke them off as the others started fucking her raw. A collection of moans came out from all of them when they got to work, bottoming out of her buttocks and her pussy in piston-like tandem with balls slapping relentlessly against her frame.

"Mmmhmmgnhhh! *Schlup..schlup..schlupp..schlupp..schlup..schlupp...! Mmhmmhh!" She howled loudly while one beefy twelve-inch black cock tunneled down her slimy throat like a make-shift pussy. 'I can endure this..I can endure this! I-I-I-I...need more!! Uugghh!'

Morrigan's mind started fracturing with the repeated onslaught of sex without relief. All over her body, the men were using every inch of exposed creamy skin to pleasure themselves. From sliding cocks underneath her shoulders to even using her silky green hair to stroke themselves off with. She couldn't tell what was happening per se, but Morrigan sensed that the referee had let in a few other fighters from the lobby to join in all at once.

Her mouth gulched and squelched around one person's large cock before being roughly yanked off of it and thrust into another's, repeating the action as a series of large, thick dicks wafted around in front of her face really as she multi-takes with her hands. From stroking as many as possible, bringing several off in the process, Morrigan serviced one large brown cock after another with lips drooling sperm-flavored saliva all the time.

"Aaaagnhhh! Uuaaaaghh! Uuh..uh...uhh...uh...uh..uuhu..aaaghhh! Ooooh! Yesss!~" She cried out, feeling the men bottoming out of her holes continue ramming into each of them as hard and as fast possible like virile animals. Her asshole was feeling warped and clutching around the thickness of the man above her buttocks, slamming away into a wildebeest while the other one continued drilling his length into her core as much as he could.

Morrigan's body was locked in by an airtight gangbang with many hands and cocks using every part of her exposed flesh to get off with. Even the hovering cameras had a hard time catching a clear sight of Morrigan's naked body whenever it wasn't obscured by one random brawler from the arena. The rutting sensations of the three remaining members of Brass's group continued bottoming out of her holes with one of them eventually cumming first!

"Mmnghh..mmnngh...mngh...mngh...mngh..mmgnhh! Here it comes, girl! Swallow all of Daddy's milk down into your stomach!" The one fucking her mouth said as he continued tunneling her throat for a few more minutes until he came! His balls slapped Morrigan in the chin as she felt thick ropes of sperm suddenly gushing down her throat! "Hnngghh!*


Morrigan's eyes started rolling up into her sockets as she guzzled down every last ounce of seed he offered her. She eventually felt the other two men bucking into her frame more rampantly with shafts engorging as well. Before long, the two of them also came with their dicks both pumping into Morrigan's ass and pussy at the same time, making the woman shudder again with denied orgasmic bliss. She couldn't feel the release she craved and it only made her lose more of her sanity while she was busy getting filled up with more cum!

Thick spurts of it started oozing out of each orifice until they were done cumming inside of her. One by one, they left her body on the floor in a puddled mess of sperm while she struggled to stand up shakily on all fours. The cameras were all over her body, now, catching the other men still jerking themselves off around her as they had yet to cum full-blast all over her exposed naked skin. Morrigan looked up and saw Brass grinning widely from afar with his thickened cock still hanging out like a ship's mast at sea. He was just so big, so thick and full of potent cum that part of her actually craved the feeling of being bred if it meant she got to feel ecstasy once again.

Looking down at her body, Morrigan saw that she had a slight stomach bulge going on, realizing that it was all sperm coming from the amount she ingested during their throat jobs. She couldn't absorb the life-giving sustenance at all thanks to the seal, so it simply bloated her body a bit and left her with a belly that made her look pregnant. This enticed Brass to undo the seal just so he could have the woman craving the feeling of getting knocked up with his child.

'Almost there, this gorgeous beauty just needs one last push before she can really take a second helping of the Brass dick.' Brass thought as he signaled two remaining members of his group to go over and lift Morrigan. "Dallas, Tyrone, why don't you go and give the bitch a double-stuffing standing up? Make sure those fine-ass legs are sky-high when you fuck her. I like to watch them wriggle in the air."

"You got it, Brass." One thick and bulky-looking dark-skinned man said, walking past the others and picking up Morrigan from the mess of cum on the floor.

"Sure thing, boss. This puta is just so close to begging for it now, isn't she?~" The other said, chuckling to himself a bit as he quickly stepped out of his boxing pants to go over to where Morrigan was being held, ready to fuck her raw with a rather long yet slender brown dick.

one was beefy and the other one slender, making them a perfect combination in the ring at all times. The big, bulky man named Tyrone lifted each of Morrigan's legs into the sky in a full-nelson with his arms holding all four of her limbs like she was a portable onahole made for fucking. The slender man named Dallas walked up to Morrigan's body with his overly long dick wafting about readily with balls bouncing every step of the way.

He smirked when looking at Morrigan's dazed-looking face and guided his turgid monstrosity of a cock into her sperm-soaked folds, making her body writhe salaciously from within Tyrone's grasp.


"Mngngghhhh! Aaaaaahhh....!" She cried out, feeling this man be even longer than the others, barring Brass himself. Just when Morrigan tried to keep her composure and collect her bearing, she felt Tyron's beefy cock pushing in between her creamy buttocks and plunge straight into her asshole!

Feeling a warm 'Plop' of dry, damp flesh coming out as well as feeling her insides being spread to reshape themselves around a large black dick, Morrigan let out a very unladylike whimper of ecstasy while undulating in euphoria alright. Both men sheathed themselves to the hilt inside of her body, feeling her pubic bone grinding against one pelvis while her rim was being held snug around the cock belonging to another. Her feet wriggled and her toes were constantly curling about as Tyrone and Dallas started bucking into her in tandem.

Her prone body started jiggling about from between them, feeling their balls aggressively slapping into her nether region with a tantric pace.

"Uuaaggghhhh1 Aaahh..aah..ahh...ahh..aahh..aah..aaahh..agghh! Uughhh! Heheeheh.....!~" Morrigan was slowly losing her mind now since the pressure of her pleasure build-up had started messing with her sense of rationality due to how badly she wanted to cum. She could feel every squeeze of her pussy clutching Dallas' cock tightly while feeling her asshole do the same with Tyrone.

Both men bounced her around like a piece of meat with her large tits jiggling salaciously in the air as they continued fucking her raw in a double-penetrated Nelson hold. The delirious smile on her face became even more exaggerated as time went on with this intense double-stuffing she was receiving with Brass's boys. The man himself watched with enthusiasm as they continued bottoming out of Morrigan while the crowd cheered them on. The sight of her holes being tunneled out was being broadcasted all over the Underworld arena with a focus on how wide Morrigna's pussy was shaping to be when they finished.

Moans and hot breaths of euphoria constantly left the woman's mouth as they continued fucking her for what felt like fifteen more minutes until she felt the suppressed urge to cum all over again. She could, of course, but Morrigan still felt some pleasure in feeling them each release a thick creampie into her body.

"Uhh..ughh..ugh..ughh..hnnghhh! here it comes, b beautiful! I got one thick creampie for your naughty pussy! Me and Tyrone both! Hope you're ready to feel as bloated as turkey on Thanksgiving!" Dallas yelled out as he bottomed out of her quim tirelessly until he could feel his shaft engoring with cum.

Tyrone bucked feverishly into Morrigan's ass even harder with his own climax cumming, this time Morrigan held onto them both as she was beginning to feel her mind breaking into pieces amidst this continuous rapture she couldn't enjoy. Brass smiled when he saw that face and knew it was high time to break the seal and claim the bitch for good just as soon as they cum.

"Hmmnghhhh! here it comes! Enjoy....! Aagghhh!~" Tyrone grunted and pumped a thick amount of cum directly into her anus, filling up her anal cavity a second time while Dalass simply pulled out at the last second and jerked his cock  right in front of Morrigan's face.

"I changed my mind, I want to see your pretty face caked in my seed. You swallowed everyone else's stuff instead of taking a facial as a good bitch does. Here...mngh..you go....! Aagh!~" He grunted loudly and let his cock spew thick ropes of cum directly into Morrigan's face.

Wth a wid,e delirious smile, she let out another cry of anguish when feeling cum splashed onto her face and fill up the bowels of her asshole like so.

"Kyaaaaaagghhhhh! I'm going to go crazy if I don't have it! P-p-please! take off the seal and ravage me as you want! I'll be yours! I'll be a good slut, Brass!" Morrigan cried out, truly losing her sense of self as she felt her body quiver with pent-up need all over again.

Brass smiled a toothy smile and signaled for Tyrone and Dallas to finish their business and leave her on the floor, twitching with need as her face looked broken with desperate want. He walked over to Morrigan's crumpled form and held his dick firmly in front of her face, grinning like a champion.

"Now, I'm going to undo it, and just for a special bonus, I'm also turning up the 'volume' on how much pleasure you'll be feeling, girl. Everyone..*looks around at all the remaining men jerking off their cocks with anticipation*...be ready to paint the bitch once I'm done breeding her!" Brass called out and heard all of them cheer him on as they obeyed his command and watched as he nudged Morrigan onto her naked backside.

Her long, voluptuous legs came flying through the air when her buttocks left the surface of the ring! Brass hopped onto her legs and planted his feet by her shoulders, keeping them pinned overhead with his cock about to drop into her sperm-soaked slot right after he undid the seal on her womb! Instantly, Morrigan felt 'Normal' again and able to feel all-relieving pleasure soothingly flow through her body until she felt the bulbous mammoth of Brass's black cock slam down onto her quim from above


"Gnngghnhh! Aaaaagggghhhhh! Oohhhh Yesss! Yesss! Make me feel it, Brass! Fuck me raw, breed me! Do everything you want, must please let everything out inside of me when you cum!" Morrigan yelled out, wearing a manic expression as she felt her insides reshaping themselves like a living condom as they wrapped around Brass's monster-sized cock!.

"Mmngghhh! Hot damn! I almost forgot how good this pussy feels! Uuughh!~" Brass grunted as he felt her slimy isnides wringing his member tight after he sunk into her womb in one go. He pinned his hands around her shoulders and started taking care of Morrigan with a mating press, waiting no time in slamming his body down upon her frame with hard slams of his pelvis.

Slap after slap of raw dark flesh collided with Morrigan's light-colored skin, making her buttocks wriggle salaciously as she was getting bred by Brass right on the spot. Her arms came up and wrapped around his neck in desperation, breathing hotly with euphoria as she was finally able to feel pleasure on an orgasmic scale.

"Uuuugghhh! Yess! Yessssss! Fuck me! Aaaahh..aahh..aahh..aahh..ahh..aahh..aahhh!~" She cried out with eyes rolling up into her sockets and her tongue spilling out of her mouth. her tits were giggling salaciously with the rest of her body as she was being pressed down upon by Brass's thick, muscular one.

Over and over, everyone watched as the chiseled warrior drove his thick, black pillar of meat into Morrigan's quivering tit from an overhead angle with balls slapping into her ass. Their bodies rutted continuously with her screaming out in ecstasy over and over again now that she could feel orgasmic pleasure once more. The feedback was destroying what little self-respect she had left as she embraced Brass fully in submissiveness. She wanted to wrap her legs around his backside and feel his tongue sliding down her lips from above. Funraouttley for her, he was keeping his focus on mating her raw right here on the arena floor with heavy grunts constantly leaving his lips.

"Uughh..uuh..unghh..ungh..uungh..unngh..unnghhh! Oohhh...yeah! Here it comes, bitch! You're going to get a whole heap of Brass baby juice delivered into your body, you'll be able to feel everything now and I can tell you're about to squirt all over me like a good bitch in heat." He said, grinning toothily as he felt Morrigan's pussy beginning to wring him tightly in constant euphoria they rutted together like animals for the next ten minutes.

Eventually, the last shred of Morrigan's rationale and decency flew out the window when she tossed back her head and came wildly all over Bras's cock just before he slammed into her womb and came!

"Ggyaaaaaaagggghhhhh! Yess! Yess! Breed me! Cum all over my body and stuff me from the inside! Everyone! Please give me all of it!~" Morrigan cried out maniacally as she felt the thick splurge of Brass's cum flood into her womb like a natural disaster!


Thick blasts of cum filled up the Succubi's pussy instantly, making Morrigan sport a bulging stomach full of his seed as she writhes on the ground like a freshly-bred animal. Brass grunted and moaned loudly with relief, filling up her pussy to the brim and leaving it overflowing before he took himself off of her frame to allow the others to cum as well. All at once, the men who had been jerking off the entire time stroked their cocks to completion and rained down upon Morrigan's naked body in a rainstorm bukkake of cum painting every inch of her skin!

She was laying there, panting happily with a delirious smile on her face and cum oozing out all of her holes in post-coital bliss after having finally cum. Her succubus physiology absorbed every ounce of nourishment she could get, but now Morrigan wanted something else out of life rather than excitement that she was broken. She wanted more of this, specifically from Brass with the hopes of being bred every day of her immortal life alongside the other men in his group.

Spritzes of cum continued gushing out of her quim at the same time ropes of seed flew into the air to paint her messy body. Once it was all done, Morrigan was spent and completely fulfilled with her submission officially validated in the eyes of many perverted audience members and fighters waiting in the lobby. Just then, the Referee held up Brass's right arm in the air, declaring him the 'Winner' of the humiliation bonus match despite it not being an actual fight.

"The winner.....is Brass Magnum!" He declared, making the audience cheer while Morrigan simply laid in the puddle of cum wondering when she'll be able to do this.

"Uuughh...hehehe, I can't wait to come back for more humiliation. there are so so many willing volunteers just waiting to breed me like I'm an animal, but none other than that man can. Heheheheh...I can hardly wait, maybe I should introduce Lillith and that wretched B.B.Hood to this place as well.~"

End of Chapter

To be continued...?

This has been for Shining Maelstrom. Thanks for reading.


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