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The World Emperor’s Harem

Code Geass

By Azure/ For Darko

Chapter Four- The Priestess of Japan Had Always Been a Thirsty Bitch (Kaguya x Kallen x CC)


Walking side by side together as they had often done, Kallen and CC approached Lelouch's throne room wearing their respective harem garments. Each outfit was tailored to their specific color and both left equally nothing to the imagination since it was the same series of outfit. Kallen's large breasts would jiggle and sway with every step while CC allowed only her very thin thong to be showing since she took off the pareo, almost nothing was covering up her mound. Both women were always in a frisky mood when it came to serving their master and father of their future children, but right now they were more than eager to contribute their suggestion on who he should ravish next.  They had every intention of 'contributing' personally too, considering this was someone of special interest that had grown up with them during the Black Rebellion.

Straight ahead they saw him sitting on his throne clad in his usual white Emperor robes, Lelouch busied himself by keying in various commands into a holographic projection terminal. He was signing documents and cross-checking all manner of data while managing the status of the infrastructure he was setting up to be his new Pendragon Capital. Both women grinned with delight, happy to see him work tending to many Imperial duties befitting the so-called 'Demon Emperor' of the world. Many feared him in spite of his progress, the impression he left would certainly make sure people would stay afraid of him, but more and more would welcome his methods as he intends to change things for the better for all nations under his rule. Even if he has to be the 'Monster' in the eyes of billions, CC knew firsthand that Charles was far more inhumane and unforgiving whereas his son was the exact opposite. He deserved his growing nest of horny wives and lovers, all of whom so far were likely pregnant with his children. She can certainly tell by judging from the feel of life growing slowly from within her own belly.

Even after having the trio of Royal Knights the other day, Lelouch's appetite for carnal delight was far from satisfied. The young man was as much a sexual beast as any long-starved emperor with a lineage to grow with offspring, but lately, he felt he needed something new and someone more important to the world to corrupt and makes into his wife to really feel satisfied. Fortunately, CC and Kallen had just the person in mind, one who had been with them since the beginning of the Black Knight's Campaign.

"Good afternoon, you two. What news do you have for me today?" Lelouch greeted in his usual coy yet cordial manner. He put away the holographic display with a flick of his fingers and focused on his two primary lovers kneeling down before his eyes.

He always loved seeing them wear such revealing outfits even when greeting him casually. From having their breasts almost fully exposed to seeing their naked hip bones with thin strings or thongs worn around their waists, it just made Lelouch's day and made him extremely horny at times. Their outfits were designed with the simple purpose of almost always having their pubic regions almost constantly exposed to him so that he would have easy access to fuck whoever he wanted whenever he liked. Being the Demon Emperor of the World entailed much stress after all, so he needed relief almost daily. Part of him wondered when he would start seeing some solidity in their stomachs in the form of baby bumps growing.

"Greetings, Lelouch Darling. We figured it's about time you take care of the Chairwoman of the United Federation of Nations next, if you so choose. I think you know who we mean, right?" CC stated in a flirtatious manner, tracing a finger around her collarbone.

Lelouch nodded his head in agreement and brought up the display of Kaguya Sumeragi on his terminal built into his throne. He saw the lovely Japanese Maiden in all her cutesy, culturally-enriched glory wearing her usual ornate white outfit with legs sticking out of a wonderfully short mini-skirt. Lelouch couldn't help but feel aroused when thinking about claiming Kaguya's youthful exuberance for his own and making her into a young mother like Kallen. Her optimism, spirit, and wisdom when handing people during the worst of times made her an absolute treasure to the Nation of Japan as well as the perfect example to make in front of the UFN. Taking her would also be considered a bold statement to the world that they were truly under his thumb now and whatever grievances they had against him meant nothing at all. Lelouch even planned on sending a video recording to the UFN of her sitting on his lap, riding out all her craven pleasure on his cock and declaring her eternal love for him in the eyes of many.

"It's kinda funny that we're doing this with her after she had wanted to marry Zero way back in the earlier days of the Black Nights. Now she's going to get what she wished for and more, darling. But, if you could indulge us with a small request when you take her...." Kallen requested, biting down on her bottom lip with a hopeful look in her eyes. Lelouch leaned forward in his throne with interest and a smile on his face.

"Let me guess; you two want to join in when I fuck her, is that right?" He asked, seeing both of them nod swiftly with stark blushes appearing on their faces. "Heheheh, you don't even need to ask. Of course, I'll indulge your request. Anything for my wives, plus I'll just be happy to have all three of my special Black Knight women together in the same place and at the same time. You were all with me from the beginning after all. It's only fitting that we take care of Kaguya together, provided you two indulge each other in front of me for my enjoyment.``

"Of course! T-thank you, Darling!~" Kallen beamed excitedly.

"As you wish, honey.~" CC responded more calmly, feeling the rush of excitement running through her loins already as they both stood up to their feet. "Also, if I may, Lelouch. I have a suggestion for use of collars with each of us having our names imprinted onto tags. It is to let it be known far and wide who we belong to. They could also be done in colors corresponding to our personal themes similar to the outfits we wear as well. Only if you're interested in humoring that wish. I wouldn't mind having my name simply be 'Bitch' or 'Lelouch's Lover' any day of the week. Thoughts?"

Lelouch held his chin in consideration of the idea before nodding his head.

"Sounds like an interesting plan indeed, though If I were to guess I'd say it plays more into your newly acquired domination fetish, CC." He guessed, receiving nods from her before smiling with acceptance. "Very well, I'll see to it that they get made, but for now, Kallen will bring me the Chairwoman Kaguya. Have her be made ready by wearing her own custom-made outfit I'll have prepared and waiting in the dressing room nearby before bringing her here. For CC, well, I have a need for you right here and now.....as a 'warm-up' until they come."

"As you wish, Darling.~" Kallen replied, giggling happily to herself before walking out of the Throne room on her way down to the prison ward, ready to fetch Kaguya. CC got up and made her way over to Lelouch, watching him unzip the hem of his white Imperial pants before her eyes. Out came his dick, both as long as a forearm and as thick as one too.

Licking her lips, she thought about how well Kaguya would react when receiving 'it' and forfeiting her stance against Lelouch in the throes of ecstasy. He was still the Demon of many, including Kaguya's and the UFN, but CC had it in good faith that she'll eat her words soon enough and get her long-desired wish of being his wife, one of many.

'They always change their tune once they receive it.....*Looks in the direction of Nonette, Dorothea, and Monica all resting on Lelouch's wide-spread bed from within the center of the hidden room*....always.' CC thought to herself in amusement and dropped down onto her kneecaps before his mighty cock, ready to go to work warming him up.



Kallen went down to the bottom of the Prison Ward within Damocles base, ready to fetch Kaguya and taking pride when the esteemed Chairwoman of the UFN looked at her with a mortified pair of green eyes upon entering. Kallen knew exactly what she was thinking when seeing the redhead wear such a scandalous outfit while having a pair of royal guards behind her to act as security. The smile on her face said it all to Kaguya, making her growl wearily in disappointment as she got up.

"Tch, so it's come to this now. He's turned you against the rest of us after all, hasn't he Kallen? I suppose I'll be brought to his side too then. Perhaps by Geass or being strong-armed into submission by raw power." Kaguya bitterly grumbled as she got up and walked out of her cell with Kallen ushering her over to the elevator that brought her here.

Saying nothing, Kallen dismissed the guards and moved on with the young lady over to the dressing room located on the same floor as the Throne. Once they were there, Kallen nudged Kaguya inside and the young Japanese Chairwoman couldn't help feeling disgusted by how sickly sweet the Ace pilot was being while in service of Lelouch. She never stopped smiling at her, as though she were bursting with excitement over some kind of surprise waiting for her. Part of her hoped this was some kind of elaborate ruse to take a shot at Lelouch when his guard was down, but Kaguya knew full well just how much Kallen loved the man.

She pointed in the direction of a neatly arranged harem uniform, one that left Kaguya's eyes wide open with shock and cheeks red with embarrassment. It was such a scandalously revealing outfit that she may as well not be wearing anything at all.

"There you are, now hurry up and get changed, Lady Kaguya. Lelouch is waiting for us and he's very eager to see you personally.~" She advised and watched as Kaguya grabbed the outfit with distaste clear on her face. She went behind a clothing divider nearby to start removing her prison uniform and put on what had been given to her.

'I really should say something, anything....! She can't have really been turned by Lelouch, can she?' Kaguya thought and peeked over the horizon of the clothing divider to see Kallen waiting patiently by the door with her hands behind her back. "Kozuki.....how could you serve a man like that? Do you know what kind of monster he is? How the world even fears to badmouth his name no matter what part of the world you reside in? How can you stand there urging me to wear this ridiculous outfit with that smile on your face?"

At this, Kallen did take an exception and frowned when looking in Kaguya's direction. Seeing a longtime comrade glare at her made the Empress shrink back a bit for she had never expected Kallen of all people to look at her that way.

"Lady Kaguya, you should know that Lelouch only has the best of intentions at heart, even if he has to play the role of the Demon in order to get things done. Things....were supposed to play out differently for him when the conquering of Damocles took place, but something went wrong and now he's making the best of this situation any way he can. He may be controlling the world, but he's also fixing all the problems it was plagued with and he needs us to help him along the way." Kallen explained with a soft and gentle voice, confusing Kaguya for there was a very obvious tone of affection within her tone. "You can't have believed everything Schneizal told you was for the benefit of humankind or that he cared about Japan at all, did you? That man was the true monster and has done far more horrific acts than Lelouch ever could, namely bombing an entire city of people just to prove a point and wipe out most of his other siblings. Regardless, having you and the Black Knights betray him was something I never found forgivable either, so don't lecture me on having shame when you all so easily threw him under the bus."

At this, Kaguya flinched with a bit of shame after hearing that part, she still felt her heart wrench with guilt when that coup d'etat against Lelouch happened. After they had fought alongside him for so long as Zero and after he led them to victory so many times against Britannia, it just felt wrong to have done that even to this day. Though his methods of savagery committed against even other Japanese generals like Major Katase were less than desired. Kaguya had no choice but to side with Todoh and the others against him, wishing that Schneizal had fed them only lies and not truths.

Just then, Kallen snuck behind the divider, surprising a naked Kaguya and making her clutch the harem outfit close to her chest. She saw that serene smile of contentment and peacefulness appear on the redhead's face again, making her wonder what exactly did Lelouch do to earn such loyalty from her.

"Besides, in spite of all that I wager that you still love him deep down as well, don't you?" Kallen guessed and Kaguya couldn't help blushing at the implication. She said nothing and that was evidence enough for Kallen to take pride in. "Well, you're in for a treat then, Lady Kaguya. You have no idea just how amazing he is in bed, from being morally sound like you expect him to be to basically be a god in the sheets. Trust me on that, I've had plenty of experience already with both his heart and his body. It is why I decided to join his cause and remain forever loyal to him, only now it's to be as one of his women rather than a soldier." She added, hugging her shoulders with her hands and shivering with delight and excitement. This further confused Kaguya as she nodded her head slowly and looked to Kallen with a perked eyebrow.

"And the reason for these outfits are.....?" She asked, feeling as if it was obvious.

"What do you think? To join his harem of course. You're the next one in line. Now let's hurry up and get you fixed up already, Lelouch has been waiting long enough as it is" Kallen said as she walked over to the bashful Japanese teenager and helped her get settled into her new attire.



After about fifteen minutes of preparation, Kaguya was finally dressed in the same manner of skimpy outfit that Kallen was in. The only difference being that her thematic colors remained red and white like her usual outfit of traditional Japanese robes. She felt utterly embarrassed to be seen with it on as she walked over to the throne room with Kallen at her side, smiling at her as if this were a trial to overcome and that there was nothing to be afraid of.

'I feel so exposed wearing this!' Kaguya thought to herself, seeing her nearly naked breasts jiggle through the nearly transparent fabric while her hip bones remained naked with only a thin thong covering up her mound. She walked awkwardly as they reached the large pair of golden doors leading on inside of the throne room.

Once they opened up, she covered her mouth when a startled gasp left her lips. She was seeing the familiar mane of straight green hair, belonging to only one person she knows, swishing constantly from between the man's knees. It tossed and swayed with voracious moments of her head, making it obvious what was going on as Kallen pulled her closer for a better look. There sat Lelouch on his extravagant throne chair looking down at the bobbing head of CC hungrily swallowing the top-half of his cock into her mouth.


"Mmhmm! *Schlupp!* Lelouch....! Hmmmm...mhm..mhm..mhm..mmhmbp!" CC moaned with a muffled voice while having her saliva slather all over the thick surface of the young man's dick. She was even making her lips squeeze the head tightly and swallowing as much into her throat as possible, working the entire top half of his shaft like a pro. Her vigorous and earnest pace made Lelouch growl with pleasure as he started feeling an ejaculation underway.

"Nnghhh! That's it, keep going, CC. I'm almost there." Lelouch breathed out, taking notice of Kaguya arriving and walking while wearing her harem girl outfit. He smiled to himself and kept a hand on the back of CC's head, feeling her bobbing her face frenziedly into his crotch. 'Marvelous, she just looks marvelous in that outfit. Having it look ornate as it is revealing certainly fits that girl to a T.'

Just then, CC's suction increased dramatically with the green-haired witch swiveling her tongue hungrily all around the head of his Lelouch's length. This brought him to the end and made him grunt loudly before firing out a thick molten blast of sperm directly into her mouth!

"Gggnnghh! Don't swallow it yet, CC! Take everything and keep it contained, don't you dare let a drop spill from your mouth!" He howled, bucking his waist forward a bit more and filling up the woman's oral cavity with cum as he held her head into his lap with both hands.


Lelouch growled again, shuddering blissfully as he finished unloading an entire load of sperm inside of the CC's mouth. He saw Kaguya shudder anxiously in response to such a vulgar action, but then he looked her way and smiled directly at her. He then let go of CC's head and allowed the woman to pull herself up while keeping a literal mouthful of cum contained between her cheeks. She had her mouth open briefly to show her lover the pool of pearly white goo inside, CC even swished it around gently with her tongue until she heard his next command.

"Alright, now go and share with Kallen. Make it a show for me to enjoy while I tend to  Miss Kaguya." He ordered and CC was all too happy to obey. She closed her lips tight and kept her load maintained before walking over to her fellow wife.

Kallen waited obediently as she stood beside Kaguya and soon felt CC's hands sliding around her waist, embracing her until their lips met each other in a languid lesbian kiss. Kaguya soon watched the act of snowballing his sperm taking place between them, each of the girls hungrily moaning into each other's mouths while rolling cum between their lips in a salacious fashion.

"Mmhmm. *Schlupp..schlupp..schlupp! Aahhh...CC!~" Kallen moaned, savoring the taste of her master's cum and feeling CC's tongue writhe gingerly around her own in a highly erotic manner, seeing this made Kaguya buck her thighs together out of reflex for she was getting aroused by the sight of it.

"Uuhh....! S-so brazen.....!" She uttered and had her head turned away when she suddenly Lelouch's hands cupping both sides of her cheeks, forcing her to stare into his eyes with a nervous smile. "Emperor Lelouch.....it's certainly been a while, hasn't it?"

"Heh." He grunted in amusement and looked back at Kallen and CC making out hungrily like a pair of starving lesbians. The pair ran their hands down each other's backs, swallowing cum and exchanging spit with tongues slithering around like a pair of eels. It was done in only the most erotic way possible and this unnerved Kaguya the more she watched it, albeit with unintended arousal as Lelouch continued making her watch. "How do you find the view, my precious Third Court Maiden? You certainly seem rattled by the sight of two of your closest allies, now former, enjoying each other's company with my seed being exchanged between their lips. I can tell you're getting a very obvious sensation from it, what with those legs quivering nonstop."

Kaguya said nothing at first and then thought back to what Kallen said earlier about Lelcouh's godlike sexual prowess in the bedsheets. She didn't want to have to submit herself to the Demon Emperor of the world, but....seeing as how she would be forced into this anyway, she had to know for sure that he was truly fighting for what's right and not behaving like a tyrant. The more hormonal part of her teenage body yearned for the touch of a man, namely the one she had once proclaimed to be her future husband.

"Is....what Kallen said about your...*Gulp*...skill true?" She asked, making small talk, and saw Lelouch nod swiftly without hesitation.

"Yes, it is. I've had many opportunities to practice with the two of them as well as the trio of former Britannian Knights that had served the crown. I have a very large appetite, Kaguya, which isn't surprising given the stress my role as Emperor has entailed. I could use someone like you with all your grace, elegance, and understanding nature to help fix the world in the wake of my father's devastating practices." Lelouch explained, seeing Kaguya's hesitation beginning to waver. She was remembering that she was once a very fond ally of Zero back in the day, but still couldn't shake the feeling of reluctance in regards to giving herself to him. Then, Lelouch came up with an alternative option for her.

"You know, if you're still so unsure about becoming my wife...*Kaguya flinches in shock*... then you can always choose to be free alongside the rest of Japan. I have no intention of repeating what my family did by conquering it and dehumanizing all its residents. Like I said, I aim to fix the head, even if I have to look like a monster to do it." Lelouch added and hearing this shocked Kaguya to her core, making her look at him as if he had grown a second head.

"W-what? But I thought you controlled everything with the threat of Fleijas! You have the entire world under your thumb!"

"In a way, yes, but I'm not a tyrannical dictator wanting everyone to worship me or kowtow to my rule. I'm simply fixing the world as best I can after the damage my idiot father had done. You can be free to rule your own people, Lady Kaguya, I won't stop you or...you could be like them and be with me as my precious New Wife. Wouldn't that be nice? It'd be kinda like how you always wanted it to be back when I still went  by Zero." Lelouch offered, gently caressing Kaguya's cheek the only way he knew riled up her affections.

The girl's heart was beating a mile a minute and her sparkling green eyes sparkled with desire and anticipation when she made her impulsive choice.

'F-Forgive me, Tianzi! I...I just couldn't let him go after all!' She yelled loudly inside of her head and flung herself into Lelouch's arms, embracing him wholeheartedly with her lips crashing against his like she had always wanted for so long!

Kaguya was hungrily kissing Lelouch right on the lips, embracing him completely and letting his hands slide around her waist, pulling her close as they began making out with languid passion.

"Mmhmmhm! *Schlupp..schlupp..schlupp..schlupp!...Lelooooouch!~" She cried out while he tasted her soft cherry-glossed lips and slipped his tongue into her mouth. Together they held each other in their arms with Lelouch dipping the girl in his in a romantic gesture. Kaguya brought up one of her legs so she could wrap it around the side of his waist, clutching his torso and feeling his shockingly turgid phallus prodding her navel region from above.

Kaguya had little hearts reflected in her green eyes as she made out passionately with Lelouch at long last. This was her dream and everything and she would gladly offer up her body for if it meant finalizing herself to be with him as his wife, even if she'd only be one of many. Kaguya didn't care anymore, as far as she was concerned, Lelouch was the only one destined to be with her. It certainly helped that he wasn't acting anything like his father or the rest of his late family.

Lelouch hummed warmly inside of Kaguya's mouth as he let his right hand slide down her waist, cupping her ample buttocks fondly for a moment before picking her up. She was lifted upright and instantly locked her legs around his waist while being carried over to the bed, still sucking the saliva off her tongue as they went. CC and Kallen ceased making out with each other and each swallowed their respective loads of sperm before following them to the hidden room. All three women were ready to indulge in a four-way with their newfound and their latest addition to the growing number of wives. Lelouch even set up a hovering camera drone to begin recording the affair and make sure every angle is captured while they make Kaguya into a woman.


Gently tossing the petite Japanese teenager onto the bed, Lelouch crawled on top of it and positioned himself to be laying back against a large gathering of pillows readily. He signaled CC and Kallen to go over and help her undress while suggesting the position he wanted to take her in, Kallen pulled open the small thong covering up her glistening teenage sex while CC simply pulled her ample set of mounds from the straps covering her tits. Kaguya was partially undone in terms of clothing and rested on her hands and knees, looking back over at Lelouch with heartfelt love in her eyes.

"Come here, Kaguya. Ride yourself on me at your leisure, let's make up for all the time we could've spent like this back during the Black Rebellion. Besides, I want to see your delectable, creamy-skinned body up close from behind while you ride yourself on me." Lelouch commanded in a suave, dark voice that sent chills down the girl's spine.

Kaguya bit down on her lip readily with excitement as she crawled over to his body, positioning herself with her legs digging underneath each of his thighs in reverse while her mound hovered just above his waiting prick.

'He's just so....h-h-huge! Oh, Lelouch! We'll have so many wonderful babies with each other! We'll secure the future of Japan together!' She thought to herself in celebration and lowered herself onto his waist, slowly hovering her pussy directly above his waiting mast with a bit of anxiety shaking up her system.

Kaguya placed her palms flat on the surface and felt the prodding of his member beginning to breach the silken folds of her sex. Lelouch brought his right hand over to grab onto the smooth, ample surface of her ass and force Kaguya's body down a little till she could feel the head pushing apart her virgin folds. Bracing herself with a nervous look on her face, Kaguya mustered all the willpower she could and slammed her body down to the hilt on his prick!


"Aaaaahhhhh! Uuuuhhhh! Ohhhh...Lelouch! Nngh!" She cried out in slight pain, feeling her hymen tear despite years of horseback riding and gymnastics performed in private.

The filling sensation of Lelouch's penis splitting open her sex was one of pain and utmost divine pleasure for she had felt him spreading apart her folds on his way over to her young cervix next. Her buttocks quivered and pressed down into his waist, sheathing him all the way inside and finding herself out of breath already for how intense the penetration was. Kaguya tearfully whimpered a bit after having lost her virginity to the man she loved but was soon overcome with pleasure and began rotating her pelvis vertically on his shaft, riding him with steadily increasing tempo while the bed shakes.

"Mmhmm! Mhmmh...aaahhhhh....! Uuuh...uuh...uuhh...uuhh...Lelouch...! Darling!~" She cried out, letting a smile stretched out on her face when beginning to move even faster. The repetition of flesh slapping upon flesh followed with Kaguya raucously riding Lelouch's body with utmost enthusiasm.

She could feel the squishiness of her folds hollowing out to his cock as it hammered into her cervix like so, making her croon and whimper in mind-broken pleasure already. To Kaguya it was everything she dreamed of and more, she was finally making love to the man she was destined to be with and loving it entirely. Her upper body rose back up, allowing her tits to wriggle salaciously before the faces of Kallen and CC as they watched the newest member finally see the light. Watching Kaguya's nimble petite body bouncing up and down on their man's dick was truly a sight to behold.

"Mmnnhh! Yes.....! That's it, lady Chairwoman of the UFN! You're mine forever now! Rest assured, I'll treat you to this splendor every day of your life!" Lelouch growled as he guided Kaguya's body down upon his meat, feeling her slick slimy pocket swallow him up repeatedly as he goes. The sensation of her pussy was intense and it was making his cock swell with ejaculate already even as he thundered his way into her cervix.

"Y-you two....!" He called out to Kallen and CC, who he was facing while watching Kaguya's perky ass bounce repeatedly on top of him with ever-consistent gusto. "....give us a show to enjoy. Starting indulging in each other again, but this time....make it special."

"Of course, honey!~" CC cried out.

"Yes, Master!" Kallen answered and embraced CC all over again by putting her hands underneath the green-haired immortal's body and exerting dominance from up top. Kallen pressed down upon her with her mouth hungrily swallowing her lips in yet another intensified lesbian embrace. "Mmhmmhmm! *Schluppp...schlupp! Mmhmm!"

Kaguya and Lelouch watched while the former began steadily rolling her pelvis back and forth onto his waist in soothing gyrating motions. She could feel him plugging his way into her cervix, ready to pierce her womb and fuck the inside of her babymaker with hopes of seeding a child inside of her ripe, youthful belly.

"Mmhmmhm! *Scluuppp..schlupp....!* Aahhh! You won't...nngh..get the better of me, Kallen!~" CC cried out, pulling her mouth off of the redhead's in order to start sucking on one of her breasts. This gave the woman the opportunity to turn things around on her and force the girl on her backside, moaning in pleasure-induced despair for she was sensitive in the tits.

CC was on top of her now, she had lifted up one of Kallen's legs while swallowing up her right nipple and squeezing the other into her left hand. The woman shifted the angle of their pelvises so that she could start grinding her exposed pubis against Kallen's pussy, she would scissor the poor girl into the submission at Lelouchs' request.

"Aahhhhh! CC....! Nnnghhhh!" Kallen let out, huffing loudly as she felt the tight little mouth of the witch suckle and chew on her nipple constantly in a sensational manner. She could feel the added sensation of having her sex getting rimmed pleasurably by the immortal's own, enjoying the sensation of having pussy grinding itself atop of her sensitive lips.

The two of them were engaged in an act of take-or-be taken in Lelcouh's eyes, causing his member to swell with power as he continued hollowing Kaguya's juicy insides. The girl was taking her time enjoying herself by grinding her body feverishly along his waist as his cock hammered away into the entrance of her cervix. Faster and faster they go with Kaguya's butt bouncing rapidly onto her husband's waist and feeling her insides beginning to clutch his length tightly in orgasmic ecstasy.

"Aahh..aahh..ahh...ahh...ah...ahhhh....! Lelouch! I love you, darling! We'll be together forever! Unnnhhh!~" She cried out, making a goofy ahegao face in front of the camera as he crept up to her backside and fondled her right tit into one of his hands. Gently squeezing it between his fingers, Lelouch caused Kaguya to moan and writhe vivaciously in his lap as she came hard around his cock for the first time today.

She tossed her head back and yelled out to the clouds in orgasmic euphoria, making it a show for the recording device. He growled in pleasurable relief, feeling her walls tighten as they tried to milk the lad for his precious seed, but still, he had the virility of a horse and the durability of one too. Lelouch just kept on pumping his pelvis into Kaguya's buttocks from behind, making sure to cup her face with one hand as he embraced her from the side in front of the camera.

She instantly closed her eyes and embraced him wholeheartedly with eyes sparking in happiness and tongue hungrily siding down his throat.

"Mmhmmbbh! Mhmm...mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mnnh!~" She moaned loudly into his mouth, tasting his saliva as they made out even more for at least a couple of minutes. When they pulled back from each other, they watched Kallen and CC shift positions again, only this time was more mutual than competitive.

They had each other entangled in a horizontal sixty-nine position with each girl hungrily gorging themselves on the other's pussy and having their heads buried between each other's legs.

"Look at that right there, Kaguya. That....will be your, as well as the world's, future. To serve me alongside the others, if so happen to agree with my methods and enjoy being ravished by the Demon Emperor daily." Lelouch growled, enjoying the sight of Kallen's tongue wiggling in and out of CC's pussy.

"Yes! I agree to all of it, Lelouch! I want it more! Every day if possible! I love you, darling!~" She cried out.

He smiled after hearing her answer and continued rhythmically slamming into the teenager's petite body from behind, fucking her womb wholesale and moaning loudly in predatory relief.  He kept one of a hand wrapped around one of her breasts, fondling it constantly while his pace began steadily picking up in speed with balls stiffening up with release.

"Nnngh...nghh...ngh..nngh..nghhh..nnghhh! Oohhh....>Kaguya! I'm getting ready to cum very soon, I hope you're ready to bear my child and forever love me loyally as one of my many wives." Lelouch growled while kissing the side of her face.

The camera caught full footage of the act, showing Kaguya's delirious smile as she uttered out her declaration of loyalty!

"Yesss! Breed me, Lelouch! I love you, Darlliiiiing! Aaahhhh!~" She cried out and flung her torso backward with her head tossing back into the sky howling. Her body quaked and her insides shuddered with orgasmic ecstasy as she quivered around Lelcouh's cock, clutching it tightly in repeated spasm as she came around his dick in euphoria!

"Ggnnhh! Here it comes, Kaguya....!~" Lelouch growled, feeling the milking sensation of her pussy get the better of him and make him push everything he had into the girl's cervix, filling up her womb and bloating it entirely with sperm in the process!


Kaguya cried out a second time in ecstasy at possibly having been impregnated by the 'Demon Emperor' of the world. The camera feed caught all of it, recording her face from every angle as well as capturing the sight of her quim bloating with Lelouch's sperm.

If it had a function such as microscopic vision, it could see that inside of the teen girl's body, an abundance of sperm cells were racing their way over to one of Kaguya's eggs, ready to impregnate her. While cumming, even more, Lelcouh quickly signaled for the camera to zoom in on their faces, seeing him cupping Kaguya's cheeks as he pulled her into another steamy tongue-swallowing kiss.

'Another down and such an exuberant beauty too. She'll make a fine concubine and wife as well as become a splendid mother to our children. Heh, I wonder what the UFN will think of when they see this video I'm sending them later.' Lelouch thought, tasting her saliva and feeling her kiss back just as feverishly with a smile on her face.



A collection of slurping noises filled up the room again as Lelouch sat back on the small mountain of pillows, cradling the heads of Kaguya, Kallen, and CC all languidly slurping on his dick from below. He watched as their lovestruck faces focused on him with tongues slithering around his sperm-coated meat. He was grinning with delight when felt Kaguya switch to the center to try and swallow up the thickened glans of his cock into her mouth, CC had focused on his balls while Kallen gladly slathered her saliva all over his shaft with her tongue wriggling around it expertly in an enthusiastic fashion.

"Nngg! The three of you must really want it, huh?" Lelouch growled, feeling their lips and tongues work his cock even more as they started taking turns.

"Mmhnmm...mmpbb...mmbpp..mmbpp..mmbpp! Mmhmm! *Pop!* Darling!~" Kaguya moaned after she popped her lips off of his top, only for CC to take the reins by swallowing it into her mouth next.

"Hmmm! *Schlupp..schlupp...schlupp..schlupp!* Honey!~" She howled out, wriggling around her messy face until she let it slip out of her lips for Kallen to enjoy at long last.

"Aahhmm *Schlup!*...mhmm...mhmm..mhmm...*Schlupp..schlupp..schlupp!*" She mewled happily with eyes focusing entirely on Lelouch's face, seeing him clenching his teeth as he felt his eruption surface. He quickly signaled for all of them to pull back and kneel back, which they did very promptly with mouths open and hands being held out.

"Gnnhkk! Here you all go....! One for the whole team!" He growled and let out a thick splurge of cum to rocket through the air and landed on each and every one of their faces, filling up their mouths and palms in the process while painting their cheeks a healthy glow of pearly white!

End of Chapter

To Be Continued...

This has been for Darko. Thanks for reading, everybody.


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