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Chapter Two- Threefold Circle of Hearts


Sneaking quietly throughout the grounds of the Loki Familia's home, Bell Cranel was extra careful in sneaking into the place via a secret pathway that only Lefiya had known. For an added precaution, he kept on his hand a very special ward given to him by her to keep anyone from detecting his presence or scent. He was wearing his usual garb of brown everyday clothing with pants and jacket on his body as he searched for the magically hidden doorway into the building coming out from the rear.

“Ah, there it is.” Bell whispered to himself excitedly and flashed the ward pendant in front of the hidden door making it reveal itself to him. He smiled and quickly opened it up allowing him entry and sneaking inside. Once he was in, he started rushing swiftly through the large high-class halls and steps, keeping an extra careful eye for anyone that might be around to see him.

Even if he wasn’t the least bit ashamed for falling in love with a different girl and bedding her, Bell still understands that Lefiya wanted things to be kept a secret between them. This was their taboo relationship that must be hidden from everyone in their two Familias at all costs. He knew Hestia would certainly go to war with the Goddess Loki for supposedly seducing him with the cute Elf girl.

‘H-heh, she wouldn't be merciful when it comes to it. I gotta keep this from reaching Lady Hestia’s ears, even if I’m ashamed to keep a secret from her after everything she’s done for me. I….I’m in love with Lefiya-chan too much to want to do that.’ He thought to himself while running throughout the hallways quietly, feeling glad that most of their Familia members were out and about in another dungeon raid leaving only Lefiya and perhaps a small handful of others inside.

Bell hopped up onto the second flight of stairs and made his way over to the girl’s bedroom ready to ‘Meet’ her for the day. They had been  secretly keeping in touch ever since that magical night two days ago, Bell and Lefiya had been going at it like rabbits during the breeding season. The scent of her perfume, the fragrance of her skin was on his nostrils at all times, he could even remember the way her face looked whenever he came inside of her during the climax of their usual bouts. Just thinking about it got him hardened down below making his steps heavier as he made his way to her bedroom door and stopped in front of it.

He took a moment to catch his breath and raised his right hand up to the surface knocking on it, waiting eagerly with a smile on his face Bell saw it open up revealing a very pleased-looking Lefiya Viridis standing there wearing only her sleeping gown of salmon pink over her nearly naked body. It left little to the imagination and highlighted her slender curves, of which Bell liked to see. Her bust, while a basic B-cup, was still ample and perky enough to stick out into the cups of her pink lingerie sleeping gown making her look seductive as well as elegant. Lefiya even had her hair down around her shoulders giving her a more natural and beautiful appearance, making Bell long for her even more as he was about to step into her room.

“You’re early, I haven’t even gotten ready yet, Bell.~” She mused with a sly smile and a blush, feeling desired so strongly made her heart stammer quite a bit.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you since the other night, we did spend a full day together in this room after all. I...I just wanted to see you so badly again.” He explained and Lefiya honestly melted after hearing that and wanted to put her arms around his neck embracing him out in the open, but first, she peeked out her doorway quickly checking the sides of the hall to make sure no one else was around.

“Well, I’m not one to begrudge your reasoning, hee hee. But first, did anybody follow you? Did you cover your tracks? You were sneaking out to meet Lady Ais for training all the time until we….became a thing...are you sure you’re not getting sloppy? Remember, we can’t let anyone find out about us, who knows how Loki would react to me having sex with Hestia’s chosen champion.” She explained seriously with a hint of worry then saw Bell’s relaxed face nodding slowly in half-baked assurance.

“I’m positive, I did everything as you told and even found that magical entrance to your Familia House in the back. That ward really came in handy.” He answered and Lefiya let out a sigh of relief before looking up at Bell and wrapping her slender arms around his neck pulling him to her with a smile.

“Good, now let’s get to some morning ‘Practice’ with each other then. Hmm.~” She mewled happily embracing Bell and feeling his hands run down her sides to hold her against his waist as their lips met in a heated gentle kiss. She closed her eyes and let her mouth swallow Bell’s lips into her own, Leifya gently sucked them into her mouth tasting ihm all over again as they stood holding each other in the hallway ignoring the world around them. “Hhmmmhm.~”

Bell himself moaned warmly as his tongue languidly slithered into her mouth tasting hers then swirling expertly around it while cupping her butt. He loved the feeling of Lefiya’s slightly shorter body embracing his own as they held each other with hands running along the other’s back in a fond manner. The girl even hiked up one of her legs along his side grinding herself softly onto his waist till he started moving towards the inside of her bedroom ready to take her all over again just like the other night. In his opinion, it had been one day too long already.

“Mmmhmmm…..Lefiya-chan…..” He mouthed tasting her tongue rolling into his until they both broke apart leaving a strand of saliva connecting between their lips. Lefiya’s soft blue orbs sparkled with happiness as she hopped up into his arms letting his hands run down to cup her soft ass into his palms, she wrapped her legs eagerly around his waist as he carried her over to the foot of her bed ready to drop her onto it and go to down.

“He he he he, you’re very grabby today, Bell-kun. I must’ve made you really hunger for me in the time we spent away from each other, huh?” She teased making his left eyebrow twitch as he pinched her butt mischievously before setting her down onto the bed. “Ooof!”

Lefiya bounced along the surface and looked up at him with a coy smile on her face as she watched him start undressing in front of her. She liked seeing Bell showcase his impressive body to her, she watched Bell take off his brown jacket leaving him only in a t-shirt before he lifted that up off of him as well. Then, with a playful smile, he undid the hem of his pants, exposing his boxer-clad lower body to her and revealing a thick throbbing tent underneath it. She felt her breath get caught in her throat almost instantly as he crawled onto the bed towards her ready to have sex again.

She decided to treat him to it by lifting down the cups of her lingerie gown exposing her breasts, Bell’s eyes watered as he ran his tongue around his lips approaching her with hands at the ready. In an instant they were on her soft bouncy mounds causing her to gasp sharply at his touch, then he started fondly playing with them by squeezing his fingers around each one in soft circles.

“Hhaaaggnnhh! Bell-kun!~” She gasped loudly with head tossing back and chest pushing forward making her back arch.

‘S-so soft…! So perfect, I can’t get enough of them.’ He thought to himself while fondling both of Lefiya’s tits making her huff loudly with a hand touching her lips. Her face became reddened as he started pulling on her tits, gently tugging her nipples in his direction until he pulled one off to be replaced with his hungry mouth.


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