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Harem of the Sorcerer King


By Azure/ For L.N.

Chapter Two- Blue Rose Ensnarement II- Twins Fall Prey Together- Tia and Tina


Earlier in the bottom pits of the dungeon after being separated from the group...

Groaning and rubbing the back of their necks as well as various other body parts, both Tina and Tia got up after they had landed somewhere on a floor different from where they were first separated. The twin Ninja girls kept their blades out and readied themselves for an attack, both of them still unable to make out much considering how dark it was at their location. Looking up and around, they noticed that they were inside of a spacious hallway corridor somewhere within the crypt. LIghting was still dim, but not dim enough for them to see either of two directions they could go. Although, they can only go as far as a few feet since it was still too dark to see ahead of them.

Touching the ground beneath her, Tia noticed that the supposedly derelict interior of this dungeon was rather lavish as the ground and some of the luxurious furnishings surrounding them included marble only seen in luxurious homes for the wealthy. Tina touched a random stone pillar nearby, seeing that it was well polished and not at all crumbling like one expects a place called a 'Tomb' to be.

"Hmmmm, the interior reminds me of Ro-Lente Castle, or rather any nobleman's estate. These aren't the kind of furnishings you'd expect to find in the home of a monster like Jaldabaoth, sister. Just what have we gotten ourselves with exactly? Tina asked herself, running her hand down the marble pillar and looking around to see where her sister would consider a good direction to leave in.

"Something we were woefully unprepared for, I will say that. First, we must find out where this location is and leave as quickly as possible in hopes of reconnecting with Lakyus and the others. Hopefully, we won't run into Jaldabaoth himself nor any of the other minions until we find them. They're powerful enough on their own and it was just one of them we dealt with last time around." Tia said, remembering just how dangerous and fierce that insectoid monster was when she was against Gargaran by herself.

The twins started walking down the corridor heading north, or at least in the direction they think was north. Together they noticed they were coming along many doors lining the corridor, but unfortunately, none of them were able to open at all, even with their lockpicking skills and other abilities to open them. Continuing down the direction where they went, the twins found any possible exit to be sealed up tight either via magic or by locks with chains.

It became apparently clear they were sent here on purpose, left with no hope of escape and perhaps being lured into a trap once they get to a certain location.

"Tch! Damn, even my spell of 'Infiltration' isn't working. Whatever these things are, they're all permanently unbreachable." Tina said, hissing with slight frustration like her sister was doing on the other side as she became repelled by another sealed doorway once she tried to go through it.

"Indeed, it seems they were well-prepared for us. We must keep moving and quickly too, I'm sure someone or something is on the prowl looking for us as we speak." Tia said, making haste with her sister as they rushed down the corridor in hopes of finding at least one place where they can escape to.

The two of them broke into a run, conserving their strength and ensuring neither would run out of stamina in case they were forced into a fight. Making haste, each of them used their 'Detect Lock' skill on every door while passing them by, unable to see that either of the many doors were even accessible. It saved them time rather than having to check them manually in person, but it still disappointed each of them greatly since this went on for hours more.

Once the two stopped to take a rest, each one nearly doubling over and heaving exasperatedly to try and catch their breath, they saw it. Tina noticed it first and tapped her twin's sister to show her an area just up ahead, one illuminated by torches with a door revealing itself to be open. This seemed too good to be true in their eyes, making both of them considerably wary as well as hopeful for a means to finally escape. They kept their daggers out at the ready just in case it was a trick and began creeping over to the doorway to see what is on the other side. Once they pushed it open, they saw a stone archway with a transportation spell circle just hovering idly in the middle of it.

"A Gateway! Tina! We may have found a way out after all. '' Tia gasped, feeling excited and hopeful while Tina nodded her head in agreement despite remaining cautious.

"Let us not count our chickens just yet, sister, but it is a breath of fresh air compared to that hall of endless doors we were just in. Let's go inside." Tina said, walking in through the gateway with her sister and appearing in an entirely new area of the Tomb of Nazarick entirely.


In a flash of light, they appeared inside of what looked to be a large chamber lined with several rows of cells with a large velvet carpet underneath their feet. Tia and Tina were confused since they saw that not only is the floor the same kind of white marble material as the area they were in before, but the lavish furnishings all around made the place out to be a private museum for keepsakes.

Saying nothing to each other, the two started cautiously walking down the chamber looking for any signs of their teammates or hoping to find any clues on their location so they could leave immediately.

"Hmm, it's awfully well-maintained for what is supposedly a prison. Maybe it's a mausoleum for their fallen instead?" Tina guessed and her sister kept her eyes out and focused on whatever they might find as they started searching the area.

While combing the area, the two noticed that despite being locked up and closed-off, neither of the cells had anything in them save for the last two down at the end of the chamber, both of which contained a collection of display cases with a mannequin out in the front next to the entrance. They couldn't' quite make out what was inside of them from a distance, but they did notice that the cell doors were left open and the closer the pair got, they could tell that each had contents inside with both of them. Picking the room on the right, they readied themselves for battle and decided to sneak closer in order to find something that they can use to their benefit.

Tia and Tina crept towards the cell and saw that the mannequin standing there was wearing a lovely pink dress they would otherwise see on a noblewoman of higher status. They looked across at the other one across from them but this one, however, made their eyes peel open in surprise for they had immediately recognized what that room's mannequin was wearing. The twins rushed over to examine if it was a fake or not, secretly feeling profound dread for what it symbolized.

"Is that....?! No...! It can't be!" Tia gasped and Tina looked closely at the set of white armor they knew to be 'Virgin Snow', the sacred armor of their leader Lakyus being worn by the second mannequin.

This rattled both girls quite a bit and left a sense of fear and dread dwelling within the depths of their stomachs. Virgin Snow was a luxurious yet durable magical armor that can only be worn by someone of chastity and remained a virgin until she can no longer stay 'pure' in a sense. Tia and Tina paled considerably.

Neither of them said anything, they laid their eyes on a collection of several display cases next to the cell, which were containing all of Lakyus's weapons such as the Sword of Darkness and the hovering blades she had mounted over her backside. They saw that all her equipment such as her clothing, her accessories, and trinkets of every kind was being held on display from inside of each of these cases in well-maintained condition.

Tia covered her mouth with her hand, silently gasping in horror since this was a telltale sign of their leader being thoroughly defeated and stripped of every item on her person.

"Her potions, her Scrolls, even her personal perfume, it's all here! T-this can't mean...!" Tina gasped until she heard Tia call out to her from nearby.

"Tina, look over here. You're going to want to see this." The blue twin called out, causing her sister to walk over to where they see a collection of several golden plaques nailed to the wall between the weapons display cases and the mannequin.

The moment the red twin read them out loud, she felt even further creeped out, seeing that it was all personal information about Lakyus contained in full detail.

"Her birthdate, her blood type, even her abilities as well as a personal history of her entire life up until recently! T-this is insane! Just who are we dealing with?!" Tia growled, reading the list of every detail belonging to 'Lakyus Avlein Dale Aindra'' written on a plaque in front of her with all this unusual information.

Tia hugged her arms and shivered frightfully, seeing that even her list of accomplishments and eating preferences were listed there as well.

"T-this is getting too creepy, we can't stay here any longer, Tia. We need to go. Now!" Tina yelled out and Tia nodded in agreement with her, both of them wanting to leave the twisted museum of their boss's entire life being used as an exhibition.

On the other end of the chamber, back at the other room and next to the second mannequin stood a few display cases of its own, additionally having several golden plaques surrounding it as well. It piqued the curiosity within the set of twins as they approached it. The name of the centermost plaque was given as 'Hilma Cygnaeus' That name rang no bells within either of the girls, but the more Tina read the information on the plaques, her eyes widened considerably in realization as she turned to her sister in morbid surprise.

"Tia, it says here this woman was the leader of the Eight Finger's Drug Department. How or why any information on her is here is beyond me, but we don't have time for sightseeing. There's nothing in this room that'll help us find our friends or provide an escape." Tina added and Tia nodded immediately.

"With intel like this, we could've brought Eight Fingers down all on our own, but I am curious as to how they were taken before we even got a chance to do it. Could they have been defeated by Jaldabaoth and his crew of monsters while we were busy fighting them?." Tia asked and saw her sister shrug her sisters with indifference, feeling focused on simply reuniting with her team and leaving this place. "Well, either way, this information is entirely useless to us now. Let's keep going."

Both girls left the cell completely and wandered around the chamber until they arrived at a spiral staircase leading downstairs into another floor. They could hear faint sounds of paddling, whipping, and all sorts of moans both painful and pleasurable which were making them increasingly as they went down. Despite feeling the fear and dread, the two Ninja girls were still insanely curious to see if it might be one of their fellow Roses slowly being tortured. Thus, they ventured down into the next area underneath the chamber they were in, noticing that it was a fully lit room with many instruments of bondage and torture all around.

From one end of the room having a row of rotating suspension tables to another having a slew of torture devices that were deemed too inhumane to use on prisoners in the Re-Estize kingdom. Many of them were bloodied and the stench was fresh enough to make both Tia and Tina pinch their noses in disgust and horror.

Tia wanted to cover her mouth before she had a chance to throw up, the sight of several seemingly human, yet very decomposed, bodies laying in some of the devices made her sick to her stomach. Tina had to hold her shoulders in reassurance, secretly feeling glad that they weren't their other teammates since they appeared to be days old. It still didn't ease the tension in each girl's body as they felt more on edge than ever before now.

"W-we've gotta get out of here right away. Tia, let's make a run for it as soon as we open the door leading out of this room." Tina said while looking over her shoulder at the stone-hard set of iron doors appearing to be an exit. 'I pray that it'll lead us out into safety and away from this place, but more importantly help us find Lakyus and the others.'

Tia finally re-composed herself and looked at her sister readily, nodding her head in affirmation as they had turned around with eyes on the doors. Both of them kept their daggers held ready in hand, waiting for the opportunity to attack any of Jaldabaoth's minions and squeeze any information out of them should they prevail in defeating it.

"On my mark, three....two...---" Tina said loudly until a dark,  intimidating voice spoke out directly behind them.

"Are you planning on leaving so soon? We hardly had the time to properly introduce ourselves to each other."


Both twin ninja girls recoiled in utter shock and back-flipped away from the sight of a tall, intimidating man wearing Sorcerer's robes all over his body. He had bright, gleaming red eyes with a face hidden from behind a mask, one that shook each of them to their cores and made them even more fearful than when they first crossed paths with Jaldabaoth. The presence they felt made even them tremble in their clothing, leading to Tina and Tia feeling anxious to the point of feeling sick.

"H-he's.....got this incredible aura of power around him....! Much more so than that Jaldabaoth himself. W-what...is he?!" Tia asked herself, shaking as she clutched her dagger, ready for a fight in spite of her crippling fear.

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown, the Sorcerer King, and I believe you two are the other members of the Blue Rose squadron that foolishly stumbled onto my lair." Ainz introduced with one of his eyes gleaming brightly in a menacing fashion. Tia and Tina both clutched their weapons carefully, preparing to use any and all Ninja art they had in their arsenal to try and survive this fight. "By all means, come and see how well you'll do against my might. Women of valor like you are most appealing to me, you know."

Both Tia and Tina rushed at him with all the force their lithe, athletically-toned bodies could muster! Tia leaped ahead of her twin to bring her knife down upon Ainz's masked face!


With a swap of his hand, he deflected her attack with ease and grabbed hold of the girl's neck. Ainz clutched it for a moment before throwing her over to the side, there she was caught by some invisible force in the shape of a dark shrouded man.

"Tia! You.....!" Tina yelled, performing a Jutsu sign and channeling all of her abilities into her body in a hurry before rushing at Ainz as her sister did. Tia, however, was being restrained by some unseen pair of hands and held into the air as if a ghost was carrying her.

"W-wha....! What is this?! Why can't I move my b-guugghh!!" Tia let out before she was gagged by something invisible, feeling similar to a hand in terms of shape and size. She was gagging on it while helplessly watching her sister rush at Ainz from every angle. She struggled to move, feeling her strength leaving her body in a very noticeable way, both her Mana and her Energy were being sapped by some unseen figure, leaving Tia feeling dread when she noticed that Ainz took no damage from any of her sister’s attacks at all.  'My body....! It feels like everything is...being...drained..out of me. My mana...my stamina...and my lifeforce. W-wait! I know this Ability! I-it's Art of the Shadow Clone! How stupid could I be not to notice it earlier and prepare?! Uughh....!'

In a matter of seconds following her line of thought and outrage at herself, Tia saw the light bend in and around her body with the Unseen Shadow Clone together. They were becoming invisible and would remain unseen from the battle, leaving Tia to helplessly look on as her sister faced an impossible enemy.

"T-Tia?! W-where'd she go?! What did you do to her?!" Tina yelled loudly in outrage at Ainz, but he paid her little attention nor cared to bother answering.'

'Hmm, that Art of the Shadow Clone ability should keep her drained of everything in just a few minutes. She'll be as weak as she can possibly be and invisible while I take out the other one. This way I can claim them both without having to kill either of them, it's the perfect non-lethal to wear down an opponent like these ladies, but not enough that I won't enjoy what comes next.' Ainz thought to himself in amusement while seeing Tina swing her blades at him in a flurry of blinding swipes and slashes that did literally nothing to his body. 'It is certainly amusing that they fight so hard even knowing that they are hopelessly outclassed, but to see such valor in voluptuous women like them is a rarity of its own. This is why they'll make excellent additions to their leader as soon as this so-called battle is over.'

Clang after clang of metal meeting his physical body rung out, leaving no marks of any kind nor any tears in his robe's fabric. Ainz Ooal Gown watched Tina's ferocity with amusement, waiting to see how long it'll be until she wears herself down. The moment her Mana went to zero, he cast a low-power blast of Dark Magic at the girl, blowing her away in a complete defeat yet leaving her alive with the remnants of her clothes hanging off of her nimble little frame.

"Gghh....! Tia...forgive me..." Tina whimpered while on the ground, barely able to move at all while she lay injured and beaten by a single attack from this man. Ainz noticed that the twins were no longer able to continue, making it a prompt time to plunge them into despair and get down to business breaking them.

The 'Unseen Figure' kept their camouflage going and held Tia in his arms, making sure she'll watch while the Ainz the original walked towards her with malicious intent in his eyes.

"You both have fought admirably against overwhelming odds against a foe you could not hope to defeat. You two women have my respect, just as your leader had mine when I defeated her earlier. With the same amount of ease, I might add.~" Ainz said, shocking both Tia and Tina into alertness as they looked at the robe-wearing man with fear, feeling as if their time to die had come.

‘N-no....! Lakyus!’ Tia whimpered hatefully in a muffled voice from underneath the hand-gag. Tina simply clicked her tongue in regret, wishing for Ainz to just kill them both and be done with it rather than rub salt in the world.

"Your other teammates, Gagaran and Evil Eye, have abandoned you as well. They, like yourselves, thought the best recourse of action was to leave the Tomb of Nazarick and make their retreat, perhaps they escaped in hopes of coming back, or more likely the fear of how hopeless their situation was got the better of them. Survival does take priority, after all, apparently, that's true even among supposedly professional forces like yourselves." Ainz added, seeing his words resonate within Tia and Tina, making them bite down bitter tears of anguish as they believed everything he said.

'Of course, that was only because I didn't have plans to collect them, especially the butch one Gagaran. Evil Eye did intrigue me a little though, maybe I'll save her for later once I finish up with these two.' Ainz's more humane inner voice said to himself as he pulled off the rest of his robes, unveiling his adonis-like body to the two of them and revealing a massive appendage hanging out between his legs.

He kept his hooded cowl over his head with the mask still worn over his eyes, obscuring his identity completely, but not enough so that he won't be able to indulge in tasting each girl sexually. Tia and Tina appeared shocked for his monstrous appendage measured at about fifteen inches long with balls looking as thick as large apples. Both women gulped nervously for the more primal part of themselves felt a hint of desire at seeing the naked man in all his glory.

Tina continued to squirm all over again, trying to back away from Ainz as he bore down on her. Raising a hand up and channeling some Magic, he made several nearly invisible chains of energy come out of a portal in the ground.

"You won't be needing any of your belongings now that you belong to me, clothes and all, Miss Tina.~" Ainz said in his darker human voice, smiling evilly as the chains came out to latch onto every part of Tia's ruined attire.


With a tug, they tore away her weapons and tore off all of her clothing such as her scarf, her puffy pants, and every piece of armor possible including her top, leaving her naked in everything except her fishnet bodysuit. Tina's nearly naked lithe form was on full display before Ainz with the last chain tearing away her panties to reveal the sight of her sodden-looking pussy next!

"Ghhuuh! No....!" Tina gasped.

"Nngh!" Tia whimpered helplessly from behind the hand gagging her mouth when the Shadow Doppelganger Ainz started rubbing the sides of her waist sensually with a twisted smile on his face. He was keeping her still and making sure the blue-coded twin watched as her sister was about to be ravished by the Sorcerer King.

"N-no...! Stay back! Please....don't come near me!" Tina cried out as Ainz pressed his overbearing body down upon her, lifting her legs high into the air with his hands and guiding his turgid cock over into the juicy cusp of her sex. It was obvious that Tina was tight, judging by how small her pussy was and how flexible she was likely to be considering her profession.

With a hard shove, Ainz pushed the knob of his cock into her folds and proceeded to impale the rest inside of the delightfully petite girl!


"Nngghhhhhh! Aaaaahhhhhh!" Tina cried out, feeling like her insides were literally splitting apart after feeling Ainz's mighty dick plunge through her opening on its way to her cervix. Her toes wiggled crazily while her legs helplessly wafted about in the air, she was feeling overwhelmed and arching her back in response, causing her ample B-cup-sized tits to wriggle salaciously underneath his body.

"Ohhh yes, this is nice and tight. You've been keeping your body in perfect shape, haven't you, Miss Tina? I am thoroughly enjoying the slickness the confines of your pussy have, the added tightness will make it that much easier for me to breed you raw.~" Ainz said menacingly, chuckling to himself a little as he saw that Tia held a horrified reaction on her face.

‘N-no! Y-you bastard....! You...nghh...bastard...aaahh!’ Tia struggled and writhed in the grasp of his Shadow Doppelganger, feeling his grip keep her in place while she was feeling his right hand sensually running itself along her slender waist.

Meanwhile, Ainz the original, pushed farther into Tina's body, making her reel in pain and mind-numbing pleasure as her legs shot up into the air. Her body was twitching noticeably with her face scrunching tight in defeat, trying to deny the pleasure she was feeling as he pushed himself into her womb with a hard shove.

"Hup! Ughh.....! Your..ngnh...insides are even wrapping tighter around me now that I've pushed myself into your womb. You must be feeling grandiose amounts of pleasure right now, yes?" Ainz asked, feeling the sickness of Tina's pussy guzzling his cock even more as he began pumping into her narrow waist methodically with consistent thrusts of his penis.

Soon slap after slap of flesh colliding with flesh began echoing out from within the dungeon room with Tia watched helplessly while her sister was forcibly bred by the monster that defeated them. She was hearing subtle squelching noises of her pussy, watching it gush while his mast burrow deeply into her taint, leaving a bulging mass to appear from within Tina's stomach.

"Aaghhh.....aaaghh....aghh...agghhh! Noooo.....! I don't...want this...! Aaagghh!" Tina cried out, closing her eyes and averting them away from Ainz's face as he towered over her body, carrying her lower half up so that he was bucking into her in a mating-press position.

Tia's eyes watered as she saw her sister's legs wafting about in the air, moving in sync with the consistent smacking of sexes colliding into each other while Ainz bottomed out of her like a feral animal. In and out she sees his dick burrowing deeply into her sister's womb, fucking her in ways no living man ever could unless they were as hung as him. Tina's breasts started jiggling about salaciously, causing her body to waddle and heave underneath Ainz's overbearing body and resist moaning loudly in pleasure as he continued to fuck her right there on the floor.

'N-noo....! It feels so...good! Uuughhh! I r-really...feel like losing my mind...aaahh!' Tina thought to herself, wanting to wrap her legs around her rapist out of instinctual reflex for being bred. She could feel Ainz's cock, which to her felt like a large smooth pole of wood, churning her insides eloquently for minutes on end, leaving his balls tapping the cleft of her supple little ass as he went.

"Ugh...ugh..ugh..ugh..ugh..ugh..ugh! Ooh yes! I can tell by how tightly your cervix is squeezing on me that you're ready to cum very soon. Are you looking forward to bearing my child that much?~" Ainz joked, pumping consistently into her sex and feeling her insides beginning to churn tightly around his cock the further he goes.

Tina tossed back her head, shouting in begrudging pleasure while reeling in despair at being subjected to this situation. She was feeling mind-blowing sex at the hands of a man, nay, a monster that had defeated their leader and likely performed this with her as well. She could deny how good it felt to have her insides hollowed by his massive cock, making her really feel like a woman for the first time in a long time while doing it.

"N-nnoooo! Auggghhhh! Mnnghh! Uuh..uh...uh..uh..uh..uh..ahh!" Tina cried out again, beginning to feel her willpower crumble at the hands of Ainz Ooal Gown while her sister watched from afar.

‘Tina....! T-that bastard....!’ Tia thought tearfully until she felt the doppelganger's right hand fondling her chest through her scant amount of clothing. This caused her to moan quietly into the ball gag, feeling a hint of pleasure coming from his strong fingers probing into the covered-up mounds beneath her top.

Just then, Doppelganger Ainz leaned in close to the side of her face with a smile on his lips despite having the top half of his face shrouded in shadow. He could feel Tia's composure crumbling the longer he held onto her breast, hearing her mew in pleasure as just icing on the cake.

"Hmmm, you are actually bigger than your sister. I guess not all twins are completely alike." The Doppelganger said as he fondled more of Tia's tits through her clothing, making her mewl begrudgingly in pleasure as he touched every sensitive part inside of the one he had in his hand. "I suspect you're really a C-cup size underneath, but you hide it all with a chest strap so as to not hinder mobility or maybe not upset your sister for having bigger breasts. Don't worry though, your turn will come soon enough once she's finished with. I can see that you're becoming aroused just by watching your sister getting hopelessly bred."

"*Ghhghh! B-be quiet....!”’ Tia yelled in a muffled voice, moaning hotly with arousal and excitement as she felt him continuing to fondle her breast. The way he was going about it was in a sensually, soothing, motion with his fingers fondling her weak points while seeing her sister get plowed. Ainz had begun rowing his pelvis even harder against her body the further he went.

"Ughhh! Hnhh! Uhh.......!" Tina moaned loudly again, letting her chest heave and cause her smaller tits to wriggle salaciously at an even faster pace. The pelting noises of Ainz's pelvis colliding into her bottom steadily became louder as he fucked her with wild abandon.

Seeing the bulging sight of his cock warping the girl's stomach made Tia feel increasingly sick, yet at the same time, she was becoming even further aroused. Just then, the doppelganger's hand slid down her torso and felt up her slender stomach in an affectionate manner. Then, he spoke up next to her ear again, letting his breath tickle the crook of her neck.

"Just imagine this stomach becoming swollen with my child, you certainly had the right size and shape of hips to really make child-bearing fun for the Great One." Doppelganger Ainz chuckled darkly, feeling Tia resume struggling to escape while remaining in his hands.

His grip around her nimble and petite body was ironclad, his power was so immense that Tia had no choice but to squirm helplessly in her refusal to be raped like her sister.

"*Noooo! Mnnngh! Let me go....! Hnhh!*" She struggled and squirmed inside of the clone's grasp helplessly, watching as the real Ainz Ooal Gown pummeled away into her sister's pussy from above, swinging his large balls back and forth as he was about to blow.

"Hnggghhh! Here I....come, Tina! Yesss!" Ainz yelled out, enjoying the constant clutching of his gargantuan penis by Tina's cervix. He felt her walls beginning to contract tightly around him as he pulled out of her pussy one last time to the tip, plunging his body all the way into the back of her throat as she came!

"Aaaahhhhh!" She cried out, shuddering wildly underneath Ainz's masculine body and squeezing his dick firmly from within the walls of her womb. The contractions of her muscles pushed Ainz into ejaculation, making him buck wildly into her frame as he let out thick ropes of sperm directly into the ninja's waiting womb!


Tina yelled out again as she felt the molten warmth of the man's cum flood out her depths, causing her stomach to begin bulging up to the point she actually looked pregnant already! Tia could practically imagine her sister's insides becoming fertilized by the man's seed, causing her to wretch angrily in the doppelganger's grasp some more while Ainz continued cumming inside her for nearly two whole minutes on end.

The girl's face went blank, still reeling from the mind-breaking sensation of having her insides so thoroughly raped by the man's insanely large cock. Her legs twitched a few times as she came some more, squirting all over his groin while they remained high into the air. Ainz growled in pleasure, knowing that his enhanced little swimmers were likely racing towards her eggs even now.

"Ugh......! That was a wonderful experience indeed. Time for the other one.~" Ainz said, grunting as he jerked out another rope of seed into Tina's twitching pussy, letting it all spill out of her gaping twat once he had started pulling himself off of her with a 'Splotch' of moisture coming out.

"Ooohhh.....help me...Tia...." Tina whimpered feebly as she felt her body get magically lifted into the air via Ainz's magic. Sperm oozed out of her gaping pussy en masse, leaving a small puddle until she was being moved over to an X-shaped table for bondage nearby.

They were still inside of a torture room after all. Ainz made it so that each of Tina's ankles and wrists was bound by pairs of restraints with one going across her somewhat bloated stomach in order to keep her still while she watched. Making sure another pair of braces lock her head into the place so that she can't turn away from the upcoming show, Ainz magically created a miniature ball-gag and put it into Tina's mouth with a smile before snapping his fingers to signal the Shadow Clone.

"Have fun.~" Shadow Clone Ainz whispered darkly into Tia's ear before the spell that conjured him reached its limit. The expiration of the Spell finally came and with it, the cloak of invisibility concealing Tia had dissipated into nothingness, exposing her presence to the world once more with the Clone dissolving into nothingness as well.

She stumbled onto the ground helplessly, still feeling weaker than a Kitten and unable to move that much at all despite gaining her freedom again. She looked at Ainz and saw that his dick remained large and upright, not having lost an ounce of rigidity at all despite cumming a gallon-sized load inside of her sister.

"Gugh! N-no! G-Get away from me!" Tia cried out and in a panic, started scurrying weakly along the ground away from Ainz, channeling as much strength as she could, but only making as much progress as a two-legged animal crawling the floor right now.

Ainz was unfazed and simply smiled evilly as he went over to pick up the enfeebled twin-in-question. He grabbed onto one of her ankles and pulled her up until he could swing her into his arms, carrying her bridal style and feeling her pound her fists weakly into his chest. It was almost too amusing to him to watch her try fighting him off with the strength of a small animal. Yet still, her bravado only made him value her more while doing it.

Tia struggled and tried pushing herself off of his chest, only to suddenly become levitated out of his arms and held into the air from an invisible force.

"H-hey....! What are you doing! S-stop!" She cried out, only seeing that Ainz was ignoring her. He magically conjured forth some of the chains and hanging from the ceiling to wrap around Tia's wrists, binding them together and keeping her suspended like a prisoner ready to be tortured. Her legs remained unbound for now and her clothes, still worn over her body for the time being, but that's how Ainz likes to do things.

He prefers tearing off their outfits personally and it showed with Tina and Lakyus so far.

"Comfortable?" He asked, walking up to her and becoming a breath away from her lips as he cradled her chin into his right hand. Tia wanted to spit into his masked face, but couldn't find the strength to do it all, she was just that weak at this point. Ainz said nothing and simply grabbed her jaw into his fingers, pulling her onto his lips in an invasive, tongue-swashing lip-lock that took Tia's breath away!


"Mmmhmm. *Schlupp...schlupp..schluppp..schupppp!* Hmmm.~" He moaned, languidly rolling his tongue around the insides of her cheeks, taking the Ninja twin completely by surprise while he reached around the sides of her body to grope and pinch her tight little ass into his palms!

"Nnngghhg! Nnggghhhh!!" Tia moaned relentlessly in refusal, reeling in disgust yet finding herself becoming low-key aroused by the sensation of a man expertly making out with her like it was their honeymoon. She hated having to be used like this and hated it even more since she was enjoying the attention he was giving to her ass while he squeezed it!

She yelped internally, hating that her body was receiving sexual attention from a man that literally raped her sister and who was about to do the same to her.

'Ghhkk! H-he's kissing me...! He's really making out with me and I can't get him to stop! Nnghhh! Forgive me, Tina! Forgive me, Lakyus! This man has us beat and t-there's just no way to overcome this!' Tia thought to herself in despair, hating that she was mewling in response to Ainz hungrily swallowing her tongue into his mouth.

The way he was kissing her while groping her ass from behind through her pants, made the Ninja woman mew helplessly with slight tears coming down her face.

"Mmhmmhm...*Pop!*...aahh, you taste splendid, but as much for the main course as I'm sure you are, Madam. I don't care for foreplay that much when in comparison to actual sex." Ainz stated casually, drawing himself back and letting a string of saliva carry a bridge between their lips until it faded away. Tia was left breathless and hobbled by the intense make-out session she had just endured, seeing that Ainz reached for her chest and grabbed ahold of her top shirt, grinning confidently as he pulled it off of her body in one fell stroke!


"Aahh!" Tia let out, feeling her tight-fitting ninja top tear off, with the bandages she wore over her breasts included! Her bountiful pair of C-cup-sized breasts came spilling out with her fishnet bodysuit remaining surprisingly intact as she wore it all over her naked body at all times.

All that was left now were Ninja shoes and puffy pants, but Ainz saw to that when she pulled on the hem of her pants with a smile. Another loud rip and tear sound later and Tia was finding herself almost completely naked before his eyes, keeping her thong over her sex until Ainz tore it off with just his middle finger. With a rip, her juicy, moistening folds became exposed, showing a slight tuft of pubic hair directly above her mound as she was almost buck-naked before his eyes.

Tia whimpered shamefully and averted her eyes, feeling ashamed and humiliated until she noticed he was going around her body with Tina's dreary eyes following him. Ainz grabbed hold of her hips and lifted up her right leg before pulling her closer to his pelvis, allowing his length to line up with her pussy and grinning as he pulled Tia's suspended body onto his hips with a single pull.


"Gggghhhh! Aaaahhhhhhh!" She cried out, clenching her teeth tightly as she felt her pussy and hymen give way to the immense mass that is Ainz Ooal Gown's massive dick! Tia felt her juicy, sensitive folds spreading out wide to accommodate the man's appendage as he pushed himself inside. Her legs quivered helplessly in the air with her body writhing about while her wrists still remain suspended.

Her mouth hung open silently agape when she stopped screaming loudly in pain at losing her virginity, despite being a highly flexible and well-trained Kuniochi assassin, Tia was still very much a maiden like her sister was until now. She felt her innocence stripped away and felt only soothing pleasure gradually coming up, becoming stronger until it could null the sensation of pain just a little bit. Ainz had guided his monster-sized dick in even further, reaching her cervix with ease and pushing into the girl's tight-packed womb, he started gingerly plunging her insides in a thorough and methodical manner slowly. Soon, Tia felt her creamy buttocks begin bouncing against his waist, slapping consistently into his built frame as he was fucking her from behind in a steadily expedient manner.

"Gghh! Aaahhh....ooohhh....aaahhh!" She let out, still hissing in slight pain due to his size yet feeling the pleasure of having such a  massive cock tunneling through the walls of her womanhood. She felt every thick inch of his dick pushing out into more sensitive areas completely, making her long-ignored sex repeatedly gush around his dick while he begins moving about.

"Mmmhmmm! Ooh yes! You are every bit as tight as your sister, Tia, just as slick too. I'm going to enjoy sowing my seeds into your belly, giving you the blessing of having my child and treating you to this every day you'll live here. The two of you." Ainz said, growling with lust as he began pumping into her ass even faster, shoving his cock into Tia's squelching pussy like clock and at a fast pace.

The gentle plethora of smacking noises soon followed with Tia's naked, suspended body bouncing around back and forth into his waist from behind. She felt her cheeks wriggling and slapping against his frame, feeling her insides being churned intensely by his cock. Tia didn't want to feel pleasure from this raping, but her body was betraying her the longer it went on. Ainz's cock plunging through her cervix and into her womb just felt that great.

"Uuaaghhh! Nnnhhh! Nngh...nghn..nghnn..nghhn..nghhh..aaaahnn!" She wailed loudly, tossing her head up to yell out some more, stirring Tina back into consciousness and awareness. The red-clad twin watched helplessly from across the table she was strapped onto, feeling helpless to aid her sister as she watched Ainz plow his massive dick into her twat.

Her eyes followed the hypnotic pattern of his meat sinking into Tia's folds, spreading them out and making them gush all over his groin while he kept at it senselessly like an animal.

"Forgive me, Tia. Forgive me.....I have failed as your sister." She whimpered, watching Ainz grab a hold of the twin's nimble pair of hips and began slamming away more violently into her twat from behind! Together they made a louder, more raucous collection of fucking noises while Tia squealed out helplessly with a stunned look reflected on her face.

"Ugh! Yes! That's it, mmnnghhh! Enjoy the performance, Miss Tina, both you and your sister will be enjoying life here as my prizes for the rest of your lives!" Ainz let out, slamming his pelvis into Tia's ass, leaving her cheeks to become red as she felt the slick cavity of her pussy slide to the hilt of his dick, over and over again.

"Uuuaagghhhh! Aaahh....aaaahh...aahh.....ahh...aaahh...aahh...aahh..aahh!" Tia could only cry out in unwanted ecstasy while her sister watched.

Together with Ainz, her body became sweaty as minutes more of merciless copulation followed. She could feel her pussy becoming utterly wrecked by his cock, shuddering in climax serval times throughout the entire duration of his raping until she could finally feel his cock engorge with cum. Ainz was about to pull back, feeling his member begin to bloat as he was about to cum inside of her, until......!

"Hhmmgg!" He grunted loudly and slammed Tias little body all the way onto his crotch, sheathing his entire length inside of her womb when he finally did!

She let out an ear-piercing wail of both pain and orgasmic ecstasy when she felt his cock bloat then erupt with sperm pumping into her insides!

"Ggyaaaaaagghhh!" tia cried out and straightened out both of her legs when she felt each molten hot load of sperm blasting the insides of her womb in a rush of orgasm with Ainz emptying everything out inside her!


Her eyes went wide and became slightly unfocused, her mouth remained hanging agape with her tongue spilling out, giving Tina something to memorize as she watched the sinister Sorcerer breed her sister thoroughly. She could even see her belly swelling up thanks to the massive load of sperm possibly impregnating her right now.

"Mmhmm.....! Ohhh yes, mmm! That....was quite marvelous." Ainz growled as he finished cumming inside of the now barely conscious twin. He had finished pumping Tia's insides full and slowly pulled out of her, leaving a thick splotch of sperm spilling down onto the hard stone ground.

Ainz had pulled out of her entirely, leaving her body to remain suspended with a broken look on her face and a smug grin on his.

"I believe we'll all learn to love each other very much in the time you'll be spending here in Nazarick with me. That's a promise, one among many others." He said, caressing Tia's naked, sweaty body into his hands, running one of them down the sides of her waist and around her cum-inflated stomach while Tina felt a knot turning in her stomach.

He capped off the latest success in conquest by cupping Tia's face from the side and pulling her onto his lips to make out again in front of Tina. The twin could only watch helplessly as she sees Ainz's tongue drilling into her sister's mouth right in front of her, squeezing one of her tits while doing so.

"Mmmhhh.....! F-forgive me, Lakyus...everyone..*Schlup!*..mmpbbf!" Tia moaned languidly around Ainz's tongue swiveling around the inside of her throat, dominating her own with ease.

It was an apt metaphor for how the Blue Roses fell apart thanks to Ainz Ooal Gown and his machinations, three members of which were now his broodmare slaves.


A little while later, namely several months following the success of Ainz claiming the three Blue Rose maidens to his calling.....

There had been a few changes to the Trophy room such as two new cells being freshly occupied by each of the twins with all of their personal belongings put on display. Both Tina's and Tia's outfits were freshly mended and repaired, but no longer being worn by the women themselves since they were down displayed on a duo pair of Mannequins much like Lakyus' Virgin Snow was. All of their items, gear, weapons, and Scrolls were being kept behind glass displays stationed right next to the mannequins and directly next to their cells. Plaques of their personal history, including every ounce of information on the girls in question, remained stationed around the displays from along the wall.

However, inside of the cell rooms they inhabited was another story. Tina was bound within her cells, in a rather erotic and depraved fashion that left her strictly nude with a ball gag in her mouth. Her hair was down, dripping around her shoulders and her body was bound in magically-enhanced bindings that squeezed her torso gently as she was seated upright on a Wooden Horse mechanism.

"Mmmmm!!" She muffled loudly, remaining helpless with her legs and arms locked in a yoke, forced to feel the dulled yet ribbed edges of her 'seat' grinding against her pussy like so from below. She was constantly squirming nakedly on top of it, hating every moment she was either raped by Ainz and enjoying it on some subconscious level to enduring this torture every day until she concedes.

Tina wasn't yet 'Claimed' in spirit and mind like Ainz was, but every day she gets closer to breaking with how mind-numbingly powerful his sexual prowess tends to be.

Meanwhile, she saw her leader Lakyus, remain peaceful and content in her own cell from across Tina's own. The woman wasn't bound nor gagged, nor forced to sit into some kind of erotic torture method whatsoever. Lakyus remained sitting by a vanity mirror, wearing seductive emerald green lingerie while combing her long blonde hair neatly in a peaceful and passive manner. It seemed like she was 'Normal' for lack of a better word, not at all acting like a prisoner at all, but one that was happy to be there with her swollen stomach sporting a baby bump.

Tina muffled loudly into her ball gag some more, wondering just how and where did they go wrong. Both she and Tia were kept as both slaves and literal trophies for Ainz, endlessly subjected to mind-numbing sexual bliss by him nearly every day of their lives as well as often participating in other activities with him every now and then. She wriggled into her 'Seat' helplessly some more, hating that her clitoris rubbed up against the ribbed edges of the horse, causing her to cum once again since she had stimulated her body on her own without meaning to.

'Mmmnggghhh!!' She yelled out loudly while Lakyus was busy simply tending to her hair with not so much as a care in the world.

Ainz had fully broken her in and got her pregnant, now all that was left to do was the same with the twins' Tina and Tia.


Somewhere else in Nazarick, within Ainz's personal office...

"Hmmm, that about takes care of the last pile of paperwork proceeding our operations in that part of the Kingdom. My oh my, even for someone as powerful as myself, paperwork remains a tedious and meaningless chore. It's almost as if I were a Salaryman again. Anyway.....I believe I deserve a break, as well as to treat myself." Ainz said to himself, remaining in his human form as he gestured for someone waiting beyond the veil of shadows and drapery nearby to come forward.

"Come, Tia. your master requires some....entertainment and much-needed stress relief." Ainz called out, allowing for Tia herself to step forward from out of the shadows wearing nothing at all except some chains over her hands and ankles as she shuffled to his body.

Like tina, her hair was down as well with nothing covering her naked body except sweat and chained restraints magically imbued with Ainz's own magic. After several months of nonstop rape and torture, with the occasion healing of her wounds in-between, Tia had finally stopped caring about wanting to make an escape. She had lost all hope in her body and knew he was too powerful to challenge no matter when or where she'd have the ability to strike. Ainz was all-powerful and always two steps ahead of the girl, but even so, fucking her into a mind-broken stupor broke the girl's willpower as she arrived in front of his desk obediently like a good little fuck slave.

"What is it you want of me, my master?" She asked meekly, still somewhat afraid of his power. She saw Ainz pointed down into his lap as he pushed his chair back a little, allowing his massive erection to spring out free from his robes, fully erect and before Tia's eyes.

"I would like for you to sit on me, or rather, sit on this. Come now, I grow 'Hungry' for your soft and rather delicate flesh." Ainz said, grinning from ear to ear as he watched Tia meekly obey his command. she walked over from around the desk table to climb over on his lap.

Standing on her feet and placing herself above his lap until she could curl her legs, she straddled Ainz's waist and slowly lowered herself down onto his waiting cock, feeling it pierce the sensitive insides of her flesh quite thoroughly.


"Ngahhh! Ahhhhh.....!~ Uuuuhhhh.....Lord Ainz! Ggnnhh!" Tia let out, feeling his massive appendage burrow straight into her womb like always, prodding a sensitive weak spot inside of her babymaker while she began riding him about. She sat hilt-deep onto his cock, rolling her pelvis forward then pulling backward in a sensual roll of her hips.

"Uhh...uhh...uhh..uuh..uhh...uhh!" She let out, closing her eyes and letting her mouth hang open with hot breaths escaping into the air. Tia's bountiful tits started jostling about right in front of his Ainz's face, tempting him to fondle her tits until he let his hands roam down the sides of her waist and around her stomach.

'Hhmmmm, I wonder if they're even fertile. No, I would've otherwise sensed it when I first tasted the splendor of their flesh the first time around. I suppose it's just a  matter of luck, but I will seed them soon and enjoy seeing their stomachs swell with my progeny.' Ainz thought to himself, running his right hand down around Tia's stomach while she picked up the pace and rode him even harder with higher slams of her hips.

"Are you feeling well these days, Tia? No motion sickness of any kind or cravings that double your appetite? You're not showing signs yet, you know, of me having given you a child." Ainz said while she kept on humping his pelvis, squeezing his dick tightly into the folds of her sodden pussy.

"Nngh...ahh....nnhhh! Lord Ainz....neither me...nor my sister are showing signs....yet. As far as we know...nngh.....we're not pregnant with your babies. Uuhhh!" Tia moaned, feeling her insides trembling with the onset of climax once again.

"Hmmm, interesting. I suppose it is a more unique case with you two than it was when I took care of Lakyus. I suppose preparations must be made to ensure maximum fertility tonight when I bring you both to my bedroom." He cupped Tia's chin, pulling her close to his face with a smile. "I will breed you both and you'll find your days of living here just as peaceful and perfect as Lakyus does. That's a promise, but for right now, dismount and turn around. I wish to see that perfectly supple ass of yours plowing into my groin from the front."

Tia nodded her head and got up off of Ainz's cock, letting her folds gush a bubble of moisture once his dick pulled out of her twat. She hastily shifted her position and placed her hands directly onto the desk in front of her, presenting herself and sticking out her ass delectably in front of Ainz's waist as he got up.

Grinning, he placed a hand around each of her hips and wasted no time in guiding his member over into the folds of her sex in one go!


"Gggnnhhhgg! Aaaaahhhhhhh! Lord Ainz.....Lord...Ainz....aaaahhh!~" She cried out as she felt him tunneling all the way into the back of her womb again, to the point she could see a bulge pushing out from inside of her stomach as he started fucking her against the desk!

Loud raucous slams of flesh followed with Azin bending Tia over the desk, letting her tits jiggle salaciously as he felt the tight confines of her pussy swallow him up. While feeling his balls tapping relentlessly into her sex from below, Tia could tell that he was full of life today and likely as virile as a kind of breeding bull who utterly dominates its mate. Ainz was going to ensure her rise to motherhood just like how she sees their leader Lakyus, making Tia despair internally as she scratched the surface of his desk.

"Nngghh! Aahh..aahh...ahh...ahh...ahh...ah.....ah..ahh...ahh..ahh...aahh!" She cried out, tossing back her head and feeling the swelling of his cock beginning already as she felt her insides quivering with an impending orgasm. 'H-he's going to get us p-pregnant this time for sure! Ughhhh! If we're not already, then we're going to be very soon. T-there's no stopping him. No stopping him at all....he'll breed us for as many times as he likes! Aaaaahhhhh!'

She cried out in orgasm once again, feeling her body shudder as her pussy clung onto Ainz's dick, prompting him to cum directly inside of Tia's quivering taint, filling up her womb in the process and doing so with a smile!

"Nnggghhhh! Yesss! Take my seed, Tia! You'll be just like Lakyus in no time.~" Ainz growled as he felt thick globs of sperm pumping through his cock and fill up Tia's womb to capacity and beyond!

Thick globs of seed permeated her uterus, letting a legion of little swimmers flutter down and reach the egg of the Ninja girl at long last, ready to fertilize it without remorse.

End of Chapter Two

To be Continued...

This has been for L.N., Thanks for reading!


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