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Eventually, midnight came and Hero was off into the dark of Vivosaur island in search of Duna's spaceship. The large 'Tourist Attraction' was stationed someplace near the edge of the main town where things reached the green of the jungle. He spotted it with no trouble, thankful to Doctor Higgins for making it a rule that people of the island must not intrude on their Jurassic-Alien neighbors. Flashing one of the Key Idol keys Duna gave him a while ago, Hero walked into the Dinaurian ship looking for Duna and marveling at the unique alien structure inside all over again. It was still so surreal to him to be inside an actual alien spacecraft, even after dealing with Guhnash and experiencing all sorts of crazy things like Fossil Sleep and fighting Alien monsters, this was still the most awe-inspiring place yet.

Stumbling his way around further, Hero spotted a spacious hallway leading to the only open door within sight, one that was bearing Duna’s symbol on it. It was the same icon she wore on her pendant, making it obvious that this was her bedroom. Making his way over to it, Hero hoped to find the Dinaurian girl as per her invitation.

‘She was acting really weird today, well...more so than usual, but it was like she was really possessive of me whenever I so much as talked to another woman. Even standing next to Rosie was met with hostility from that Dino-Alien girl. Heck, even getting my routine check-up from the Doc's assistants; Bea, and Sue caused her to be too alert and tense. When store clerk ladies offered free samples of this and that, Duna clutched my side and glared dangerously at all of them. Now, it's come to this, I wonder what exactly is going on.’ Hero wondered when recalling how Duna was almost completely territorial of Hero interacting with other females at all, it gave him a bit of pride to know that a girl got jealous and clingy with him.

Part of him wanted to brag and say something along the lines of having the attention of all the ladies on Vivosaur island, but he figured that may not have been the case with the alien girl. She was acting very strange even when their adventure all over the place ended and she made a break for the ship out of nowhere. This was a new side of her that he had never seen and the lovestruck boy absolutely wanted to know more.

After finally arriving at her door, it pushed itself apart, opening for Hero entirely like an automatic function. He came across the stylish yet very alien-looking bedroom that was as spacious as a regular-sized Master bedroom inside of a hotel. In the middle of it was a large oval-shaped bed, but on top of the surface was the jaw-dropping sight of Duna herself. The teal-skinned alien girl was naked to the bone without either her bio-pants or her top, leaving her naked blue body for Hero to admire with his jaw falling like an anvil!

'Ggghk! D-Duna....?!' He shrieked in a comical manner and let his eyes roam all over the appearance of his naked alien crush. He was secretly glad that she was every bit as feminine in physique underneath in appearance, even without her bio-clothing covering her lady parts.

Hero saw her glistening blue-colored pussy was in sight, showing the violet-colored labia and revealing it to be extremely moist. Duna's semi-hind feet were curved to feminine perfection with her arms looking just as slender and lovely as a regular girl's minus the talon-like claws for fingertips she has.  Her breasts, much to Hiro's great and pleasant surprise, were extremely large for her supposed age. They measured out to be a pair of D-cups, bordering on E. It really did make him wonder where she had been hiding them when always wearing that tube top that made her appear flat-chested. He liked to guess it had to do with her organic clothing and alien science or something like that. Her nipples were a pleasant glistening shade of dark teal in contrast to the rest of her skin color and looking fully erect. Duna was looking as inhumanly sexy as possible posing in a provocative way that reminded him of how a girl appears in a sexy pinup calendar. Another idea she had gotten from a magazine she took time to read when hanging out with Rosie.

Hero felt so excited and aroused that it felt like steam was coming out of his ears@ His face reddened and his crotch grew even bigger the moment he saw this beautiful alien girl posing nakedly on her bed. apparently waiting for him.

“D-D-Duna? W-what *Gulp*...is….this?" He asked, letting his eyes take in the sight of her naked body and everything she was showing him.”

He was completely floored by her appearance, even more so when she smiled slyly at him before getting up off the bed. She hadn't said a word to him yet as the sexy Dinaurian girl walked over to him with swaying hips, making Hero realize that she was a lot curvier than he initially thought. The girl had a slimmer waist and curvier proportions altogether that made it hard for him to look away even for a second.

“Hero, I’m glad you came. I've been waiting for you with much excitement, now that you've taken my invitation to come here, we can begin with your heroic reward.~” She began in a husky voice.

Duna suddenly grabbed the hem of his shirt and, with a feat of immense strength, ripped the fabric into shreds with her talon-like fingernails. She then did the same to his blue shorts right after, making Hero want to squeak out in slight panic at having his favored clothing ripped to shreds. He was left in only a pair of boxers which now pitched a very large tent, making blush like a tomato until he felt Duna's hands grab him by the shoulders.

“Duna….? What are you-whoaaaaa! *Oooff!*” He wasn’t given an answer because she had grabbed the boy and threw him onto the bed directly behind!

Hero landed on it safely and saw, to both his fright and arousal, that Duna crawled onto the bed with him like some kind of predatory animal looking for fresh meat. For some reason he was feeling very turned on by the girl’s bedroom eyes and new assertive attitude, seeing her glare at him with want made his erection throb painfully from inside of his boxers even more. When she reached him and got close to his face, letting her voluptuous blue breasts scrape the surface of his chest softly, Duna straddled his waist affectionately with her mound touching the bulging surface of his boxers.

“Hero, I am what you humans call 'In Heat'." She began, shocking Hero and leering lustfully at him with a loving smile, yet a mildly predatory one that had Hero both scared and aroused.. "When a Dinaurian female like myself reaches the age where I am at, we enter our mating period."

Duna brought her right hand down between his legs, feeling up his crotch and noticing that the boy was rather well-endowed for someone as young as him. She used her other set of fingers to sensually trace along the surface of his chest until reaching his chin and cupping it affectionately, looking into his eyes with a smile.

“Y-you’re in heat? Does that mean that--?” Hero stammered out, surprised that Dinuarians had the Earth animal equivalent of an estrous period, but he was more distracted by feeling Duna's soft fingers caressing his bulge with a smile.

“Yes, that includes me as I am right now. Hero, I want you to give me your children." She confessed, making him blush like a tomato and feel his heart racing as she continued. "I’ll be happy to have children with you, Hero. You have rid the universe of Guhnash forever and are now known as a savior to my race. My personal reasons are not so shallow as for that to be the only reason I am offering myself to you. You see, I have known and seen you be selfless, kind-hearted, and brave. You have shown me nothing except compassion during our entire journey together. There is no other man in the universe I would rather choose to give myself to other than you.`` She finished, leaving Hero utterly floored by what he had heard her say. It was basically a confession of feelings on top of asking him to breed the girl thoroughly and have kids.

A sharp blush appeared on his cheeks and he stupidly nodded his head without saying a word. He felt compelled to follow through with this seduction and give Duna everything she wanted and more, just out of a mutual love they now shared between each other.

"Duna, I...I love you too. Y-yes, I will do this with you! Not only for your race but also...because I want to be the only guy in the universe you'll have kids with." Hero declared, making her squeal excitedly as she nodded back to him. Duna practically trembled with joyous excitement and reached down his waist with her right hand, tugging down the hem of his boxers so that she could reveal his dick.

To their mutual surprise, however…


A large thick, meaty, phallus popped out in its fully erect state and with balls literally as large as oranges. Seeing this made Duna’s eyes light up in delight for she could sense they were positively potent enough to fertilize her eggs with even a single drop. Hero’s jaw dropped in utter shock as well, he was never that big before! He liked to think he was average at best, but this was obviously a mutation gifted to him after being re-fossilized following his ‘Trip’ back down to Earth.

‘Wooowww! That...is a huge dick! When did I ever get that?! I must've come back with this after being re-fossilized. Best side effect ever!’ Hero thought while feeling excited and confident in his charm until he heard Duna speak up again, catching his attention.

“I am very interested to see if we, being different species, can have children together, Hero. I am willing to try as many times as it takes, as many times as you and like regardless.” The Dinaurian girl purred, making Hero gulp nervously again as she ripped off his boxers and tore them to shreds in an instant. He was left buck naked and at her mercy, something Duna would be eager to take advantage of as she climbed down his frame with face leaning very close to his dick.

Duna let out a hot breath caressing his willy with the chilling air that came out of her mouth, then she brought out her lizard-like tongue and coiled it around his length in a spongy vice-like embrace, making Hero shudder blissfully at the sensation. He clutched the sheets underneath his hands and felt Duna begins sucking him off by only using her tongue. The long dark blue extension squeezed tightly around his throbbing dick, stroking it up and down slowly in a sensual pattern making him lose his mind slowly in a fit of absolute pleasure. He leaned back onto the bed’s pillows huffing loudly while he experienced his very first blowjob ever.


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