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Harem of the Sorcerer King

Overlord (Anime/LN)

By Azure/For Lord Nishinkera

Chapter One- Blue Rose Ensnarement- First Come Leader (Lakyus)

*Set after Season two and before Season Three*


Following Project Gehenna’s events, an invasion made by the demon known as 'Jaldabaoth' within the fortress city of E-Rantal, there had been chaos dealing with monsters of all kinds. The Princess had ordered her Blue Rose Squadron to investigate their whereabouts and origins once the battle had been seemingly won. Royal Knights, Renowned Adventurers, and Elite Warriors celebrated the hero known merely as 'Momon' the Dark-Slayer for his fight against Jaldabaoth, which seemingly chased him away, stopping him from completely overtaking the city and terrorizing the Kingdom of Re-Estize.

The Blue Rose Squadron; the Twins Tia and Tina, Gagaran, Evil Eye, and their leader Lakyus ventured outside of the kingdom where all their information had led them onto the trail to one meager town known only as Carne Village. It was a rather humble settlement in a backwater region of the country where supernatural phenomena have been reported to have been happening for some time now. This place served as the only clue they had to learn more about the mysterious Ainz Ooal Gown and all the Monsters that have come out of the woodwork to attack as of late. Lakyus and the rest of the girls, barring Evil Eye and her mask, wore simple everyday clothing they'd otherwise wear on casual days off within the Capital of Re-Estize. Each lady had been sporting inconspicuous civilian clothing with the intent to blend in as traveling merchants once they reached the village.

Lakyus had hidden her sacred weapon in a long, burlap sheathe strapped to her back to keep it from being seen and recognized by others. Like the rest of the girls, she wore none of her adventurer gear despite having her hair down in a braided ponytail like always. To anyone else's eye, she'd appear as your run-of-the-mill yet beautiful country girl making her way into the village. She was surprised to see it fortified with many wooden walls built up for defense, but she understood why after hearing about the attacks from Trolls a while back.

Behind her were the twins, Tia and Tina, who were no longer wearing their usual ninja garments, but instead, they wore simplistic traveling cloaks wrapped around their bodies to hide all their weapons. Gargaran wore simple farm-hand attire with a long, form-fitting dress over a pair of pants to not hinder mobility. She stood out the most among them all, aside from Evil Eye, who wore a shroud of concealment like always. She appeared as a mysterious Fortune Teller with her mask still worn over her face. Their idea was to go incognito and investigate Carne Village to learn any information on the one they call 'Ainz Ooal Gown' and any other mysterious Supernatural elements that may be connected to Jaldabaoth.

Lakyus looked back at her teammates and smiled cheerfully when she pointed at the village ahead of them.

"Alright, ladies, we're here now. According to our intel, there may be a strong connection between the one called 'Ainz Ooal Gown,’ who has been said to have first appeared here, and Jaldabaoth. We don't know for sure if these leads are accurate or false trails, so we'll blend in and ask around the village to see what these villagers know, if anything at all. They've been on the brunt of otherworldly Chaos as of late. It's as good of a place as any to investigate." She explained, seeing her Rose Members nod in agreement as they arrived just outside the village gate. "Just remember, try to blend in and not be too obvious with your questioning. With any luck, we'll learn more than what we already know and find out if there's a connection between this mystery figure and Jaldabaoth."

The group flashed the wall guards their permits for passing into the village.Once he had let them go inside, they got to work gathering intelligence.

'We should be wary. I can't help but feel that something ominous is on the horizon.' Evil Eye thought to herself as they entered the village, looking around at the landscape and wondering if any hint of these Supernatural threats could really be found here.


The group of five dispersed into the village’s bustling populace, keeping within character as they made conversation with the villagers while learning what little they could of recent events near or inside the town. Evil Eye pretended to be a Fortune Teller and secretly use Magic to grant 'Blessings' to any chatty girl or man. The Twins pedaled goods nearby the potions shop run by a lad named Nfirea. Gagaran offered to help with cattle at the request of the village chief, a girl named Enri.

Meanwhile, Lakyus went to the tavern and played a minstrel’s role, occasionally overhearing things from gossiping men who had been drinking closeby. To Lakyus' delight, she heard one of them mention the appearance of a character who bore the exact resemblance of the 'Demon Emperor' Jaldabaoth. Pretending to take a break and get off stage, Lakysus went over to the bar to listen in on their conversation, overhearing many things regarding Undead monsters and Giant Hamster Beasts appearing somewhere within the region.

Likewise, the twins heard tell of a great Sorcerer who had vanquished the Sunlight Scripture when fighting alongside the great hero Ganzeff. Evil Eye heard something similar and narrowed down the locations where ruins of any kind would be home to Demonic Monsters and would be stationed somewhere near modern civilization. Gagaran grinned like a champion when hearing Enri namedrop 'Ainz Ooal Gown' and asked out of curiosity for more, but heard nothing and saw the girl squeamishly scurry away as if saying too much. The Brutish warrior felt this was a victory and reconvened with her teammates to exchange information, not knowing that a raven-haired beauty overheard the exchange after spying on them.


The Five girls were about to gather in a room at the Inn when Lakyus ran into the great warrior Momon himself, with his partner Nabe when arriving at the Inn.

"Momon! You're here! What great fortune this is! What are the odds of finding you here all the way from E-Rantal." Lakyus beamed as her other teammates came out and greeted their fellow Adamantite Adventurers outside of the Village Inn with a smile.

The tall, dark-armored knight, whose face was hidden from all, stood proudly before them with his partner 'Nabe' at his side. She was really a Doppelganger creature known as 'Narberal Gamma' of the Seven Pleiades. Here, under the guise of 'Nabe,’ she served as her lord's right hand in his charade as the Mercenary Hero Momon. Together they were the group known as 'Darkness,’ an Adamantite-rank group famous for many feats recently.

"Greetings, Lady Lakyus, it is a surprise to see you here in Carne Village, you and the entirety of Blue Rose squadron. I trust you have been following similar leads on the whereabouts of all these Supernatural entities as well, yes?" Momon questioned, calculating what to do with this group of women now that they were looking for the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

"Yes, may we ask what are you doing here, Lord Momon? We were under the assumption you currently operated only in the kingdom or simply stayed in E-Rantal city." Tia, the Blue-clad Twin of the Ninja sisters, asked carefully.

"Doing my job, I often take requests from smaller villages like Carne Village in my spare time when I have  need of money. There is certainly no shortage of monsters around here to slay. I keep the people of this village safe almost regularly; besides, I think Nabe and I are the only Adventurers that frequent this village anyway. Bounties are abundant in a village far removed from the Capital after all." He explained, earning an understanding nod from the twins.

"So are you looking for Jaldabaoth, too? Got anything you can tell us, big guy?" Gagaran spoke out, chuckling excitedly as Momon gestured to the inside of the Inn.

"Let's discuss things there first. We must have privacy if we're to compare notes." He explained, having Lakyus and the others agree with him as they went inside.

Evil Eye paused at the doorway a moment, looking at Momon through her mask and clutching her chest tightly like she was a Maiden-in-love, secretly blushing while thinking about what to say to him when they're alone.

"It....is so great to see you again, Lord Momon. I hope you'll be able to help us with this investigation. The World could use more heroes like you.~" She said, secretly grinning and feeling her undead heart skip a beat before going inside. Nabe flashed him a confused look and received a shrug from him in return.

"I honestly don't know what that is about honestly, perhaps she had taken a liking to me when I had saved her from being killed by Jaldabaoth." He explained, seeing Nabe flinch angrily at the thought of resisting the urge to kill these women for hurting Entoma in their last battle when he had arrived to play the Hero.

"Just say the word, my lord. No one will ever question where they went. No one, also I'm sure Entoma will appreciate having something to eat later on." She suggested coldly.

"Now, now, let's see if we can't dissuade them first before we decide anything rash, Nabe. After all, if a Princess's chosen warriors were to go missing, more investigations might be sure to follow. Maybe even an Army instead, now come, let us go inside and discuss things with our 'Comrades.’" Momon said as they went inside, greeting the Blue Roses at their selected bedroom when they did. He sat down at a desk, waiting to hear their explanation.

"Now then, what have you five found out, Lady Lakyus?" Momon questioned carefully, seeing the blonde maiden nod fiercely as they began going over their findings on the whereabouts of the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth and the mysterious Ainz Ooal Gown.


"With everything that we've learned, we can assume that Jaldabaoth has a Lair somewhere nearby. All of these sightings of unique, otherworldly monsters are of no coincidence. He has to be connected to them. After all, you fought with that horrible cult  Zurrenorn near here, did you not? There's no explanation, especially not when we've heard tell of a 'Great Tomb of Nazarick' located somewhere within this region." Lakyus finished explaining, making Momon grumble as the Blue Roses looked to him for support.

"Let me ask you a question first, women of the Blue Roses." Momon began darkly. "I may know of the location to that place. I stumbled across an underground Tomb sometime ago when I was out hunting within the forests. I have not yet explored it myself, although I do believe now that it is the likeliest place for a Demon's Lair. Let me ask you this; are you truly prepared to go exploring inside? If Jaldabaoth is as strong as I know he is, then anything found in his lair would be beyond your capabilities. He is frighteningly powerful."

'That is an understatement, to be sure. The guy reeked of pure death when we last saw him.' Evil Eye thought, noticing Tia clutching one of her Kunai stiffly, likely thinking of that insectoid monster in the guise of a little girl.

Lakyus nodded with a firm look of resolve.

"We intend to only locate it, assess its strength, then report back to her Majesty. If it is the lair of that monster, then the Princess and the King will send the entire Royal Army and every available adventurer with us to help take down the Demon King once and for all. We'll vanquish any and all monstrous foes that get in our way." Lakysus explained. "All of this must also be connected to this mysterious 'Ainz Ooal Gown,’ a seemingly powerful Magic-user who saved Carne Village and fought along Gazef about a year ago. After learning what we know of the battle between a mercenary named Brain Unglauss and a Vampire he calls 'Shalltear Bloodfallen', there is no mistake the origin of all this madness lies within that tomb."

She finished explaining, leaving Momon to sigh wearily as he got up from his chair. Nabe looked as stoic as always, yet glanced in his direction with uncertainty and unease.

"Very well, I suppose I cannot let you do this 'Scouting' mission on your own. That tomb, if it truly is the Enemy's hideout, is far too dangerous to let any of my fellow Amantite adventurers explore it without some help. Nabe and I will take you to the place most likely to be Jaldabaorth's Lair, and together, we'll go with you inside." Momon said, making a smile appear on Lakysus' and Gagaran's faces.


And so, all five members of the Blue Roses traveled alongside Momon and Nabe over to the Crypt's location, geared-up and ready for a fight. Lakyus had out her famed 'Sword of Darkness' and her weapons array of floating swords hovering above her shoulders. Her sacred armor 'Virgin Snow' was strapped on and all her other usual adornments when out adventuring. A readied look was on her face; the Blue Roses were as well. Each of them had their weapons held out and ready, except for Evil Eye, who kept hers hidden. They stood in front of the Ruins Momon, and Nabe had directed them to and stood outside prepared to venture into the supposed lair of the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth.

"Alright, girls. Keep your guard up and stay on your toes. Who knows what we'll find inside of this place once we go inside." Lakyus instructed, then looked at Momon, seeing him nod back to her, giving her the signal as they set forth into the darkness of the ruins of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

"Understood, boss. We'll be ready this time. I’ve packed some of Evil Eye's special insect repellant in case we run into that thing again from last time." Tia said, making Nabe flinch as they proceeded in further.

"After seeing what she alone was capable of, I'm prepared for the worst when it comes to Yaldabaoth himself," Tina added, seeing Gagaran and Evil Eye nod their heads in agreement. On the other hand, Momon had a different train of thought regarding the Blue Roses' nosiness into Nazarick's affairs.

'Dammit it all, I really should've put a spell to hide the Tomb from any prying eyes. Now there have been leaks out in the village of Carne itself because of it. Well, it's not like these ladies are prepared for what's inside once the party gets started. Especially Lakyus, I'm curious about that sword of hers, but I'm more curious how long it'll be until a proud, noble warrior like her is broken when I'm done.' Momon thought to himself as he started checking out the twins, Tina and Tia, from the side of his helmet.

He admired Lakyus's rather appealing body and all-natural beauty, as well as her refined sense of justice that came with the entire package. The twins can be considered lookers as well despite both being very petite and lean in muscle mass, breasts included. Since Ainz still had a taste in little numbers like Shalltear, it's safe to say the twin ninjas were also very appealing in their own right. He could tell they were both fierce and demure in terms of feminine flavor. He was secretly glad that Albedo wasn't here with him right now; otherwise, she'd probably behead all of them without hesitation out of perceived jealousy. The other two women, however, Ainz couldn't care less about. Gagaran was far too butch to his liking, and Evil Eye's appearance remained unseen overall. He’d like to see what she looks like underneath it all to consider taking her in like he's about to do to her leader. Alas, she'll be excluded when 'It' starts.


The farther they went inside, the more elaborate and well-maintained the insides of the ruins became. They saw more dark imagery, strange furnishings, and obviously Demonic sensitivities that convinced Lakyus and the rest that this truly was the location of the Demon Yaldabaoth's base. They were just about to reach the first floor of the supposedly empty tomb, which appeared to be more lavish and seemingly not connected to the mundane crypt above ground. However, the first floor was littered with all kinds of traps and countermeasures against would-be thieves and other raiders in case of an assault to measure the capabilities of foes not strong enough to take on the guardians. Momon went on ahead by at least a few feet, uncovering his armored hand and beginning to channel Mana into the spells to activate the right mystical traps he needed to split all five women up.


"Lord Momon, just how big is this place? It looked a lot smaller from the above-ground; down here, it's like an entire labyrinth is waiting for us." Evil Eye asked, not seeing him cast a Magical Spell that suddenly filled the area with incredibly dense black fog! "W-what? What's happening?! Boss?!"

"Everybody! Stay together! This is obviously a trap designed to confuse us and split everybody up!" Lakyus called out, unable to see even her hand in front of her face, yet still able to keep her Sword of Darkness ready with the multitude of blades floating around her back. "They must have noticed us already and set traps in advance, waiting to activate them once we got too close. Tch! Dammit, why didn't I consider having Evil-Eye use some kind of Trap-Detection spell earlier? Can everybody still hear m----!?"

Lakyus was suddenly cut off from speaking when her voice became drowned out from a Silence spell that was placed over her. She clutched her throat with a panicked look on her face. Scrambling to look around for her allies but only seeing pitch-black fog in front of her.

"Kyahh!" Tia's voice came out when the sounds of a trap door opened up, leading to a portal that took her somewhere else in the Tomb.

"Tia...! Gyaahh! Something's got a hold of me! B-Boss!" Tina cried out next when she felt a tentacle slither around her neck, pulling her into a secret room and leaving Lakyus all alone. She saw neither Gagaran nor Evil Eye and looked around desperately for any signs of Momon or Nabe.

'Momon! Momon! W-where is he?! Did he fall into a trap too?' She wondered to himself in dread and increasing panic, but then saw a symbol of Magical energy appear beneath her feet when it lit up with a glowing demonic sign she had never seen before in her life.

Before Lakyus could react or move out of the way, her entire vision went white, and she found herself being teleported elsewhere inside of the building, leaving the entirety of the Blue Roses successfully captured by Ainz Ooal Gown.


When she awoke, Lakyus found herself somewhere in a dark, dimly-lit room someplace within the Tomb. She shakily got up onto her feet and noticed that there weren't any windows or exits she could take advantage of at all. If anything, it was as spacious as a theatre with a dark and foreboding sense of despair she couldn't help but feel. Grabbing her sword from nearby, she held it ready as if waiting for the fight of her life...

'I...I..lost them! All of them! In the blink of an eye! Sir Momon and Nabe too! Ughh...he was right, this Lair was beyond my capabilities to investigate, though I never thought the first floor alone would have traps that I couldn't immediately counter with Evil Eye's abilities. I need to retreat for now and find a way out, so I find my girls again.' Lakyus thought until she heard the faint echo of footsteps coming from nearby, making her turn her head in that direction, and saw only a small source of light coming forth from the darkness.

Out from the shadows stepped a tall, robe-wearing, skeletal monster wielding a large staff in one hand. Lakyus could already feel the overwhelming power radiating off of him the moment he became completely visible. He was an Elder Lich creature, and one so powerful and foreboding in Magic might that it made her shudder nervously to even look at him, the glowing red eyes he had certainly didn't help as she stared him down.

"Welcome, Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra; Leader of the Blue Rose Squadron. My name is Ainz Ooal Gown; I am the Sorcerer King. I believe you and your party have been searching for me. Well, here I am." He introduced, making Lakyus pale a bit as she clutched her sword with trembling hands, struggling to remain firm while standing in front of him.

"So you're the great Ainz Ooal Gown, eh? Nice to meet you, but how did you know my name?" She asked suspiciously, narrowing her eyes and giving Ainz the intriguing sight of a fierce-looking warrior braving certain doom in the body of a beautiful noblewoman. He very much liked what he was seeing. Ainz considered women of Valor like her to be a relatively rare thing, almost akin to a sacred treasure he wanted to possess, but in this case, the treasure was something he wanted to play with instead.

Among all of his other rings worn over his bony fingers, Ainz had donned a new one that would allow him to shapeshift into a flesh and blood version of himself, similar to how Doppelgangers take on a person's characteristics on a genetic level. Ordinarily, as a Lich, he wouldn't feel lust or any other earthly needs like hunger or sleep, but with the ring now worn over his right middle finger, Ainz had felt the very human urge of sexual attraction towards the adventuring Noblewoman that he intends to take advantage of.

"I know a great deal about you, Miss Alvein, and I yearn to learn even more on a more 'intimate' level, but do consider your precarious position first. You are in my territory, alone, shaken in morale, and without any form of backup whatsoever against a force you cannot possibly hope to overcome. I assure you, I am well above the level of your fighting strength. Even the great Ganzeff can not hold a candle to me. So I'll lay it out for you in a simple-to-understand way; either submit peacefully or....be a fool and try fighting me. You'll not only lose that battle but also your freedom and perhaps your sanity as well. What'll it be, Miss Alvein?" Ainz asked with a fierce glow of red eyes, furthering Lakyus's increasing level of fear while she remained standing shakily before him.

"I...will never submit! I'll take my chances fighting you, O'Great Sorcerer King. You cannot possibly be as all-powerful as you claim. I'll break you apart and make you give me back my Blue Rose Squadron!" Lakyus answered fiercely, disappointing Ainz a little as she readied all her floating blades and channeled as much magical energy into her sword as possible. With a burst of speed, she came charging right at him with her large sword drawn! "This is for the Kingdom of Re-Estize! I will prevail over you, monster!"

She leaped into the air with Sword of Darkness bearing down over Ainz's head, ready to land the first strike, but he simply sighed with annoyance just before his eyes lit up in a shine of red focused on the woman in front of him.

"No......you will not."


Wheezing tiredly with sweaty strands of her hair clinging to her face, Lakyus crept along the floor towards her sword, ready to pick it up again and take another swing at the untouched Sorcerer King standing right in front of her. She was on the ground, defeated, with all her floating blade completely destroyed as well as parts of her clothing ripped open to reveal naked flesh to his eyes. Her 'Sword of Darkness' was laying a few feet away from her hands, resting underneath one of his feet until he levitated it into his left hand, clutching it like a trophy and humming to himself with intrigue. Lakyus was battered all over, beaten thoroughly with depleted Mana and dreading with despair that Ainz didn't have a single scratch on his entire body the entire fight. Still, she wasn't about to give up now; she was still ready to fight no matter how brutally beaten she was. She'd keep going until there was no more breath left in her body; Ainz took note of this and would smile if he had lips.

"*Huff.....huff...huff!* I-Impossible. It's just...impossible! All of my attacks did nothing to you at all?! J-just what in the world are you?" She demanded, clearly beaten in both spirit and body with the former still mostly intact, for now.

Ainz cradled his large bony chin into one of his hands after he had the Sword levitate in the air magically like an invisible holster. He looked down at Lakyus' face with an amused look glint in his glowing red eyes.

"What I am is beyond your meager comprehension, my dear, but you do interest me greatly. I have seldom seen such resolve and spirit despite overwhelming odds before. Most foes I've mercilessly defeated usually cower in fear of me or give in to despair before offering a surrender. Your spark is truly commendable." He said, leaving Lakyus speechless and unsure of what to say before continuing on. "That being said, I am willing to offer you a wager, a rather 'Intimate' gambit to be held between the two of us in regards to seemingly unwavering spirit. If you endure and remain 'intact,’ by which I mean you remain unbroken in terms of mentality and willpower, I will release all your teammates unharmed, and you'll be allowed to join them on your way out of here."

Lakyus' face lit up at this; she finally saw a ray of hope in this fog of overwhelming despair. She was curious about how 'Intimate' a wager Ainz was talking about, but she had a feeling she knew what it might be and felt her stomach lurch at the thought. Clenching her hands tightly, she looked into Ainz's frightening skull face with a shaky nod of her head, seeing no other option than to take him up on this wager he made.

"And... if I lose?" She asked fearfully.

"Simply put, if you lose, you'll be staying here forever and become my newest 'Pet' to enjoy alongside some of your other cohorts” Ainz thought to himself, ‘I was going to have sex with her anyway, regardless of her decision, however, giving her a seemingly fair chance was the more sporting option. It makes breaking her all the more fun.’  “I trust you understand what I mean with this contest, yes?”” *Lakyus shakes her head* Well then, allow me to give you a hint, Miss Alvein. Behold." Ainz let his staff levitate off to the side and managed to activate his Transformation ring, making a brief flash of Magical energy permeate the area until it died down instantly, revealing a large naked man standing in his place.

Lakyus felt her jaw drop at the sight of what she was seeing; not only did he transform into a human male, but a rather well-built, well-hung one on top of it. He had fair skin, scruffy dark hair but had kept his robed hood partially worn over the top half of his face, letting nobody see his eyes from under a shroud of darkness. Lakyus traced her eyes downward and saw the shocking sight of the man's overly large dick hanging stiffly between his legs like a baby elephant's trunk. It was just as thick as one and very beefy-looking, too, reminding her of one of her stud horses back home in the capital. She gulped nervously and noticed that he also had a large pair of balls the size of grapefruits, making her fear how ruined her body will be once he puts that thing inside of her maidenhood.

Ainz quickly cast a healing spell over her bruised and battered frame, restoring her small wounds and fixing her clothing up in the process so she could stand up at his command.

"Now then, strip, Miss Alvein. I want you deprived of your entire outfit and armor set." Ainz commanded, seeing the woman squeamishly clutch her chest into both arms, blushing as deeply as the color of a red rose as she hesitated.

"B-b-but my Armor, the Virgin Snow.....! I won't be able to wear it anymore once I've become.....indecent and sullied. It can only be put on by a Maiden, a Virgin like me!" She protested and saw a frown appear on Ainz's half-hidden face.

"Must I repeat myself? If you'd like, I could simply punish your teammates in your place if you are going to be selfish and welch on this wager. Besides, the point you're trying to make is moot, is it not? You are to endure being ravished by me, meaning your armor will be useless to you anyway. Do not make me rescind my offer and follow up on my promise to take it out on the other Roses in your place." Ainz warned, causing Lakyus to rapidly nod her head in reluctant agreement, beginning to unfasten the latches on her breastplate slowly while feeling utterly humiliated.

Blushing nervously, she undid each latch and knot from the armor chest piece of 'Virgin Snow,’ saying goodbye to it mentally as it came off and fell onto the ground. Now Lakyus was only wearing her blue tunic outfit over her tight, red, form-fitting bodysuit. Ainz didn’t see enough yet to be entertained. He mentally hurried her up while standing upright with his dick remaining as flaccid as before. She sighed bitterly to herself and peeled off the straps of her blue tunic outfit, letting it slide down her body and leaving her only in the red bodysuit as well as her armored gauntlets leggings.

Lakyus kept a wary eye on Ainz, feeling the instinctual urge to look at his manhood again; she had been as pure as the driven snow for as long as she can remember. Not even a kiss or a relationship with a loving man was something she had before becoming an adventurer out of Royalty. His anatomy haunted her as she carefully pulled off each of her armored gauntlets from off of her fingers. Her boots came next, exposing her soft-looking feet to his eyes. All that was left now was her form-fitting bodysuit, highlighting her curves and likely covering a femininely-toned frame underneath it. Ainz was looking forward to seeing her naked flesh out in the open right now. His human lust for Lakyus was getting thicker and more deranged. He would not contain himself once he took care of the woman.

'Sniff....I-I must do this...for my Rose Squadron. If I must debase myself and bear all, letting my body be ravaged by this man, then so be it. I just pray my sanity will stay intact. Lord knows that monster he's carrying between his legs may ruin my body for life. Forget about marriage. I’ll never be a suitable wife for anyone, that is if I can even endure and get out of here.' Lakyus mulled in thought, unbuttoning the top of her red bodysuit from the front, revealing a hint of adequately busty cleavage before reaching around to the back to do the same.

There was a long line of latch-on buttons over her backside to help keep her outfit intact unless she desired to take it off. Undoing one latch-button and another, and so on, she eventually managed to peel the entirety of her bodysuit zipper open, exposing her partially-naked backside in all its unmarred glory.

'Splendid, despite being a longtime adventurer of Adamantine rank, she has no scars or battle wounds whatsoever on that perfect body of hers. Perhaps it was due to her armor protecting her, or maybe she was simply fortunate in avoiding damage until now.' Ainz pondered and watched Lakyus slip off the top-half of her suit, exposing her azure-colored brasserie holding pair of a nice pair of D-cup sized tits that were hidden by her armor before. They were splendidly ample and in teardrop shape, her breasts were abundant in health from how full they appeared to be. Not to mention that her nipples were actually becoming erect in spite of the situation.

Slowly, the rest of her outfit came down her body, leaving her in only her bare essentials with a matching lace thong appearing between her wonderfully smooth legs. Ainz was admiring her ass from the side, seeing that it was beautifully round and in somewhat of a heart shape with curves perfectly accentuating her slender waist. The creamy goodness that was her ass made him consider violating that part next, right after doing her pussy of course. Lakyus was certainly a sight to behold as she stood almost naked in front of Ainz, feeling shame and embarrassment beyond belief now that she stood naked before a man for the first time ever.

'Mmhmm, she is quite the voluptuous sight for a Noblewoman. I will enjoy having fun with her. I wonder if this new taste for collecting prideful women will be my new obsession outside of gaining knowledge.' Ainz wondered and watched Lakyus peel off her brasserie next, revealing her naked tits entirely in their voluminous, soft-looking glory. The pink of her nipples could be seen as well as the neatly-trimmed golden bush of pubic hair directly above her sex.

Once Lakysus reluctantly pulled down her thong after letting her bra drop, Ainz noticed that her pink folds looked as tight as one could expect of virgin nobility; this excited him very much. Once the thong was now on the floor in the pile of discarded clothing and armor, she now stood naked in his eyes with hands clutching her shoulders in shame, keeping her face averted from his eyes with a dark blush on her face. Lakyus had an adequately voluptuous, somewhat curvy figure teeming with athletic muscle. She was wonderfully feminine with skin as light and as pure one would expect to see on any well-groomed princess. Ainz grinned widely and removed the rest of his clothing, leaving only the shroud of his hood on over the top half of his face when he approached her.

"T-there, I'm finished now." Lakyus bitterly replied, feeling utterly humiliated and shamed until seeing Ainz magically light up some candles from within the room, exposing it to be his throne room as he plopped himself down onto his overly large chair.

"Splendid, now then......pleasure me orally, Lakyus," Ainz commanded, gesturing to his long, thick appendage hanging loosely between his legs like an elephant's trunk.

Lakyus nearly paled at the thought of trying to fit such a thing into her mouth but relented to dropping down on her knees in front of him and making her way over to place herself between his legs. She was silently sobbing in the process, hissing at Ainz with hate and disgust.

"Y-yes, Lord Ainz. Ugh...." She wretched yet found herself increasingly enchanted by how large and how beefy his dick appeared to be. The more humane part of her base urges caused the noblewoman to salivate slightly as she grabbed it into her hands, barely able to wrap her fingers around it as she held it between her palms. 'S-so...thick! Seriously, it's like the length of somebody's forearm. This thing is supposed to g-go inside of me?!'

She brought the phallus closer to her face, noticing that the glans of his cock was almost bigger than her mouth. Still, she opened her lips wide and brought out her tongue, bringing it over to where she began eloquently licking it around in soft circles, tasting the bulbous head of Ainz's dick.

"Ggguugh....! *Schlopp!*..gghnngh! Mmmghnnh! *Schlop...schlop...schlop..schlop..schlop..schlop!*

A subtle series of quiet squelching noises followed with Lakyus sucking hungrily on the head of Ainz's dick. She was clumsy and unfocused for the most part, working her lips haphazardly around his cock while lightly stroking the thick mass that was his shaft. Ainz was getting very little pleasure from her amateur antics, but finding himself amused by Lakyus' half-hearted attempts nonetheless. She tried putting more effort into her actions. But feeling her lips stretch wide around the head of his cock was almost proving to be too much for her. She struggled to have it plunge into her mouth and did so in a way that would let her keep her jawbone intact due to the size. Lakyus didn't doubt that she could perfect the art in time, with enough practice, but right she only had to be good enough to survive his lust with her sanity intact.

"Hhmmghhhh!" She hummed loudly, peering up at a barely-amused Ainz as he watched with his head resting on the palm of his right hand.

"I am not impressed, you know. Surely you can do better than this, Miss Alvein. I understand that you are a virgin with no experience in sexual activity, but do you not have motivation within you to go and save your friends?" He taunted, smirking slyly as his words had lit up a fire underneath Lakyus' nicely-toned white ass.

Lakyus narrowed her eyes at him and grabbed the sides of his shaft more tightly, stroking her fingers up and down around his thickened cock as she began swallowing more of it into her mouth, ignoring the pain while doing so.

"Gguuggghhhhhh! Nngghh! *Schlop..schlop....schlopp..schlop...schlop..schlop..schlop!* Gaackk!" .

She struggled to fit everything inside of her mouth, feeling her jaw stretch and ache as she slowly inhaled several more inches of Ainz's cock into her mouth. She stopped half-way, feeling her throat cavity bulge with his mass and feeling her lips squeezing around the skin of his shaft in a tight, succulent manner. Ainz felt the difference immediately and groaned with approval, enjoying the warm sliminess of Lakyus' warm mouth, swallowing him up at least halfway.

"Mnnghhh! That's more like it, now put your back into it and blow me to completion. Make me release my load into your gullet before I take you right here on this floor; I intend to be very un-gentleman-like, Miss Alvein. If your spirit is as strong as your willpower, then perhaps you shall succeed yet." He let out, casually grinning as she began bobbing her head up and down onto his cock, creating loud squelches of moisture as she gobbled half of his cock into her waiting mouth.

She whimpered in pain and squeezed her eyes shut, pumping her hands furiously up his cock with increasing intensity. Her fingers squeezed every part of his skin as best she could, massaging his more erogenous areas and making the Sorcerer King feel pleasure beyond belief since this was his first time doing this kind of thing as well. He could feel the saliva of the Noblewoman's mouth beginning to cover up more and more of his cock as she managed to fit him farther into her throat. Loud, guttural slurping noises followed as Lakyus hungrily deepthroated Ainz Ooal Gown's cock with ever-increasing intensity and willpower.

'I must do this! I must do this! I can save the Blue Rose Squadron!' She mentally declared, mustering up her energy to keep going and feeling his shaft beginning to swell in response to her actions. A bit of hope lit up in Lakyus's eyes as she felt Ainz beginning to throb, ready to ejaculate what she assumed to be a gallon-sized load down her throat. She mentally thanked her stars when believing he would waste a load outside of her virgin body, but instead, she heard him speak out and grab onto her head gently to get her to stop.

"Hnnghhh! That....is enough, for right now anyway. I grow impatient to plow your virgin soil now that I have seen how voluptuous your body is after watching your little strip show. I do hope for your sake that it is a safe time to do so.~" He chuckled darkly, making the color drain from the woman's face as she was slowly forced back by Ainz's right hand.

Her mouth came off of his member with a wet plop, leaving her jaw aching as she rubbed her cheeks softly before noticing he stood up from his throne as well. Ainz's cock remained as hard and as thick as a horse's cock, its rigidity, and fullness, as well as the size of his balls, indicated he was anxious to pump a large amount of sperm into her body. Lakyus feared the worst-case scenario of getting pregnant from this man and having his baby. Ainz looked down into her eyes with a smile before overtaking her body. Pressing down on top of her in a sudden rush!

"Gaagghh! Uugghh......!" She whimpered fearfully, anxious to have that monster of a phallus inside her body at all.

Ainz didn't care for her concerns as she raised her legs up high, lifting her buttocks off of the ground and exposing both her soft-looking anus as well as her glistening pussy in full. He planted his feet around her thighs, keeping his body hovering over her own as she remained below, ready to be fucked in a mating-press position right away. Ainz brought up his cock above her buttocks and ground himself between the crack of her ass until he guided his dick to place itself at the very cusp of her juicy-looking sex.

Fear and terror ran through the woman's body. Lakyus felt him spread open her folds next, preparing to shove that massive dick headfirst into her unspoiled maidenhood.

"Here...I.....go! Mmmhhh!" Ainz let out, thrusting his pelvis forward in a swift and firm thrust, piercing the wetness of Lakyus' maiden sex in one hard shove, spreading her insides out in the most painful way possible and feeling her hymen rupture instantly due to his size!


"Ggyaggggghhhhh! Aaggggghhhh! Uuughh......!" She cried out in pain, clenching her eyes shut and feeling the blood from her hymen seep down the surface of her nether region. Her legs twitched painfully into the air, with toes wriggling about as she felt him pushing through her freshly-deflowered sex on its way to her cervix.

Lakyus sputtered about, breathing rapidly as she saw her breasts bouncing along with her torso. She was overwhelmed by pain and, admittedly, a growing sensation of Nirvana creeping through her body as she felt Ainz's mighty dick fill out the space of her walls completely. His dick’s mere presence alone touched many sensitive erogenous zones inside of her body. Were it not for the intense, miserable pain of having her innocence taken in such a violent manner, Lakyus would be enjoying the sensation of having such a grandiose dick inside of her sensitive womanhood. Her folds gushed, clutching him tightly as they remained there in position, not moving so Ainz could get used to the feeling of having freshly deflowered a beautiful woman's body.

"Mmngghhhh! Exquisite! Yes! Congratulations on losing your virginity, Miss Alvein. You'll enjoy the fruits of being a woman ravaged by me in due time, right now though, let’s see how well you can handle this. Remember, if you submit or even beg me to stop, it'll count as a forfeit, and you'll lose the wager." Ainz said, growling with pleasure as he felt her freshly slick insides wrapping around him tightly as he began to slam his waist into the woman's upturned body from above.

Lakyus felt each sawing stroke of Ainz's penis burrowing through her depths, filling out her walls and making each and every stroke more pleasurable than the last. She was still in great pain after losing her cherry, looking at her 'Virgin Snow' armor with lament and feeling the urge to cry out in pleasure, beginning to gnaw at her. Her body was slowly being rowed into by the man's massive frame, titillating her loins since it was such a well-defined, masculine body that was ravaging her right now.

Ainz was grunting softly at first, enjoying the gift, squishy feeling of her sex, sucking his cock into her cervix, and eventually passing into her womb. Her toes curled, and Lakyus arched her back upward, making her tits press into Ainz's chest. He began rutting into her more rapidly, slapping his balls against the crack of her ass and letting her legs wag in the air nonstop. Soon, the noises of sex filled the entire chamber, followed shortly by Ainz's grunts of animalistic pleasure as he fucked Lakyus thoroughly onto the ground.

"Mhmm..mhm...mhm..mhm..mh..mhmm.mh..mhmm..mhmm! Ohhh yess! Miss Alvein, you have such a magnificent, perfectly healthy body I am greatly enjoying right now. Mmhmm!~" He growled, watching the blonde woman's face shift into one of remorseful moaning, for she was in conflict whether or not she should enjoy this.

She closed her eyes and turned her face to the side, blushing madly while she was feeling Ainz plow harder into her soaked slit with gusto.

'N-no.....! I-I can't enjoy this right now! I can't let... him win...ggyyaahhh!~' She cried out mentally, leaving her h lips hanging open as she continued to feel Ainz and his amazing cock plow through her sex for minutes goingf forward.

Each grunt and labored moan drew her closer to letting out her pleasure orally, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he gave her pleasure, but at the same time, she could no longer hold any of it back. Right as soon as she felt Ainz's dick slam into the back of her womb, pushing into a highly sensitive weak spot that could very easily be called her G-spot, Lakyus came to climax right there.

"Aaggghhhhhhhh! I'm cumming.....! Ohhh......!~" She cried out, shuddering in ecstasy and soaking the man's cock and balls in her juices, squeezing his length desperately as she clung to him on instinctual reflex.

Ainz grinned and watched her ride out what is possibly her first-ever climax, making it sweeter to him that he caused it within such a repressed noblewoman without even trying. Once she was done soaking his genitals on her cum, he began sawing out of her again, pumping more aggressively into her wonderful body with faster thrusts than before. This time Lakyus was screaming out more commonly now, no longer trying to hide her pleasure while Ainz fucked her against the floor.

"Uuaahhhh! Aahh...aaahh....ahh...ahh...ahh...aaahh...aaahh..aaahh!~" Lakyus cried out, keeping her eyes closed and then feeling his thick hands grabbing into her tits from above with a smile. She instantly whimpered in pleasure, wriggling underneath him as he continued rutting into her frame, this time fondling her highly-sensitive breasts while doing so.

"Gghhghhh! Y-you're touching my breasts.....! Ahh! they're extremely sensitive, you know!" She cried out, hoping that he'll be convinced to take his hands off, but instead, she got the opposite reaction from his greedy hands.

"Oh, is that so? Well then, perhaps I shouldn't do.....this!" He yelled out, prodding his fingers into certain areas around her breasts,  causing Lakyus to shudder intensely with yet another impending orgasm about to rip through her body!

"Kyaaaaggghhh! Hhnghhhhhh! No fair! Ahhh...~!~'' She cried out, tossing back her head as the rutting of bodies continued with her legs dangling straight up into the air. Lakyus was feeling pleasure beyond anything she had ever felt before her life, part of her was going crazy from trying to deny it, and another part of her wanted to keep going until she would hold out for his total completion in this wager.

'Mmhmm! Her boobs are so soft, so full of life, I think she's probably very fertile right now. That fact alone is making the cum in my balls throb with the desire to breed  this woman senseless.' Ainz thought to himself, enjoying the squishy feeling of her tits between his fingers. 'I can honestly commend her for not wanting to give in, but this is a losing battle for her. She's as good as done very soon. If my impending ejaculation doesn't break her, then perhaps the surprise I'll reveal to her will.'

Her breasts started jostling voraciously about while Ainz kept both hands fondling her tits. For minutes into an hour, this carried on with Lakyus coming several more times before eventually feeling Ainz's dick beginning to swell like an impending volcano, making the walls of her sex churn blissfully around his shaft until she felt like cumming once again. Throwing back her head, she shuddered intensely in yet another orgasm, this time bringing Ainz along the ride as he slammed his body into her with a grunt!

"Hnggghhh! Here I come,  Miss Alvein!" He grunted, and Lakyus just realized that he was going to seed her insides with likely very potent seed.

She mentally anguished and screamed 'No' in her head repeatedly till she felt the explosion of cum surging through sex shortly after!

"N-no! Nooooo! I don't want to have a baby.....! Yyaaaaaahh!" She cried out in ecstasy, clutching his shoulders from underneath and feeling her entire body quake with a massive orgasm coupled with the feeling of sperm flowing through her depths.

Ainz unleashed a thick payload of warm, molten cum deep into her womb. Lakyus's fears increased exponentially as she felt how much was pouring into her and how thick the heavy rope of cum was. Still, she couldn't help that her body was enjoying the copulation even if it was unwilling. Her toes wiggled around in the air, her body undulated beneath his mighty exterior, feeling injected full of sperm over and over again.


"Uungghhhhh!" Ainz groaned loudly, filling Lakyus's entire womb full of potent cum for roughly a few minutes in total before stopping. He was only partially spent and pulled out of the whimpering girl, leaving a thick splotch of sperm oozing out of her gaping pussy as a result.

'Uughh.....! N-no.....what if I am pregnant with this monster's baby?! I-I can't let that be! Not at all! Ooohhh....at least, maybe this means I survived the test, right?' She wondered to herself.

Lakyus was struggling to breathe and recover from this onslaught of a sexual encounter. She took a moment to collect herself and realized that Ainz was no longer inside of her, giving her a reason to wear a brightening smile on her face. She assumed that she had survived the ordeal despite all the odds, not paying attention to Ainz, who remained atop of her, and not noticing that his dick was still as hard as a rock.

"T-that....that was it, right? I endured the test. I survived you without being broken! I passed!" She breathed out, sitting upright and momentarily looking relieved with a bright smile on her face until she saw that Ainz wearing an all-knowing grin that spelled trouble for the Noblewoman's hopes.

"I didn't say the wager would end after the first round, did I?" He asked rhetorically, making the color drain from her face as he gestured to his steel-hard cock. "I said that you must endure, but I didn't specify for how long per se. I'm guessing you assumed it would be until after I finished the first round by injecting my seed into your body. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Miss Alvein, but I am far from done 'testing' you."

"I do have infinite stamina after all.~" Ainz revealed, making the spirits in Lakyus's body sink infinitely lower than before and lift the woman up higher by grabbing both of her legs into his hands. He held her helplessly in his grasp, keeping her squirming as he guided his cock over to the crevice of her perfectly supple ass.

Ainz was ready to fuck her again immediately.

Lakyus mentally screamed out in anguish, feeling her buttocks being spread open by two of Ainz's fingertips, allowing the bulbous head of his cock to dip into the hole of her ass like so. She wanted to prepare herself for this next wave of pain and sexual pleasure, but a part of her was also looking forward to it as well. Feeling the prodding of her anus begin, Lakyus bit down on her bottom lip and heard Ainz deliver out a soft grunt before thrusting himself into her ass full-stop!


"Hhhgggnnhhh! Kyyaaagggghhhh! Uuughnnhh!  Ooohhh......my Goddess!" She cried out with eyes going wide and mouth falling agape in silent screaming.

Her anus spread out stiffly to welcome Ainz's dick into her warm, dampening depths. It was more painful than he took her pussy, but this time her entire rectal cavity screamed out in pleasure and pain as he hilted her halfway, keeping the lower half of her body raised in the air.

"Mmmm! Oh my, your buttocks are splendidly warm and wonderfully toned. I suppose that comes with being an Adventurer as well-trained and as experienced as you are, yes?~" Ainz chuckled darkly, keeping the sight of Lakyus thrusting her chest into the air foremost in his mind.

The nearly blank look on her face indicated that she was indeed breaking, so Ainz made sure that it was the more pleasurable kind of breaking that would ensure the woman would be hooked onto his dick. He said nothing else and began pumping his pelvis downward into her ass, keeping her anus thoroughly plunged in a series of diligent slams of his hips while holding her legs upright. If Lakyus wasn't considered tight and 'Heavenly' when it came to plowing her virgin pussy, then Ainz can say that her warm butthole is just as good. It was decently tight, snug, and surprisingly smooth to churn.

His pelvis began slamming down into her from above, making subsequent flesh-slapping noises echo throughout the room while she muttered and moaned incoherently with slight despair.

"Aaagghh! Uuh..uh..uh..uh..uuh..uuh..uuh...!~'' She cried out, closing her eyes and feeling the pain of having her asshole violated become a little easier. 'Annghh!...agnhh...aahhh..! It...is starting to feel pretty good actually...aagh!~ It's not so bad considering he's so big that there is no further pain to endure, but..nngh...still. Ohhhh...my...Goddess! Uuuuhhhh!'

Lakyus couldn't count how much time had passed. She could only see that the candles around the dimly lit candles went down little by little as she felt Ainz bottom out of her ass thoroughly for some time longer. Each plunge was something she was looking forward to more than the last. Suddenly a gentle smile of depraved desire began tugging at the corners of her lips while her reason for hating this situation faded away slowly.

Subsconusly embracing, albeit slowly, Lakyus brought out her hands to place onto her breasts, squeezing them fondly with a lip-bitten smile of her own. This made Ainz grin; she knew she was breaking entirely with the continuous rows of his manhood, allowing her body to give in to mind-altering pleasure the further he went on.

"Mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm! Gnhhh! Lady Lakyus.....! I will fill your cavity full of my essence, be prepared to be unable to walk for a straight week once I'm done, but note that I am not finished yet. Do you find that acceptable?" He asked and heard only an incoherent grunt of ecstasy escaped her lips, leading to Lakyus moaning loudly to herself as if her mind was overrun with sexual pleasure.

Ainz continued to plow into her ass, thoroughly plunging her anus for a few more minutes until he came hard! With one hard shove of his waist sliding into her buttocks, he let out a thick growl of relief and felt his cock plunge further into Lakyus's ass, filling it up with abundant amounts of seed shortly after.

"Nnghhh!" He grunted.


Thick gushes of cum filled out the woman's bowels thoroughly, making her shudder in yet another orgasm that wracked her like she were a helpless animal writhing in pain.

"Uuuugghh! Oohhhh......*Huff..huff..huff...huff*....mmhmm." She did not whimper in despair this time like Ainz expected; if anything, it looked as though she had subconsciously accepted she had lost.

Ainz pulled out of her buttocks, leaving her anus gaping as wide as an orb, letting thick amounts of cum ooze out of her as she recuperated for all but a minute before he went at her again.


After he pulled out of her butt and gave her a brief moment to recuperate, Ainz continued to fuck  Lakyus thoroughly serval more times, most of which ended up being inside of her pussy with the perverse fetish of breeding her with his child. He left no part of her untouched, be it her mouth which became violated by his tongue or her breasts which were frequently fondled at his leisure, Ainz ravished all of Lakyus, letting her become increasingly tired as he had gone without taking even one small break of recuperation for himself. Having infinite stamina made him unstoppable.

The low moans of the woman had continuously filled the air, considering with loud flesh-slapping noises of sexual coitus followed by the inevitable gush of semen rushing out of his body and into hers, wherever it may be.

Eventually, he sensed her willpower was beginning to wind down and decided to cap off the test by riding her torso and fucking his way through her breasts. Lakyus was nearly from head to toe in his seed, filled with it too from every hole. Her braided ponytail had been undone, leaving a long mane of honey gold hair spreading around her backside when he got on top of her again.

In Ainz's eyes, she was beautiful and, on top of that, a perfect capture of elegance and nobility he now owned in the form of a broken slave.


After seeing her breasts heaving along with her chest, he felt the urge to feel what they would be like wrapped around his dick as he got on top of her. He straddled her torso carefully and pushed his mighty cock right between her tits.

"Now...I'd like to try out how your wonderful breasts feel. I take it you have no objections?" He asked again and this time saw a creeping smile appear on her lovely lips as she looked at him with a blissful smile on her face.

"N-no...please...continue. Use my tits if you think they're so nice.~" She weakly giggled, no doubt letting her broken will transform into a mindless desire for Ainz and his cock now. Lakyus seemed to have accepted her situation subconsciously, likely reformating her mind to that of a sex-hungry slave just as Ainz intended.

This brought a smile to his face as he grabbed ahold of each of her tits, squeezing them softly and causing her to moan pathetically with sensation.

"Nghhhh! Ahhh.......!" Lakyus cried out and soon met the bulbous head of his dick sliding up past her chin and above her face. She looked down and saw that Ainz had wrapped each of her soft, doughy melons around his shaft and began thrusting through them with diligent thrusts of his hips.

"Mmhmm! Hhhhaaaahh! Ooh...ooaahh...ohhh..ohhh!~" She constantly mewed as she kept her tits sliding up and down his dick from a horizontal angle. Lakyus could feel the thick inch of his cock pushing and squeezing between her breasts, making her enjoy the warm and comfortable sensation as he kept on fucking her post-sex.

She knew she was spent yet still craved more of that cock when she woke up. Lakyus partially forgot why she was here and what she should be doing after getting caught in the throes of bliss Ainz offered. She no longer cared at all anymore; only thoughts of this man's cock ran through her mind with the added desire of never wanting to leave.

She loved it here now and wanted to pledge her eternal loyalty to Ainz after feeling 'Heaven' through his dick.

"Mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmm! Ooohh yes! Your breasts are most exquisite, Miss Alvein. I am beginning to feel my load about to blow all over your face, chest, and eyes. You'd better open your mouth if you want to catch my seed on your tongue." Ainz warned, and Lakyus immediately obeyed.

She opened her mouth wide and kept her tits squishing against the sides of  Ainz's cock as he pushed in between them at a faster pace. Subtle motions and skin-slapping music of Ainz's hips meeting the underside of her breasts continued for about a few more minutes until he unleashed a thick payload of sperm all over the woman's face!

"Here...it comes! Take it all, Lakyus! Bathe yourself in my seed!" He growled loudly, enjoying the sensation of adipose flesh crushing the sides of his immensely thick dick while it engorged, spurting ropes of cum all over the Noblewoman's face!

Ropes of cum came flying all over her breasts, painting her face and filling up her mouth while caking the rest of her body in pearly white. Lakyus's eyes sparkled with enlightenment, and she saw how wonderful feeling Ainz's dick inside of her truly was. She was smiling happily now, no longer caring about wanting to leave or outlast him in any manner. She only needed to have his dick inside of her some more with the thoughts of giving him a child.

"Aaaaaahhhh!~ L-Lord Ainz! Lord Ainz.....!~" she cried out, covering her eyes since she was getting layered in sperm for about two more long minutes until he stopped.

Ainz let out a satisfied sigh and got up, looking at the once-proud Leader of the Blue Roses, now ensnared and broken into being his lovely, cock-hungry slut that was likely pregnant with his baby. This kind of treasure made it worthwhile to do more such as finding others he could do the same. Namely, women of Valor and prideful women such as the other Blue Rose members. Ainz couldn't see himself having a sexual interest in the butch one named Gagaran; Evil Eye was something of another matter he had to deal with that left the twin ninjas Tia and Tina to take care of.

"Hmmmhm, I wonder. Anyway, answer me this, Lakyus...."  He leaned down close to her deliriously-smiling face with a smile of his own. "....do you still wish to leave?"

"No! I don't....! I want to stay!" She shot out, getting up yet struggling to do because she was exhausted and about to pass out. "I devote myself to being your slave! Your pet...! Anything, just as long as I can feel you ravish me more, Master! Hnngh...I swear my..loyalty to you, forever.....~"


She collapsed onto the floor exhausted and fucked into a near-comatose state, making this a complete victory in his eyes. A smile crossed his lips as he stood up, ready to have her carried off by one of the maids to be cleaned up and put into the appropriate garments suitable for one of his broken-in sexual slaves.

"You don't say. Well, I am happy to hear that, Miss Alvein. Do not worry about the Blue Roses. I have arranged things to be taken care of so that they don't come to harm. Well, some of them at least, the other two will be joining you soon."


Somewhere outside the Tomb of Nazarick.......

"Nghhh! What happened to us back there?" One butch, feminine voice spoke out as she sat up from the stone floor of the cave.

Gagaran awoke, still clad in her armor and rubbing her head, seeing that Evil Eye was nearby, also regaining consciousness. When she awoke, she put her mask back on since it was off and looked around, seeing the unharmed forms of Lakyus, Tia, and Tina, along with  Momon with Nabe. The Vampire was more confused than ever about what she saw and experienced when they supposedly went into that tomb.

"What happened....to us? I thought we were invading the Tomb, the next thing we know is--" Evil Eye began and was cut off by Lakyus.

"We were in this cave the entire time, ladies. Whatever lead we thought we had turned out to be false. That Tomb and everything inside was really this regular cave concealed  with Illusion magic of a higher level and used as bait to lure enemies and unsuspecting adventurers to their deaths." Lakyus informed, making both women look to each other in begrudging agreement, hating that this mission was a failure and that they nearly fell for a trap.

"At least we're alive, huh? How'd we get out then? I thought we fell into a trap and almost bought it." Gagaran asked, seeing Lakyus pointing at both Momon and Nabe.

"We have them to thank for that, had Momon and Nabe been a moment too in pulling us out of that ensnarement, the Blue Roses would've been gone forever, never to be seen again." She explained.

"Indeed, we can guess that Jaldabaoth probably created false leads in case squadrons like ours come snooping around. I should've known it was too easy finding this place. It's only fortunate we weren't killed and can try again later on." Tia theorized,  having Tina nod her head in agreement with her.

"He might be concealing his true location. Fortunately, we have a lead thanks to Nabe-san," Tina added, gesturing for Nabe to step forth while Evil Eye and Gargan got up, ready to continue going.

"Yes, though it took some doing and nearly dying in the process, I believe Jaladbaorth's lair is further south by the borders of the Re-Estize kingdom. We can  travel there and investigate since this place is a dead-end." Nabe proposed, seeing Gagaran and Evil Eye both look ready to journey, prepared for a fight.

"Alright, let's go then!" Gagaran said, pumped.

"Come then, Roses, but first, we'll rest at Carne Village to gather our strength. This attempt took a toll on our vigor. We must eat and relax a bit before journeying." Lakyus informed, leading her squadron out the cave, leaving Nabe and Momon behind with a sly smirk crossing the former's face.

"Just as you asked, Lord Ainz. The Tina, Tia, and Lakyus the others saw were doppelgangers. I had Pandora's Actor summon them for us as per your order to replace them. If you like, I can dispose of the actual Tina and tia you are keeping down in the dungeon. I believe I still owe them for how they  hurt Entoma a while back." Nabe suggested, only to see Momon raise a hand in denial.

"No need, I will deal with them personally, Nabe. After all, ravishing the leader has given me the inspiration to enact a new hobby of mine, and it starts with them.~" Momon said with one red eye glinting brightly through his helmet.

End of Chapter

To Be continued...

This has been for  Lord Nishinkera. Thanks for reading.



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