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Senran Kagura Playtime

Senran Kagura

By Azure/For Dysentia

Chapter Four- Murasaki’s Bonding Lessons


Inside of the esteemed Hebijo Academy school building for Shinobi, there was a familiar 'Hikkimori' girl with inhumanly large breasts and a cynical outlook on life despite her adorably meek demeanor. To all of her friends and teachers, she was a bundle of anti-social cuteness with long violet hair trailing all the way down to her ankles. She wore a black ribbon through her hair, hanging just above her bangs, keeping her a bit of shadow hovering directly above her eyes that highlighted the 'Darkness' of her everyday mood and meek nature. In spite of being a dreary shut-in, she was a beautiful girl with a perfectly plump, hourglass body and breasts measuring out to be an inconceivable K-cup size. Unfortunately, much of her voluptuous figure was covered up by a long, cumbersome dark dress she wore when doing a Shinobi transformation in battle. Right now, however, she was simply wearing her dark school uniform with a knee-length skirt and tight-fitting sailor uniform top exposing her midriff.

She had a plush bear she kept with herself at all times named 'Bebeby', and was currently lying down on her belly atop of it like it was a pillow while currently playing video games in her room. This was the Second-Year Hebjio girl simply known as 'Murasaki', one of the elites and a fearsome force to be reckoned with despite being a soft-natured, pacifist, and a loner. She was quite the dangerous shinobi to confront whenever her 'Root of Calamity' Art awakens and puts her into a more aggressive, bloodthirsty, state of being. Fortunately, she was mellow most of the time and preferred keeping to herself while playing video games and indulging in more reclusive hobbies.

All in all, Murasaki was a sweetheart that was in dire need of some light, both figurative and physical, in her life for her dark and dreary world. It just happened that it would come in the form of a male Shinobi currently working as a university teacher, one she'd soon fall in love with.


"Mmhmm, I almost have enough Exp for a level-up, very soon I'll be able to allocate all of my points to my character's agility. Think I'll do that first, then check the internet for the latest update to my current favorite E-novel series. It's been months now since the last one, I think. Oooohh, I can hardly wait to read it." The bashful girl mulled to herself, she was laying on her belly, legs dangling back and forth while playing her Playstation 4 in the privacy of her room. That is, until the door to it suddenly opened out of nowhere, causing a bright stream of light to pierce her comfortable darkness and make Murasaki hide behind Bebeby and use him as a shield!

"Kyaaaaa! Please close the door! Close the door now! It's too bright for me!" She cried out squeamishly while hiding behind her plush bear.

A certain Shinobi teacher stood in the doorway with her arms crossed and an apprehensive glare on her lovely yet stern-looking face. She is aware of Murasaki's lazy personality, yet still resents seeing her in this slovenly state every day.

"Pitiful, Murasaki-chan. Utterly pitiful. Is this how a Shinobi of Hebijo conducts her personal time? Always locked away in her room and playing video games like a child?" A woman's voice spoke up and Murasaki peeked behind her pillow to see that it belonged to none other than Suzune-Sensei, one of the Shinobi teachers for Hebijo academy.

She was a lithe-bodied woman with a modest and sizable cleavage seen from her partially unbuttoned white blouse. She wore a pair of thin, teacher's glasses over her eyes, a dark miniskirt with matching stockings, and high-heel shoes. Her Shinobi outfit was a drastic contrast to her overall casual appearance, but anyone would be able to identify Suzune-Sensei from the distinct mole directly above her right breast. She had dark hair like Murasaki, but much shorter. It was tied in the back into a ponytail with bladed bangs obscuring part of her forehead.

"Sensei.....what is the meaning of this? I've always attended class when I needed to be there in person. Why can't I stay in my room today like I want to?" Murasaki whimpered childishly from behind her bear. She saw her teacher flip the light switch and walk towards her with her usual unreadable face focused solely on her.

"Come, Murasaki. It is time to reacquaint you with the outside world, I have appointed a very sociable university counselor to help you become better adjusted to interacting with other people. You cannot be a Shinobi 'Neet' the rest of your life, I won't allow it. You are missing out on far too much in your youth." Suzune explained as she pulled Murasaki by the hands to rise to her feet, seeing her clutch Bebeby anxiously like a bashful child. "Besides, I do believe that some areas of your overall Shinobi abilities are lacking in terms of fighting strength. You girls have been on a bit of a losing streak against Hanzo Academy's girls lately, so I think your diligence and capabilities can be further improved on once you get past some of your more intimate issues like being with people."

"Uwwahh... Sensei." Murasaki whimpered again as she was pulled out of her room and led downstairs. Together they made their way down the lobby of the ornate Hebjio Tower. It was a rather large school building, designed with traditional Japanese architecture in mind compared to places like the Crimson Squad base.

Murasaki followed her teacher down the wooden spiral staircase, hanging her head low and dreading meeting anybody at all since she only wanted to stay indoors and play video games today. While they walked, she clutched Bebeby tightly and felt anxious about meeting this supposedly sociable 'Counselor' that'll get her out of her shell. She always felt Suzune-sensei had her best interests at heart and knew what the wisest course of action was to take when dealing with her students. It made Murasaki wish she found her boyfriend to help occupy her time. Still, Murasaki trusted her judgment on this, albeit begrudgingly so. The closer she made her way down the staircase, she started seeing her supposed counselor from a clearer angle.

Murasaki noticed that he was a handsome-looking man with long black hair, some of which dripped down the sides of his face in a pair of long parted bangs. He wore a typical office-style outfit with a business long sleeve shirt worn underneath and a formal jacket hung over his shoulders. He had a smooth, ruggedly handsome face, a lean posture, and a genuine wholesome charm that made her see him as more of a youthful gentleman she'd read about in her online novels. Having finally arrived at the bottom of the stairs, she looked at him with unseen awe and intrigue, feeling her heart skip a beat when he looked her way.

'Is that...really him? He's not at all what I pictured a counselor to look like, but I mean that in a good way. He's....actually quite charming by appearance.' She wondered, clutching Bebeby tightly before hastily hiding it behind her back to not let him see it.

"Koji-Kun, this is one of my most precious students; Murasaki. You'll be taking care of her for the duration of this month, do everything in your power to help bolster her confidence and make sure she is more comfortable when interacting with other people. I'd like for her to become well-adjusted and come out of her socially withdrawn shell, so to speak." Suzune introduced, making the man look in Suzune's direction with a contemplative look before flashing Murasaki a friendly smile.

'Ugh, I don't know why Suzune-chan hired me for this gig. Working at the university as a counselor was mainly a cover, I'm not sure I'm cut out for helping a girl this much in-need.' Koji thought to himself as he walked over to Murasaki and held out a hand in greeting.

"Pleased to meet you, Murasaki-chan. My name is Koji Kensei, I'm a counselor at a nearby university. Your teacher and I have been friends for a while now, and she has hired me to help you out with any and all kinds of anxieties you may have around other people. I'd like to see you be more comfortable with yourself and the outside world. Looking forward to getting to know you~" He greeted in a friendly and polite way, but secretly doubting he'll be able to do that while also hoping for Suzune to take a more romantic shine to him this time around. inside of his thoughts was another matter entirely. 'Keep it together, Koji. Do the best you can and help this girl like you were taught during training for counseling. I still think Suzune has too high of an expectation in me to do this, but I shall try my best. Maybe she'll consider accepting my dating offer this time around..'

Murasaki extended her right hand, keeping Bebeby hidden behind her as she shook the teacher's pinky with her own, blushing madly with embarrassment the entire time.

"H-Hai, it's a pleasure to meet you, sensei. I-I'd like to get to really know you as well." She meekly responded as Suzune stealthily took the bear from behind Murasaki's hands without anyone noticing.

"Ahem, as you can see, Murasaki-Chan needs a bit of a confidence boost in regards to her interactions with other people, namely her peers so as to better their group dynamic and even the score between other Shinobi Academies as a result. I'll trust you to take care of the rest, Koji-Kun. I assume you're prepared to aid my little student?" She assumed, receiving a nod from the man, and started walking away, carrying the bear in her hands and quietly whispering to Murasaki from the side as she left.

"I'll take Bebeby back to your room, you concentrate on opening up to him, alright?" Suzune commanded, and to her delight, saw Murasaki nod her head obediently without fuss as she walked back.

Koji held out an arm to her again, this time he gestured to the entrance of the school as if offering Murasaki to go with him. He had planned the outing for today's first counseling session.

"Shall we go someplace else so you can be comfortable, Murasaki-Chan? I'd like you to feel more at ease before we start. How about a meal at the nearest Udon restaurant?" He offered and Murasaki, unable to explain the feeling inside of her chest properly, bashfully smiled and walked ahead of him with growing delight and eagerness.

This was not unseen by an intrigued Suzune hiding in the shadows of the staircase.

'Hmmm, he may yet succeed with her. I've never seen Murasaki look so eager before.' She thought to herself, squeezing Bebeby between her hands for the plush feeling it provided.

Meanwhile, Koji observed Murasaki from the side, analyzing her features and wondering just what had happened to such a demure girl to have made her into a recluse.

'Hmm, so she is the presumed weak link in their ranks? You wouldn't think it from her looks, but I do sense a kind of ominous power coming from this girl. I still don't know if I'm really cut out for this kind of miracle in the first place, but I shall try my best. Maybe, and hopefully, Suzune will finally see me as a man worthy of her time. One can only hope.~' He thought, seeing Murasaki turn her face and flash him a sweet smile as they kept going.

This made Koji intrigued as they walked out the lobby and out the building itself, setting off to go to their first Counseling Session off-grounds to get to know each other more.



"So., why don't you tell me about your interests, Murasaki-Chan? I've heard only the bare minimum from your teacher before coming here." Koji asked, sitting across from her at a restaurant, waiting for their orders.

He watched as the girl, adorable as she was busty, squeamishly fidgeted her fingertips with each other while struggling to look him in the eyes.

"I...I...happen to like playing video games, also I r-read a lot of E-Novels online whenever I'm not attending classes and staying in my room." Murasaki bashfully admitted, risking a look into Koji's charming eyes as she leaned over the table a bit. Her gigantic breasts smothered the surface through her uniform shirt, making it noticeable just how large she was. Koji tried not eying his student that way, but Murasaki was so stacked he could hardly ignore it.

'Hmm, do all teenage Shinobi girls have such large busts? It seems to be a trend I've noticed recently in this day and age. Anyway, better open up with a similar interest, it's a good thing that she said she enjoys E-literature online. I do too, fortunately.' Koji thought, keeping a calm face as Murasaki looked at him with hands on her cheeks, keeping a pleasant and peaceful grin on her otherwise dreary complexion.

"Oh, you like online reading too, eh? I just so happen to enjoy E-Novellas myself whenever I have some free time from work. I tend to lean in favor of dark fantasy and typical adventure/fantasy elements, you? Also, I own a Playstation myself back home, although it's something I only get to enjoy in my rare moments of spare time away from my job. What type of stories do you like reading, Murasaki-chan?" He asked, making Murasaki feel a little more at ease after hearing his reveal.

'H-he likes the same things I do? Really?! That's amazing! I can even tell he's not lying about those claims.' Murasaki internally celebrated and leaned closer to him, letting her breasts squish even more into the surface to the point they may as well looked like beach balls worn underneath her clothing.

She went on to explain how she likes reading fantasy Novels and fanfiction of any series she likes over the internet rather than everyday books. For Murasaki, one of her long-time fantasies was to be a princess in a cliche 'Slay the Demon King' setting and be rescued by a Knight in shining armor. Koji listened on, rapt with attention and feeling more at ease around this friendly yet constantly anxious girl. As they talked, they touched on shared interests with video games, all while waiting for their food to come. Murasaki began to open herself up even more and did so with a bashful smile now seen on her face.

Eventually, their food finally came and with it, the two ate in comfortable silence. Murasaki's mood became considerably brighter afterward, feeling more open and honest when talking with someone that she had common interests with like Koji. Mid-meal, she went on to explain a bit more of her complicated family history and her shaky relationship with her 'Sister' Imu, ignoring the rest of her Shinobi Secrets such as the 'Root of Calamity' Technique and other Shinobi elements not meant to be discussed in public.

Koji was thankful Murasaki opened up to him so quickly, it was as if they were two birds of a feather in some way. The entire time they talked, he didn't hind himself staring at her breasts and instead kept his eyes focused on the dark orbs of her eyes, feeling at ease when seeing her smile.

When they were finished, he took her back to Hebijo on foot, counting today's session to be a success.

"S-so, will I see you again tomorrow, Koji-San? Today has been really....enjoyable for me, I've never been so comfortable outside of my room before." Murasaki explained with a meek yet excitable voice.

"Yes, we totally will, Murasaki-chan. I'll come by the same time tomorrow, every weekday, for the rest of this month. Hopefully, you won't be too busy with schoolwork or Shinobi duties when I drop by." He said to the girl, seeing her smile bashfully at him when he patted the top of her head, making Murasaki's face become beet red for a moment until he pulled it away.

Embarrassed she might be, she was still happy to receive such affection from somebody with an honest heart.

"Okay! I'll be looking forward to it.~" She beamed and started heading towards Hebijo, feeling above the clouds for the first time in a long time while Koji watched her go.

"Maybe I can do this after all. Just one month, one month is all you need, Koji. Winning Suzune's affection aside, this girl needs your help. I'll show that woman she was right to choose me and who knows, maybe I'll find a happy romance myself after completing this assignment.' He thought as he turned around and started walking away, feeling a little less burdened by his shinobi duties for once in his life.


And so, the rest of the month flew by with Murasaki and Koji spending each passing day with each other like always. They often hung out either in an office room at Hebijo or outside in the city of Tokyo, Japan, enjoying the sights of Shibuya and Akihabara on good days for Otaku merch to go on sale. Murasaki was as giddy as a schoolgirl whenever it came time for him to arrive from his cover job at the university. The two of them would bond over which writers they preferred for their favorite online stories, occasionally play video games with each other at the local arcade in Shibuya, or simply have a counseling session somewhere in Tokyo Park before always returning to Hebijo at the end of the day.

Before they'd meet up, Murasaki would always make sure to shower and groom herself properly before going to meet Koji at the front of the building, ironically always choosing to wear her school uniform when doing so. She had rarely ever bought more trendy, fashionable clothing since most of her money went to her hobbies like figurines and video games. But, Koji didn't care how she looked when coming to him in that outfit. Even though he originally saw Murasaki as a means to seek approval from Suzune, somewhere down the line, he came to greatly enjoy their time together while slowly forgetting about his initial goal entirely.

Ironically enough, Suzune had started paying much closer attention to their outings out of an unexplained need she had yet to identify.  Originally she was just spying on Koji to make sure he doesn't try to take advantage of the girl despite knowing him in her youth, but ultimately she found that they were getting along together just fine. It still didn't help the twisting knot of discomfort created from inside of her stomach whenever she saw Murasaki lean closely for a head pat from Koji-Sensei. He always gave her those and the girl simply loved it, always wanting more.

One day, this odd behavior became apparent to Murasaki on her way out to another one of their counseling sessions.


Rushing back inside of the Hebijo building after forgetting something she left behind, Murasaki arrived back inside the lobby where she saw her teacher Suzune standing right in the middle of it with arms crossed and an unreadable expression worn on her face.

"Murasaki-Chan, how has your progress with Koji-san been so far? Are you......getting more comfortable with him and coming out with all your problems?" She asked bluntly, receiving a gleeful nod from the girl while she held her cheeks in each hand.

"Hai, Sensei! H-he's...amazing! I never thought I'd get to meet someone as nice as him outside of my friends here. We share so much in common that it feels so easy to talk to him about things I like. I used to always have some sort of trouble when doing that with other people.~" Murasaki gushed, blushing like a maiden-in-love and causing a strained smile to appear on Suzune's face as she perked an eyebrow in annoyance.

"T-that's wonderful, Murasaki. Truly wonderful indeed. Koji's teaching has certainly been satisfactory, I must say. Just note that I do have to keep reporting your activities with him in case he tries anything inappropriate with you. It is our usual routine of intelligence keeping after all." Suzune mentioned, yet it didn't bother Murasaki one bit for she still had her head in the clouds.

"H-hai, Sensei. Don't worry, Koji-Kun hasn't tried anything inappropriate with me at all. He is a decent, honest man and I like him a lot.~" She beamed, making Suzune's strained smile appear even more visible for she was starting to feel jealous.

"K-Koji-Kun....now? She's addressing him as 'Kun'?" She mouthed silently, earning a puzzled look from Suzune when she noticed how aggravated she appeared to be.

"Is something wrong, Sensei? You seem to be rather....upset." Murasaki innocently asked, seeing her Sensei turn on her heel, having her back facing her with letting a sigh escape her lips.

"Muraski, I believe you came in here to get something." She noticed, making the girl panic and gasp loudly in alarm.

"That's right, I forgot I came to get Bebeby to show Koji-Kun, thanks for reminding me, Sensei!" Murasaki broke into a run up the spiral staircase, heading straight for her room while Suzune was left there alone with a dark mood hanging over her head.

'Shouldn't I be happy about this development? Why am I feeling so....upset at the thought of them growing closer to each other?' Suzune pondered this as she watched an excitable Murasaki rushing down the spiral staircase again, this time with Bebeby in-hand. She dashed back outside to meet Koji waiting out there patiently for her, earning an incensed feeling of discomfort from Suzune as they walked side-by-side into the sunset.

'At least the month is almost over, he'll be done with his assignment and leave this place at once. Maybe I should consider accepting one of his usual date offers this time around. Maybe....' Suzune thought, clutching the side of her right arm as she walked away.


And so, the month of bonding time spent between Murasaki and Koji was at an end i just a couple of days. The girl had come a long way since she started out, no longer feeling shy or anxious and learning to embrace new things like being outside and enjoying the company of others. Just as long as she had Koji there, holding her hand the entire way. That's when she realized what the persistent feeling in her chest really was and it shocked the teenage girl to her core, but it was not an unwelcome response.

Murasaki realized that the feelings she had been having whenever seeing the man, often interpreted as 'Butterflies in your stomach' was actually love. She fell in love with her teacher Koji-Sensei and knew it to be true and genuine, not at all a meager infatuation between younger girls and grown men. Murasaki was crazy about him now, he was the only person in the world that understood her completely and was perfectly compatible with all of her hobbies. She had this revelation in bed after her second-to-last outing with Koji that day, clutching Bebebyy tightly and realizing that in one more day he would be finished with his job and no longer drop by..



"Kyaaghh! It's been almost a month already! Koji-Sensei will be leaving soon now that his time is up! I-I have to do something about it!" Murasaki cried out in panic to herself, sitting upright in her bed and wearing only her loose-fitting pajama shorts and blouse over her ample body.

She got up and grabbed Bebeby, crushing the bear into her arms as she paced around her room wondering just what to do in regards to her feelings and Sensei's departure. Not that he'd be leaving per se, he just wouldn't be stopping by anymore that his time has expired. Murasaki couldn't bear the thought of not seeing him on their day-to-day outings, and there was no guarantee he'd stop by in his free time outside of work at the university. She had to do something like confess, but do it in a very special way.

'Hmmm, what can I do for Sensei? S-should I just tell him how I feel? Confess everything on our last day and hope he accepts my feelings?' She asked herself and held her bear up overhead, letting Bebeby look her in the eyes as she got a rather naughty idea in mind. "Bebeby, you're a genius! I'll do that!"

Murasaki threw the bear back onto her bed and walked over to her large body mirror, looking at herself with a bashful smile arriving on her face. She struck a pose and sensually tugged down the top half of her sleeping blouse, practicing a striptease in the mirror and becoming red with embarrassment in the process.

"Uuwahh.....! I don't know if I can do this without embarrassing myself. I mean, I really do love Koji-Kun very much and I...I want to make things special for him when I confess my feelings. Would he just think I'm being a child with a silly crush?" She wondered and held her cheeks in both hands, thinking about what men of Koji's age would like to see in a young girl like her.

Murasaki's heart started beating rapidly in response, becoming focused and deciding she was going to go through with her idea by flaunting her body some more in the mirror.  She was going to capture the heart of her beloved teacher and go wild in doing so.

"that's it, I'll do it. I'll strip myself in a sexy, enticing way for Koji-Kun and make him fall in love with me! I can show him that I can be a perfect girlfriend, maybe if even a wife if I please him sexually enough that he'll consider marrying me right after graduation!" Murasaki revealed her plan out in the open, feeling inspired and pumping a fist into the air, causing her large melons to nearly smack her in the face as a result.


The next day came and with it, the final session of Koji's and Murasaki's time together. The esteemed counselor arrived inside of the lobby of the Hebijo building once again, this time he was wearing his casual gear and hoping Murasaki would say 'Yes' to them going out to the lake in Tokyo Park to enjoy a paddleboat ride before they go. He wanted to promise her he can make time for them even after their sessions were done, but with his schedule at work and the fact that Hebijo can be strict with its girls, it wasn't a guarantee.

"Hmmm? I wonder is she today? Normally she'd be out here waiting or rushing out the doors to greet me like always." Koji thought aloud, noticing something unusual from the corner of his eye.

He turned his head in its direction and saw Murasaki's prized plush bear Bebeby placed at the foot of the staircase with a note in its mouth. Feeling curious and looking around to check his surroundings, Koji walked up to it and plucked the note from its mouth before fliping it open.


'Sensei, please meet me in my room. I have something to show you. It's important for our last session together.'

-Love, Murasaki-Chan.


"Hmmm, this will be interesting. I've never been to Murasaki-chan's room before, I wonder what it could be about." He said to himself, taking Bebeby into his arms and walking up the stairs, hating that Shinobi Schools needed to have spiral staircases as grand as this one.

When he arrived at the top floor, he located Murasaki's room nearby and walked towards it, gently knocking on the surface and waiting to hear back from her from within.

"Come in, Sensei.~" Murasaki's soothingly meek and soft voice called out to him, further puzzling the man as he opened the door and let himself on in.

He was greeted with pitch-black darkness at first as he walked inside, looking for Murasaki until he noticed the door being closed behind him.

"Hm? Murasaki-chan? Is that you?" He asked from within the darkness and heard some heavy breathing before hearing a soft, playful giggle coming from a pair of female lips.

Just then, the light switch flipped on, revealing Murasaki's girly yet slightly cluttered bedroom in all its Otaku-themed glory with a spacious pink bed behind Koji's legs. He paid no attention to any of that since he saw his prized student there by the door, leaning against it as though keeping him from getting out. Murasaki had an unusual aura around her today, she was blushing madly and meekly avoiding eye contact while she squeamishly wiggled her hips side-to-side in nervousness. She was wearing her usual school uniform clothing which highlighted her plump physique, and she really was plumper than the rest of the Hebijo girl he observed in preparation for today's lecture.

Murasaki had them beat in curviness, breast size, and hourglass figure, not that he was paying too much attention to those elements.

"Murasaki-chan? What is the meaning of this? What did you want to show me?" He asked in a gentle yet curious tone until she got up from off of the door's surface to go over to him, shaking her round hips while keeping her hands behind her back. Murasaki focused her chocolate eyes on Koji's now, blushing madly as she brought her hands up to affectionately caress his cheeks in a way that made his heart skip a beat before she gently sat him down onto the foot of her bed.

"Sensei.....this is for you.~" Murasaki meekly whispered in a loving kind of way before standing back from the bed and beginning to pull up the bottom of her sailor uniform shirt with her hands.

"Mmmgnh! M-Murasaki-chan....?!" Koji let out, feeling his heart racing as the girl pulled up her top from over her head, in a slow and enticingly hypnotic fashion before it got stuck around her forehead due to her massive amount of hair.

"Kya! Gghh....!" Murasaki growled comically, struggling to take it off and nearly sap the sexual tension right out of this moment before she successfully pulled it off completely. Her massive pair of breasts spilled free from inside of a snug-fitting black lace brasserie that barely held together due to her massive size.

Koji growled in a low tone, feeling his arousal beginning to grow as he watched his student wriggle herself around like an exotic dancer, running her hands down the sides of her massive breasts before turning around to show him her rear.

'I-is she....stripping for me? Does that mean Murasaki-chan is....in love...with me? I-I  must admit that this is a first, no one has ever expressed romantic affection for me before and while I'm...conflicted about having this affair with a student, she is a rather lovely girl who shares so much in common with me. I think I have even forgotten about seeking Suzune-chan's approval at this point too. Murasaki.....' Koji'smind ran a mile a minute, watching the girl awkwardly wriggle her plump hips from behind as she undid the latch on her uniform skirt next before letting it fall to the ground.

Aside from nearly tripping over it, which would've made Koji chuckle, Murasaki was noo wearing only her undergarments with school socks still worn over her dainty feet, making the man become infatuated with her body the further she went on. Murasaki herself felt her heart racing like a jet engine as she bent forward, sticking her ass out at Koji with a bit of provocative twerking movements she saw on the internet.

Koji watched as that bountiful ass bounced and wiggle back and forth in front of him, furthering his erection growing from underneath his casual pants. He clutched his chest as he felt the heat in this room increasing every second he watched her display her body in such an erotic way.

"Hnghh! M-Murasaki-Chan...*Gulp*....you truly are beautiful, you know." He commented, unsure of what to do to not ruin this moment between them.

He saw that his comment made the girl's cheeks glow with happiness as she ceased wriggling her ass and turned around to face forward. She smiled seductively at Koji with love in her eyes, reaching up to the back of her brassiere and undoing the latch in the back. Murasaki let it fall to the floor next to everything else, letting her naked K-cup sized tits spill out nakedly into the open before Koji's gobsmacked eyes. His jaw fell open when he saw Murasaki's pink nipples unrestrained with bountiful melons for breasts looking bigger than her head.

He winced painfully when he felt his erection pushing out into the surface of his pants, making it noticeable before Murasaki's sparkling eyes. She held her cheeks in delight, seeing that her sensei was packing quite a bit underneath, which encouraged her to go even further and reach for the hem of her lace panties before he stopped her.

"Wait!" Koji called out, getting up from the foot of the bed and re-adjusting his glasses before placing his hands on Murasaki's shoulders with a suave smile.

"Sensei?" She meekly whispered out before feeling his fingers cradle her chin affectionately to pull her closer to his face.

"Murasaki-chan....no more dancing, how about we take this approach the more 'Intimate' way first. Allow me to educate you." He whispered darkly to her, making her heart soar into the skies as he pulled the girl's soft lips onto his, embracing a lovestruck Murasaki head-on with hands sliding down her plump body to grab onto her ass.

"Mmmmmm!~ *Sensei!*~" Murasaki mouthed,  tasting his saliva as he kissed her in full-force, tasting her lips and prying them apart so as to slide in his tongue to play with hers. Murasaki was beyond happy right now, she was positively over the moon and ran her hands up the sides of his neck, bringing them around his head as she hiked her right leg over his sides like a frisky cat.

Koji hungrily made out with the younger girl, forgetting his boundaries and embracing love in its purest form. He tasted Murasaki's mouth as he wrangled her tongue with his own, feeling up her plump, doughy body by grabbing onto her ass from behind and feeling Murasaki grind herself on his crotch. Together they made out languidly with hot steamy breaths escaping each of their lips between kisses,  Murasaki rolled her lower body onto Koji's waist, getting a feel for how thick and rigid his member could be, finding no disappointment at all and getting friskier as this went on.

She hummed warmly into his mouth some more, tasting his lips and hungry swallowing his tongue for a few moments until he pulled himself off, leaving her breathless.

"I must admit, I secretly admired how plump your body is compared to all your other classmates, Murasaki-chan.~" He breathed out, surprising her and making her blush, even more, when he grabbed onto one of her massive titties, squeezing it between his fingers.

"Nngghh! Aaaaahh!~ Sensei.....!~" Muraski breathed out, tossing her head back and letting her mouth fall open as she felt Koji's fingers squeezing the dough of her right tit. He fondled and massaged her in ways she never felt before, feeling her panties dampening with each stroke of his digits until she decided to sit him back down.

"Mmhmm!~ Sensei.....sit down for me.~" She breathed out, making him obey her as he pulled his hand off and was gently pushed back onto the foot of her bed in a seated position.

Koji was getting excited now, feeling his cock throbbing in full force as he watched Murasaki turn around again, leaning back so that she could place herself upon his lap. He groaned pleasurably when feeling her warm, full rump pressing down onto his crotch. The fullness of her ass was a sight to behold, she reached back and grabbed onto his wrists so she could guide them over to her chest. Murasaki allowed her sensei to grab onto both of her melons at the same time and squeeze them within each of his palms and fingers.

"Aaahh! Oohhhh, Sensei. Mmhmm. Your hands are so firm yet...soft. I like it that way, I like it a lot.~" She let out, turning her face to the side to see him from over her right shoulder as she began grinding her big, supple ass along the surface of his crotch with a smile. Koji felt her rear grooving along his pelvis in a slow, methodical fashion which allowed him to feel the smoothness of her curves.

It was a dry-humping pleasure at its finest and it was making him squeeze each of her tits harder, fondling them around in spiraling circles as she continued grinding herself on his cock.

'Mmmmm, Sensei's figures feel so good! Aaahhh!~ I feel like I'm going to melt from contact." Murasaki thought to herself, enjoying the sensation of his fingers prodding all her sensitive regions, making her slide her ass along his crotch even faster as they went along.

The bed started creaking loudly, matching the intensifying friction between teacher and student as they continued this dry-humping sex for about another minute more. Eventually, Murasaki had gotten pepped up and wanted to do, even more, feeling as frisky as a kitten when she pulled herself off from her sensei's waist. She turned around and dropped down to her knees in front of him, spreading open his legs while smiling seductively. She pulled down his zipper next.

Koji felt his breath leave his lungs for a moment when seeing his prized student pull down his zipper which releases the thick shaft that was his eleven-inch erection in full force! It practically sprang out and nearly hit Murasaki in the face, causing her to gasp in pleasant surprise as she felt giddy with excitement upon seeing it.

"S-sensei! You're so big.....ooohhhh!~'' She squealed, making Koji chuckle at her erection till she grabbed both of her head-sized breasts into her hands and brought him to surround his dick entirely.

"Kami-sama....they're even bigger than I thought they'd be, amazing." He mouthed and soon felt the warm, flesh-bodied pillows of Murasaki's tits closing around his meat, covering it completely and making Koji feeling unimaginable pleasure. "Aaaggghhh! Murasaki-chan! Oooohhh! Your breasts....!  Your breasts are utterly amazing!~"

He let out loud, ragged gasps of air, feeling overwhelmed by the girl's tits as she began sliding them back and forth using her hands. Koji was experiencing the wonderful new sensation of having large, soft tits smothering the entirety of his cock, squeezing him in a massage therapy session that allowed nothing to escape from within its cleavage. Not even the tip of his head could be seen since they were just so damn big.

He gripped the surface of the bedsheets with teeth clenched tightly in fast-rising euphoria, enjoying the pleasure of his student's melons smothering him softly while sliding back and forth in slow motion.

"Haah...haah....haah...haah! Sensei! I can feel that you're enjoying this a lot. That makes me so happy!~" Murasaki breathed out, gasping excitedly as she continued working her tits on Koji's cock for minutes on end. Gradually she picked up the pace, working them down his cock in an expedient manner, feeling his shaft beginning to swell and throb from within her wonderful melons.

Koji was breathing louder and louder as he held his head back in submission, relinquishing himself to the bliss of Murasaki's tits swallowing his cock in a haze of soft, doughy flesh. His breathing quickened and in no time at all he felt his shaft beginning to twitch with excitement, leading to him cumming from deep within the girl's cleavage with a growl!

"Aaaggghhh!~ I'm cumming! Gahhh! Murasaki-Chaaann!~" He cried out, showing the girl the sight of his pelvis twitching from underneath her breasts.


Murasaki could feel the warmth of his spunk from within her cleavage, her breasts were so huge that it prevented anything from escaping and splashing into her face. The thought of it alone made her giggle playfully as she continued swiveling her melons around in circles, enjoying the feeling of her sensei cumming from between her tits like a fountain. A few more ropes of sperm came shooting out until Koji was done, leaving Muraski to pull herself off from his crotch and let her breasts spread out just a bit, showing a pearl necklace cascading down her body from between her chest.

"W-wow! That was the first time for me too, Sensei. You came so much.~" Murasaki commented giddily as she scraped some of his sperm from off of her belly, scraping it off of her finger by using her tongue. She mewed with delight after enjoying the taste of his seed, cleaning off the rest from her belly and ingesting even more. "Mmhmm. Mmhmm.~"

She finished cleaning off his sperm in no time at all and saw, to her delight, that her teacher was still as hard as a rock. Murasaki let her eyes linger on his phallus as she sat kneeling before him, mentally preparing herself to have sex and finally give her first time away to someone that actually loves her. Looking up into Koji's eyes, she saw an equally enthused expression on his face, feeling as if her heart connected to his as she stood up from the ground.

"Sensei, it's time. I...I want you to take me. Make me yours!" She breathed out, tugging down her lace panties before his eyes and showing Koji the sight of her slightly fuzzy pussy in all its natural glory.

Koji swallowed nervously as he got up, also taking off his clothes one article at a time until there was nothing left covering his highly-masculine body. Murasaki drank in the sight of him, salivating a bit and comparing this to one of her more smutty romance E-novels about a girl like herself being taken by a handsome and kind-natured Prince on her bed within a caste.

She quietly crawled onto the surface of her pink, girly twin-sized bed and laid down face-up with legs spread wide and hands running themselves down her breasts with a bashful smile. Koji got on top of it as well, placing himself above her and gently pushing apart her legs after he pressed his kneecaps into her thighs, preparing to take her in a missionary position.

Murasaki eyed that monolith of a member hovering just above the glistening folds of her sex, making her a bit nervous since this would be her first time. Even being a Shinobi, her body wasn't adjusted to take in a man's cock inside of her yet, her innocence remained intact. From what she'd heard and read about online, it'd hurt....a lot. Fortunately, Koji saw her fearful expression and gently caressed the side of her face as he brought himself down on her, without putting it in yet.

"Relax, Murasaki-chan. I'll be gentle and try not to make it hurt as much as possible. I wouldn't want your first time to be so rough and unpleasant." Koji whispered soothingly to the fearful girl, seeing her relax and nod her head in appreciation with a loving smile on her face.

"I love you, Sensei. I really and truly love you." She confessed, blushing as red as a tomato and seeing Koji smile back at her with just as much warmth being shown.

"And I love you too, Murasaki-chan." He said back to her gently and guided the tip of his cock down into the moist pinkness of her folds, spreading out her labia and making Murasaki feel the thickness of her teacher's member sink down inside.

A slick, squelching noise occurred when she felt him pushing into her folds, stretching them out and making her toes curl up as he pushed himself all the way to the delicate flower of her hymen. Her mouth had been dropped open, remaining silently agape as she felt Koji's penis sheathing into her depths. Murasaki's feet were up high, straddling the sides of his ass tightly with her body twitching slightly to the sensation of him penetrating her pussy. She was breathing fast, making her tits heave and jiggle right in front of his face at first, but then she calmed.

She looked up into his dark eyes, seeing him remove his glasses while he gazed back at her, affectionately cradling her face into one hand when he gently thrust himself into her pussy, taking her maidenhood in a swift push.


"Ggghhh! Kyaaagghhh!~" She whimpered loudly in slight pain, feeling the blood of her hymen begin seeping out of her cunt as he buried himself even further into her folds. Murasaki's fingers scratched the sides of Koji’s shoulders in pained excitement, feeling him spreading out her walls in a way that slowly made the pain go away as it got swallowed up by pleasure.

"S-Senseeiiiii!~ Aaagghhhhh!~" She cried out and tossed her head backward, thrurting her chest up as he began rolling his pelvis onto her waist from above, fucking her.

Koji's balls began beating the surface of her sex, touching the cleft of her buttocks as they smacked into her nether region. Murasaki was slowly adapting to the pain and embracing the sensational pleasure that came with feeling his member churning further into her depths, creating a soft squelching noise as he continued bottoming out of her. Soon, huffs of air left each person's lips with Murasaki wrapping her arms around his neck to embrace Koji entirely as a woman and not simply his student.

"Sensei....! Haaahhh! It's...starting to feel really good now. Mmhmm!" She breathed out, giving him a serene smile that motivated Koji into pumping into her even faster. Soon his navel was colliding into hers, creating a series of gentle smacking noises between naked bodies. "Sensei! This feels amazing! Ooohhhh! Sensei!"

Murasaki cried out in blissful agony, clutching his neck into her arms and nearly smothering her breasts into his face. Her sex smashed nosily into Koji's crotch, repeatedly tapping his groin as she felt his thick, massive member churning its way to her cervix on the way to invade her teenage womb. It was a pleasure beyond anything Murasaki felt before, but she was at risk of triggering her Shinobi Art 'Root of Calamity' since that ability awakens in times of great stress.

She wasn't sure if sexual stress counted and hoped that it didn't, because right now, she was feeling ecstasy beyond anything her hands or phallus-shaped item could ever do for her. She was feeling love and making it with her adult-sized Prince Charming without a hint of regret or shame. Soon enough, her buttocks started plowing into his thighs as he got up onto his knees to fuck even harder from a higher angle.

Koji was feeling the slick sensation of Murasaki's tight, slippery pussy clutching him incessantly as he burrowed into her twat nonstop. Each and every thrust of his waist triggered a small gush of moisture escaping her sex, making her body clutch even tighter as they fucked like animals atop the bed.

"Uuuuhhhh! Murasaki! Hnhh! Ooohhh it feels so good fucking you right now! I-I want to make this a common thing between us on our dates from now on, just so long as you'll have me." Koji let out, feeling vulnerable and more in love with this young teenage girl than he ever felt for Suzune all those years ago.

She never gave him the time of day, for numerous complicated reasons, but now here he was with his soul mate, the once dreary girl that once hid away from the world. HIs pelvic slams became more intense as he drove all eleven inches into Murasaki's tightening pussy, feeling her squeezing him even more the closer he got to her cervix.

"Uuuuhhhh! Yess! Yess! Make love to me, Sensei! I love you so much....kkyaaagghh!~" She roared then threw her head back, jostling about with her tits nearly smacking the side of his chin as they flopped around like beach balls. "Uuh..uuh..uhh..uh..uh..uuh..ughh..uuhh..aaaahhh! Senseiiiii!~"

Together they rowed about, slamming into each other in a back-and-forth tandem with Koji shoving everything into Murasaki's cervix, feeling it latch onto his cock lik it was an actual mouth. He felt pleasure unlike anything he's ever experienced in his life, it cemented the fact that this girl was made for him and vice versa. Grinding his pelvis into her frame, he continued fucking her into the bed for what felt like thirty minutes on end, feeling her eventually succumb to her first climax all over his meat once he shoved into her womb!

Murasaki momentarily felt that usual moment of emptiness surrounded her body, making her eyes go dark and causing a rupture of dark energy to streak through the air like so. Her 'Root of Calamity' technique nearly activated, disturbing the contents of her room a bit and nearly making Koji see her in a rather frightful state. Fortunately, he was too caught up in bliss to notice the look on her face as her hair flailed around wildly like a banshee.

'Must.....control it! Can't let Koji-Kun see me like this!' She thought to herself and managed to wrestle control back in her favor, keeping her appearance normal and the power of her technique suppressed as she remained relatively unchanged. Murasaki's relief at being able to control her ability at the worst possible time was overturned by the sensation of her walls clamping down around Koji's length. She resumed moaning as she heard him call out to him, enjoying the feeling of his body rutting into her from above.

"Ghhh..ghhh..ghhh..ghh..ghh..ghhh! Oooohhhh! Murasakiiiii! I'm getting close!" He let out, resulting in the girl closing her legs behind the back of his waist to keep him locked in. Murasaki's ankles tightened when they crossed each other, making him unable to pull out and risk planting a baby into her extremely fertile body.

"Y-you're not going anywhere, Sensei! I want you to unleash everything inside of me....ggaaaaahhh!~ I love you, I love you, Koji-kun!~" Murasaki let out, smiling happily before receiving yet another open-mouthed kiss from the gentleman counselor.

Her hands instantly went behind his head and held it there against her face, swapping her tongue with Koji's as they came together in one blissfully intense climax right there atop of her bed! Koji slammed into her slot one last time before feeling every ounce of vaginal muscle inside of Murasaki's pussy clutching him deeply, milking him for dear life until he surrendered his cum.

"Ggghhhhhhh!" He yelled into her throat, tasting her tongue as he felt her cumming all over his cock. His balls lurched and began pumping repeatedly, leaving his shaft to engorge and spew numerous loads into the depths of her pussy, filling up her teenage womb in the process like so.


"Mmhhnnghhh! *Pop!* Murasaki-chan...Murasaki....! I love you too! Hnnghhhh!" He let out, shuddering blissfully as he filled the teen girl's pussy to the brim with his cum. Murasaki shuddered repeatedly in climax, enjoying the sensation of milking Koji for more spunk and rubbing her feet across his waist from behind as they came for a solid minute and a half before expiring.

Soon, he collapsed atop of the girl, making use of her large breasts as pillows, and rested nakedly with Murasaki in post-coit bliss. She smiled warmly at him and brought her hands down around his neck, happier than she's ever been while his sperm oozes out of her twat like a waterfall of syrup.

"*Huff....huff..huff*...I love you, Koji-Sensei. Hee hee.~" Murasaki beamed, seeing him raise his head up and meet her for one last kiss, basically telling her the same thing in his own words.

They didn't go anywhere for a while when resting naked in her bed, but the time came for Koji's lecture to the rest of the Hebijo academy girls, which left him to leave Murasaki's bedroom rather than spend the night like he wanted. They would make plans to meet again later, officially declaring their relationship a loving one as boyfriend and girlfriend without Suzune knowing anything beyond his success of 'Fixing' her.


Later in the afternoon...

After getting dressed up again, tidying his appearance to make sure none of what he did was obvious nor seen from his appearance. Koji made his way down to the common room of the Hebijo Tower, ready to give his lecture and report to Suzune a resounding success in rehabilitating Murasaki in getting over her anxiety and reclusive habits. As he walked in through the door of the common room, seeing all the other equally busty girls of the Hebijo school, Murasaki walked in a little bit after him to make sure no one was suspicious of the timing.

"Greetings, ladies, I am Koji Kensei and I'll give my lecture on the fundamentals of social health and other things to help improve team dynamic when in squads of four or more. It's important that you learn to trust your fellow shinobi when facing off against squads from rival academies. And so...." Koji began, seeing from out of the corner of his eye as a happily smiling Murasaki made her way over to a seat in her Hebijo uniform.

She flashed him a loving smile that was almost unseen by the others, while affectionately cradling her belly with a blush on her face. The message was obvious; she was happily in love with her sensei and possibly carrying his baby after that gigantic load of sperm he deposited into her womb just moments ago. Koji subtly smiled back at her and cleared his throat to resume the lecture.

All was as it was, except for one rather perceptive teacher that was inside the common room as well. Suzune-Sensei noticed the look Murasaki and Koji changed and became very, very curious as to what it might be from.

'Now what could that have been for, I wonder.' She thought to herself, raising an eyebrow and promising to investigate.

End of Chapter

To be continued...

Thanks for reading! This has been for Dysentia.


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