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Enchantress’s Fun Time With Franchise Girls

Marvel/Capcom Street Fighter

By Azure/For Titan Seven

Chapter?- Breaking in the Bee (Amora x Cammy White)


Pacing up the steps to her apartment somewhere in London, England, Cammy White sighed wearily with resignation after she came home from a long day of work at the military office. She was in dire need of relaxation, seeing as how her body was sore from all the stress of doing paperwork and training new recruits. More than that, she was also in need of more intimate means of relaxation these days. The British blonde woman had not had sex for a long time now thanks to frequently fighting for her life for such a long while. No matter how much discipline she had instilled in her body, Cammy White was a woman with very specific, erotic needs in times of sexual distress like this.

Walking to her front door and turning her key into the lock, she arrived at her modestly lavish apartment, carefully scanning the area in case assassins might be lying in wait for her before she went in. She had always expected a trap or a handful of Bison's goons waiting for her whenever she arrived home,  Cammy felt she could never be too careful since Shadowloo was still out there running amok in the world. Guile had called her paranoid for always believing they were gunning for her, regardless of how much evidence there was to the contrary that they stopped caring. As soon as she saw that nobody was inside waiting for her, she let out a sigh of relief and warily held her head in resignation, feeling that her paranoia was increasing due to the stress she accumulated.

"Maybe I'm getting too jumpy, even when I'm at home. Although, if I let my guard down even once it would cost me dearly, again. Then again, nobody seems to know about this place other than Guile and myself. If Bison truly no longer has a vested interest in me anymore, then maybe I can breathe easily for a bit. Time to relax." The blonde said to herself as she closed the door behind her and walked right into her apartment, ready to unwind.

Cammy quickly undid her combat boots and kicked them off to the side, leaving her naked feet touching the polished wooden ground. She removed her red beret and placed it atop the kitchen counter and quickly performed a stretching exercise by lifting one of her legs up high into a standing split while still in her military uniform. After letting out a mild sigh of relief, Cammy quickly brought down her leg and began to remove the rest of her clothing, starting with her military Officer's jacket. She'd remove the rest of her uniform and go relax atop the couch half-naked, planning to grab a bottle of red wine and binge a few action movies for the evening until she passed out. This counted as a 'Living' day for the overworked Killer Bee.

But just then, she heard an unexpected sound from behind her.

*Ding dong!*

The doorbell rang and immediately Cammy reacted by going into battle mode, expecting it to be one of Bison's goons about to come barging in. She was feeling tense and kept her guard up, anticipating any indication of an assassination attempt on her life. She wouldn't put it past those like Vega, Balrog, or one of the other Killer Bees to come here and try to kill her for leaving them.

"They couldn't have found out about this place, could they? Better be careful and ready myself for a fight, just in case." She said to herself and carefully made her way to the front door, looking through the view hole to see that it was simply a delivery courier waiting next to a large furniture-sized package. 'Hmmm, that's unusual. I don't recall ordering anything and having it brought directly to my home. This reeks of an ambush, but.... maybe that's just my paranoia getting the best of me again. Still, better play it safe and see whoever this person is.'

Keeping herself ready for a fight, Cammy quickly undid the locks on her door and pulled it open. To her surprise, she saw that the delivery courier was a stunningly-beautiful redheaded woman wearing a tight-fitting brown uniform over her unusually fit body. This made Cammy wary at first, but she wasn't going to act out on paranoia-induced impulse and do something she might regret in case she was wrong. Pulling it open, she stood before the woman with a neutral look on her face.

"May I help you?" She asked, eying the large package and wondering what it might be.

"I have a delivery for Cammy White, please sign right here on the tablet.~" The woman greeted and held out the electronic device with a friendly smile.

"I didn't order any package though, do you know who could have sent it to me?" She asked suspiciously while narrowing her eyes, to her surprise the delivery woman didn't even flinch and remained calm.

"It's an anonymous delivery, ma'am. I was just paid to come to pick it up and bring it here to you. I have no idea who might have sent it, but I have an inkling of what it might be.~" The woman answered, leaving the end of her sentence on an oddly whimsical note.

Cammy, not sensing any danger, decided to accept the mysterious gift and sign the tablet.

"Then what is it? Judging by its size and shape I'd say it's perhaps some kind of office chair?" She guessed, handing the tablet back to the lady. Half of the woman's face was still partially obscured by her cap, but those green eyes of hers flickered with an eerie shimmer as she smiled slyly at her.

"Something like that. Let me just tell you, using this is quite the 'Magical' experience. These sensual massage chairs are very special, you know. I have one just like it back at my house too and it feels...*Shudders*....wonderful on the human body." The woman said with a soft shudder before taking the box and moving it into Cammy's living room with a smile after she stepped aside.

'A Sensual Massage chair? For me? Could it have been from Commander Guile? He does have a keen eye for things like when he was observing my fighting style and knows when I'm stressed out. Our sparring match in front of those new recruits today certainly gave him that vibe coming off of me.' Cammy theorized as she watched the woman place it in the center of the living room and prepared to leave.

"Enjoy. It really does work wonders on a woman's body, in a number of ways you'd never even expect." The delivery woman said as she bade goodbye to Cammy and walked out of the apartment, shaking her hips side by side in a vivacious manner as she went down the steps.

Closing the door behind her and standing face-to-face with her mysterious gift, Cammy crossed her arms and wondered just what was so 'Special' about this massage chair. She quickly grabbed a box-cutter from a nearby kitchen drawer and sliced open the packaging. When she was done, she was met with a rather expensive-looking and oddly-designed snake-themed massage chair with intricately exotic designs all over its surface. It was dark, sleek, and apparently very high-end in terms of technology. It featured a built-in tablet mounted on an adjustable arm attached to the right side armrest on top. Cammy couldn't help but feel intrigued by this mysterious present, wondering just what kind of person designed such a thing in the first place.

"Right then, while I certainly did not expect to receive an anonymous gift, I might as well read the instructions and get an idea on its capabilities before I get to enjoy it." She said to herself, leaning over the armrest with a finger tapping on the tablet's screen for instructions.

When Cammy read what kind of features it came with, her eyes widened and a blush crept up on her face. It revealed to have many intuitive functions for relaxation, many listed as 'Erotic', essentially making it a very special kind of massage chair designed mainly for sexual relief. This really surprised the British woman and made her wonder just how 'Relaxing' this chair could really be, feeling oddly drawn to it as she was.

'Well then, guess I better take it for a spin, right after a proper nap on top of that cushy leather surface seat first though. I am far too tired to enjoy any stimulation until I have a nap first. Seriously, if Commander Guile sent me this, what could he possibly be thinking?' Cammy wondered to herself, thinking about how frustrating her long dry spell had been for her tired, untouched body.

Sometimes she wonders how Chun-Li puts up with it. Being without sex or stimulation of any kind due to her career-focused lifestyle must've been hard on her. Cammy may have been a battle-hardened soldier with more than a few traumatic experiences behind her, but she was still very much a woman with large sexual needs. Deciding to get comfortable first, she shed the remaining parts of her uniform clothing from her body, one article at a time, until she was in only her bare essentials like her fatigues. Now she only really had a tank top over her chest and a military-green thong over her pelvic region.

The woman had a positively-toned body yet it was still and feminine in curvature, often covered with blue streak markings crisscrossing all over her skin. Her hair had remained in its usual style of long, braided twin ponytails draping down her backside. Once Cammy had removed the bangles from her wrists, she decided to see how comfortable the chair's seating was by laying down on top of it.

'It is honestly a rather odd design. I suppose someone out there truly enjoys snakes as part of its thematic feature, but there's no denying this craftsmanship. I wonder if It came out of some high-society massage parlor or something of that nature. And why...did it not come inside a box of its own? Was it pre-owned perhaps? Either way, I'd better say thanks to my admirer should I ever get the chance to meet him or her, whoever it may be.' Cammy thought and examined the chair a little before shrugging and simply turning herself around and placing her half-naked body on the leather seat's surface.

Once she placed herself onto it, she instantly felt a wave of elation coursing through her body. Cammy let out a quick sigh of relief once she started feeling comfortable atop the leather chair, it felt like hundreds of little microfiber hands were underneath it, touching the exposed parts of her body through the leather exterior. It made her muscles tingle blissfully, giving her a gentle wave after wave of relaxation energy that melted her stress away slowly.

"Mmmhh...! Ohh yes! That's the ticket!  I think I'm getting sleepy already just from laying here, maybe this will feel even better once I take a nap on it. After I wake up, I'll test out what these 'Erotic' features are like. This little treasure must have a lot of them in store for me to use." She whispered to herself and let out a soft sigh as she started reclining back into the chair.

It automatically reclined, making the mechanical footrest stick out, comforting Cammy's naked feet as she quickly became comfortably asleep. Once the woman had started snoring soundly, green mystical runes began appearing all over the surface of the chair. A faint green blow appeared all over the cushioned seating, feeding strange magical energy into Cammy's body, providing peculiar imagery for the woman's mind and subconscious to envision.


Cammy dreamt that she was as naked as the day she was born, floating helplessly through a pink and green subspace and wondering where she was while in a semi-lucid state of mellowed out stupor. Her hair was down from her twintails, spreading all over her naked backside with her perky breasts jiggling around gently as she looked all over the ether of the dream space she was in.

Suddenly the woman saw another chair appear before her, this one being much larger in appearance. Its intricate serpentine designs suddenly came to life in the form of large snakes, reaching for her and binding around both her ankles and her wrists before pulling her onto the large seating itself. There, her legs were held open and Cammy, struggling in futility, soon felt the terror leave her body the moment the chair's footrest transformed into a mechanical extension with a  large pair of mounted Snake-like dildos sticking out of it. She had a confused look on her face, which slowly turned into a smile, as they floated towards her nakedness and felt her body up sensually. One head rubbed up against the smooth, pink folds of her labia before pushing right on in.

She let out a cry of ecstasy as she felt her pussy being violated by the snake-head worming its way through her insides, but soon enough, it changed shape to that of an overly large cock. Her buttocks felt the prodding of the second head, also turning into one overly long plastic penis that started wiggling itself between the cheeks of her ass! She felt it plunge straight into her anus, pushing her rectal cavity inward in a most pleasurable way that made her body quake and thrashes about with ensuing pleasure. Together the snakehead-cocks plunged in and out of her holes, voraciously violating her body and making the woman scream out in ecstasy as she felt her insides churning nonstop. The chair was quite a profound lover to Cammy's naked helpless body. While she was dreaming this, the ever-growing desire to experience the chair's splendors in real-life transmitted into her brain.

The woman felt each of the holes being violated some more, making her body writhe and undulate in the air while another serpentine cock came out from the back of the headrest. It hung overhead and dove straight down into her mouth from above, as soon as she opened her lips to moan loudly, the snake-like dildo plunged down her esophagus to violate her oral cavity, making her feel three of her sacred places getting plowed like no tomorrow.

As a result, once her hour-long nap ended, she found herself waking up in a sweat right there on the chair itself after returning to reality. A craven hunger for sexual relief and the blind desire to try out all the chair's features ran through her mind as its foremost intention to carry out.


"*Gasps!* Bloody hell! What...what was all that?" She exclaimed, looking down at herself and seeing that she remained in the same place as she was when laying down on the chair in the first place. Her fatigues were still on and her holes were void of those eel-like extensions that had been grooving in and out of her body.

Cammy could still practically feel them wriggling around inside of her ass, mouth, and sex all while holding her back her arms and spreading out her legs.

"T-that...had to be the most realistic experience in a dream I've ever had, and I don't normally dream such things in the first place. Maybe.....this mystery present can help me try living it out for real?" She mused and decided to play 'Naughty' in her own house by getting up off the chair first, ready to remove everything else covering her body.*

After pulling up her tank top, revealing her perky C-cup breasts, Cammy pulled down her thong next. She dangled it around one of her fingers before tossing it away, staring at the oddly-enchanting chair with a sense of wonder after that explicit dream she just had. She still shivered with excitement when recalling feeling all the things the chair would be able to do to her. Even if it was a dream, she felt that somehow this odd chair would be perfectly capable of doing everything she envisioned.

Biting down on her bottom lip, she got in and placed her naked body on top of it again, feeling the soothing sensation of her buck-naked ass touching the leather surface. A blissful sigh escaped her lips, the British Bee started wiggling herself into place, determined to make a groove befitting her lithe yet nicely-toned frame while enjoying the cushioning feeling it provided. She was ready to enjoy the chair to the fullest effect, by any means necessary now.

"Alright, I suppose its I give this thing's 'Erotic Features' a whirl. I hope it'll be everything I dreamed it would be. Not exactly sure why a massage chair would have all those features in the first place, but I suppose that's just a matter of technology advancing that far, perhaps." She said to herself, tapping on the arm-mounted tablet connected to the side of the chair, showing her a button to click on so she could read the instructions. Cammy wiggled herself into the seating some more, grinding her ample booty into the seat cushion while doing so.

All of sudden she started feeling a vibration emanating from within the chair, sending out waves of sensual energy and massaging her entire backside. Upon feeling what truly seemed like little feelers caressing her skin, Cammy let out a deep sigh of pleasure from her lips, making a goofy lip-bitten expression on her face in the process. She writhed about in the chair some more, whimpering quietly while she was feeling it soothe every tense muscle in her body.

'Mmnh!~ Ooh bloody hell yes, this will definitely be worth the hype that the delivery woman said it would be. I have been in need of this relief for quite some time. Time to put to use one of its naughtier functions.~' She thought to herself, wriggling her ass into the leather seat some more and tapping on the 'Recline' function icon on the tablet screen.

Her chair went into further recline, allowing her to lean back with legs sticking out over the footrest. Once Cammy got acquainted with comfortability, she clicked on the instruction manual of the chair, showing her a list of functions from relaxation positions to full-on sexual modes for pleasure. She ran her fingers down the list of the ones that were listed, eventually arriving at the function titled 'Submission Mode'. It was a function that branched off from all the other ones, seeing as how all of them were connected to the same 'Tree' of sexual acts the chair could perform.

'Hmm, initiate phase, double-dipping phase.....? Interesting names for all of these phases. Let's start with the first one and see where that'll take me.' She pushed the tablet icon for 'Initiate Phase', causing the chair to quietly vibrate the surface underneath her body more thoroughly.


"Mmmhmmm! Oh my, yes! That feels wonderful! Aaahh...!~ And to think this is just the first phase function....!" She breathed out, wearing a rare smile of genuine relief not often seen on her normally hardened face. Cammy was still quite a lovely woman, always fierce and beautiful despite her traumatic history of being under Shadowloo's thrall for a time. The wave of relief coming out of the chair was just what she needed to enjoy herself for the day.

Her skin was tingling all over, from her muscular thighs to her perfectly ample ass, reaching up to her chiseled backside as well. To her, it felt like the tiny microscopic fibers underneath were tenderizing her flesh in the most pleasant way imaginable, making her grab onto the armrests. With a daring smile on her face, she clicked on 'Automatic Transition' and let the chair do all the work while on auto-pilot. Cammy settled herself in and waited for the next phase to start, unaware she was being watched by a pair of enchanting green eyes staring at her lasciviously from an unseen location within dimensional nether space.

A particular blonde Asgardian Sorceress smiled evilly as she watched the show from atop her throne. She sat within her personal pocket dimension, created solely for these voyeuristic needs whenever she works on claiming another girl to enthrall. Her emerald eyes lit up with excitement when she saw the screen on the tablet display a certain notification, one she knows that will kickstart her amusement into full-on debauchery.

'Now shifting into the Submission Phase.'

While Cammy was busy basking in the vibrations of the chair, she closed her eyes peacefully and leaned back with her arms behind her head. A small compartment from below the extended footrest opened up beneath her feet along with a pair of other mecha-shift compartments opening from the chair's sides on the main body. Below the footrest compartment, an apparatus that was attached to a mechanical arm came out, showing a pair of human-like synthetic tongues attached to it. They were, of course, magically created and enhanced by Asgardian sorcery. The entire chair was, as per Amora the Enchantress's design. Suddenly the chair shifted even further back, making it little more than a massage table with armrests now sticking out, Cammy was too caught up in relaxing bliss to notice until she felt the pair of artificial tongues caress the inner area of her pubis, one for each orifice; her asshole and her pussy.



One tongue had started licking sensually along the woman's pink folds, making her whimper loudly in pleasure while the other one did the same to her butt. After pushing between her cheeks, it began prodding her anus eagerly, making Cammy start writhing atop the chair in blissful agony.

"Mmhhmmgn!~ Aaahh....! Wha....what is this now?" She asked, whimpering some more as she felt those two naughty little extensions burrowing even further into each of her holes. She bit down on a set of her fingers, blushing madly as they continued to wriggle about all over the place, slathering sex and her anus in artificial saliva like they were tasty treats to enjoy.

"Ooohhh! Oooohh...yeah!~" She cried out again, feeling the plastic appendages wriggling expertly into her the cusp of sex as well as the tight-clenched opening of her anus, the latter was a highly sensitive weak spot for her and it felt amazing to feel something paying attention to it after all this time. Cammy lied back fully, shuddering euphorically with her torso jostling about in fast-growing pleasure. Her eyes were closed peacefully,  enjoying those two extensions as they kept pleasing her at Amora's command.

Their semi-moist surface made it feel as if it were a pair of eels wriggling around from inside of each hole, causing Cammy's body to grow hotter by the second. Her sex became incredibly stimulated, moistened to an absurd degree, and her sphincter became tighter as it had clamped down around the one buried inside of her ass. Both bodily orifices became highly sensitive as she had reflexively spread out her legs to allow them for more space. As though they were reading her mind, the top tongue burrowed even further into Cammy's pussy, wiggling around from inside her silken walls and making her throw her head around slowly in mind-numbing ecstasy. The bottom tongue did the same by swirling around from inside of her anus, making Cammy really feel it wiggling around inside of her ass in a gentle spiraling motion. They were both pleasuring her in tandem, giving her masturbatory bliss the likes of which she had never felt before. Cammy pictured the tongues to be two eager, overly horny teenagers eating out her ass and her pussy at the same time. It was a sensation that was slowly driving her crazy with pleasure.

"Aaaahhh.....! Oooohhh...yes! Uuggghhh!~" Cammy cried out in bliss, tossing her head all over the place and squeezing her eyes shut as she arched her back. She bit down on her bottom lip and started fondling her very own breasts into each hand, squeezing them languidly in response to the oral and anal pleasure she was currently experiencing right now. This was making for quite a show for Amora to enjoy from atop her throne within the nether space

Enchantress watched it all, knowing that the appendages would adapt to Cammy's needs and stoke her increasing sexual frenzy, they would intuitively know where her body's most sensitive regions are and double down on tongue-fucking her even harder as they go along. Such was the ingeniousness of its design, made for any woman and girl she'd set her eyes on and claim, then pleasure all on her own once they were done being broken by it. She continued to sit naked atop her chair, with legs spread wide open, fondling her own naked breasts in reaction to the performance of Cammy White's breaking.

Amora fondled herself in tandem, starting from her tits and then stroking her moistened folds through her green lace thong by using her fingers. Seeing a woman's body, no matter the universe, getting molested by her creation always sent euphoric chills down her spine. She enjoyed observing a particularly voluptuous female getting dominated by her magical-mechanical creations, Amora enjoyed it more so when doing the dominating herself. She flicked her fingers and zoomed in on the sight of the top tongue dive in and out of the blonde's cunt, flicking her clit occasionally and letting Amora hear all the exasperated moans coming out. Seeing their reactions was always the cherry on top.

She watched as the 'Transition Phase' for the magical tool began, shifting sides of the chair's main body into compartmental doors which revealed a pair of metal arms coming out from within. They reached up, with soft-studded hands, and grabbed Cammy's waist gently before flipping her up onto her belly with her breasts now pushing into the surface of the vibrating chair. The girl had been so utterly lost in pleasure that she failed to even notice what had happened, it was only until she felt them prop up her ass next that she noticed her ass was sticking out high into the air thanks to the Chair and its 'Unique' functions.

"Hnhh..uuhh..uhhhh....ahh....! Wha...when did it do this now? W-what kind of device is this thing exactly?" She asked herself between ragged breaths. Her headrest suddenly transformed into a donut-shaped version of itself, allowing her face to sink comfortably into the hole and start massaging her cheeks with its vibrating surface. "Mmmhmmm! Oooohh bloody hell....! Who cares! Just give me more!~"

The same hydraulic tendrils that lifted the woman onto her body and put her into a prostrated position, now wrapped around her thighs, holding them in place. Naturally, other metallic coils soon started coming out from inside of the chair, all of them featuring cuffs in which to bind the woman's limbs and prevent her from breaking free. A pair latched onto her ankles first, sensually so since they were lined with a soothing gel-like surface to better stimulate Cammy through skin contact. Another pair of similar hydraulic tentacles coiled around her wrists next, keeping them pinned down onto the surface and preventing her from moving too much while her body remained prepared. The tongues continued doing their best work in tasting the insides of her asshole and her pussy at the same time, making Cammy go cross-eyed with increasingly mind-numbing pleasure. Just then, a smaller pair of tendrils came out from underneath her body, from within another compartment that magically appeared on the surface of the chair. They were small, almost snake-like, as they coiled around each of her perky C-cup tits, squeezing her squishy mounds gently as they started stroking her tits in gentle coiling strokes.

"Aaahhh....aaahhh..aaahh....aahhhh! Ooohhh! This feels remarkable!~" Her moans came out louder, coming out as quickly as the frequency of the tongues burrowing into her nether regions. They continued pleasing Cammy's body unabated for several more minutes, pushing her to the brink of climax when the next transitional phase started up

A small mirror came out from underneath the headrest, it showed the reflection of Cammy's azure blue eyes staring back at her as well as giving her a preview of what was happening above. The girl felt even hotter under the collar now after seeing how she looked; all prostrated and being pleasured by artificial tongues without mercy by the mechanical 'Relief' chair.

'Hnnghhhh! Aaaahhh.....! So that's how I look right now,eh? Quite an embarrassing sight since I have never been this...mhmm....humiliated in all my life until now, but it feels wonderful regardless.' She thought to herself, mewling deliriously with a soft whimper escaping her lips. Cammy watched the mirror some more, showing her the sight of those tongues magically transforming into different shapes once they pulled out from her asshole and her pussy.

As though it were magic of some kind or some form of advanced technology, Cammy saw the two tongues transform into a pair of overly long pink phalluses, measuring at a length of about ten inches each. Her eyes went wide with a slight shock, she was about to say something when they each plunged back into her anus and pussy at the same time, halting her from thinking about anything other than sensation.


"Woooaaahhh! Aaaghhhh-*Shup!*" She was suddenly silenced from screaming out in ecstasy when an unseen third dildo came out from underneath the headrest and plunged straight into her mouth! It wasted no time in sliding back and forth between Cammy's cheeks, worming its way deeper into her slender throat and letting her tongue reflexively curl reflexively around it like it was an actual dick.


Cammy's body stiffened up, her eyes were going wide as she felt the two 'Dicks' begin plunging back and forth into her body in a rhythmic tempo of double-fucking her from behind. They were long, thick, and smooth on the surface, they were worming their way down into each part of her body while her throat was being violated by the third one thrusting into her face. Thus began a series of back and forth noises of dildos pumping into the British soldier, repeatedly and swiftly hollowing out her insides while giving her insane amounts of sexual pleasure she's never felt before. Cammy was beginning to compare the sensation to being overtaken by a group of horny men having their way with her, it was a thought that caused her insides to throb with excitement as the chair responded by continuing to fuck her even faster.

"Mmmhmmm! Hmmm...hmmh...mhm..hmm..hmm..mhmmm!~" She moaned loudly, her voice was muffled by the third cock continuously sliding out of her mouth.

Cammy was delirious with intoxicating pleasure at this very moment, feeling her mind slowly turning into mush as they continued sliding into her toned-body from each angle, moving faster to the point a collection of thumping noises could be heard from inside of her living room. Her ass swallowed up the top dick, having it hammer into her bowels with each thrust being done more roughly than the last. The bottom cock rapidly thrust into her pussy from below, making her moistening folds gush constantly and clutch it as if Cammy was ready to let it fuck her into submission. Lastly, the last plastic cock, was consistently pushing all the way into the back of her throat, fucking her mouth by plunging all the way inside, forcefully deepthroating he against her will, but it wasn't unwelcome. Cammy actually liked the rough treatment and guzzled the plastic cock appreciatively as a result.


"Mmmmmgghh! Gghh..gghh...gghh..ghh! Schlupp!*" She gushed, having small stars in her eyes as she felt it diving into her esophagus constantly, giving her the illusion someone strong was exerting their dominance over her in a sexual way.

The machine kept vibrating while all of this was going down, putting Cammy through the proverbial ringer by voraciously pummeling all three holes of her body with long, plastic cocks. She was screaming in ecstasy, muffling loudly into the third phallus while drooling like a lovestruck sex slave getting addicted to the sensation of being violated from all angles! Her buttocks clapped voraciously together, feeling her asshole swell as the third cock plowed right into her ass more violently as time went on. The bottom cock started swiveling around the depths of her sodden, stimulated pussy even more. Cammy could feel her inner walls tingling as it reached her cervix, there it pumped even more roughly, making her body thrash wildly about on the chair..

Cammy was either gagging, moaning, or sputtering saliva all over the cock that fucked her mouth while the rest of the chair's 'Special Features' tended to her body like so. She was being fucked into a drunken stupor of ecstasy, moaning nonstop and gushing with squelches of moisture coming out all over the bottom dildo as well as the chair. . Needless to say, Enchantress was greatly enjoying the spectacle of seeing the Street Fighter break into a pleasure-addicted slut. She was sitting far back into her chair, stroking her nether region furiously through her own green thong.

"Aahhh..aghhhhh! Yess! That's it, girl, break into a new mare for me to enjoy. Once any woman has had a taste of 'Eden' in the form of that chair, or other devices I make, they are mine forever. Mmhmm!~" Amora moaned loudly, furiously sliding her fingers down her sex and seeing that her thong was becoming drenched in her arousal-induced moisture as she watched Cammy about to succumb to her very first climax.

The blonde soldier with braided twin-tails started shuddering violently in one very explosive orgasm right there on the magical screen she was watching. Cammy threw her head backward, moaning loudly as the third phallus continued plunging voraciously into her throat, soaking the one inside her pussy with a thick splash of nectar while her buttocks clamped down hard on the other one fucking her from above. It was a sight to behold, seeing her eyes going cross-eyed as she trembled sporadically in orgasmic pleasure.

Enchantress herself came hard right there as well, rubbing her sex to completion and making her body writhe as she soaked her thong thoroughly with her juices!

"Ohhhh....simply watching is not enough. I must have the real thing."She breathed out once she finished cumming all over her soaked thong as she finished cumming.

At the same time, she watched Cammy finish riding out her climax and shudder blissfully in post-coital relief as the tendrils were releasing their grip on her body. Amora stood up and magically removed the rest of her disheveled clothing, becoming naked as the day she was born. Her large tits, her slim waist, and moistened sex all came clear into the picture.

She cackled evilly with a sinister laugh, magically flickering her fingers so that a newly-made strap-on appeared mounted on her waist like always. It was dark green with Asgardian Runes all over the shaft's surface, it was as long as twelve inches and several in width, making it perfect for breaking in the women as she has been doing.

"Ah, all prepared. Now then, British Bee, time to welcome you to the menagerie of all the other women I have aching for more of my touch. Fu fu fu fu fu.~" She giggled evilly and created a portal leading into the inside of Cammy's apartment in real-time.

She walked through it and arrived without the blonde noticing at all, Cammy was resting for the moment atop the chair, catching her breath after experiencing the most mind-blowing orgasm she had ever had in her life.

"*Huff....huff...huff...huff....!* Oh my..yes! This chair was well worth the experimentation! I never needed it more than I do now!~" Cammy said to herself, unaware that another person was standing in the living room with her. She was about to get up and engage another 'Special Feature' when she noticed that the tendrils and cuffs all suddenly removed themselves from her body. 'Hmm? That's odd? Does it have an auto-remove function set in place when the session is finished?'

"My thanks for your appreciation of my gift, Miss White. I've put a lot of delicate care into its design and capabilities." Enchantress spoke out, catching Cammy by surprise and making her momentarily flinch out of sheer shock.

The blonde soldier was still feeling too feeble from the orgasmic experience she had just enjoyed from the chair, thus was taken off guard and not able to move fast enough when feeling a strange green glow come over her body!

"Uuhhh.....! W-what..is happening to me? And why do I feel so.....weak yet....so sensitive to the touch right now? Uuuggghhh....!" Cammy asked weakly, bucking her muscular thighs together as all her energy to fight and react to the intrude faded in an instant.

She was overcome with the soothing sensation of obedience to Enchantress's charms, Cammy stumbled onto their kneecaps the next second and hugged herself, mewling in sensitive pleasure as she fell victim to the Asgardian's magic. Amora walked up to her with the Strap-on dildo bouncing with every step, she cradled the woman's face into her hand before suddenly pulling her onto her lips, stealing her breath away in a raunchy lesbian kiss!

"Mm-hmm.~" Amora moaned warmly into Cammy's mouthy, eventually making her relax considerably as the corrosive effects of her magic melted away any willpower to fight her.

She started mewling back loudly in response, tasting Amora's lips and swallowing her tongue while knowing subconsciously that she was her 'Master' to obey. Their tongues grooved between each other's lips, meshing languidly into one another while Amora held Cammy firmly into each hand, letting her naked DD-cup sized tits rub against her C-cups like so. After feeling enamored enough, Cammy threw her arms around the back of the woman's neck, embracing her completely and submitting herself to her whims while her body ached desperately to feel bliss once all over again.

"Hhmmmm! *Mistress...!*" Cammy whimpered while tasting the woman's tongue sliding down her throat and curling around her own in an eloquent lesbian engagement.

"Mmhmm, tasty one, you are.~" Amora breathed out, drawing back her lips with a thin trail of saliva bridging between them.

She saw the broken look reflected within Cammy's eyes, no longer was she a fierce fighter ready to challenge anything due to her paranoia, now she was just another lovesick puppy in need of ultimate pleasure from the Enchantress. She clutched Amora's buttocks from behind with her fingers and ground her waist like a frisky animal already.

"Someone's ready for a pounding, hehe. Now....be a good girl and get on your knees, I want to take you from behind and ravish you like the bitch-in-heat you are now. You have my 'Gift' to thank for awakening you to this new world of hedonistic pleasure.~" She said, running a finger down the sides of Cammy's face and receiving a nod from her before disentangling herself from her arms.

"Y-yes, Mistress! Thank you, so very much for this gift! I'll do anything to feel more of that marvelous pleasure again!~" Cammy begged, making Amora salivate with sadistic, gleeful delight.

She watched as the once-proud fighter dropped down onto all fours in front of her and turned around, wiggling her ass enticingly while spreading her legs apart. Amora ran a hand down the surface of her plastic shaft from the strap-on, getting into position behind her and running her soft magical hands down the surface of her plump ass. She had a nice, firmly-toned butt in a heart-like form, making Amora shiver with excitement as she lined up the cock directly behind the slick folds of her pussy.

"And here we....*Grunts*...go! Ahhhh!~" Amora let out after grabbing onto Cammy's waist and shoving the thickness of her cock directly into her silky insides in one go!


Cammy clutched her fingers and scraped them on the surface of the ground,  biting down on her bottom lip and shivering with sensational delight once again. She felt Amora take her to the hilt.

"Uuuggghhh! Mistress! Ooh...!~" She whined loudly in ecstasy, feeling Amora groove her body into her like so.

Thanks to the magical runes covering the surface of the shaft, Amora was feeling every modicum of her juicy insides like always, making her feel as if she had an actual dick that was driving into the girl's tight pussy. She could feel it squeezing around her cock, tightly while coating it in her nectar and clutching tightly the further inside. Soon enough, her pelvis was aligned perfectly with Cammy's' ample buttocks, meshing into her flesh as she grabbed one of her braided ponytails to use as a makeshift leash to ride her with.

"Now......scream for me, my little pet!~" Amora cried out, rowing into Cammy's body from behind and fucking her leisurely with back-and-forth thrusts of her hips, creating a series of gentle slapping noises that came out along with her moans.

"Aaaggghhh! Aahh...aahh.....aahh..aahh..aahh!~" Cammy cried out, tossing her head backward and allowing Amora to take the reins on her braided ponytail, enjoying the slight pain that it came with as she bottomed out of her from behind.

She felt every rhythmic motion of her hips thrusting into her ass, the overly large and thick cock hollowed out her sex quite nicely as Amora plowed Cammy into the ground with a smile. Together their bodies moved back and forth frequently, rowing with either fast, hard-hitting thrusts or simply grinding into each other in a lust-filled romance. Amora had her head tilted back, huffing loudly in hedonistic ecstasy as she felt Cammy's insides churning around her cock the longer she rolled into her from behind.

"Yess! Oh yes! You've got a nice, tight body, don't you? Uuuuhhhh! All that training and fighting must've really done wonders on your muscles, even I can feel the difference between you and the other girls. You'll make an excellent addition." Amora let out, throwing herself faster into the rippling 'Heart' that was Cammy's buttocks, seeing it shake and wriggle as she continued fucking her for about twenty minutes until she came!

The British Bee flung her head backward, moaning loudly into the air and feeling her body shake with orgasm as she came hard all over the strap-on digging into her twat. amora whimpered when she feel the muscles of her sex clamping hard around her 'Penis', making her grind into Cammy's buttocks some more while she waited for her to ride her orgasm out.

"Aaaagggghhhh! Hhhh! M-Mistress......nghhh!~" She cried out, biting down on her lip and trembling constantly as she soaked all of Amora's pelvis in her nectar for about a solid minute tops.

Once she had finished shaking, Cammy let out a blissful sigh of relief, once again feeling satisfied after she had just achieved a second orgasm right there with the 'Mistress' still mounted on top of her. Amora watched as she struggled to catch her breath, making her chest heave constantly with tits wriggling up and down for her delight. Amora swiftly pulled out of her pussy, watching as a gush of moisture came out and magically snapped her fingers, making something appear from inside of the room itself.

"Now then...lie on your back and keep those legs spread wide for me, dear. I intend to take you again, only this time it'll be in a more intimate face-to-face fashion so that I can see your face up close once....'it'...arrives onto the scene. You'll be in for quite the surprise, but I know you'll like it a lot. All the other women have enjoyed being inside of it after all." Amora cooed seductively, delivering a slap to Cammy's ass with her palm, making her cheeks jiggle as she heard the broken woman whimper pleasantly in response.

The British Bee then rolled onto her backside obediently, placing herself directly on her back with legs spread wide, held up apart by her own hands. She was completely submitting herself to Amora and licking her lips with excitement, eager to feel more of the mind-numbing pleasure the Mistress had just delivered unto her body.

"I'm ready, Mistress. Please....fill me again." Cammy let out, all of her previous bravado and personality gone, replaced with willful submissiveness for the woman that had broken her in sexually. She was feeling her chest heave slowly since she was still catching her breath, arousing Amora some more as she got on top of her.

The Asgardian witch grabbed the tip of her thick, lengthy phallus and slides it back inside of her sex, filling her to the brim once more without hesitation.


"Aaahhh! Mistress....! Ohhh yesss! Hnhh!" Cammy let out, feeling Amora's fake cock shove right into the tender folds of her sex from above, impaling her thoroughly in a basic missionary-style position with legs held up high by her hands.

She had grabbed onto each of her ankles, keeping Cammy's legs spread apart and held high while planting her kneecaps firmly on the ground. Amora watched as she laid beneath her in complete submission, hearing the metallic hissing sounds permeating the area from closeby. this gave her smile because it meant that one of her favorite sex acts and kinks was starting to come slithering out of the chair.


A metallic hiss came from another compartment, one that just now magically appeared from the surface base portion of the chair itself. Cammy, even while still enthralled by Enchantress's magic, looked to see what it might out of curiosity. In an upside-down view, she saw a large robotic-looking snake come slithering out from the compartment inside the chair. It was large at first, and suddenly growing larger as it came out into the open, wearing a thick sheen of metallic skin and looking like a strange feat of biomechanical technology. If Cammy wasn't so addled by sexual frenzy right now, she'd be wondering what she was looking at, but all she could think about was getting her filled again instead.

The snake was appearing bigger each second it was outside, suddenly it went from moderately small to becoming as big as a canoe, making Cammy's eyes flicker with slight confusion as to what it might be.

'D-did it just magically grow larger or am I seeing things? What will Mistress have it do to me?' She wondered until she heard Amora speak up.

"That is what I call a 'Vorus Serpent', my dear Cammy. I have variations like it in the form of Lamia women, all of them are magical and mechanical tools perfect for ravishing girls like you into complete subservient bliss." Enchantress explained, licking her lips seductively and beginning to move her pelvis onto Cammy's bottom, fucking her sex with a frequent thrust of her plastic cock cleaving out her insides like so.

"M-Mistress......! Ahhhh....! Nngh!~" Cammy started letting out whimper and moans of pure, unadulterated ecstasy soon enough. She was thoroughly feeling Amora's shaft dive right into her folds, making them gush and squelch while cleaving out of them with a smile. Her insides were squeezing tightly around it as she methodically bottomed out of her in full-force, leaving the Snake to stay nearby watching as its master claimed another one for the menagerie.

"Uuh..uh..uh..uh...uh..uh..uh..uh! Aaaaahhh!~" Cammy cried out, feeling Amora's waist slamming into her even faster in a series of intense skin-slapping noise.

The bliss of having her fill out her insides once again was making a smile appear on the blonde's face as they collided together in a series of hip-smacking sexual intensity. Amora, feeling the sensation of her pussy clutching her shaft through the magic of Runs coating it, hammered into her body nonstop, enjoying the feel of the Street Fighter's pussy clutching her shaft so tightly.

"Ughhhh! Yess! Mmnhh! That's it, surrender yourself to me, Bee. You are mine, now and forever! Say it!~" Amora demanded, driving her pelvis into Cammy's toned ass with the force of a bucking bronco.

She was watching her perky set of tits jiggle salaciously as she continued wailing in blissful agony, unable to speak or respond in anything but delirious moans. Slamming into her body more voraciously, feeling her insides squeezing tightly around her shaft, Amora continued bottoming out of Cammy with the vigor of a deranged animal breeding another. It was only into Cammy's legs straightened out into the air, creating a V-shape, that she was able to cry out the words Amora commanded her to say as she neared her climax.

"I'm yours forever! Ahhh! I swear to you, Mistress! Just please....please...don't stop giving it to me like this!~" Cammy cried out fully broken and wearing a wide, gaping smile on her face while her body continued jostling around to the fever of thrusts from Amora's pelvis.

Smiling in response, she continued to fuck the fighter from up top, slamming into her hips and mentally commanding her snake to do the usual 'Take Care of Her' command as soon as she cums. Amora could feel her insides beginning to squirm salaciously around her shaft, beginning to push her into climax herself as they went at for about several more minutes.

"Uhhh...uuhh.....uhh..uughhhh! Here it comes, my pet! Surrender yourself to me forever and you shall have this every day of your life!"~ Amora cried out, slamming into Cammy's hips one last time and causing the blonde to cum while wearing a goofy ahegao smile on her face when she did.

Cammy let out a wild scream of pleasure, shuddering explicitly with her folds gushing all over Amora's crotch, bathing the strap-on in her juices as the Snake began slithering over to her from the ground. She was twitching and shuddering wildly in orgasmic bliss when it's mechanical hinge jaws unscrewed themselves and opened it. In a clack of whirring machine-like noises, the snake's maw opened up and expanded to nearly a head-sized gape that hovered over Cammy, ready to devour her.

"Nghhh! Hgghhhh! Ohhh.....my, that is an eternally exquisite feeling, I say. Now then...." Amora finished cumming and slowly pulled herself out of Cammy's twat, allowing the snake to start swallowing the woman wholesale, beginning from the head.

"He heh heh..." Cammy giggled deliriously in post-sex euphoria, completely enthralled with no will left of her own once the snake's toothless maw began swallowing her whole, beginning from the head.


"Mmhmm!~ *Yesss!*" Cammy let out, feeling her head getting covered by artificial slime, smothered by slimy insides of the robot while it began taking her into its mouth like a large piece of meat.

"*Mmnnghhh!*" Cammy moaned again, letting her toes wriggle as more of her naked body was being devoured non-lethally into the robotic snake's belly.

It hissed again in a loud metallic hum, swallowing more of the naked Street Fighter down its mouth until it got halfway, where it lifted her up off the ground with legs dangling right out.


"Hhhhhhh! Ohhh....yesss! Mnnghh!*" She cried out loudly again, putting a smile on Amora's face as she stood by, watching the snake have half of her naked slim-covered body hanging out of its harmless mouth. Seeing her feet sticking out comically with toes wiggling as those she was experiencing another orgasm all over again.

'Ah, they always squirm like such dogs-in-heat whenever you get them stimulated enough post-breaking. It is always such an amusing sight to see. Fu fu fu fu.~" Amora said to herself as the snake finished swallowing Cammy whole, letting her slide into its slimy artificial insides with its maw screwing itself shut again. "Attaboy, now then, before we head home....let me do something I've always wanted to do in my usual rituals of claiming women."

She walked over to the far corner of the living room, picking up Cammy's discarded green thong and twirling around on her finger before pointing at the snake,  namely at the part of it that carried Cammy inside.

"KO!~" Amora let out with a victorious smile, knowing she had 'Won' with a nearly perfect victory over Cammy's individuality and freedom.

End of Chapter

To Be continued...

This has been for Titan Seven. Thanks for reading.


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